They can direct funding and support to these individuals. Warner: So what's your own relationship to your party affiliation? I will continue to stand up and push back regardless of the source, Republican, Democrat, or unaffiliated for accurate evidence-based elections. But you're right, she is like so many other voters in Colorado, that have chosen none of the above, are unaffiliated, the largest block of voters for Colorado, independents. That was a bipartisan message. Anderson: Yes. Unsuccessful Republican nominee for Michigan secretary of state Kristina Karamo campaigns in Lansing on Aug. 27, 2022. Deciding between two excellent candidates is a good problem to have. Warner: In defeating Tina Peters, who had a national name and national money behind her. We are currently researching this candidates voting record on this issue. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with them, take responsibility, and share that responsibility as an election official. Provided by 76 Group / Mike O'Donnell / Tina. Peters became a cause celebre in far-right circles, raising more than $500,000 after her primary loss, most of that coming after an appearance on a podcast hosted by Steve Bannon, an advisor to former President Donald Trump. But we found solace in the fact that Anderson has been working just as hard as Griswold to combat election misinformation. I wrote the post press release. Secretary of State Jena Griswold, who worked as a voter protection attorney during Barack Obama's 2012 campaign, squared off with Pam Anderson, the former Jefferson County clerk and a. Gen Z Voices: Attending school on a tribal reservation, and outside of it, led Aidan Gover to discover the disparities in education. She was the first woman to serve as a majority leader in both the House and the Senate. I have a small business. Griswold asked. Both Democratic incumbent Jena Griswold and Republican challenger Pam Anderson condemn election conspiracy theories. I have a few concerns and I'll tell you what they are. Secretary of State: Tina Peters, Mike O'Donnell and Pam Anderson; State Treasurer: Lang Sias; Attorney General: John Kellner . Griswolds office most recently sent 30,000 mailers to non-citizens in Coloradans urging them to register to vote before the November election, according to Colorado Public Radio which first reported the story. They shape the national Republican Party platform and operation. By Allan Smith. And so Montezuma County isn't doing the same as Jefferson County, my county. I do have a problem, from a professional ethical perspective, of using taxpayer resources, and promoting with their image, announced candidates for public office. As an entry point. Republican Party candidate Pam Anderson is running for secretary of state of Colorado. I don't believe either of those things," you told Time, echoing what you've told us here today. Pam Anderson standing with a host of other GOP candidates, including some that have pushed election fraud conspiracies. I believe this is completely Antifa posing as Trump supporters, she said the following day, referring to left-wing anti-fascist activists. Warner: Talk to a swing voter, someone who'd consider casting a ballot for you, but who thinks that letting any Republican near elections right now is bringing a fox into the henhouse. In winning the party chair post, Karamo defeated another election denier, Matthew DePerno, who lost his race last year for attorney general. What this has become is a polarizing issue for the left or the right to, frankly, fundraise. Voter list maintenance, having as accurate a voter list as we can, auditing that process, making sure our judges aren't getting tired. 2,040 Followers. I am Pam Anderson, and I am running to be your next Colorado Secretary of State. Ryan Warner: You served for eight years as the clerk and recorder in politically diverse Jefferson County. And we provide free IDs in the state of Colorado as well. Peters fell in third place with about 27% of the vote. Peters lost to former Jefferson County Clerk Pam Anderson. She then went on to serve eight years as the Republican clerk and recorder for Jefferson County, one of the largest and most politically diverse counties in the state. I'm a small business owner. The Secretary of State is the head of the state department and interprets election laws and oversees elections. We must celebrate the successes we had, but keep our guard up, remain at high alert, and redouble efforts to prevent this election denial philosophy from destroying American democracy., by Zachary Roth, Colorado Newsline February 23, 2023. Warner: Do you think it was intentional on the secretary's part? But it's always been known as a place that has roughly a third, a third, a third Democrat, Republican, unaffiliated. may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our affiliate partnerships with retailers. When I was Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder, before I led as the president of the Colorado County Clerks Association in 2013, my county was voting over 82 percent permanent mail, meaning (voters requested) a mail ballot. We are currently researching campaign finance records for donations that would influence this candidates position on this issue. So it's been popular for decades. What do you make of that? Warner: Now you have made several references to the commercials. Sureel Sheth is a Director as well as Treasurer for the Center for Tech and Civic Life Board. What did you mean by that? The message is important. Cristina Sinclaire is a Director as well as President for the Center for Tech and Civic Life Board. And would you be willing to assist clerks and recorders in getting a fair amount of reimbursement for the cost of elections? Her primary rival, Pam Anderson, says not to listen. The emerging trend of election deniers running for secretary of state before going on to lead their state party gives deniers yet another platform from which to exert influence, by stoking unfounded fears about election systems and pushing for restrictive voting policies. And how did that fail? Cristina has managed electoral campaigns and organized communities from California to South Africa. Larimer County government and more throughout Northern Colorado. Former Jefferson County Clerk Pam Anderson won the Republican nomination for secretary of state Tuesday night, defeating election denier and indicted county Clerk Tina Peters. A list of 207 political views and policies made by Pam Anderson in 2023. You then go to the voter to help cure it. And that is the failure.My other concern is around accountability. This interview has been edited for clarity and length. My first call would be to the attorney general.". The Associated Press called the. And she never conceded her 14-point loss to Benson in November. Warner: The job of Secretary of State is so much more than elections. Colorado's incumbent Secretary of State Jena Griswold points to reduced business-filing fees as proof her administration has been a success. I think we can do that and still provide safety for voters in order to make sure that no bureaucrat is getting in the way of their constitutional right. Colorado Newsline provides fair and accurate reporting on politics, policy and other stories of interest to Coloradans. And it's training we developed from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations on signature validation. All four Republicans ran unsuccessfully last year for secretary of state, which would have made them their states chief election official. The race for Secretary of State is often an afterthought when compared to things like the race for governor or senate. These are the things that we've done here in Colorado that gives us the ability to have confidence in the processes, and we have to remain vigilant in order to make sure that we're always progressing and improving. And as the executive director, full disclosure, I did advocate for all 64 of the county clerks across Colorado up until about January, 2021. Warner: You don't have to flog yourself. The 2022 United States secretary of state elections were held on November 8, 2022, . It is elected, but I have done work here, and across the country, in professionalizing the work. 85 percent of voters think it makes sense to present a photo ID. And I have stood shoulder to shoulder with my fellow election officials, with my team, and taken responsibility for that error. in Economics and Human Biology from Stanford University and a M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. That does so much more than millions of dollars in commercials and soundbites, by going to where Coloradans are and answering the questions. I dont take their trust lightly. What would that person do? It will be about who has the proven leadership to stand up for theseprinciples with trust and integrity.. And so, one of my first actions will be to support Senate Bill 1, to raise the reimbursement. Correct? Party's support base Pro-life She is a candidate in the general election on November 8, 2022. The Secretary of State. This office isn't just a PR firm, and taking credit for things that you say you've done that maybe other people helped. last week that shes running for state GOP chair in Colorado. Put a finer point on it for me. These notices did make it clear that citizens are not eligible, and the state emphasizes that if anyone who isn't a US citizen tries to register to vote, Colorado's online system will kick them out. But go ahead. June 29, 2022, 1:43 AM UTC. Republican Party Voters Answer: Pro-life. Peters' main opponent in Tuesday's primary is moderate Republican Pam . Are there any nefarious actors that are either blindly rejecting or blindly accepting ballots?" Pam Anderson for secretary of state. "I will always stand up for will of the voters," said Griswold. Secretary of State Candidate Pam Anderson has a poor record on election integrity exposed via statewide TV campaign.. BOULDER, Colo., June 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Citizens for Election . Anderson: And there is a very big uneven playing field in funding and resources for elections. Warner: Republicans in the state legislature have long tried, unsuccessfully, to raise the bar for the ID needed to register and to vote. Republican Pam Anderson handily defeated two other candidates, including indicted Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, in Tuesday's secretary of state primary. Anderson fired back, "You are misleading the voters right now Jena, and you, ironically, spent $1.1 million of taxpayer money against that sort of misleading information.". And in July, Idaho Republicans chose Dorothy Moon, a former state legislator who has said there was a big problem with the 2020 vote and made unfounded claims about illegal voting, as their leader. On Saturday, Kristina Karamo, an activist who rose to prominence for her efforts to overturn Michigans 2020 presidential results, was. She does sort of re-affiliate if she wants to participate in caucus. the Colorado Secretary of State's Best Practices and Vision Commission . We're going to efficiently mail you a ballot to eligible voters, but you also have the choice to have that in-person experience if you prefer it for one-stop shop for voting (at a vote center). I had some of the same questions when I became a county clerk, way back in 2007, that other people have, on whether or not the processes were accurate. Pam Anderson defeated Mike O'Donnell and Tina Peters in the Republican primary for Colorado Secretary of State on June 28, 2022. Provided accurate information like the loss but not stolen report, that demonstrates under the rule of law, the accuracy of the outcome of the election. During a conversation with Colorado Matters senior host Ryan Warner, Anderson highlighted some of her election security bona fides, pointing out that during her time in Jefferson County, she helped shape some of the safeguards that are now being used across the state. Tammy earned a B.A. There's a greater importance than ever being placed on the office of Colorado secretary of state, Pam Anderson said Wednesday during a campaign stop in Fort Morgan with former County Clerk . Pam Anderson (far left), Mike O'Donnell (middle) and Tina Peters (right) are running for Colorado's GOP Secretary of State nomination in 2022. Cristina is a graduate of the University of San Francisco, where she studied Sociology and Criminology. Feds sue Fort Collins water company for a Grand River Ditch rupture that damaged Rocky Mountain National Park in 2017, Boulder County took a month or longer to notify inmates that the jail had exposed their Social Security numbers, Late with your car registration? If elected, Anderson says she. And you don't have to take my word for it. The secretary of states office said that wasnt happening. Opinion: Colorado farms going fallow? And if you compare how much went directly to the locals in Michigan versus Colorado, it's a real problem how much was diverted. But this is a repeated error, and this one is far more egregious, and more impactful to people that live here in Colorado. Withdrawn or disqualified candidates David Winney (R) Approval Voting Party convention Approval Voting Party convention for Colorado Secretary of State Griswold said Anderson had a similar issue as the Jefferson County Clerk. The Lookout is a free, daily email newsletter with news and happenings from all over Colorado. Reference: Analysis of answers from 200,528 voters that identify asRepublican. Incumbent Jena Griswold (left) and challenger Pam Anderson. Brown, Moon, and Peters all lost in the GOP primaries. The GOP itself is divided over the 2020 election. Shaun Boyd is the Political Specialist at CBS News Colorado. I saw up close, as executive director, not only at the Secretary of State's office, actually in some of our local offices as well, individuals running and seeking more of the political side of an elected office and using the platform to elevate their political profile, raise a whole lot of money, but ultimately, being divisive and politically partisan in places that should remain above the fray. Arguing for the measure, which ultimately did not pass, Moon. To restore confidence and trust, through the very thing we all can agree with, as Americans, not for one party or the other. Election security has become a marque issue following unfounded claims of voter fraud and attempts to overturn the election in 2020. Anderson said the difference was she took responsibility for it. It has been called Dr. Seuss Day because of this. Tweets & replies. Im not interested in using this campaign nor thisoffice as a platform for hyper partisan and self-serving politics but to be a leader that Coloradoneeds. Be prepared to face new late fees. We are independent and not affiliated with any investors, shareholders, political parties or interestgroups. I can give you at least two examples of, as an election official . This brings us to a fundamental disagreement we have with Griswold: she is completely dismissive of ours, and anyone elses valid questions and concerns about election integrity. That's why I wasn't surprised recently when I read an article about hunting and fishing groups leaving Colorado Parks and Wildlife's Colorado Outdoor Partnership . I will be the fair referee for Colorado to continue toimprove both access for voters and securing and enhancing our elections. Working in a non-partisan space, and being absolutely straightforward for our voters, for the good and places where we can get better. I don't agree with my entire platform, and parties are sort of like a big family, a really big family where you're arguing with the crazy uncle at Thanksgiving dinner. So for example, that signature verification audit is the best practice, but we could codify it and standardize it, and make it more consistently applied. There's a lot of money for Democrats who say they are defending elections. So we spoke with Chuck Broerman. Newsline is based in Denver, and coverage of activities at the Capitol are central to its mission, but its reporters are devoted to providing reliable information about topics that concern readers in all parts of the state, from Lamar to Dinosaur, from Durango to Sterling. What real leadership is. Pam Anderson, who is competing for the nomination from the Republican Party to run for the job of Colorado's secretary of state, is shown in her office Tuesday, May 10, 2022, in southeast Denver. And Wayne Williams, as Secretary of State, did a fine job and he's supporting my race, but he is an announced candidate for mayor of Colorado Springs. SEDALIA, CO - Mesa County Clerk and Colorado GOP candidate for secretary of state Tina Peters reacts to early election returns during a primary night watch party at the Wide Open Saloon on June 28, 2022 in Sedalia, Colorado. What things will you implement to better support clerks and recorders? Sources & Citations Who Is Pam Anderson News Home Please enter valid email address to continue. In fundraising disclosures covering late July, Griswold had raised more than $3 million dollars to less than $200,000 for Anderson. "It certainly raises you lots of money, millions of dollars for your campaign coffers, when you take sides and let special interests enter in our democracy," replied Anderson, who also criticized Griswold for using Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters' criminal case to fundraise. Anderson served as Wheat Ridge City Clerk from 2003 to 2007 and Jefferson County Clerk from 2007 to 2015. Monday, Oct. 24, during Next with Kyle Clark at 6 p.m., full debate online - secretary of state - Pam Anderson (R), former two-term Jefferson County clerk, and incumbent Jena Griswold (D). But based on the money in your race, where you've been widely outspent by your opponent, it doesn't seem there's a lot of national money for candidates who occupy the space you do. We have a lot of investment in it. voter registration postcards being mailed to non-citizens. Read our privacy policy for more information. And when you become a candidate, the infrastructure for the two parties in order to get out the vote and talk to voters is there.Have I considered unaffiliating? The trend also highlights how, despite some high-profile defeats last year, denialism and extremism maintain a hold on many rank-and-file Republican activists and voters. Anderson was first elected to an office in 2003 when she served as the non-partisan city clerk for the City of Wheat Ridge and then served as the Republican clerk and recorder for Jefferson County. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. A former clerk and recorder in Jefferson County, Anderson won the Republican primary over one well-funded opponent, Tina Peters, the Mesa County clerk who ran for the partys nomination despite facing felony charges related to the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election. Help us get it faster by telling them to answer the iSideWithquiz. And what we need to do is take it off the table for confidence. Warner: And by mail for a lot of Coloradans. They wear many hats, between recording deeds of trust, performing marriage ceremonies, motor vehicle transactions and doing the agenda for the county commissioners. My life's work is spent around the democracy space. Campaign websites In the run-up to Election Day on November 8, Helen Thorpe sat down for interviews with the two major-party. We know unaffiliateds are growing statewide, but the point is to serve in Jefferson County is to serve in a politically-diverse place. According to Andersons website, if elected she will look into election fraud, believes elections administrations can be improved, and provide fair and transparent elections. Media Inquiries: Please see our republishing guidelines for use of photos and graphics. Not this year. On June 28, 2022, she won the Republican primary. And it is a replay of what happened in 2020 when CBS4 Denver reported that a dozen similar mailers had been sent to noncitizens and people who were deceased. Campaigning last year for secretary of state, Brown, unfounded fears about the security of Kansas elections and questioned the 2020 presidential results. 2022 Colorado General Secretary of State CANDIDATES PAM ANDERSON Republican Candidate Information Questionnaire was sent to the Candidate both for the 2022 Primary and General Elections, and he never confirmed receipt, though we sought to contact her multiple times and by various methods. As an election official, when my team has made an error, the buck stops with me. It is really hard, and it's technical and complicated, and errors happen. Maybe they've lost it, maybe they can't afford to replace it, maybe they don't have the time. Prior to working with JMI, Sureel held positions with DoubleDutch, McKinsey & Company, and Priorities and Qualifications Experience The Secretary of State should be a professional who can instill trust through her experience, competence, and proven ethical leadership. For Republican Secretary of State candidate Pam Anderson, Priola's switch to the Democrats and subsequent endorsement of incumbent Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold was apparently a deep philosophical betrayal that sent Anderson into a rage on Twitter: Full stop. She blamed a data glitch for the most recent mistaken mailing, "I believe this has happened in prior administrations but now we're in such a hot political atmosphere that data glitches can fuel major disinformation. GET THE MORNING HEADLINES DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX. (Allison R. Donahue/Michigan Advance). For the record, how do you view the administration of the 2020 election and its results? Pam Andersons answer is based on the followingdata: Republican Party Answer: Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother orchild, Reference: Exceptions for rape, incest, danger to mothers life‐ Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our user agreement and privacy policy. Why have you railed against this commercial? She failed to do so. Anderson: I don't. Warner: Give us an example of an error you've taken responsibility for. We ask that you edit only for style or to shorten, provide proper attribution and link to our web site. A Brookings Institution. Anderson: This is a really tough job. But here's the thing. In August, Anderson's opponent and Colorado Secretary of State incumbent Jena Griswold criticized Trump for stoking a war on Democracy in the U.S. by spreading election fraud conspiracies. Anderson: As a legislative co-chair and a county clerk, I believe that the best approach is to take the partisan from the left and right out of the equation, and bring what really impacts voters. These offices, regardless of your political beliefs, and we have had lots of secretaries with firmly-held political beliefs, but they maintain these offices above that fray as an objective fair referee for the process. And stood there, talked about my campaign for 10 minutes, and answered questions for an hour and 45 minutes, with the mission of saying the truth and going to where the voters are. Anderson: We do look at the progression. On the CTCL board, Sureel contributes his outstanding experience with business, finance, and investment analysis. DENVER -- Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters continues to outraise her opponents in Colorado's GOP secretary of state primary despite being indicted on seven felony charges related to election fraud, called on by her own party to suspend her campaign and barred by a judge from overseeing her county's elections this year. . Warner: You mentioned your own jurisdiction, Jefferson County. DENVER (AP) Colorado Republicans on Tuesday chose a former local official who pledged to keep politics out of running elections as their nominee for secretary of state over an indicted county clerk who gained national prominence by promoting conspiracy theories about voting machines.. Pam Anderson is the Secretary for the Center for Tech and Civic Life Board. You should start looking and you should stop moving.. These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on thequiz. The winner of . So I developed an operational quality assurance to say, "Are judges' training still doing well? Republican Secretary of State candidate Pam Anderson on election security, being a campaign fundraising underdog and more, News That Matters, Delivered To Your Inbox. And yet, Colorado voters rejected that rhetoric and false information in the primary. If you use a windshield cover, you can at least forget about scrapping the ice off your windshield to save some time and hassle. Republican Pam Anderson is projected to capture her party's nomination for Colorado secretary of state on Tuesday in a primary that will likely be seen as a rejection of former President. As a CTCL board member, she provides oversight informed by years of experience at the forefront of American election administration. My beliefs; My parties; My ballot; My support map . A former county election clerk, Peters is. Sep 26, 2022. Voter confidence has been shaken, and well-meaning people do have questions and concerns. Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. I was featured on the cover of Time Magazine. As a legislator, Moon worked to tighten Idahos voting rules, introducing a bill that would have banned the use of student IDs to vote, eliminated the use of affidavits for voters without proper ID, and ended same-day voter registration. 2023 Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Rounding out her experience with a Masters in Public Administration and accreditation as a Certified Election Voter Registration Administrator, Pam adds management acumen and an appreciation for political diversity to the CTCL board. ", Anderson didn't let her off the hook, "Making the same error again points to a management problem, points to a lack of leadership and I think it's because you've had three deputy secretaries, four chiefs of staff, at least three (communications) directors and at least three legislative liaisons and that turnover results in mistakes.". I wonder how often the two of you, if at all, have talked about her choice, and why she made it, and whether you have considered your own Republicanism, given the rift in the party over elections, which have been so central to your career. The win by Pam Anderson, a former county clerk and past head of the state clerks' association, sets up a November match-up with current Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat seeking a . Griswold defended her actions, "When the fundamental freedom to choose who marry, when to have a kid, how to start a family is under attack I will stand up for people's rights.". When the mistake happened, did she also put her name on it? That is essentially the messaging basis for her general election campaign for Colorado secretary of state, in which she hopes to deny incumbent Democrat Jena Griswold a second term. Business registration, tracking of lobbyists, oversight of bingo and raffles. It happened again last week. 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