I didnt know it but he had turned one of the Mafia buildings, which were shut down, into a church for the Kingdom of God! This account can be found in her book entitled Diary of Signs and Wonders. The anticipation began to mount concerning what God had in store for the world starting in St. Louis. He had sandy brown hair parted neatly at the top of HIs head draping down His head in waves that came to His shoulders. This has been one the greatest privileges in experiencing David E. Taylors ministry with Jesus. Suddenly, there He was with eyes glowing full of love. Do not miss this moment! I was about to marry the wrong person and it could have destroyed the plans God had for my life. When I arrived in Charleston, SC, during the summer time He met me again in my sleep to explain to me what was on His heart and what He was looking for. As I watched the third tape, Pastor Benny started teaching about how when this double portion impartation comes upon you that you receive the power like Elisha did, causing the missing axe head of someone who has lost Gods power to retain it again. God uses dreams to preserve nations. When I entered the room and started watching Pastor Benny, he was right in the middle of talking to Joan Geason who used to work with Kathryn Kuhlman. I didnt lay a hand on a single one! Suddenly I was with Him in the air above a church. I knew that they were books written by God of His plans and His purposes for everyones life who had ever been born or who would be born. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phillipians 4:8. Even the man who owned this building is in jail this very moment. During this period I prayed and asked the Lord to give me whatever it was that Kathryn Kuhlman had. Face to Face Appearances from Jesus ~ The Ultimate Intimacy, My Trip to Heaven ~ Face to Face with Jesus, The Ancient Biblical Move of Face to Face, How the Lord Brought the Healing Ministry to David E. Taylor, David E. Taylor Award from President Obama. What most people do not understand is that God has all of our lives written down in books from the beginning to the end of what His plans and purposes are for our lives. From observing His character in other face-to-face appearances to me, I didnt sense in Jesus disposition that everything was alright like at other times Hes visited me. It was the pastor I was staying with. I knew He wanted to pour this out on His church fully but could not. Then He said to me, calling my name with the most loving and gentlest tone in His voice saying, David Im giving you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, then He went on to say Whatsoever you bind on Earth I Jesus will back you up and whatsoever you loose I the Lord Jesus will back you up. This appearance from Jesus was given to me during the time of the other appearances of inspection in 1997 concerning the things I needed to change. During that time, before Jesus shed His blood to put us back into right standing with the Father, no man could see God and live because of sin. Where Is Apostle David Taylor Now? Earlier, we used Solomons experience as an example of this. Face to Face Appearances from Jesus ~ The Ultimate Intimacy, My Trip to Heaven ~ Face to Face with Jesus, The Ancient Biblical Move of Face to Face, How the Lord Brought the Healing Ministry to David E. Taylor, David E. Taylor Award from President Obama. I was comfortable with Gods dealings with me personally through these visitations and dreams. We love you and expect Gods blessings and favor to invade your life! Register Exciting Breaking News! In the magazine that we published called Prophecy to America I shared how this attack was the beginning of a strategically planned war by Russia through terrorists. Most people believe that in order to have a close relationship on this face to face level that He requires absolute perfection from us but that is not the case at all. Was revealed that he had been given what Moses had or a ministry similar to Moses in a face to face appearance from Jesus during sleep 2007. Jesus can appear to us and we can look on His face (John 1:14). And when I saw Him stop walking, then I stopped. Hello Precious Friends! I dont know if it was an out of body experience, even though it seemed like it. As I looked into His eyes I could see the level of trust I had not seen toward me before. I didnt feel any overwhelming power or cloud all around me. Men who have never seen Jesus along with leaders who already have experienced face-to-face visitations have noticed an increase in their personal visitations from the Lord Jesus in dreams and in the open broad day light. He was followed by Sharon, then Antonio, Angela, Richard, Marilyn, then David, Zondra and Christopher. America has provided for many immigrants, a place of freedom and refuge from famine, disease, hunger, war, starvation and a place of safety from the abuse of dictatorship. Contact Apostle David E. Taylor Contact Us Get Connected or Send a Prayer It is Apostle Taylor's heart that you would come into true intimacy with Jesus and learn the truth of your kingdom identity, face to face! This church believed in the Holy Spirit although David was too young to understand what was really going on. It was total ecstasy, indescribable, blistering with ecstatic eruption! One of my college roommates thought I was weird locking myself up in the closet for three days and not coming out. This was my first time ever reading that story in the Bible. He still was not truly real to me, only a religious opinion. When this drop fell from His finger it spray or sprinkled into drops of rain onto the people when this hit the audience on to the people, the whole crowd erupted in spontaneous praises. As a matter of fact it is the opposite. I did it in secret! There He was, the One I had heard about growing up. God Bless You When she called for those who wanted to be used and have the power of God on their lives I came down from the balcony like the others to the front of the coliseum. All those who sought your life to kill you were dead or in jail. So I preached the message God gave me from this dream! August 13, 2022 2 Mins Read David E. Taylor is a pastor at the Joshua Media Ministries International (JMMI), who was accused of operating a cult-like ministry. When I have been summoned I have been taken to various places and different setting throughout the years. This is one major reason why I have written a book, because God has shown me things concerning Americas future through dreams so that Americans can be preserved from the devastation of war! His humility was so shocking to me. I understood that God left it blank for us to live the life we chose. This great authority and all great authority is released from the Lord in our lives when we come into an intimate knowledge of the Son of God through a relationship with the Lord personally. Multiple masses of people gave their lives to the Lord in salvation. Until this very day, the pastor who invited me there has told me that the bars are still closed and they have not been able to build the jail system or police station again. It was December 1989, during the Christmas season. I fell fast asleep one night, about five to seven days before Christmas Eve. He desires real relationship with you!! He then showed me how a lot of His leaders and pastors where preaching His word but doing it lying down instead of standing up! The decisions we made would be written down on the right side of the book. Your dreams are important messages from God! When Jesus looked at me, I knew what He wanted without Him using or moving His mouth. He wanted her to explain when she saw electricity manifest in the service and what happened to the man who was healed. Dreams of warnings and admonition are not to frighten, scare or speak doom against this country but to save her and deliver her from the coming danger. He has introduced the Lord Jesus Christ to me in a way that i could never emagine would be possible!! Something greater than the world has ever known is coming the electrics of God are coming, the thunders of God are coming, the promise of power is coming! WATCH LIVE NOW Live This video is private WATCH MORE LIVE STREAMING CONTENT One Night With The King Testing Post1 The Lord told David E. Taylor that miracles were going to happen. Then Kathryn Kuhlman said: All of you that want the power of God and Glory of God on your life come down here to the front and get it. And to my amazement there was a line of people who came down and stood in front of her and she ministered to them. This dream was pivotal to the success of my life and destiny. His eyes are so striking that when He looks at you, they penetrate through your very being, character and nature. Nevertheless, I went from the couch in the living room and went and sat on the edge of his bed. In this dream, there stood Jesus as I have described. They told her if she didnt step down they would set her up like she stole money. This man walked in great power even in his older days when I met him. 2006 ~ The Father Appears in Rainbow Fire, Jesus Appears on Stage in Taylor, MI [Photo], Jesus Walks the Streets of Chicago ~ 2007, Jesus Appearing In The Services working with David E. Taylor, Jesus Working with David E. Taylor During Services. God was basically trying to show me that I was walking in a double portion level of His Spirit and power. Instead He left the choice up to me and The Almighty Son of God was looking for a man to do this. Then finally something drastic transpired while I was in college. They did not have anyone there who could quite understand what the Lord was doing with me. And He wrote with this finger, in this golden ink in script writing (cursive) that said: This Is Your Day! And then I awoke out of the dream. Miracles, signs, and wonders are manifested in each of his services as a . God gave me this warning for America, not to pronounce doom on her but to give wisdom and instruction of what to do so that she will be preserved as a Nation. He has established a 24/7/365 Dream interpretation phone line (1-877-843-4567) to help you understand the dreams you dream! God has been speaking through dreams since the beginning of time! It is only, here, on earth that you need them. Seeing how this Man of God grow up. One day Evangelist Schaffer said to me, David, you remind me of this man of God that Ive been reading about lately named Benny Hinn. At this time in my life I had never heard of Benny Hinn. Before he could even begin teaching, Jesus stepped in and miracles broke out as the power of God flowed throughout the room! David E. Taylor is first and foremost, a friend of Jesus Christ, which allows him to serve in all the five-fold ministry offices as an apostle. In 1997 The Lord began to confirm this prophetic word through a dream by Kenneth E. Hagin in his summer camp meeting when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him for one and half hours to prophesy the end-time move and where it would begin. I just knew I wanted God like that inside and on my life! In this trip he explains how Jesus walked him around Heaven and allowed him to talk to many people who once lived on earth who have now passed such as Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Kuhlman and many more! I love you Apostle!!! He mentioned that St. Louis was the place where the last greatest move of God would take place. Do not dismiss them or neglect them. David E. Taylor is a man of prayer and has trained prayer warriors to stand in faith with you and agree for the impossible to become possible! This happened 10 to 11 years ago! Tune in Via Continue reading Special Announcement from Shutaway by Apostle Taylor The Lord allowed me, through grace, to prophetically speak of this event before it actually happened to a number of people. Before he left Memphis, my mother had seen a teaching by Benny Hinn called the Double Portion Anointing and felt led to send those video tapes with him to give to me. He arose from the bed healed. I said to myself, Ive got to have the Lord surrounding me and inside me in that dimension and in that way. So right at that moment I put the book down and cried out to the Lord saying, I want this!. After these miraculous regional transformations, the Lord kept doing mighty things. God used that dream by His grace, to communicate to me my future. I didnt know how to totally use them. Taylor police agreed to assist, classifying it as a mental health commitment. Tune into the Special Virtual Online Concert With Tye Tribbett. As He said those words I knew that He was talking about the same set of keys of the Kingdom that He gave Peter as a result of the Father revealing to him who Jesus was. I was captivated by His love. All I know is that I was immediately with Jesus suspended in air, hovering in one place. We told her, You need to release these people, theyre healed. Sadly to say though, she mentioned how that if all those people were emptied out of the hospital from being healed that she wouldnt get a paycheck. Then He gave me instruction to correct and rebuke this in His house. The Lord also said to loose a new bridge to be built from St. Louis over to this area. He was born in a family of nine children. Its like we went walking together as friends. As we stood there, He said nothing to me. He saw the woman evangelist, Kathryn Kuhlman standing there with a glory cloud surrounding her and her face shining through the mist. Before God Started Your Life, He Finished It! That evening we were scheduled to be with another church for a 7:00 p.m. service that was three hours away. While at this church he received and confessed Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and was baptized in water as a little boy around 12 years of age. Apostle David E. Taylor is a master dream interpreter and dream officer. I dont know where this service was being heldI just knew that I was there way up in the balcony. For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not, In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of me, and dealeth their instruction. ~ Job 33:14-16. This was a powerful church called Victory Church of God in Christ where Robert Coaxman was the pastor and founder. They go through a lot. His experience and description of his trip to Heaven that the Lord allowed him in the year 2000 has captured the hearts of many. No man can make something like this happen! They were full of love, light and power. Well, Evangelist Schaffer and her husband were long time members of this awesome church with her mother and other sisters who really took care of me as a young teenager away from home while in college! Well, three months after the Lord had me use these keys, President Bill Clinton in 1999 goes to Brooklyn and gives the mayor 3 million dollars exactly like the Lord had me proclaim with the Keys of the Kingdom. Recent information through a dream was brought to David E. Taylors attention that this revival would actually take place between the years of 2008 and 2012. This is what happens with many young people and adults when they initially follow Christ. The unusual thing about these books was that they were not written like earthly natural books. The next interesting thing during this visitation in heaven was my curiosity of everyone elses books. After him sharing this, a revival broke out at this church and God began to call people from all corners of St. Louis as well as others states to this inner-city church. Not just in our miracle crusades where multiple people were healed of various diseases such as, tumors, deafness, dumbness, blindness and lameness from crippling diseases, we saw even much more in what Im about to tell you. The life we choose to live versus the one God has ordained for us to live, before the foundation of the world, is recorded in a book. 1-877-THE-GLORY (843-4567) | @2020 Joshua Media Ministries, Int'l. However, I have received from God through his life, what God has sent him to America for! Just months earlier, I was interviewed on the Sid Roth show concerning the Prophecy to America that the Lord had given me for this country. Years later, I wondered, for what reason would He come like this? Joseph Temple under the leadership of Bishop and Pastor Cannon. I saw the pastor of the church preaching lying flat on his back. He was a man with a personality and He was standing in front of me! Every time His robe looks more glorious to me. Now while I was in college at Johnson and Wales University studying to become a chef, we stayed in rooms that were more like apartments than regular college dorm rooms. For the first time, I was standing in front of Jesus. And no they dont always have to be your enemy like the Midianites were to Gideon. The whole world will know who DAVID E. TAYLOR is!! By this time I had walked with the Lord for seven full years intensely through hundreds of hours of prayer and fasting in my communion with Him I felt so humbled that the King of the Universe would come to me and entrust me with the keys to His whole Kingdom. Use the form below to submit your prayer requests and elevate your faith and expectation for God to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think, according to the power that works within us! Preparing Women to Fulfill Their Destiny & Purpose in Gods End Time Army! My friend, who and what I am talking about is not just some religious myth, opinion or fairy-tale. These submarines released nuclear missiles against the U.S. These appearance that started as visitations and encounters from Jesus happened through dreams, visions, and in the bright open day while I was wide-awake. Another such incident happened after these keys were given to me in Brooklyn, Illinois. Instead of doing what I did previously as an unsaved young man, my hunger, desire and thirst for Jesus increased. In this dream during my sleep it was revealed and told to me that because there was so many sick people in America the Lord has called me to stand on the forefront with the healing ministry. It is Apostle Taylors heart that you would come into true intimacy with Jesus and learn the truth of your Kingdom identity, face to face! This is "Apostle David E. Taylor - Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur 2021 - Trailer" by David E. Taylor on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the I saw a U.S. Army truck exploding as the nuclear bombs hit our nation. Currents of electricity went through me! In 2016, he appeared in court regarding charges of financial corruption. It was an intimate moment to me with Him and one of the most special times of my whole life in this face to face relationship that I ever had. Jesus stood in midair very quietly, dressed in a beautiful white robe. Little did she know that it would not only encourage me but it would revolutionize my life from that moment on and introduce me to a relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit that I never knew existed at that time! I dont know how He does that. When He looks at you with those eyes, He knows everything about you and nothing is hid from Him. Around the same time, many of the Mafia clubs and illegal establishments were completely shut down! There I saw many large books that contained writings of everyones life. God has been speaking through dreams since the beginning of time! Until reading this book by Pastor Benny this type of manifestation experience was something talked about as a relic of the past during the time of Moses. In this dream, I was in a mass coliseum miracle service with Kathryn Kuhlman. The mayor heard of how the Lord was beginning to transform regions through the ministry He gave me. Call in and choose a free message out of 5 powerful new teachings that David E. Taylor just released! So I did. The year of 1997 was a series of visitations from the Lord to me after a long time of fasting and asking Him to judge me and inspect me. We love you and expect Gods blessings and favor to invade your life! A dream was given to me by God in my sleep after this three day fast on Sunday morning in 1991. My whole being felt like it was caught up into Heaven. Throughout the years I have been walking with the Lord, He has used dreams to teach me a number of times and answer hard questions for me. After leaving home to go to college at the age of 18, the Lord continued to communicate to me in dreams by appearing to me in them. Nothing more, nothing less. I also felt overwhelmed just being able to walk along with Him side by side. Many in America have been greatly blessed by his ministry, including myself. The Messiah! Make the difference in your life by calling in and connecting with God, Face to Face! This encounter, one night, in 1989 changed the course of my life forever! This is just one example of how I started having dreams of destiny and impartation concerning the present ministry the Lord has called me to in the miracle ministry! First and foremost, Pastor Taylor loves God and desires to fulfill His will in the earth today! America has provided a place where the nations of the world can see their dreams come alive by being able to pursue them through the liberty that reigns in this land. It was the voice of Jesus. To confirm the seriousness of this dream and that God had answered my prayer of giving me what Kathryn Kuhlman had, we had a glorious service that morning at Victory C.O.G.I.C. David was born on August 3, 1972, in Memphis, Tennessee, United States of America. He has established a 24/7/365 Dream interpretation . Who was I that the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords would come and appear to me like this after I had lived such a riotous, worldly and sinful life? His words were not long but they were short. They are used by God to give us answers or teach us things that we otherwise could not have learned from anyone else or through our normal study of the Word. He was very quiet. Jesus told David that through His face-to-face covenant and friendship with him, that this would allow those who have never had a face-to-face appearance from Jesus in a dream or while awake to start experiencing Him in this way, for the purpose of deepening their intimacy with Him and revealing His divine purpose and destiny for their lives. After this I awoke out of the dream. His eyes were filled with so much love as when He always appeared to me but this time it was more of a love mixed with an increased trust. If you desire the honor of hosting David E. Taylor for your upcoming conferences, seminars, or meetings, please thoroughly complete the form below and a member of his executive staff will get back with you as soon as possible. Suddenly I realized He really did all this in my life just because of the relationship that He and I had developed. I know it was Jesus the Son of God, who was standing in front of me, face to face. This was a notable mass miracle and my whole staff was astonished including the doctors and nurses of that place. God will give you dreams concerning different scriptures and different biblical stories that are mentioned in the Bible, even when you havent read it yet. How sad in America are the pharmaceutical companies who hold people in bondage with medicines and drugs just so they can live off of other peoples illnesses, subtly taking advantage of them. This angel of the Lord said to him that this latter rain outpouring that would start in St. Louis (the center of America), would last for seven full years and after then would spread around the world. I knew this was the hand of God! The Lord does require us to live a holy and righteous life but our relationship with Him is not based totally (I must say this with balance) on how righteous we are or can be but because He is righteous. Feel free to call us at 1-877-843-4567. The story about his face shining like a light bulb after coming off the mountain as a result of spending time with God had a special place in my study and heart. Because I was very close to him, I got word he wanted me to come to the hospital and pray for him. David Taylor Height He stands at a height of 5 feet 8 inches tall. After this I awoke. He then instructed me in this visitation to intercede for His pastors and leaders. What is David E Taylor's net worth? Jesus then pointed out another problem He was displeased with. I didnt tell anyone about this fast. Nothing was said at this point. He desires real relationship with you!! From 1989 until this point which wouldve equaled to about two and a half years, He took me through the discipleship stage, but now my life and walk with Him was taking on a drastic turn into Him commissioning me to be His servant. This was His humility and meekness I was seeing, but I didnt understand it then. 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