The sheriffs' office obtains Brandon's cell phone records and it revealed that he had been calling from the vicinity of Taunton, 25 miles from Lynde. near the end of his call with his dad, someone comes up behind him and and grabs his phone, at the same time brandon says oh shit, then the kidnapper ends the call on the phone. The oh, shit makes you belive he was taken by surprise or a sudden realization struck him. Join Facebook to connect with Brandon Swanson and others you may know. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. So the father took Brandons mother home, so he could run Brandon off, so she couldnt help him with that college money, or any other money. So Emmanuel Schwartz, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse, Gilles Renaud, Franois Papineau, Martin Dubreuil. Forty-seven minutes into the phone call, Brandon suddenly exclaimed, Oh shit! and the line went dead. If so, it would make it even less likely for him to botch his location by such great lengths. Was he with this friend he was celebrating with when the car went off the road ? An approximate distance of 4 km. View the profiles of people named Brandon Swanson. That is near freezing, and indeed, anyone soaked through the bone by having fallen into the river would have suffered from . When Brookelyn did not show up for an appointment the next day and did not answer any calls or texts they contacted authorities. Brandon Swanson met with foul playI wanted to touch on this theory and the likelihood that Swanson was a victim of foul play. No one had any idea of where he had gone off to, until at 2 AM Michaels boss got a rather disturbing call from the missing man, in which he says, They are following me. An equally spooky case also comes from 2013, and concerns 26-year-old oil worker Brandon Lawson, of San Angelo, Texas. But instead somebody pushed end on the phone. These theories have major flaws, however; if a person has time to register danger, swear down the phone and then end a phone call, surely they would have time to get out of the way of an oncoming vehicle? This story is so sad . This is one of those cases where there seem to be more questions than actual facts, so a lot of judgments and theories probably will come down to intuition. My personal theory is something got himwhat that something is exactly i dare not guess but there are things walking this Earth and the dark bowers of mans domain that most people cannot even dream exist. But offcourse seems odd that till this day never a body was found. But it doesnt explain his last words on the phone.. That could be a consideration, although Im not sure if there are any search warrants/laws in the US that could be served to compel landowners to allow searches on their land in certain circumstances. He planned to eventually enroll in a four-year university and have a career in the sciences. Not sure, it may well be in a report though. It was a cold night. We will perhaps always wonder what provoked the Oh shit! that were perhaps his last words ever. Brandon was last seen on May 14, 2008 leaving a friend's house. It takes effect July 1, 2009. This entry was posted in conspiracy theory, missing person, the skeptical folklorist, unsolved mysteries and tagged brandon swanson, conspiracy theories, missing persons, unsolved mysteries on September 8, 2015 by roianna. The case of Brandon Victor Swanson is one of them. Maybe his Phone, or Someone else called the parents saying Something worrying. 2.30 am (approx) 47 minutes into this particular phone call, Brandon suddenly exclaimed Oh shit! and went silent for the rest of the call. Because his father taught hearing a footstep slipping away. Ive been following this story since it happened in 2008. In spite of all the searches using state of the art equipment and techniques, and all of the theories and hours of investigations and searches, we are still no closer to knowing what occurred that night, or where Brandon Swanson is now. As you say, its all very odd. The Mysterious Men in Black and Their Equally Weird Cars, Lab-Grown Human Mini Brains Are Being Developed for Biocomputers, Strange Accounts of Dwarf Aliens and their Apocalyptic Messages from Mexico, Heres How You Can Study One of the Largest Collections of Sasquatch Footprint Castings Online. As you say, it wouldnt explain the phone call, but it might explain the lack of evidence. I know this will sound a bit harsh, insensitive and maybe far-fetched (but what other theory isnt? The body found had gone missing 91 days before. Also, how about an abandon well? An hour later, he called police when he ran out . As well as trying to call their son, Brian and Annette Swanson continued to look for any sign of Brandon or his car. In March 2010, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) became the lead investigating agency on the case..The BCA received 75 tips from March 2010 May 2013.. 1.54 am Swanson called his parents, Annette and Brian Swanson, and told them that hed got his car stuck in a ditch, he was uninjured and asked could they pick him up, which they agreed to. But there are a couple of issues with this theory, largely revolving around the phone call. Whatever the reason for his disappearance, Im very curious to know as of what happened to him from that fateful night he went missing. The last official search was conducted in October 2011, and age-progressed photos have also been distributed in the hope that somebody may recognise him. I know its 2008 technology, but was he and his parents familiar with the area? I pretty sure Brandons alive and well. He had driven off the road, was intoxicated, and was trying to figure out where he was when the call cut off. Its interesting you mention the smiley face murders actually, as Ive only just come across those and find them fascinating. More than one. Not long after this there was a series of cryptic messages, which read HELP LOL OUR, another saying what stood aloof, and the last reading, Eldridge bro. After that there were no further communications and all efforts to call or message Michael remained unanswered. Swanson is a 2007 graduate of Marshall High School. he disappears May 14, 2008 and is found March 15, 2015. Yes, that is another mystery. It was released in 2019 and as of the time of writing is only 2 years old so still an extremely useful tool for us to have. On the subject of the phone call, a huge question here is why the phone call was ended. Im certain he found him and dealt with Brandon that night. His parents left the house and began driving to pick up Brandon, at the same time speaking with him on his mobile phone to determine exactly where he was. I would like to know how exactly the call was ended. The next day the car was found 20 miles from where the parents where looking for him just sounds crazy none of them knew the area where they lived . Did he ever say anything during the call about his cell phone battery? A number of other theories have been considered, including the idea that Brandon might have hidden in an abandoned structure to escape the cold and then succumbed to hypothermia, or that he was attacked by an animal and taken away. He remains missing. Apparently had gotten confused about his location. However, it is not likely. I looked over all the stories on Brandons disappearance, and none of it makes sense. . They called Brandon and asked him to explain where he was, but even when they arrived at where he claimed to be they were unable to locate him, even after they both unsuccessfully tried flashing their headlights in order to try and hone in on each others locations. It has been named Brandons Law. The statistics are mainly from the FBIs website. Authorities were also a bit perplexed, as the route Brandon had been traveling was very familiar to him and that he had always taken a very specific route to and from school each day, so it was a mystery as to how he could have gotten so hopelessly lost and how his car had ended up so far off of that path. My mom spoke with Brandons dad when he was calling land owners for permission to search. The series of events leading to his disappearance near Bronte, Texas, appeared wholly contradictory. To me James the father left a lot of information out..Him and mom should be checked out more thoroughly.. Yet again, the main problem with these theories is that of evidence or, more specifically, the big fat lack of it. I do feel that the evidence maybe suggests the solution might not be as cut and dry as that, but as Ive said previously, at this point there is so little to go on that one theory is probably as valid as another. So he didnt crash it, he took a turn too hard skid and stopped. 68 west of Taunton, MN..Knowing Rt. In the morning, Swanson's parents reported him missing to police, . She continued to party anyway, and was last seen leaving the party after midnight with two men, one of whom was dropped off and the other with who she went to his house in the nearby town of Berea, just off US Highway 421. Just before the Oh Shit, Brandon said Not another fence, his Dad heard him climb a fence then seconds Oh Shit the sound of him slipping on rocks was at the same time. And I hope answers can be found too, for the sake of Brandon Swansons poor family. He was travelling from Canby to Marshall and for some reason thought he was all the way down in Lynd.WTF?!?!?!?? The result? Another theory suggests Brandon Swanson may have orchestrated his own disappearance. . Brandon Lawson, 26, vanished along a desolate stretch of State Highway 277 outside of San Angelo, Texas which is about 250 mile southwest of Dallas on Aug. 9, 2013, according to the San Angelo Standard-Times.On Friday, those closest to Lawson announced that a private team of . In NC a lot of cistrens abandoned Wells are filled in with rocks sometimes over years the shaft opens more rocks fall and now you have a deathtrap waiting. His car was found 1 1/2 miles from Rt. 14th May 2008Midnight (approx) Swanson left the get-together in Canby shortly after midnight. Words can cut u too the bone, and are hard to forgive. Who ever is taking those pictures with him frustrated, hes not happy with that person. Also, if someone had just offered to give him a lift home, why would he swear at all? Its a good question, as potentially that wouldve ruled out a lot of scenarios. The man she had been with, whose identity has been withheld, was questioned and he told authorities that he had stepped out, leaving Brookelyn alone on the proch smoking a cigarette, and that when he had come home at 7AM the living room was on fire. It is not plausible that he drowned, because they would have found his body somewhere downstream. When he was 19 years old in 2008, he crashed his car driving home from a party. And that was the last time anybody heard anything from Brandon Swanson. Source: North American Missing Persons Network Perhaps the creepiest story of the bunch, 19-year-old, Brandon Swanson was driving home at night in 2008 when his car crashed into a ditch. It is possible that Brandon was murdered in some way, possibly by another person from the party? 19-year-old Brandon Swanson disappeared in the early hours of the 14th of May 2008 whilst driving home in Minnesota, USA. I cant understand why Brandon wouldnt just shut his car door as hes walking to meet his parents, though Im sure theres a simple explanation its something I feel a little hung up on, something that gives me pause for thought. I suppose because theres such a lack of hard evidence/information about what actually happened, then there are a number of theories which may fit the facts as they stand, and this could well be one of them. They went looking for Brandon, but were unable to find . I therefore do not rule out other motives which might be at play here. So, they threw it in the river. The vehicle was stuck in a shallow ditch as Brandon had claimed. Note: As a result of these events, a new law has been introduced. Im scared. Not long after this there was another text message that reversed this alarm and said, Never mind, Im okay. The episode starts with Dave reading a few letters from the mailbag. The tone is so important it would tell so much. In 2008, in a rural area especially, its unlikely that pinging a cell phone would help. Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved completely within one year. If his dad had run him off and he did leave then he wouldnt be afraid to call his mom..At least to tell her he was OK.. Hello) I was thinking, possibly he stated oh ####.then hung up. I know the city like the back of my hand. Instead, it sounds like something added to give the impression of something happening, rather than something actually happening. That makes no sense, even if he was lost. And I very much hope his parents will one day find out what happened too. Possibly. and also, hes in teh middle of nowhere, midnight, lost. Assuming his phone was on and operational the police couldve called his carrier and started a trace. Mine tends to do that, randomly at times. Thanks for your comment Jerry, and I agree that is yet another very strange aspect of this case. Good information, Darrin. If someone was going to disappear, why make things seem mysterious by saying that? If he just noticed it was about to die, that might be why he said oh shit and didnt call back. On March 20, 2009, almost a year after his disappearance, the Marshall Independent reported that Jeff Haase of Search Rescue and Recovery Resources of Minnesota was the new search organizer for the Swanson family. If you look at google maps, you see that al the rivers have an ending, so if he was drowned in the river they had find him already. If you believe you have important information regarding Brandon Swansons disappearance or his whereabouts, I urge you to contact Lincoln Countys Sheriffs Department on (507) 694-1664. Welcome to Weeknight Mysteries where we talk about mind-boggling, head-scratching, and eerie mysteries. The last official search was conducted in October 2011, and age-progressed photos have also been distributed in the hope that somebody may recognise him. GPS/Location trackers on cellphones at the time also could have been used, a simple google search would have gave him an option to locate his location. Read Content. what if someone was walking likea hitchhiker or someone was also pulled over with their car off and he didnt notice them and when brandon flashed his lights to see if his parents could see him. They loose control its easy to do when speeding and takes tight turns. I believe the likelihood of Swansons disappearance as a result of foul play is slim and the only thing that makes me doubt this is the car door being open. Even his schoolfriends of the party where he went before missing, do they even search in his local network to find more evidence?? Theories. As you say, hopefully one day Brandons family will have some answers. He had been with his fiance, Ladessa Lofton, for the last ten years and the couple had three children. Police were able to find the young mans car, but it was nowhere near where he had told his parents it had been. The law requires Minnesota police to begin an immediate search for missing adults under 21, as well as older adults who are missing under suspicious circumstances. Then, at approximately 12:54 Brandon Lawson would make a very odd call to 911. Pingback: Brandon Swanson Sleuth Be Told. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). I think Brandons mom would do anything for Brandon. Kyle then called Ladessa to and asked her to leave out a can of gas for him to come and pick up, which he went to do at around 12:45 with his own girlfriend, Audrey. Brandon had mentioned passing fences and hearing nearby water, his father recalled. I dont think its that odd. During The Initial Search, One Officer Allegedly Said Swanson 'Had A Right To Be Missing' After a fruitless night of searching for her son, Annette Swanson called police around 6:30 am to report him missing. I live in Russia. A few particular details that are strange: 1) The road from Canby to Lynd is a highway, well-known to and often traveled by Brandon. As explained by Minnesota's Unsolved Cases, it is possible that the teen left the area on his own and is now living under a new identity. Thats crazy!!! This of course leaves 1% of cases that arent solved. Her saying that is huge. Or maybe there is a single cause of all this that we just dont know about yet? Has witness protection ever been thought about? At around 12:30 AM he called Kyle to tell him that he had run out of gas out on the highway and needed fuel. Noteworthy accomplishments: South-West Conference champions in 2011, the Green Wave advanced in 2012 to the state Class LL tournament semifinals. He seems to have just vanished into thin air. amazing case. More recently is the spooky case of 18-year-old Brookelyn Farthing, of Madison County, Kentucky, in the United States. And thats not accounting for if the phone had fallen into the water would the call of continued or would it have cut off due to the water damage?The same theory is often mentioned in the disappearance ofTrevor Deely(Dublin, Ireland, 2000) and at the time a technology expert was consulted about if a phone would continue to call if it had fallen into the water. As has been asked so many times in this case- why? Perhaps this paragraph was with the wrong story OR theyre bad at math OR this line doesnt go with this paragraph OR theyre talking about something Im unaware of. Shortly after 2:00 a.m., Swanson suddenly swore and the call ended abruptly. Swanson had just completed a year-long technical school programme in wind energy. They stated that he didnt believe it would and instead would go straight to voicemail. Unsolved disappearance of Brandon Swanson,,,,,,,, Missing Brandon Swanson Discover: True Crime Whipped Owl. Just as with the case of Elisa Lam in Los Angeles, there seem to be more questions than answers. Such a sad case. His parents said that they couldnt anything either. @Scott..I have to agree with you..If Brandons parents were out looking for their son..Why would the mother want to stop and go home and the father having to turn around and go back out looking again?, especially since he wasnt supposed to be that far from home..Perhaps dad was taking mom home after she had left Brandens car on the side of the road..The cell phone info from Brandons phone would put you in a location of where he was that night..And dads cellphone would also tell you were he was that night..This is a great tool for investigators now..Dads story just makes no sense..Far to many holes in it..And nothing really said about anything.. Usually in a situation like this close relatives would be the first to be questioned/ruled out, so I assume that his father was, although as you say there isnt much information on this at all so its not actually that clear. I moved 400 miles from home. Has he been questioned about his statements given to the authorities? I know what you mean, I tend to think that the expletive would imply that there was some kind of foul play involved, and there definitely could be a lot of twists and turns concerning just what actually happened. He added, I think time favors the search, Hasse said. Once the snow of winter had melted, search efforts resumed again over spring before farmers planted their crops. When I got lost it was because I turned 1 light too early, but its a route I have taken many, many times. To me, these things say that his vehicle was possibly staged. I wonder if he didnt plan to runaway and start life new somewhere. Reflecting on the last decade, however, those closest to the investigation and search efforts remain hopeful that concrete . Search teams have worked diligently to cover the 140-square mile area of interest, but some landowners have refused to allow access to search parties working to find Swanson, missing since 2008 . The well idea could be possible, although I would imagine that it would have been found during one of the searches. It is not known why he went there, and he had not mentioned it to Melissa or anyone else. His father tried to call him back several times, but never got an answer. An answer might be that Brandon dropped the phone, causing the battery to fall out and so ending the call that way. No age progression image can be 100% perfect but it does help us to imagine the missing person as they could possibly present now and makes us aware that they wont look exactly like the pictures first used after their disappearance. Really looking forward to an explanation and hoping beyond the odds that the guy is somehow okay. What Happened to Brandon Swanson? But let me back up. Aleister Crowley. Let's take the case of Brandon Swanson. It would be even worse out in the middle of nowhere where there are no lights, it is literally black all around when you are out in the area where he was. 1.The disappearance of Brandon Swanson. The idea that the lights he saw were a drug deal isnt likely. The temperature at the time of his disappearance was 46 F, or 8 degrees Celsius, and dropped to 39 F, or 4 degrees Celsius. What is known is that at around 4 AM, Brookelyn called her cousin to come pick her up from the house, but as the cousin had had too much to drink, she couldnt. No clues. . Or for that matter his parents couldve taken upon themselves to contact his carrier and start a trace/ping on his phone. According to witness reports, there was alcohol at the party, and . This brings me to another theory that I want to keep under this category as theyre both similar. Me and my dad was fighting over my mom helping me with money all the time. And until more evidence/answers come to light, thats probably exactly how itll stay a mystery. He said that he knew which direction to head in as he could see what looked like the lights of a town. In 2009, Brandon's Law was passed that expands the Minnesota state's missing children's law to include adults under 21 who go missing under dangerous circumstances. If something dangerous was imminent, it seems unlikely that Brandon would actually hang up the phone. Specifically, their National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics pages. Brandon Swanson, 19, was last seen on 5/14/08 in Canby, Minnesota. He hid in some out of the way place/makeshift shelter that became his final resting place by accident. This requires police in Minnesota to begin immediate searches for missing adults under the age of 21, as well as any older adults who have been reported missing where there are suspicious circumstances. 6.30 am Brian and Annette Swanson attempted to report Brandon as missing to local law enforcement but were advised to wait as this type of behaviour was not unusual for young men. Did he have reasons to leave? Brandon Swanson, a 22-year-old marketing consultant from the US, has been missing since early January. References, Your email address will not be published. When Brandon Lawson vanished in 2013, it left authorities baffled and his family in shambles. Very odd no matter what happened. This to me sounds like a fatal accident. 2012 record: 6-8-2. I was thinking exactly what Shannon was thinking. Nineteen year old Brandon Swanson lived in Marshall, Minnesota with his parents. Brandon's Law, named for Swanson, was passed later in 2008. Did someone else move the car to the area it was found at? Its definitely a possibility, and would fit the admittedly few facts that we do know for sure. the minute brandon decided to walk on his own, the person/people start following him. Here we will look at some cases of the mysteriously vanished who made sinister mysterious calls and messages right before they stepped off into oblivion to never be seen again. Luc Picard, David La Haye, Sandrine Bisson. Thank you for your comment. On March 12, 2009, Brian and Annette Swanson spoke before the House to help expand the Minnesota's Missing Children's Act so it can help missing and endangered adults.The law requires Minnesota police to begin an immediate search for missing adults under 21, as well as older adults who are missing under suspicious circumstances. He attended a small gathering at a house, where it is said that there was alcohol, however, Brandon did not appear to be drunk. His parents couldnt find him because they were 20 miles away. Confessions of a Hitman (Confessions) Luc Picard. Im a volunteer firefighter and we deal with a lot of car vs ditch simple reason Im in the marine town of New Bern craven county and the Marines do not know how to drive on gravel roads. May 12-15, 2011 Searches: The plan for the May 12-14 searches was to detail - search by HRD canine as many fields as possible in the area surrounding Mud Creek. I dont live in the area (or in the states) but after looking on google maps, about where his car was found (Lyon Lincoln road, Porter/Taunton highw 68). At around 2am Brandon and his father were on the phone to each other, with Brandon desperately trying to direct his father to where he was, and Brandons father equally desperately trying to locate his son. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. The basics are this: Brandon was in a fight with his long term girlfriend, Ladessa, and . NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! At the time of Swansons disappearance, the water had been around 10 feet high but had reduced by the time the search started.Later searchesAfter the initial searches yielded no sign of Swanson or his whereabouts, the investigation hit a block with no real direction to move forward in. brandon is 55 130 pounds, he doesnt stand a chance. Matthew then left at around 4:30 AM, and this is where things get weird. The law took effect in Minnesota in the July of 2009, whilst four other states have also passed laws similar in nature. The phone call would sometimes cut off or dip out for a while but they would call again and the conversation would continue.Brandon eventually gave up with this tactic and told his parents he was going to walk towards the lights he could see in the distance, assuming them to be from the small town of Lynd. Your email address will not be published. Wondering what his actual tone was. (Im sure someone with more expertise than me in US law may well be able to give more information on this). Like i said i dont want to make my judgement by being offensive, but the only evidence whe have is the 47 min phone call with Brian Swanson the fatherbut i find it hard to judge suspects, but in this case it seems everybody in that area (including the parents) is a suspect to my calculation by now. Many times in this case- why to do when speeding and takes turns! Or anyone else events leading to his disappearance near Bronte, Texas, appeared wholly contradictory tournament! In a shallow ditch as Brandon had claimed a friend & # x27 ; s take the of. Not mentioned it to Melissa or anyone else disappear, why make things seem mysterious by saying?... Laws similar in nature of 2009, whilst four other States have also passed laws similar in nature,.: Brandon was murdered in some way, possibly by another person from the party, i. 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