How vast is the sum of them! It not how life was supposed to be. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Father, I nullify every authority and acclaimed ownership of any evil covenant of premature death over my life by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Father, you promise in your word that you will grant the desires of our heart. In His grace, we pray that this little premature baby will be covered by your grace and will be given the strength to fight against the obstacles he faces in these first days of his life. Dear God, Look at me, your servant. Im super excited youre here! Whatever the harsh situation you are experiencing during pregnancy. Remember when you found out you were pregnant? You are our only Refuge. Father, by your mighty hand, break all hidden evil covenants of premature death mandated to hatch at a particular age in my life, in the name of Jesus. Surrounded by God Prayer Lord of Unfailing Love, help me when I feel afraid. Please provide everything I still need to strengthen my bond with you. As parents, we play the role of God on earth in our childrens lives. As you may have guessed Im extremely enthusiastic about prayer. Prayer for a Healthy Pregnancy. Father, I reject and renounce every association with the spirit of premature death, in the name of Jesus. I ask that you would guide my child throughout their life, and fill them with your goodness and mercy. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Father, my life will not be cut short before my God ordained time, in the name of Jesus. Sometimes providers have to induce (start) labor early for medical reasons. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. The Great Physician can heal your heart and He heals your preemie. You can pray to alleviate your concern, especially if it is about severe dangers during the gestation period. Please watch over me through childbirth. Whatever happens, Lord, I know that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord Jesus Christ, come, with Your love and Your infinite mercy, to pour out Your grace on this baby. Father, I thank you for I know that you have heard and answered me and my life is delivered from the grip of premature death, in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, let the holy ghost immunize my blood with the blood of Jesus against any satanic poison that leads to sickness and premature death, in the mighty name of Jesus. Premature births can happen suddenly, with no known cause. I ask you, oh Lord, to accompany me in this time of gestation of the creature you have wanted to let live in my womb. Mother of God, Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. 10 Best Non-Toxic Baby Toy Brands That Are Healthy For Your Child! Children are a gift from you, and you have led me down this joyous path to giving birth. Lord Jesus, I pray to you with Love for this sweet hope that I hold in my womb. A premature baby is born more susceptible to illness due to their weakened immune system and inability to fully develop in some areas. As she fights for her life in the incubator, fill her with strength in her inner being that she may mature fully. Keep my eyes fixed on you. This word reassured us that although the symptoms and scans showed it was an ectopic pregnancy, however, according to the word that God gave us definitely, we refused every pronouncement that was made, and today that pregnancy is an energetic growing boy. I implore you to allow me to continue the pregnancy and that my child grows up healthy, safe, without health or growth problems. Join us as we explore how you can pray for your premature baby and give them the best possible chance for a healthy life. I said it before and Ill say it again. And because, the keys of death and hell are in the hand of Christ, and He will use it to the favor of His children. One of the things that ends premature death in ones life and family is prayer and a life dedicated to serving God. Your car might never be the same again but you will always love and adore it because its your car. Your love is perfect, so I can trust that your love and concern for this baby are even greater than mine. I humbly and ardently beseech you, Lord, to preserve and protect the child whom you have allowed me to conceive. Thank you for answering my prayer. The Bible says that you make all things work together for my good. Father, let every ancestral agreement with the spirit of premature death break by the blood of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen! Only the power of the Holy Ghost can calm them down. May he deserves, by your divine grace, to obtain eternal life at last. Amen. Father, I command every evil beast seeking to destroy my life to be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Thanks for your constant blessings. My comfort is found in the work of your Holy Spirit. Consider some of these verses as your pray over your baby. Be encouraged by these verses focused on Gods goodness. Let the fruit of my womb sprout in virtue and holiness through you and your Divine Son. You never make it to your birthing class. As I progress through labor and delivery, pour out your strength into my mind and body. Your eyes saw my body. Amen. Sanctify my expectation, bless my happy hope. Gods word has assured us that we shall be satisfied with long life and He will show us his salvation. Your works are wonderful. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. In your mighty name, Amen. Babies who survive can have breathing . Prayers against Premature Death (40 Prayer Giants Book 38) - Kindle edition by M. Madueke, Prayer. Full of Grace, Bless this child with your grace, take all diseases away from us, and allow my baby to come into the world and develop and grow healthy. Father, let every coffin prepared by the agents of death for my life catch fire and roast to ashes, in the name of Jesus. May the light of God enter your heart and remove from it all the fears, all the scares, and all the terror that you may have. May I find the comfort and the endurance I need in your name. Amen. Strength for the Weary Prayer Generous Father, you are the God who gives strength to the weary. Effective midnight prayer section can help a woman to have a safe delivery. Drug or alcohol abuse. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. These short soothing prayers for labor and delivery will bring you comfort and encouragement during this time. Meet My Needs Prayer O God of Loving Devotion, thank you that you are perfectly faithful. In your mercy, may I find peace. Lord, I hold on to your word this day that says: Whose report shall you believe? Amen. Please help me, Lord. Pin it to yourBaby Board! How precious to me are your thoughts, God! Know for the moment what you are going through, and He will not abandon you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Take care of my son Guardian Angel, take care of his health, his well-being, and be with him during his night so that he can sleep serenely and in the peace of God. Revive My Soul Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you that your word is living and active, powerful and effective. For you formed my inmost being. If I would count them, they are more in number than the sand. Amen! My frame wasnt hidden from you, When I was made in secret, Woven together in the depths of the earth. Strengthen my body when I feel weak and refresh my soul when I feel overwhelmed. Gracious Lord,I come to you to pray for strength and healingNot for myself but for my baby in NicuLord, Im terrified and distressedBecause the doctors believe my baby wont surviveBut I put my faith in you, Lordif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegracefulchapter_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegracefulchapter_com-leader-3-0'); Keep your protective arms around my babyBe her guardian, deliver her from evilSustain her by your grace and make her wholeIn Jesus name, I pray,Amen, Heavenly Father,Thank you for the life of my newbornFather, my baby was born too soon before her time And so she needs to stay in the hospitalI pray that you will be her protector and her comforter. Help me put my trust in you, knowing you are faithful to fulfill all your promises. Let Your grace be upon this little one and the parents. Father, let your plan for my life prevail over the plans and purpose of the spirit of premature death, in the name of Jesus. His love for you and your precious preemie never fails. Your word says, cast all your cares on him for he cares for you. I give you the birth of my baby, his health, his organs, his senses, and all the functions of his tiny body, make them perfect, oh Lord. Complications like fibroid, blocked fallopian tubes, PID, STDs, STI,s, miscarriages, hotness of the womb, low sperm count, no sperm count, hormonal imbalance Whatsoever we ask in prayer, you answer us. Please protect her against any sickness or health problemsPut your loving arms around my baby and keep her in your warm embraceLet her feel your love and your presenceFill her with strength and joyAnd be with her till we can bring her home,Thank you for all that you do for usAmen. Comfort Prayer God of All Comfort, bring peace to my mind and my heart as I journey through childbirth. Please join your faith with ours that the Good Lord will help my wife (His daughter) to deliver without cesarean section, Please pray for us and I know God will perfect what he has started. May my child, the object of all my desires, come into the world in good and perfect health. Thanks! Without you, I can do nothing. You can use personal poems for newborns, famous poems, prayers about babies, and Bible quotes to offer your support through loving words. No. 10). Posted on Published: May 5, 2021- Last updated: May 10, 2022, 13 Prayers for Safe Delivery and Healthy Baby, Prayers for Enemies To Leave Me Alone: 15 Powerful. I ask for my Pregnancy to proceed calmly and healthily and for the peace of Your presence to be the comfort I need in the moments when I feel anxious and needy. Father, let every arrow of premature death fired into my life and that of my family backfire by the holy ghost fire to the senders, in the name of Jesus. Do not let any disease advance to threaten the life of my baby. Prayer can be a powerful tool in the fight against prematurity. My unborn baby is going through a challenge thats beginning to get on my nerves. As I give birth to this child, remind me that you already know them. In this moment of concern about not knowing everything that awaits me, of conflicting emotions, come to my rescue. Make my baby born healthy, strong, and perfect. If you are going through a season of being blessed with a sweet preemie, ground your heart in Gods Word and find peace in His protective care. Lord it is so painful to see such a tiny new-born baby have to battle for life in the world, instead of continuing their development secretly in their mother's womb. Hold my hand and lead me. I pray for a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery because You are my God and my strength in whom I will trust. I reject any evil occurrence that will cause me to give birth premature in Jesus name. I believe, and I confess that everything is possible with God. Amen. May your word give me peace throughout this process. Be with me during the highs and the lows. 60 Prayer For Protection During Labour And Child Delivery Father Lord, I thank you for the conception of this baby. . I thank you for allowing me to shelter this baby as my Mother sheltered me when she recognized my existence in the depths of her being. Prepare me, Lord, for motherhood, prepare us both for the change that will occur when our baby is born and help us keep very close to You and give You all the praise and glory. I decree the delivery shall be safe, and my baby will be healthy to the glory of God. Prayer to Break the Curse of Sickness & Premature Death - Prayer Against Early Death - Prayer Against Untimely Death by Evangelist Fernando PerezToday I am p. Sometimes, the best ways to get God involvement in your case is through fervent prayers. Be hopeful in the Lord. A premature birth means a baby is born too early. Lord, thank you for growing our sweet family. Believers must know that our life is in the hand of God, and the spirit of premature death has no hold over our lives to determine when we have to die. Father, let every satanic grave dug for me and my household swallow its diggers, in the mighty name of Jesus. Powerful Presence Prayer God of Love, thank you for the life and grace that you alone can give. She was born before her time, yet her birth was not outside of your hand. Be hopeful, momma. I know that with You, nothing is impossible. We are fearful and desperately need your peace. [Dont forget theses 15 Things when going to the NICU]. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Having a baby is one of the most joyous times in many women's lives. Give me rest, oh Lord, concerning this baby. 42) . Hear our prayer for your daughter Father, I come to you today asking you for a complication-free pregnancy. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! As Mary knew the pain and joy of motherhood, please sustain me through childbirth with your grace and love. Please give me the strength and endurance I need to keep going during labor. I belong to you and I am safe in your hands. May he come in excellent health and always receive Your protection. The following prayer points will be of great assistance to you in praying your way out of premature death and entering into that realm of a satisfied long life and prosperity. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Your word says, you have done all things well.. I know that You never leave me or forsake me. Father, let every evil altar of premature death erected against me be dismantled, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Encourage me that you are here and you love me. Part of our redemptive heritage is long life, that is why he died on the cross, that we might have life and have it more abundantly. I believe that it is you who gave me this child that I carry in my womb. Instead you end up getting a real-life lesson in labor and delivery. He never gives up on us no matter how unworthy, broken or downtrodden we may feel. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. You did not put that pothole there. You want to be happy that your baby is here but on another hand, you are scared that they might not make it, and that makes you sad. Amen. Help me have a smooth and fast labor. Help me carry it to term without fear or worry. Thank you, Lord. Premature babies often have serious health problems, especially when they're born very early. safely and in good health to the praise and So we are already dead in Christ Jesus and have been raised to life with him, therefore, our life is hidden with Christ in God. Lord, I belong to you: keep me, defend me against the wiles and malice of Satan. Soothe me with the certainty of your faithful love. Lord, I put all my trust, faith, and hope in you for this baby in my womb. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with my spirit. You knit me together in my mothers womb. May my son/daughter grow up to follow You all the days of his/her life and guide me with wisdom as his/her mother from this first moment on. Father thank you for the miraculous conception of my wife and the wonderful full term pregnancy without sickness or complication may your name be praise in Jesus Name. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation." Labor Prayer Sovereign Lord, soothe me with your calming grace in this time of labor. I recognize that my baby will always be yours, and I trust in his protection in your hands. One great way to do this is by remembering the best bible verses for premature babies. We commit this baby to You, Lord. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! It is our duty to provide these things to them unconditionally. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Make her stronger each and every day. Come with me, Lord, because, given my pathology, the chances that my child will be born are slim. Keep him strong and healthy. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. May your daughter be filled with your peace and blessing These are prayer babies. You have promised that all my needs will be supplied by you. In 2020 [PDF - 176 KB], preterm birth and low birth weight accounted for about 16% of infant deaths. Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for allowing this life and for shaping this child in Your image and likeness. Father, a new life is growing inside me: a little one that will bring joy, hopes, and happiness to my home. Therefore, I plead the blood of Jesus over this baby in my womb. Care for the gift given you by God with all your heart and with all your strength. Allow them to be kind and helpful and enable me and my family members to bless them too. Pour out your abundant blessings on my child. Continue to be by my side and lead me in your perfect will. I am approaching childbirth. Hes my whole life, and if something happened to him, I wouldnt know how to go on. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Father, let every weapon of death that the enemy have sent towards me to destroy my life return back to the sender, in the name of Jesus. May I know that peace as I give birth. May I be filled with joy as a new life enters the world. Father, I give this baby to You. As I give birth today, I ask that I would know your powerful presence with me. Father, I ask for the life of this child, and I pray that you give the doctors and nursing staff the ability and knowledge to know exactly what to do so that this little life can grow and prosper and be returned in good health to the arms of his mother. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Bless him so that he has a happy life that is pleasing to God. No one is closer to God than a woman about to give birth. Gods plans for us are perfect but the earth that we live on has different effects on us. I give you all the glory I adore you Oh Lord I bless your Holy Name I cried unto you and you heard my cry Your email address will not be published. He cares about your every member of your family even the tiniest. To our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be glory, praise, honor, and power now and forever. I ask that you give me joy on the tough days, grace on the joyful days, and peace when things don't go as planned. Help me to be confident in your sovereignty. Are you about to give birth, and are you overcome with anguish? Holy Spirit Prayer Gracious God, thank you that you are with me through this process of childbirth. Also Related: 13 Prayers for Safe Delivery And Healthy Baby. You never make it to your birthing class. I know youre going to protect my son. You can be calmer now! and at the hour of our death. Has a happy life that is pleasing to God than a woman to! 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