So just like how the Blade activated for him when he accepted himself as a paladin of Voltron, he found himself fitting in with both the Blade and Voltron when he decided to fly towards . He realizes the BOM is a little different from Voltron in that sense. MAJOR SPOILERS ahead for Voltron: Legendary Defender season 8! He stopped Pidge from getting into trouble with Commander Iverson at the Garrison and ended up getting in trouble himself. Ultimately, all it provoked was Keiths early enlistment in the organization. Her coverage can include but is not limited to The Walking Dead and its spinoffs, the Star Wars universe, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. He just doesnt like them very much. Kolivan saw Keith grow stronger, dexterous with his mothers blade. Kolivan lets him know exactly what he thinks of that when they get back to their ship. Keith goes to his first frat party. It brought a flick of exasperated pride to Kolivans ears. Allura is a hero in every sense of the word, and for Voltron: Legendary Defender to end with this incredible woman becoming the defender of every universe in existence is absolutely worth celebrating. With each new heat that Keith experiences (now that hes off suppressants), Lance cant help but constantly be reminded of how the first one went. Spoilers ahead if you're not caught up with Season 6 of Voltron. Apart from being the only Paladin who is killed, in doing so the series ostensibly kills its only woman of color in the main cast. Where did you hear that! Despite Voltron: Legendary Defender having a lighthearted and humorous tone, there are some moments where it hits very close to the heart. It's about saving the world. Keith would not stop crying unless he was held or his mothers blade was close to him. Afterwards, Keith continued to practice many other forms of martial arts until he turned 18 and enrolled in the United States Marine Corps, spending several years as a reconnaissance specialist. Kolivan insisted on a more thorough investigation and Krolia agreed. He writes stuff. The paladins could only hear Keith over the intercom, imagine what would have happened if Lotor arrived later just after Keith sacrifices himself. But Lotor won't accept this Honerva, recognizing that some other universe's Honerva can't simply show up and expect to be his new mother. Keith was so much softer. He is taken by the Druids to be prepared for a high ranking officer when they discover something wrong. He got badly injured, but saved Coran. Its beyond himself and his own feelings. Allura and Honerva - as well as the spirits of King Alfor, the original Paladains, Zarkon, and Lotor - all disappear in a flash of light as tendrils sprout forth from the core of all existence, restoring each universe that was previously severed and destroyed. Its in May, right?. A saving people person. Which then makes it especially frustrating for Shiro's final moment to be a scene of him marrying some ancillary male character with whom he had zero romantic development of explored chemistry. It was a good thing he had a way of taking the alpha's mind off of things. Regardless of the hiccups, Keith grew with Kolivan as a father and the blade hanging in his quarters as his mother. Lets see how much you can take, old timer.. Here's what we know so far: At the close of Season 6, Lotor's true nature was ultimately revealed. Season 6, despite its short seven-episode run, packed a lot of interesting sci-fi concepts, emotional character development, and insane action sequences into its storytelling. Voltron season 8 sees the Paladins and their coalition of allies depart Earth to bring the battle straight to Honerva (formerly, the Witch Haggar) and the rest of the Galra Empire. Keith would not stop crying. In the end he chose Voltron, proclaiming I know who I am. THAT is when the Blade activates for him. Garrison officer Shiro walks in to find that his protege Keith: 1) has presented as omega, 2) is in the throes of his first heat, and 3) has clearly imprinted on him. At five, Keith got to have his first spar against Antoks tail. Since Lance is one of the main characters if he died theyd find some way to bring him back. Seeing Keith, a kit, fight hopes and fears shaped like Ulaz, Thace, Antok, and himself was grueling. Throughout the series, Allura has grown more knowledgeable of Altean alchemy, learning a tremendous amount during her time studying with Lotor. It's the perfect avenue for Keith to help those affected by the war, delivering aide right to those who need it most. When he decided to try and sacrifice himself, he knew it was for the greater good. Showed how she has powers and how badass she is. Oct 15, 2017 - Keith about to sacrifice himself to save his friends from the Naxzela bomb planet from Voltron Legendary Defender It's true that some are more well-suited to their new vocation than others, and at least one feels simply out of character, but overall the impact Allura has had on their lives in undeniable. Think for a second: putting their lives in danger for the mission is nothing new to the paladins. When Shiro disappears at the end of Season 2, Keith reluctantly takes over as paladin of the Black Lion and leader of Voltron. Ive been seeing people be concerned that Keith almost sacrificing himself was because he felt like others wouldnt care if he died but honestly? Zarkon's Empire. Already, there was the earlier controversy over the decision to kill Adam, Shiro's previous partner, immediately after introducing him, calling to mind the trope, "Bury Your Gays." "That would be a heart beat," Coran said, rather tearful himself. Bonus: Here are photos of us in those cosplays if youre interested! Emperor Lotor was the emperor and former prince of the Galra Empire, and son of Zarkon. Lance was the most worried about Shiro and Keith while they were at the Blade of Marmora. in Film Studies in 2009. Lance did in the first season with Coran, he jumped to save him even though he could have died in the process. When Lance wants to kick the electric orb in episode 3, Keith reminds him that its a bad idea, especially after hes already tried it. Its about saving the world. The following is a list of episodes from the series Voltron: Legendary Defender.The first season was released on June 10, 2016. With his Paladin days behind him, Lance returns to his family farm to live a simple life. Instead, they let him be. Voltron: Legendary Defender season 8 is now available on Netflix, and its ending concludes the series in dramatic fashion with a finale that's sure to thrill some fans while disappointing others. The creation of Chip in particular feels like a natural progression of what she learned from the Olkari, using technology in brand new ways. That's about as evil as it gets despite Lotor's assertions that their sacrifice was done for the greater good. Lance deeply cares about his team. Indirectly, the arrival of the kit brought a sense of community to the organization. Keith was as talented in that area as he was in hand-to-hand combat. (Tags to be added as drabbles are added). Extroverted Sensing (Se): Se is characterized by immersing oneself in experiences, living in the moment, and being aware of your environment. They should stay inside where no one else has to be bothered with them, instead of being spread around and getting in the way of everyone elses business, LANCE. What if your house catches on fire? Im just. As a substitute, he opted to begin his blade training. The first time Keith went out of control occurred when Ulaz had to leave for Thaldycon. When Allura says goodbye to Lance in Voltron season 8, she bestows on him the Altean markings, and while it's unclear what these markings really mean - are they simply meant as a symbol of her love or do they imply Lance is now part Altean? And it's this compassion that makes Lance the ideal choice to carry Allura's message of peace and love forward. Normally extremely perceptive, Keith's fiery personality sometimes causes him to forget crucial details of his missions, such as being so focused on destroying enemies that he forgot the Balmera was a living creature and that he had to be careful to not cause any damage to it in battle. Placing her knife wrapped up to avoid hurting the squirming kit, and a simple message on a memory card: One last look and a gentle touch on that black mop of hair were all she did before she sent the pod deep into space and straight to the only place, she knew her kit would be safe. It seems like some people think Keith wouldnt have made this choice if he hadnt felt so disconnected from the team. When they visit Oriande in season 5, Allura's full potential is unlocked, allowing her to later perform incredible feats like reviving Lance from the brink of death and transferring Shiro's consciousness into his clone's body. When the Lions are departing at the end of the episode, the Blue Lion, the one that Allura piloted, is front and center with its eyes glowing unnaturally bright. he asked shakily. Allura then explains that she, with Honerva's help, will transform the Quintessence inside Honerva's mech from a destructive force into a life-giving one - a technique she learned from Lotor, but one that will inevitably cost her her life. It's beyond himself and his own feelings. Alright, you may say "There's a difference between putting your life at risk and killing yourself for the mission", but you guys are forgetting this self-sacrificing stuff isn't new either. Every two years open spots in this prestige college were available. A saving people person. The action shook the blades at the base, they didnt know how to interact with Keith anymore. Kolivan had been training the extraction team to succeed. will they also ever bring up how Lance died? When Krolia set course to Earth to locate the Blue lion, she never expected to meet a man so noble and brave on such a little planet. Keith missed everyone while he was with the Blades of Marmora. After the events at Naxzela someone needs to talk to Keith. stay tuned. Keith attempting a Heroic Sacrifice by flying his ship towards Haggar's shield, closing his eyes and grimacing as he braces himself for impact despite Matt's protests for him not to do it. I was accepted. Sarah spends her free time playing too many video games and proudly supporting the Columbus Crewthe greatest team the world has ever seen. The series is taking the story in some interesting directions, so while we can make some pretty solid educated guesses about what's to come, the broader scope of the space-based action series really opens up the playing field. A spark. So just like how the Blade activated for him when he accepted himself as a paladin of Voltron, he found himself fitting in with both the Blade and Voltron when he decided to fly towards the sun. After seeing the Sheith cameo, I keep going back to these shots of Shiro and thinking:THIS is the exact man who changed Keiths life. All to reach Ulaz. But Keith was not a blade in that matter. As much as I agree that he is an a bad place emotionally this season, Idont see this moment as really being a part of that or a result of it. To fight this threat, Voltron also gets an upgrade, combining with the IGF Atlas into their own super mech - the Atlas-Voltron. Not her starlight. Introverted Thinking (Ti):Ti is characterized by internal logicmy thoughts, my rules.This fits Keith perfectly as he is often described as the stoic lone wolf. He doesnt like to live by other peoples rules and chooses to carve out his own path instead (i.e. Keith hadn't really thought the whole night through. In it, the five surviving Paladins of Voltron have each discovered their next calling, and it's easy to see Allura's influence on the path each Paladin has chosen. The first movement was harsh for everyone in the base. I am only jokingly shipping Sheithsince Keith only sees him as a brother. When he decided to try and sacrifice himself, he knew it was for the greater good. Keith didnt know why exactly it was just two years instead of annually like any other college and if Keith was being even more honest right now, he didnt exactly know much up to that point either. In other words, don't be surprised if the drama takes the wheel in Season 7 and the action takes a bit of a relative back seat. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. But I dont agree. (Gryffindor confirmed lol). THIS is the exact person who Keith has devoted his life to. It seems like so far, weve seen him trying to reconcile the BOM/Voltron conflict and trying to balance both in his life. He has the ability to focus on the bigger picture (i.e. With such a record, Kolivan opted to include Keith in one of his missions: to secure the Red Lion from the Galra Empire. Keith was willing to sacrifice himself so we could see how he really is putting the mission before anything (blade training) and for Lotor to make his proposal. Team Voltron is captured by the empire after a surprise attack goes horribly wrong. He eventually retires as Black Paladin to marry Allura and become her king consort. Its about saving the world. Her ship, ready to take off, sheltered them from the attacks. check it out another post war allurivan fic. I think its just his strong instincts kicking in given the fact that everyone else was about to die if nobody stepped in. Finally arriving in her perfect universe, it appears as if Honerva has gotten her wish as she is welcomed by this reality's Zarkon. But at the same time? Worried about losing allies, Keith isnt as firm about turning the alien down as he would normally be. And when Keith says, If it werent for you, my life wouldve been a lot different,Shiro responds in a way that suggests that yes, because of how intertwined their lives are and how devoted Keith now is to Shiro, he tracked Shiro down until he followed his destiny into space. Ulaz left, but not before he examined Keith prior to leaving. Its about saving the world. When he decided to try and sacrifice himself, he knew it was for the greater good. He went into a place filled with mind-swished mermaids to save everyone. Says the man who's never been knotted before, Lance sniffs.Cant miss what you cant experience. Keith smirks. Bearing witness to the desolating memories of Keith traveling in the pod, made Kolivans face twitch. Be sure to let us know in the comments! They infiltrated the Galra cruiser as a team of five and only four blades returned to the ship. Its about saving the world. Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron)Additional Tags: Platonic Bed-sharing, Platonic Cuddling, OR IS IT, ( ), post-Season 1, Childhood Friends, Fluff, Lance is there for like 2 sentences, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, demisexual shiro, First Kiss, Friends to LoversSummary: Both Shiro and Keith have trouble falling asleep with everything thats going on, and they fall back into old habits. And the universe as they know it will be forever changed. He was even willing to leave so the others would have a better chance of winning. Voltron wasn't going to spend an episode on the team going "oh no,Keith, don't do these things" specially not right now that there are a . But withthe Paladins having destroyed the physical gate to the quintessence field, followed by sacrificing the Castle of Lions itself (by detonating its powerful teleduv crystal in order to provide a super-supermassive gravity well to seal up the multiple breaches in different realities thanks to Lotor's reality-hopping), there's a good chance that access to that energy is cut off, at least temporarily, and Lotor along with it. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi or Etsy! But no one came. Plot device. In turn, they convince her that though life can be cruel and sometimes hard, that doesn't erase the happier times when life is beautiful and vibrant. But the information, although incomplete, was enough to envision a future problem if it wasnt taken care of. We cant always capture everything on camera, so I wanted to draw this funny encounter to share with you guys! He frowns and climbs to his feet, stumbling when a wave of dizziness assaults him. Also, the research board that he made for himself in his cabin just screams Ti: they are a product of the inner workings of his mind, and its clear he has his own structured logic that he imputes to the world. They introduced healing pods to us and showed the team bonding better. After Voltron, the Blade, and Matt's team regroup, they realize that they cannot disarm the cannon on the Galra cruiser without taking down its force field. The blades played along by making it official. Each character is larger than life and has their quirks and sense of humor. Now, the new acquisition changed everything. i just want someone to acknowledge the fact that he was ready to die for all of them. The Blade of Marmoras headquarters was not a facility in which kits could be found. It was simple, had no confrontation, and Keith could try his hand at piloting. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise beinfringing. Only both sides are going to get a lot more than they bargain for. (AKA the fake dating AU that no one asked for). From then on, Keith began to train more and more, to the point he could be found in the training grounds at all times. Its a little different from purely BOM philosophy. Lance came pretty close to actually dying and no one has mentioned it either. Shiro's spirit, however, was sheltered within the Black Lion, unbeknownst to anyone. Keith is an expelled ace pilot cadet from the Galaxy Garrison who functions as a Paladin of Voltron fighting the Galra Empire, piloting, at first, the Red Lion, but later transitioning to the Black Lion after Shiro's disappearance. Kolivan saw talent and a fatal flaw that could bring their kit down. Born in Hong Kong to a Japanese father and a Chinese mother, his father trained him in kung fu until Keith's parents died tragically in an accident when he was 12. So just like how the Blade activated for him when he accepted himself as a paladin of Voltron, he found himself fitting in with both the Blade and Voltron when he decided to fly towards the sun. Youre a real joy to be around, Keith.I try.. Chapters: 1/1Fandom: Voltron: Legendary DefenderRating: ExplicitWarnings: No Archive Warnings ApplyRelationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron)Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron)Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Age Difference, First Meetings, One Night Stands, First Time, Nipple Play, Daddy Kink, Blow Jobs, Size Kink, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Virgin Keith, Loss of Virginity, Multiple Orgasms, Hopeful EndingSummary: Hes done the whole teenager thing the sloppy makeouts, messy handjobs in the back of a car but fumbling fingers and someone who comes ten seconds after Keith gets his hands on them isnt what he wants. Keith has a mostly positive reception from critics. The BOM episode back in season 2 has been setting up for these moments of Keith constantly having to choose between the Blade and Voltron. The amalgam of emotions that caved in his eyes didnt surprise Kolivan. When he decided to try and sacrifice himself, he knew it was for the greater good. Later in the series, Keith joins the Blade of Mamora to better understand his Galran half and so Shiro can return as the Black Paladin and leader of Voltron. So just like how the Blade activated for him when he accepted himself as a paladin of Voltron, he found himself fitting in with both the Blade and Voltron when he decided to fly towards the sun. A sense of belonging, they hadnt felt for deca-phoebs. Omega Keith wants to become space shuttle pilot more than anything in the world and he knows he could do it--he just can't afford the schooling to do so. When he decided to try and sacrifice himself, he knew it was for the greater good. He has Galran heritage rooted in the Galra rebel faction called the Blade of Marmora, which he decides to join, leaving Team Voltron so that "Shiro" can return as . Honerva is severing one after another, and with each tendril cut, the Paladins are hit with a shockwave as another reality blinks out of existence. In Voltron: Legendary Defender, Keith is not initially the leader of the Voltron Force. He missed how stern and inspiring Allura was, and how comical and caring Coran was. So when he decides to sacrifice himself, hes kind of combining both his BOM side and Voltron side and mixing it in with who he is as a person. Sarah Moran is a news editor and features writer for Screen Rant. Keith couldnt place what it was, and yet he felt it igniting his limbs. Neither did she plan to mate with him. He faced hologram!Shiro telling him to give up the knife, and then his dad telling him to wait while the world outside was crumbling. When it turns out Shiro is a clone under Haggar's control, Keith returns as the Black Paladin. Of course, Lance sacrificing himself doesnt have to mean him dying. This isn't his Keith. Its a little different from purely BOM philosophy. [11] The comic book version of Keith depicts him as 26 and a very asocial character in the beginning. The Sacrifice. - they do suggest that Lance now has a place within Altean society. Keith probably does not care so long as his "boyfriend" is safe. Yeah, Lance had that moment in season 1 where he took an explosion for Coran, and that moment in season 5 where he almost died while trying to protect that base. 10 out of 10 experience. He tests his Galra prosthetic, but it feels like dead weight and doesn't respond. Accompanied by Antok and Regris, Keith had to secure the location of a stolen Galra ship with resources, and transport them back to the base. sue me, Whatever It Takes (Until We Mate) - the 'Whatever It Takes (Until It Takes)' Remix, Gentleman on the Streets, Demon in the Sheets. The issue may be addressed in the future when it's actually appropriate to do so. Keiths existence gave the blades something else to look up to after every mission. Every blade knew there was a chance of never returning. He considers the last words he heard over comms. Sarah is a graduate of THE Ohio State University where she earned her B.A. "That- What is that?" (i just want this addressed in the final season). While there is sure to be controversy over the decision to kill off Allura, the future shown for Shiro will likely receive even more backlash. In addition to that, Keith is motivated by higher meanings and weighty causes. This is a compilation of several small VLD drabble requests Ive done over the past two years. i hope that whoever reads this enjoys it & a big thanks to @nalloenoe for being my proofreader (tho i gotta add were both dutch and also she has dyslexia so theres a big chance there are some grammar mistakes there lmao let me know if u do). Without having become a Paladin and meeting Allura, Pidge couldn't have achieved any of this, and it's phenomenal that Voltron is showing how one woman can inspire another to accomplish so much with science and technology. That was an attitude the blades could not fully comprehend. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. And if viewers needed an extra push to see Lotor as the villain he truly is, even after his own generals abandoned him during a particularly overzealous rant, his exposure to unlimited quintessence at the season's end revealed his true nature (like what happened to his father, which was referenced earlier in the season as a reminder) and drove him completely mad. Hes a huge risk taker, willing to push his limit/luck to achieve the best possible outcome. Keiths first words left Kolivan speechless after Keith had called him dad with an enthusiasm they couldnt understand. Shiro is escaping with the Black Paladin's through a worm hole and Keith has to make a dangerous choice.#NetflixFamilySUBSCRIBE: But hes really a nice guy. Somehow Keith ends up on lance and a make out session begins. Proceed at your own risk. Feeding and changing the kit was paramount even when Keith refused to be put on one of the beds. When Allura says goodbye to Pidge, she tells her to remain "curious and fearless," which as we see in the year since their battle with Honerva, is exactly what Pidge does. ), Soft Sheith I drew for my dear friend T4KESH1 on twitter :), Like my art? Keith might have been the leader, but Lance . And in all of them, he behaved like a true blade. Or perhaps a burn. They need to break his bond, but the process ends up being heart wrenching for Keith. [7] The character receives a lot of character growth as the seasons progress.[8][9][10]. !I love Lance and Keith very much..! She couldnt let them take her son. Voltron: Legendary Defender is owned by DreamWorks, Studio Mir, and any and all other respective owners. Normally, he didn't have to think about much of anything; Keith was the brawn while Lance played the brain. The first doboshes of his arrival sent the headquarters into a hazard. Consisting of a small bed and a place to hang Krolias blade. At the start of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Keith was a dropout from the Galaxy Garrison, despite being considered the most talented pilot of his generation. Turns out that our charismatic half-Altean, half-Galra character had long been recruiting Altean refugees from his father's galactic war in order to harvest their bodies for quintessence used for his research. Instead, he found himself leaning forward in his seat, hanging onto every word that Arryn spoke. Ive been seeing people be concerned that Keith almost sacrificing himself was because he felt like others wouldnt care if he died but honestly? Kolivan was the main caretaker of Keith, the leader of the blades took it upon himself to see the kit grow well after Krolias sacrifice. Hes valuing the mission above his own individual life, understanding that in the BOM, individuals often sacrifice themselves if they cant make it out in order to preserve the mission. The first episode in Netflix is triple-length, creating a cumulative runtime for the season equal to the industry standard of 13 episodes, while other streaming services such as iTunes and Amazon have three separated episodes with the normal length of 23 minutes. She braced herself. He went to help Coran again in Crystal Venom even though he thought the castle was haunted. When he decided to try and sacrifice himself, he knew it was for the greater good. Observed him from afar. Luckily Keith talked him out of it. Deal with it. Keith asked, violet eyes wide. So what can we expect in Season 7? Voltron reacts to Keith's sacrifice| Gacha club - YouTube 0:00 / 2:21 Voltron reacts to Keith's sacrifice| Gacha club X TheFreaks X 1.51K subscribers 51K views 1 year ago I don't own. Voltron creators Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery wrote a letter to fans, apologizing and expressing that it was never their intention to offend or disrespect anyone. Like with quintessence or a healing pod. The battle had taken a lot out of him. Leading up until that moment, theyve shown him being conflicted between saving everyone he can and prioritizing the mission above individual lives. It brought a flourish of problems, and plenty of visits to Ulaz whenever the blades pressed a little harsher, held him tighter, or on the odd occasion, broke the kits fall by catching him. [6] After finding Shiro on Earth along with Lance , Hunk, and Pidge, he joins Voltron as the Paladin of the Red Lion to fight against the Galra Empire. as well as But at the same time? Lance considered himself too greedy for Keiths attention to consider going on double-dates. But he didnt expect Keith to drop everything he was doing just to sit down and cry after hearing the news. I dont want to meet whatever guy he thinks is perfect for me and I dont want to think about the fact that I needed him to set me up with someone, you know? Hes valuing the mission above his own individual life, understanding that in the BOM, individuals often sacrifice themselves if they cant make it out in order to preserve the mission. In this, the blades that couldnt handle Keith when he was a baby, reached to him to impart knowledge during a fight.

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