It confused the hell out of her, and she didnt know why the auror wouldnt make this stop, but she tried to hold on to the words Tonks had spoken to her as the tears of pain, fear and shame rolled down her face. The cliques of childhood friends that formed so strongly among the first years didnt include the girl who had spent all of her time with a cursed diary. He couldnt help fucking his neighbor, but he was able to slow down the pace slightly, and loosen his grasp on her hips just a hair. He saw as Ginny was virtually programmed to love him and to fall for him, and wondered how many other girls in the wizarding world were raised the same way? There were two beds, two desks, and a large window in the farthest wall. As Harry entered the kitchen of Number Five, he was still deeply uncomfortable with this. In the magical world she was assured by those in charge that she was not to blame, and had been used by the same evil wizard who had nearly destroyed their entire world. As soon as she stepped outside rain drops began falling on her head. Have you ever tried a titty fuck? Julie asked him, as he released her breasts. It was only a few minutes before she felt his reawakened willy pressing into her side, and it took very little prodding before she was on her hands and knees, and he slowly started thrusting into her from behind. It wasnt right, it wasnt healthy, but Harry could understand it. And how bad could this year possibly get? art of denial. She was pouring everything she had through it, directly against the struggling teen, but she wasnt strong enough. And when that flash of magic had hit, Petunia Dursley was not the only one affected. She had indeed fantasized about just such a scene, but in her fantasies it never hurt so much! "Thank you, Ginny. Nothing could go wrong, right? Tonks stuck her tongue out at him, but her nose slowly returned to normal. Somehow (never quite figured out how, yet) he does eventually get past it, and better himself, but it is not a quick process. But all too quickly, Harry had cum. I just want him to be happy again," I said and sat down on Ginny's bed. One evening while Lucius is out torturing and whoring with the Death Eaters, she dresses up in her best, sexiest nightie, and calls for Dobby (who Harry has instructed to help her if needed.) Give me a moment to check Ginny over and make sure shes been fully healed from your first time, then I think wed better get Harry back under that invisibility cloak, and let you both get back to my room.. The anger she saw in his eyes, she did not want that anger focused on her body. How how am I supposed to compete with that, Julie asked, mournfully. Or the telly. Everyone kept leaving him behind anyway. To keep him (mostly) the same nice Harry were all used to, I provided other magic to balance out the curse, make almost everybody he rapes love him, and increase his powers and abilities. The enemies defeated, clean-up includes Harry doing some mental healing on Nevilles parents and Bella, and starting to force changes on the wizarding world. She was horrified as he faced Voldemort three times in four years, and came away victorious (at least to some extent) each time. Just once, while pulling a casserole out of the oven, she could not resist, and backed into Harry. Exactly the title. The mewling turned into a full moan, and Lydias hips bucked against him. Hermione must face the hard decision of killing Ron, or watch the world burn. He could feel something in his mind. Until a few seconds before, Harry had been a virgin. Ill open a couple of windows and start to air out the smell of your new perfume. Why dont I?, Im not sure. Petunia already hated magic with a passion, and now it had cost not only her relationship with her sister, but Lilys very life. God bless teen virility! "I took that too far back there. Go ahead and try something, Malfoy sneered. Ginny was less happy to learn that Hermione was going to spend a couple of nights in Tonks room. Her bewilderment turned to fear as the young man glared at her and crossed the kitchen in three strides. Ron slowly walked toward him and stood in front of him. I can change just about anything on myself that I want, she explained, slowly morphing her hair to a dark purple from its previous light pink. She saw the confrontation with Malfoy at the end of the previous term, and Harrys confusion at the spell that didnt seem to do anything except maybe give him an hours-long erection and she saw the next morning with his aunt. Evidently, Draco hates Ron. Have. Since the first stage included both an end to the insults to Harry and the change of diet, Harry was quite satisfied. Draco lifted her effortlessly, she was lighter than he had expected. He winced as he saw her dating Vernon, who had few prospects, and seemed to be struggling with a temper. Harrys eyes cleared, though there was a dark, angry quality in them that she had never seen before. Could With the rules laid out and four tasks to complete who will become a champion? He inhaled deeply, aroused by the scent, then ducked his head stretched out his tongue, and had his first taste of her. He wanted nothing more than to collapse against her, and gently kiss every inch of her back, but he found himself with a desperate urge to reach the bathroom. And since Harry was eager to feel her warmth wrapped around him, he was on the bed and between her legs before Julie quite finished her performance. #ronaldweasley Strange things happened around Harry, and the note hed been left with told her not only of the death of her sister, but that the child was, himself, magical. Hermione, what Im trying to say is, I may have to love many women, and make love to many women, but you are the one I loved before all this started. Speak, if you dont want more of the same!, It was the last day of school ju just before we left for the Express! var sc_security="96a43109"; Instead of spending another month or two puzzling about it, Ive decided to simply summerize what is going to happen in this chapter, and move on. (Harry is a hero, but he has learned that some people need to be killed.) Harry Harry, its all right. That being said, I want to make a statement, and then reveal everywhere I was going with this story. I I love you!. The next two or three days are spent with the Grangers, then Harry will return to Privett Drive (though not #4) for a day or two, spending some time with his first girls. The next day, while everyone is getting ready to leave on the express, Voldemort attacks. At age thirteen, Dudley was as big around as his father had been the last time hed managed to get it up. Im cumming! Harry could swear he could feel her pussy pulsating around him, and it was more than he could handle. Dull, and occasionally highly annoying. As long as you try to live a life to be proud of, I will support you every step of the way, and to hell with every thought, lie, and innuendo that snake-faced bastard forced on you. It had been three years since the War, and somehow, someway, they had rebuilt. It was a feminine voice, and even as he began to turn, he could feel his control starting to slip. She was ashamed of herself, but she wanted desperately to ride him right there on the kitchen table! Oh, hello Pansy, Draco greeted the girl, and you gave her a polite smile, which she did not return. While she wanted to do her part in helping to save the wizarding world, she wasnt really all that pleased with this method of doing so. Chapter Eight will be greatly expanded when I know what I want to do with it. For the first couple of weeks, the pace might be greater than that. Harry could barely move, but he lurched slightly to the side and slid off his newest lover. Petunia was not looking forward to that, but Harry always seemed to leave at least a couple of weeks early. Anybody else is welcome to copy the current chapters, post it somewhere else that will tolerate the more adult stories, and continue it. #thelemonsheriff That poor elf! But Harry also just touched Dracos hair and is staring at him like hed make a better dessert than the French delicacy hes painstakingly crafting, and what the actual fuck, Im right here. He literally tore the jogging shorts off her body, leaving vicious red welts before the seams gave away. Nym? We dosed Harry with a tremendously strong calming potion right before we started the trip to Grimmauld Place. I raped a cop! May have some lemon. He shifted slightly, pressing his cock more firmly against her for a moment. Ginny was a lovely girl, with a load of baggage worthy of Harry, himself. His gentle motions slowly started to expose the barest tip of her nub, and he gently swirled his tongue around the folds surrounding it, then stretched the tip of his tongue into as much of a point as he could, and pressed it against the top of the nub. So this chapter is going nowhere fast, right now. His erection was now jutting nearly straight at her. It took longer for energy levels, feelings and erection to reach full strength and override his will after lots of sex, and extended the time he could remain in public before he had to rush back to Number Four. Harry started gathering the rest of the dishes and carrying them to the sink. When I can reach the point of being able to write this chapter Ill come back to it, but for now, I need to move on. Harrys ladies are born into their new roles. They continued down the stairs, just to find the meeting which had been taking place was in the process of breaking up. As the two adjusted to her positioning, she started to increase her tempo, until she was slamming herself on him with abandon. Ron looked at the floor again. Part of him didn't want to return to Hogwarts for his final year. Several more followed it. Dobby? It was barely a whisper, and barely a thought, but for the odd house elf, it seemed it was enough. Petunia, Julie and Lydia couldnt really suggest much in regards to a return to Hogwarts. With the training his girls have had, the school manages to stand off the attack with very little loss of life on the good guys side, but Voldemort launches his evil attack. Im cuuuuumming! She cried out, and Tonks found herself gasping for breath as her face was flooded with the other womans juices, while her tender cunt was stretched so wonderfully. Or at least, Tonks wasnt stopping him. Julie lay back on the bed, and Harry took a moment to really look at her. Petunia crossed the hall to the master bedroom, and locked the door behind her. Words: 49753 I can at least at least join you for the shower, he whispered. Merlin, I hate parties!". It cant be traced back to me!. His eyes kept wandering from the sight of his cock pushing in and out of her to the lust in her eyes, until he let out another strangled grunt, and collapsed on top of her. Harry eased up on one arm, and just stared at the sleek back in front of him. #weasley. And yes, we -will- find a counter-curse or a cure, but we havent managed to, yet. I dont own the island of Madagascar. He glanced at his aunts face, amazed at how sensual her moans were, and how those heavily-lidded eyes were somehow looking at him with lust instead of horror. IsamarAriadnaHerse (matka chrzestna Cynfiora! It was kind of pointless, really. I think you need to start. He was still stretching her more than shed ever been stretched before, but when he took his time God, it felt wonderful! The sight you were met with made you stop dead in your tracks: Draco and Pansy were in a very intimate kiss at the end of the corridor. Petunia couldnt help but moan, especially after Julie started gently stroking her nub. She had never heard anything so beautiful in her life, and it felt as if the music she heard was somehow soothing away her every pain. And the horrible throbbing between her legs told her she had been raped. Can anybody prove it? After that, he would continue at Grimmauld until his trial, avoiding Molly so as not to take her. She was approaching her first orgasm before he even reached her waist, and when he switched to her feet, she was almost disappointed. They weaken the other family magic. Soon she was screaming Yes! She now has the increased lust twice over, and is now an uncontrollable nympho. Things that would have been in there, but never got written an orgy for Harrys birthday with the four women he had at that time (Petunia, Julie, Lydia and Tonks) and the situation (largely as written by JKR) with the Dementors. There are spells, Ill teach you one, and cast it myself until youre back at Hogwarts and can do your own. He liked his young cousin, and intensely disliked the house. And I guess Harry is going to have to work on that stamina issue. Ser que seus amigos esto prontos para lidar com o quo poderoso e perigoso Ron ir se tornar? Dinner was boisterous for Dudley and Vernon, who had plans to watch a boxing match on the telly in about a half hour, and a much more thoughtful affair for Harry and Petunia. You have exactly three years to stop that, she told him. And locked away in the back of his own mind, hed known he was causing her horrible pain. It was part of the pattern, the two came back to themselves, sobbing of their care for one another. Visitors so far (Separate IP's) - But now he had Mrs. Polkiss what if he no longer wanted her? Suddenly she arched her back, and thrust herself on him slightly deeper as she moaned out Oh God! There was a trickle of blood that ran down her neck and Draco almost heaved up everything he'd been forced to shove down his throat in the last twenty four hours. Story: Dracos Gift Pairings are in chapter headings! Oh, yes, he groaned. He then switched his gaze to her shaved mound and gently started to stroke his thumb along her flower. If you have a request, send it o me! Potter is the enemy!, Lucius backhanded him. Breakfast had been simple and basic, then Petunia had taken Dudley off to the doctors office, and had gotten some information on how much she ought to be cutting back on Dudleys food, and a few tips on things she might give him more of when he insisted he was starving from the portions he was receiving. Finally Tonks couldnt take it any more. The attractive auror cast two quick spells at Harry, and he was wrapped in ropes and seemed to be struggling against some kind of magical force that almost seemed wrapped around him. Luv?. Petunia was not surprised, between the curse, the interest Harry had already been showing in the jogger, and Julies comments about her. (Thankfully it would turn out to be the blossoming of womanhood that marked the age where the curse started to react. Tonks and I have to have to discuss a situation with Herminone, Harry told his friends. She was already groaning. I just cant get it off my mind. It took her about 30 seconds to get Harry fully erect again, then she turned to Petunia. 13 of Harrys ladies end up on the ground, their minds gone, though their bodies are unharmed. And then he runs into Draco Malfoy and has to come to terms that he isn't the only person who changed that summer. Unlike what hed done to Tonks, he didnt ravage her, he well for lack of a better word, he worshiped her. The Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) the last of the 13 worlds. The repressed knowledge that Dudley was growing to be just like his father in so many ways, and starting so much younger than Vernon. "Well, I think he's changed for the better. But the eager look of lust in her eyes turned him on. She rode him in that position for eight minutes, getting wilder all the time, until finally she screamed out and he felt her pulsating around him. You just be your own, wonderful self! He kissed her with a passion that took her breath away. Until a few gentle caresses along the soles of her feet brought he screaming to a climax. draco malfoy x female y/n character Its OK, Harry, she whispered. ABANDONED DUE TO REENFORCED NON-ADULT POLICIES. I dont deserve your healing!. He is a House Elf he could give you a much better idea of their mind set. Secondly, I am looking for a story I read a couple/three months ago, but havent been able to find again, since then. No wonder I felt you so plainly inside of me! The first several strings had arched right over her, and landed somewhere beyond the bed. Draco's smirk fell and Hermione had already decided that Ron went too far. Nothing important to the plot here, just not leaving the early characters out in the cold. And then Chapter Nine, the dementors, Grimmauld Place, and Hermione. He led her over to the master bathroom, and turned on the shower. They still contained lust, but there was no longer any trace of anger, rage or hate. Gods of Magic Love the Youngest Weasley Son, Ron Weasley & Harry Potter & Pansy Parkinson & Blaise Zabini, Sometimes when your friends are scheming you need to make your own schemes, no major character death (i dont plan on it at least), How to Succeed in Dark Wizardry (Without Really Trying), minor Hannah Abbott/Neville Longbottom - Relationship, Ron Weasley & Daphne Greengrass & Marcus Belby & Hannah Abbott, Golden Trio | Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley Friendship, Divorced Lucius Malfoy & Narcissa Black Malfoy, Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hermione Granger pulls all the guys (real). She continued, her mouth moving up and down his shaft, for a couple of minutes before Harry warned her he was about to cum. But be back for dinner.. The hall was almost entirely silent now; you were sure everyone could hear the conversation. No! 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