I hope you are not one of those persons who love hating for the sake of hating. Try to conquer or dominate negative people from a state of power where you are cool, calm and composed. And yes it is better if kerala is separated from india. Chief of the new Federal Investigation Agency is from Kerala7. That is one reason why kannadiga females are increasingly turning to prostituion. every family has their own set of principles in life which may vary a lot and the wife has to adjust to it.She has to adjust to all members of the husbands family when they cant take the intrusion of an outsider into their house when the female stays and sleeps in a different house with ppl who hate her and yet she is a bitch.. My advise to malayaless is not to marry ugly kannadiga rodents. Highest rate of sexual abuse, child abuse.12. At least four more Malayalis are turning out for the matches in the UAE.. [63][64][65][66], Arabi Malayalam (also called Mappila Malayalam[67][68] and Moplah Malayalam) was the traditional Dravidian language[69] of the Mappila Muslim community in Malabar Coast. What makes you beautiful is being a good and kind person, and not the colour of your skin. [25][31] The quadrangle is in every way the center of life in the house and very useful for the performance of rituals. I say this because he has written very bad things about Dalits and reservation for Dalits. (whats the point of India then?)16. But guess what, I know what Patti, poo#$mone means. i stopped my practise and went back to him annd restarted my practice. The rest of the malyalis were hypocrites who were acting like north indians. As they say "when the going gets tough the tough gets going". most of them are male chauvinistic pigs and they hole themselves in high esteem for being that. similarly its possible that that the son is poisoned by continuous negative talk abt his wife that he starts believing that his wife is shit etc and starats hating her and believes every word of his parents and his wife is always the liar cheater etc etc.there r n number of instances where the parents make their son hate his wife and all gang up and make life miserable for the poor wife where her truth becomes lies and others lies bbecome truth and she cant even clarify that what she said was the truth coz any child will trsut his parents more. Zachariah, K. C. & Rajan, S. Irudaya (2011), Chandra Mallampalli, Christians and Public Life in Colonial South India, 18631937: Contending with Marginality, RoutledgeCurzon, 2004, p. 30. Hate is a great sucker of energy. IRELAND HAS BEEN downgraded in an assessment of its response to eliminating human. And last but not the least, you know Malabar is only a part of Kerala and you are wrong to call keralites as Malabaries, this shows your ignorance of the Geo-political facts. When i was forced to leave the house, he told me i am taking away his kid to blackmail hiim and his parents. Bloody, they talk of good of Kerala , when the fact is that it is a useless state .They are individualistic , they try to push forward the interests of another malayalee , by scuttling the prospects of a person from other states. Control and bullying19. One group among these people consider the snake gods as their presiding deity and performs certain sacrifices and sing songs. My antennae always perks up whenever the vibration of hate starts to enter my system. They never expected malayalis to have this much stamina to withstand their uncivilized barbaric onslaught. Malayalam was the most spoken language in erstwhile Gudalur taluk (now Gudalur and Panthalur taluks) of Nilgiris district in Tamil Nadu which accounts for 48.8% population and it was the second most spoken language in Mangalore and Puttur taluks of South Canara accounting for 21.2% and 15.4% respectively according to 1951 census report. It combines both devotion and entertainment, and was performed by men in groups. These guys from bigger sates thought that since malayalis come from a small state, bullying them would be a cakewalk which they found to their dismay was not the case. Seems your mother tongue consists of four letter words and expletives. Quick to anger and jeleousy, hidden and supressed anger and sadness it manifests itself in other ways10. Criminal mentality, in front smile in back lust and spread rumours4. [31] According to William Logan, the word Malabar comes from a combination of the Malayalam word Mala (hill) and the Persian/Arabic word Barr (country/continent). This ancient martial art is claimed as the mother of all martial arts. To the above bastard who said that malayalis don't know their fathers it is better that he himself carry out a paternity test to see whether the man who he calls as father is in reality his own father or not. So you do have a flair for abusing. Malayalis are the better of the lot. "Genre and Society: The Literary Culture of Premodern Kerala". my middle finger to you malayalees. Malyalam has originated from the words mala and alam that means land along side the mountain. However, many of these native art forms largely play to tourists or at youth festivals, and are not as popular among ordinary Keralites. They found that malayalis are more than willing and capable to match them in their mind games. There were talks of creating a Dakshin Pradesh state which would have Kerala, TN, and I believe parts of Andhra, all this around the time of state reorganisation from the old British ones of Madras, Mysore. Malayalees are after all bastard sons of brahmins and they dance to the tunes of paarpans. We even hate Google for this. As I told you before human behaviour is a wonderful mechanism that has been programmed to function in a particular way with clockwork precision and accuracy. Given that fact it has done quite well for itself, I mean it has not become a shit hole like some states in the north. Once people get money, they don't even look to act in a sane manner. Okay even if we are to accept your contention that majority of malayalees are obnoxious in their behaviour what about the minority who still have their heart in the right place. We know you dont mean to offend us, but you see, some of us do take offence. Everyone hates them. But she was not his daughter. i didn't like malayalees, then i read the comments on this page and now i hate all indians, for all of u who say mallus group among themselves, u should visit london, ull see the rest of the indians group among themselves and speak punjabi, hindi and whatever inspire of any other nationality malayalees are ridiculed in the gulf, true, but the punjabis and the common indian that is ridiculed in so many british and american tv shows and comedy nights are never malayalee accents. These mother fucking bastard scum of animals malayalees will oneday face their own holocaust. The ugly black grotesque looking dravidian monkeys of karnataka and tamil nadu should be sterilised so that they don't give further birth to such disgusting people. It is very sad to see mallus giving a timid response to the arrogant kannadigas and tamilians and to the racist north indians. I hope you are not a bigoted north indian chauvinist who hates kerala culture and language. now he says i am staying with him and going away coz i have eyes on his money and house. One reason the MNS started campaign against north indians was that marathi females were screwing around with north indian guys. this is to all am fella indians big ball fucks, we may be wat u said, but you wud get a taste of it only when we wud sell your mothers and sisters as we sold the midle east . https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1976NEWDE02914_b.html. Kannada and tamil males are eunuchs. So happy squealing Mr. The Chau Dance of Bengal I have gone to various blogs and chat forums where I have defended the asians against the whites, Indians against pakistanis, south indians against north Indians. So dear Friend, we do not apologise for our success, whether you like us or not, we are full of sympathies for you because your fishermen, labourers, artisans do not dare to come out of their villages, because they are illiterates, our men are not, they dare to come out and challenge themselves, become successful. But the problem is that you are not convincing sonny boy. When I see a new mallu at a workplace, I get uncomfortable. Ningalaai ningalde paadaai". They have Nehru in their pocket.Nehru dances to their tunes,now the cunning Malayalees are stirring things up with their demand for Dakshin Prdeash [united south state]. It spans over ten days, and celebrations are marked by decorative floral patterns at the entrance of the home. This was when I was seven since then I do not like you north Indians. Chavara's contribution[56] to Malayalam literature includes, Chronicles, Poems athmanuthapam (compunction of the soul), Maranaveettil Paduvanulla Pana (Poem to sing in the bereaved house) and Anasthasiayude Rakthasakshyam and other Literary works . [97] The king of Travancore, Swathi Thirunal patronaged and contributed much to the Hindustani Music. The large house-Nalukettu is constructed within a large compound. This festival is conducted to promote Kerala tourism. And by the way who are the so called above posts. Malyalee are pits .such females should crucified on the cross for insulting elderly parents regularly for money . No:1701711) of Malayalees in Canada. Even the same subcaste won't intermarry or eat with each other. You have the intelligence of a pre schooler and the emotional maturity that would put even a pre teen to shame.No wonder your wife must have been fed up of handling an overgrown kid. What I'm saying is that a positive state of mind is the first and absolutely necessary prequisite for mastery of outer circumstances. another observation from https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1976NEWDE02914_b.html. Kerala's syrian Christians spit on hindus and are the worst enemies of Hindus. I am a malyali brought up in north india. So why is it galling to you. He is a Maharashtrian who made it big in the Tamil film industry. We even crack jokes on ourselves. yes sonny boy i agree a gangerous arm shuold be cut off .No one is that indespensible that one should live with it for ever.There are many girls out there in the ocean .So guys dont marry a malyali woman leave them for the malyali males . What does a Malayali do when he goes to America?A: He changes his name from Karunakaran to Kevin Curren.Q. india to be keralamalayalees thoughts? Oh boy! The malayali cliques/associations..etc are something to stay away from IMO. [86] The setting of the building in the open garden plot was again necessitated by the requirement of wind for giving comfort in the humid climate. Here are 17 such things: 1. life is hell for me .. why dont you dump the bastard and go away !Since you dont need the money you can divorce and walk out .you will do him and yourself a great favour not to speak how much it will benefit your kid . there are good and bad in every community but this is one community where all i have known are shit pot manipulative black mailers.fuck the malyalees and the thiyas in this community are shitter coz the nairs also dont like them as vivekanand said a shit pot of castist community.an internationally despised set of dirt bags who thrive on black mail groupism dirty manipulative behaviour .for money who sell there women and pimp them to arabs .thats what all the malyalees are.where they see partners from other caste well off and more educated they jump off with there emtional black mailing attitute to ensare them .rascal community . who said mallus are the most community , the tamil brahmins are the most intelligent of them all followed by the pune brahmins .mallus do most of the shit work in dubai or the blue collar work few exceptions in some fields doesnt make it a generalization .Education should give you manners and civic sense to behave properly in a group .Not go abt thrusting your own language on others when standing in a group of non mallus or living with them .Till you dont have it your education is of no use .And most of all to all the females like my malyali bitch wife education should teach you to respect elders not show your fucking ego for been a graduate to ordinary guys .Education is just a degree its attitude which makes one successfull or liked in a group .Which females like you dont understand coz you are just bitches who know to snipe claw bark demand emotionally blackmail do gold digging thats it . Yet you must also allow for the fact that there are rare human beings who can indeed rise above their nature and all that it entails. And we dont keep lifting it all the time like how it is shown in Bollywood. they say that the mother influences the kid and she is responsible for keeping the kid away from his grandparents etc. You seem to be a highly complexed man with a low self esteem. San Diego Malayalees, is a charity organization for promoting cultural, ethnic and artistic traditions and values of the South Indian State of. But anyway going by your posts I can guess the despicable community you belong to. Look you confirm my suspicions that you are not the father of your child. DEPORT THIS SOBS back to syria where their scum thomas of canai ancestor came from. However, the consent of the eldest female member of the family was taken before implementing the decisions. People from some regions of Kerala are a lot more trustworthy and helpful than others. The Top Ten. The fact is that Keralans are, intrasocially the most helpful people in India Do you feel that the Malayali colonization of Arabia would have been possible without.. say, camaraderie? Now I will relate my own experience of marrying one north indian whore. The saviours from snoring uncle, crying babibes and gossiping aunties. For that you need to take initiative and be ready to go the whole hog. And again if malayali males are working or drinking in dubai that is none of your business. i feel i should also let go of this gangrenous limb of mine.which even if i loved once.with all my heart has posined my life so much that i need to cut it off for ever. The characteristic use of spices is the hallmark of Mappila cuisine. I never did anything to her. The roof structure in timber was covered with palm leaf thatching for most buildings and rarely with tiles for palaces or temples. if she wasnt before and now she is.he must think why she started it? Sonny boy I don't know your wife's version of the story. Principal Secretary to Prime Minister is from Kerala8. North indian females are downright cheap sluts who sleep with anybody. I want to tell these monkeys to stop eating the shit of malayalees, because that will not make you people look like malayalees. "Malayalees are bastard sons of Brahmins .Tamil Brahmins & Malayaless look out for each other, they conspire against Tamils and divide the spoils between them", "Malayaless and brahmins are basically the same, they are both cunning and manipulative.The worst parasitic class who live off Tamils.We Tamils suffer under Brahmin-Malayali parasitism", "Malayalees have influence in Delhi. which part of the moon you are the dark spot on the moon ?? Guys dont be sympathetic towards malyali females behind the guise of the softness is the most dirty bitch u will ever face when her purpose is served .malyali females fuck u and your upbringing .Get a dog home rather then a malyali person in office or home the dog is more loyal then the malyali bastard . 4 years ago. True that none of them speak Queens English, but most of the world do not do so as well. Quick to anger and jeleousy, hidden and supressed anger and sadness it manifests itself in other ways10. [101] This confluence of culinary cultures is best seen in the preparation of most dishes. Photo: Dr Anitha Devi Pillai. Originally Answered: What do the rest of the India think of Malayalis? Our film industry doesnt even have enough money to waste on gravity-defying action scenes. Jai Hind. The Malayali people (also spelled Malayalee people) are the native speakers of the Malayalam language. The Canadian Malayalee Association ( CMA) is a secular, non-political, non-partisan, and an incorporated non-profit organization (Reg. sindhis r the most detested caste in india known for their stingy values and keep money over keeping relations and weigh and talk everything in terms of money. they r in constant fight with themselves and force themselves to believe tht they r rightand in short a nervous wreck. They somehow educate their children like Paarpans and come to our country searching for jobs.Can't they go to the Andamans? Malayalees are the rudest people I have ever known. People realize malayalees are criticized for the right reasons,all the above said comments are very true.All states have bad people but here we are talking about the percentage,Overwhelming majority of Malayalees are cut-throat, deceptive, cunning, selfish, cruel etcBastard malayalees migrate to other states in search of livelihood and once the join their own flock of people they show their true colors of not having a iota of respect to the local culture and its people.Even a dog is more loyal than a malayalee.Malayalees eat,drink,live and earn in other states talk high about their own state and abuse their host state, this is the most disgusting attitude that no son of soil will never ever tolerate,If you find your state a heaven then why the fuck you bastards are migrating like a horde of sheep to other states.You selfish malayalee bastards you want all our states to feed you, because your people back in home are fond of licking the ass of communists who has brought ruin upon your fucking state hahahaha whose mistake is this,first realize you are a fucking burden to all of India. A large number of Hindus and Christians are Malayalees. Why do you have to link it with us all the time? And there is no point in getting disturbed over negative people or negative behaviour. Later, Portuguese Latin Christians, Dutch Malabar, French Mahe, and British English, which arrived after 1498 left their mark through colonialism and pillaging their resources. LOOK, AT YOU TAKE GOOD LOOK AT YOUR SELVES. Hindus should have thrown them into the sea the moment they landed on the beaches of kerala in 300 AD. dear friends, really i like to join in this community.i have some thoughts about malayees and i want to share with youwho is malayalees? sonny boy i am too small to rectify a community or anyone for that matter .when i cant rectify the person with whom i live with there is no question of rectifying anyone .i state what i have experienced and as i said it became more generalized coz of the group of people i have been associated with .i am fine to been abused in return its normal .it wont change my perspective just make me stand that people like the malyali female above will stick to there dirty attitude defending it with obnoxious comments abt education etc . Is none of your skin confirm my suspicions that you are not the father of your skin what i. Spans over ten days, and celebrations are marked by decorative floral patterns at the entrance the. 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