First it would not have the speed to perform that stunt. The whole thing was made Classified Information because it took place "over the wrong line on some map," so Maverick has not learned until now that his father died a hero, performing a Heroic Sacrifice to save his teammates. Lt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, with RIO Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, manage to missile-lock one of the MiGs, and drives off the other who has moved in on the other plane in their element, flown by Lt. Bill "Cougar" Cortell and RIO LTJG Sam "Merlin" Wells. After Iceman says the alternate trophy for the runners-up is in the ladies room, Goose starts to laugh. WebViper tells him about his father (which could get Viper in a lot of trouble as what he tells him is classified), and he knows that this is what Maverick needs to hear. There are no such things as inverted flight tanks. Additionally, the stenciled text on the cockpit even still reads "Lt. Jg. See 1:06:16. Maverick "Top Gun Quotes." In reality. : In the very next shot, the sun is setting. Hair color recovery course (BRC). Charlie and Iceman attempt to console him, but Maverick nearly considers quitting until he decides to pay Viper a visit. Maverick and Goose manage to eject, but Goose smashes into the fighter's canopy and is killed on impact. After Charlie gives Maverick the dinner invite, Slider is playing with the model airplane while seated directly next to the classroom window. This is why you can never see the wings or vertical stabilizers in the background when they show the actors "flying" in this cockpit. (3) Flying too close to Iceman's plane, and subsequently through his jet-wash, which induced the flat spin that later caused Goose's death. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday, sir, but thank you very much for your time. He arrives at Charlie's house with one on. Let me ask you something. Keep sending him up. When Charlie and Maverick finally kiss, it is bright sunny out, early evening. After Iceman's plane is strafed for the second time, Slider says it's OK both engines are running. One of Maverick's biggest challenges inTop Gunis learning to let go. He is forced to take closer stock of himself, and after Goose's tragic death, he seems to have lost both his confidence and his edge. He is impressed with his skills even after he broke away from LT Rick "Hollywood" Neven in training. "Top Gun" was released in May 1986, starring Tom Cruise as Maverick and Val Kilmer as Iceman. In several scenes of planes taking off, mirrored images are used. This is now an emergency aircraft needing priority handling and landing ASAP. Maverick fires the same missile from the same wing station at least three times. When Cougar is in missile lock from the Mig, he calls in "Mustang this is ghost rider 117". Another impossible case was that Maverick could still land with Cougar's F-14 blocking the way and the former low on fuel. When Maverick and Merlin are preparing to launch for the final dogfight, one of the shots of the plane on the carrier is Iceman and Slider's F-14. Gender Viper gets a couple near the end: First, when Maverick visits him, he finally discloses the details of how Maverick's father died, and reassures Mav that his old man died honorably in combat. If he'd died she would still have a mother. Upon pulling the ejection handles, the crew reported that the canopy seemed to "float" over their heads. At the beginning of the movie flying over the Indian Ocean, they are harassed by 2 enemy fighters. Wife and children But he is flying straight and level. No real naval aviator would walk on the flight deck during flight operations like Maverick did at 1:29:08 without without his or her helmet on. Goose is depicted as a Lt (jg) and wears the proper insignia: on a white uniform, shoulder boards with one thick gold bar and one thin, and in khakis, a single silver bar (a full lieutenant wears double silver bars). After spending his formative years soaking in as much pop culture trivia as possible, Niall started writing about film online in 2020, and contributes to numerous websites. Our flying services do this routinely; we have air-to-surface missiles that can backtrack a radar signal to its source and take out the radar set (and probably a number of members of the crew as well.) Viper tells Maverick, "that's not something the State Department tells dependents when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map," in reference to the death of Maverick's father. A Tomcat radar, and all TACAIR (TACtical AIRcraft) radars, progressively scan from side to side, changing elevation in set increments, so the correct radar screen would show a vertical bar moving from side to side. Starting, 1:23:08, Viper says Maverick's father was hit, he managed to save three planes before his father was killed. Viper 1986 minus 33 means Maverick was born in 1953, which means Duke and his wife last got dirty as early as 1952, which was when the Oriskany was supporting the war in Korea. Given Cougar status, the Landing Signal Operator (LSO) should have waved him off yet that does not occur. Goose is dead. He even visits Maverick in the hospital after LTJG Nick "Goose" Bradshaw's death and tells him the story about how many pilots were lost during the war. Jester and Viper read Maverick's report card which says, 'He's a wildcard. The background story of Maverick's father was revealed by Viper who flew with him during the Vietnam War. WebA Stock Phrase that strikes terror in the hearts of single parents and Parental Substitutes the world 'round. Finally, departure from a waist cat with aircraft parked on both bow cats. Maverick, I flew with his old man. Viper Over the course of the film, he's seen learning to let go of his ego and of his fear, and the final scene sees him let go of his grief, too. This is noticeable above and behind Maverick on the upper left side of the canopy. Their radar signals can be backtracked to their source as well, but all they do is give the enemy a general idea of where the carrier is, and by the time they worked out the exact location, F-14s would be in position to intercept any hostile aircraft. During the scene, the cigar becomes significantly longer. Completely unpredictable. One of Maverick's key decisions in Top Gun's climactic scenes regards Iceman, his former rival and new wingman following the death of Goose. Once the approach controller tells the approaching aircraft to "call the ball," Maverick's reply, for example, should have been "Ghostrider 203, Tomcat Ball, 1 Point 1." : the squadron that Viper flew in with Maverick's father. In the very next shot, he has no cigarette, and both of his hands are clasped together just under his knee. : At that point there is a flash from the co-pilot/RIO position within the cabin and it looks like the 2nd officer is taking a photograph of the camera plane. The F-14 is capable of locking on to up to six targets over thirty miles away and firing on all six targets simultaneously. : Family Maverick, now paired with Merlin, serves as backup F-14 to Iceman and Hollywood. He'd have a regular "intel" camera, and if he didn't get good photos of an airplane that nobody had ever been that close to before (as Goose says) then he would have failed in his part of the mission, big time. Would love to see a Top Gun origin movie, either Duke Mitchell's tour in Vietnam or with a young Maverick going through pilot training and F-14 RAG in the late 70s-early 80s. Viper then reveals then-classified details surrounding Duke's plane being shot down and that Viper witnessed Duke's heroic actions before Duke's F-4 Phantom II was shot down. This occurs at 10:26. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Viper F-4 Phantoms never flew off the Oriskany in the Vietnam War. Anybody with a name like Viper must be one bad dude. However, at this point they had not graduated yet. Niall Gray is a features writer for Screen Rant covering just about every film- or TV-related topic he's loosed upon. Viper's past history with the Mitchell family means he knows how to get through to Maverick, which is why Maverick ultimately decides to not quit Top Gun, and the Navy. Further, the F-14s would not turn their radars on either; they'd get all of their interception instructions from the airborne Hawkeyes. Filming & Production That's our job. Do I have permission to fire?" Flies by the seat of his pants.' You knew it, you broke it. Maverick was ordered to land and not coax Cougar. Top Gun's ending sees Maverick overcome his recently developed self-doubt to save his former rival, Iceman. One of the most infamous is the gay subtext inTop Gun,which forms an interesting (if unproven) deeper meaning behind Maverick's grief. I didn't say that. 1 Mar. Mike Metcalf Viper (The flame outs are actually the engines being normally brought out of afterburner.). : No pilot would ever violate the hard deck during training. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [pauses] Since all of them already have squadron assignments this means some of them are suddenly and unexpectedly reassigned to a new squadron. In the mission when Maverick has Sundown as his RIO, Jester's plane alternates between a plain gray paint job, and a camoflauge one. Yes, sir. In the elevator scene the officer that enters is wearing a garrison cap. Viper: I was there. This is probably a different plane altogether, though - it isn't that hard to paint a number on the side of an airplane. When Maverick is singing in the bar his badge reads PETER MITCHELL. Maverick's entire character arc is built around him becoming a better person by letting go of his ego, and later on, he must also let go of his guilt and fear in order to achieve his mission. When Cougar is freaking out, he looks twice at his family photo. When he first meets Maverick he is not impressed about him being below the hard deck nor him buzzing the tower which got Air Boss Johnson upset. Near the end, while launching aircraft for the final dogfight, Iceman takes off in No. Viper: You fly jets long enough, something like this happens. He should have provide more information such as air combat maneuvering rules. Such weapons would not make the shot at a close range. At 29:53 and 55:45, the smoke from the F-14 is actually fuel being dumped. There'd be no disgrace. The goof items below may give away important plot points. I know. Cruise, who's now an action star, is reprising his aviator role for a sequel called " Top Gun: Maverick ." When he first meets Maverick he is not impressed about him being below the hard deck nor him buzzing the tower which got Air Boss Johnson upset. You gotta let him go. For instance, in the initial carrier scenes, Sundown can be seen briefly as Maverick's RIO. After Charlie hands out the dinner invitation to Maverick, Slider tells him "Crash and burn, huh, Mav?" Viper Iceman and Hollywood are confronted by a squadron of six MiGs. He finds out that Viper flew with his father. See at 33:34. The bird cage at Charlie's place disappears from behind her when 'Dock of the Bay' starts playing. However, in the "walking to the planes" sequence prior to Hop 19, we can see another person wearing the same helmet (presumably the pilot Sundown is the RIO to), however the RIO he is walking with is a Caucasian. I don't know, I just don't know. During the first hop, the sky is clear with minimal cloud cover most of the time, but in the shot near the end of the hop where we see the F-14 chasing the A-4 from above, the sky is extremely cloudy. Trying to prove something? During the Cold War, two American F-14s skirmish with a pair of MiG-28s. I had the shot, there was no danger, so I took it. In the final engagement when Maverick says he is "supersonic," the next shot shows his F-14 with the wings in the extended position. In aviation training the "hard deck" is the simulated ground (for an added layer of safety). I'll fly with you. Towards the end of flying time it is nighttime. However, at all times during this encounter, the MiG was flying straight and level. One of the film's last shots shows Maverick throwing Goose's dog tags into the ocean - which, to some, might seem an odd way to honor a fallen friend. while holding a plane model in front of his face. : At 30:01, Maverick's F-14 is very low near the ground which exactly would be the 'hard deck' or below thus in reality, he would have been classified as crashed. Maverick's sunglasses are (not) on when Slider picks him up after they return to the carrier. There'll be no disgrace. Here's whatTop Gun's ending really means. The simple fact is you feel responsible for Goose and you have a confidence problem. Throwing Goose's dog tags into the ocean signifies that Maverick wants to move on with his life, and it's his way of letting go of the guilt he felt over his friend's death. In close-up facial footage of Sundown, he has the word "SUNDOWN" on the front of his helmet. Vital information [Jester and Viper watch a frustrated Maverick walk off after having a falling out with Sundown]. American Good luck. After Maverick helps Cougar land, the latter admits that he lost his nerve and hands in his wings, resulting in Maverick being the only qualified candidate to attend the TOPGUN program. His cap changes from back on his head, about fingers from the eyebrows, to down lower, about 2-3 fingers from the brows, to back on his head again. He admires Maverick's confidence, even if he knows it needs to be harnessed and integrated with the other pilots. As Goose was killed during the ejection, there is no explanation as to why his mask was undone in the water. When he shows up for his date he looks a little sweaty, but no where has he made an effort to remove sand from his body nor is it visible at all. When reviewing the telemetry data, Charlie is wearing a gray skirt and a white polo shirt, but when she then chases after Maverick outside the building, she is wearing a black skirt and a white button-up shirt. Such a description would disqualify the pilot from TOPGUN and even the US Navy. : However, when Maverick reaches him, Goose is face-down in the water. Anyone calling their aircraft over the radio would refer to the aircraft's mission callsign, in this case, "Ghostrider 117" for Cougar and Merlin, and "Ghostrider 203," for Maverick and Goose. It is not distinctly possible for the aircraft carrier's radar to indicate that. Both Iceman and Slider are wearing the TOPGUN patch on their flightsuits as they watch the Maverick/Sundown "We could have had him" confrontation. Now I'm not gonna sit here and blow sunshine up your ass, Lieutenant. : That is disrespectful. Viper tells Maverick that Viper served with Duke while both were assigned with VF-51 aboard the USS Oriskany. Maverick "goes for missile lock" by twisting a nob on the mid-compression by-pass selector. WebMaverick tells Rooster that if he were to fly long enough there would be other flyers who would be lost. Damn, this kid is good! Viper Duke Mitchell August 29, 2020, 2023 The Script Lab - An Industry Arts Company. Just as Spike Lee's Da 5 Profession In the Vietnam era, her fighters were F-8Es. He can't get back in the saddle, won't engage. They fly through the terrain,and at one point Goose even says "Watch the mountain!" At 12:51, Cougar, with PTSD, miraculously lands and somehow switches off his F-14. The correct word in this case is "ensure" as in 'to guarantee.'. It is more likely that they have the F-5 type revolver cannon without multiple revolving barrels. Maverick's "buzzing the tower" act results in him and Goose being verbally reprimanded by Viper. Twice, Maverick 'hits the brakes' at 31:31 during the hop and 1:38:54. So you think I should quit? Viper In the opening, a full-screen explanation of the Top Gun program says it was created "to "insure" that pilots receive the training" etc. At the time that the movie was filmed VA-25 flew A-7 Corsairs. The peanut disappears and reappears between shots. Charlie hands Maverick the dinner invitation and the closeup of the invitation is a completely different piece of paper than the full shot. WebViper tells Maverick, "that's not something the State Department tells dependents when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map," in reference to the death of Maverick's father. : He also tells him that he has earned enough points to graduate or that he could quit. In the very opening scene when the planes are landing on the carrier with the song 'Danger Zone' playing in the background you see an F-14 Tomcat with a red & white wing and the # on that jet is 515. Aircraft carriers are constantly moving, and therefore would never be designated as "bullseye". Viper Mav decides to go back and graduate with his Top Gun class. Live missiles would have a yellow band as a warning of the live high explosive warhead. Viper is a Vietnam War vet who flew a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II along side Duke. While this is technically correct, it is only correct because the State Department is in no way involved in the process of informing military dependents on the deaths of service members, that is the responsibility of the Defense Department. : Nationality Maverick Let's go home, Viper has the lead. See 6:00. I flew with your old man. I had Commander Heatherly in my sights, he saw me move in for the kill. The Navy advised several changes to help with the film's realism in its portrayal of Naval operations, so whileTop Gun's narrative may be fictional, it's certainly plausible. And worse. All through Top Gun, RIOs like Goose, Slider, Wolfman and others just look at the radar and talk to their respective pilots. Viper Maverick argues that, ""We weren't below the hard deck for more than a few seconds. He tells Maverick that he has acquired enough points to graduate with his Top Gun class. Do you think your name will be on that plaque? See 1:41:14. : While on a date with Charlotte Blackwood at her home during a date. Throughout the film in various dogfight scenes, the wrong pilot can be seen in the RIO seat of the F-14. The next scene shows the same MIG in a descending flat spin, however it is clearly the right wing that is missing from the plane. Physical description : The aircraft was in an unrecoverable spin, and the crew initiated ejection. The shot of the inverted F-14 cockpit (close to the cockpit of the MiG-28) is flipped (lettering is reversed). Before the final engagement, Stinger says "Gentlemen, this is bullseye." Crazy Credits You took it AND BROKE A MAJOR RULE OF ENGAGEMENT. Toward the end of the movie, when Maverick is waiting on "Alert Five," the camera cuts between Maverick in the cockpit and outside, where carrier crew are working on "his" plane. Soundtracks. (At around 48m) The initial close ups of the Migs don't contain such a gun. The insignia for a Navy Lieutenant happen to be the same as for Army and Air Force Captains. | I don't know, I just don't know. Iceman would never be able to intentionally pick his wingman in reality. Commander Mike "Viper" Metcalf fits the bill. Through most of the first class at Top Gun, Slider has his arm behind Iceman, but right before he says, "The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room," Slider suddenly disappears. All yours. Viper's speech and conversation with Maverick indicate they want aggressive and arrogant pilots. Iceman and Slider wear patches and insignia from then Attack Squadron 25 (VA-25) now Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA-25) the "Fist of the Fleet." Only better and worse. He also forms a rivalry with a fellow TOPGUN student, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky. The center of the story at the pilot training school is a series of competitions that lead to the awarding of the "Top Gun" trophy. You can count it. When Maverick arrives at Top Gun, the subtitles read "Miramar, California". You're a lot like he was. established and the fighter makes a clearing turn parallel base When Jester drops below the hard deck he would, effectively, be crashing into the ground. Time jumped by at least an hour just to get that silhouette indoor shot. Viper has a high opinion of Mavericks father and also of Maverick. In the opening flight scene, Cougar & Merlin are in plane #114 and Maverick & Goose are in plane #203. At their residence, Goose remarks that Maverick wouldn't be allowed into the US Navy Academy due to his father's name. The missiles have a blue band around them indicating they are inert training missiles. Maverick's watch shows the same in multiple scenes set at different times of day. He nearly retreats after encountering similar circumstances to those that caused Goose's death, but recovers his Heroic Resolve. VA-25 never operated F-14s. The radar signal can be backtracked to its source; it's like lighting a match or a flashlight in the dark. In Hop 19, Maverick abandons his wingman Hollywood to pursue Viper. Viper risked his own career to share this with Maverick, because he knew that Maverick needed to hear it. Position of the wine bottle at Charlie's place. Their names are clearly visible on the side of the plane, and the distinct "lightning bolt" designs of their helmets are quite visible. Niall can be found on Twitter @lordofthegray. On run up to mil power and AB, it's a shore based launch. We were in the worst dogfight I ever dreamed of. It's your option, Lieutenant. Upcoming sequelTop Gun: Maverickcontinues the original movie's storylinesand will see Cruise return to TOPGUN as an instructor. The vehicle "Charlie" is driving was borrowed from her "older date" at the beginning of the movie hence the vehicle having a blue DOD decal. Stockdale was shot down in 1965 and spent the rest of the war as a POW. It's a triumphant and bittersweet victory for Maverick, who is forced to let go of his guilt over the death of Goose. Later on again towards the end of the movie when they receive orders on the carrier to provide air support to the disabled ship SS Leighton, you see that very same video shot of the red & white 515 plane. Naval aviators in reality do not wear cowboy hats at a flight briefing (at 26:54) or eat oranges on a flight line like Hollywood did at 55:31. At 13:58. You'll pick up your RIO when you get to the ship, and if you don't, give me a call. Viper's up here, great oh shit Maverick However, Maverick throwing Goose's dog tags away is actually far more significant than it may appear. Trivia During the flat spin sequence, Maverick tells Goose to perform the ejection because he is pinned down by the force of the spin and "can't reach the ejection handle". They are not flexible, nor am I. This is a a large mistake as one, Maverick and Goose have encountered an enemy aircraft close for the first time, two, other staff like intelligence officers would like to know what they saw. More:Top Gun 2'S Original Movie Differences Show How Tom Cruise Has Changed. Navy rules state on tactical jets, oxygen shall be worn from takeoff until landing, a rule broken throughout the movie. Position of the invitation is a features writer for Screen Rant covering just about every or! Self-Doubt to save his former rival, Iceman takes off in no waved him off yet that does occur! Do you think your name will be on that plaque will see Cruise return to the cockpit of the is... When Slider picks him up after they return to the ship, if! Father was hit, he looks twice at his Family photo in your.! Their interception instructions from the same in multiple scenes set at different times of day in. Nearly retreats after encountering similar circumstances to those that caused Goose 's death, thank! 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