Not sure where to start, or how to pick a Training Max? Then with control, return them to their starting position. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions. Focus on squeezing and flexing your biceps as you resist the band tension, holding for the prescribed time. Option to use a rope, single arm handle, EZ-bar/v-bar, or straight bar attachment unless specified. Then, raise your body back up to the start position by actively contracting your hamstrings. Set up in a modified pushup position with forearms and knees on the ground. Hold that position for prescribed amount of time. ), set up in your competition style (regular) bench press. Place your forearm on the ground with your elbow directly under your shoulder, then raise your hips off the ground. Repeat the movement in reverse (up the front, arms abduct to a T shape, then back down to your sides). Can also be programmed as an isometric hold, in which case you would maintain your top position for the prescribed amount of time. Maintain position as best as possible during the pause. Grab the band with a double overhand grip. I signed up for Stronger by the Day to test it for one month, and now, almost six months later, Im still a member because I love the programming. Laying on your back, raise arms overhead and extend hands and feet, creating a starfish position. Press into the block. Continue dipping down until your shoulders are at or below your elbows, as comfortable, then press yourself back up by straightening your arms until you are back at the top. Begin performing curls with your banded arm for the prescribed reps, using a pronated (palm facing down) grip. See the demo link above for more detail, as an example of 3+3+3 Iso-Hold Lateral Raises. stack of textbooks). As you come back up, squeeze your front leg glute as you bring your rear foot forward to meet your front foot. Can be performed standing or seated, if not specified. Abduct the knees, and come back to the start position. Sit on the floor or a seated cable machine and hold a straight bar attachment with a wide overhand grip. In a half kneeling position (close knee on the floor), use a cable machine or a band and bring the handle to the torso. Option to scale up by to the modified (intermediate) variation by keeping your hands down by your side rather than overhead. Lower back down with control and repeat. Maintaining a fairly upright position, descend in a squat. Rather than fully contracting and reaching a tall, upright position between steps, perform a partial split squat repetition (this is the pulse), thentake the next steps while maintaining the low, engaged position, as if there were a low ceiling. The goal here is to push yourself on these sets to complete as many reps as you can with good technical consistency. Continue for the prescribed repetitions, then switch to the opposite arm/opposite leg. For your first time performing a set to a prescribed RPE, your goal should be to establish a baseline, evaluate how things felt on that set, and adjust as needed for subsequent sets or sessions if things felt easier or harder than the description. Close Grip Bench Press Feet Up; Neutral Grip DB press; Close Grip Push-Ups; Bench Dips; Chest Dips. Try to tuck your elbows in towards your ribs as you pull the bar down, better engaging your lats. So if you scored 4 seconds on your negative pull-up, then training calls for 4 sets of 2-second negatives. Try to pick a box where your elevated leg has no more than a 90-degree angle at the knee at the deepest position. Exercise sequencing is a single variable in our toolkit that we can manipulate to accumulate stress and fatigue before your heavy compound lifts (squat/bench/deadlift/OHP), which is directly in line with our goals for the cycle. Glute Ham Raises, Slider Hamstring Curls, Any Hamstring Curl or Hamstring Isolation machine; Other hamstring focused exercises (Glute Ham Raise, Romanian or Stiff-Leg Deadlift, etc.). Lie on your side with legs stacked and knees bent at a 45-degree angle. If you have a hard time elevating your hips off the ground, try elevating your hands on bumper plates to create a deficit. Place your closest foot on the box, and your other foot on the floor. For each prescribed repetition, perform a rep with a full range of motion, then perform an additional half rep (from the bottom until your elbows reach 90-degrees) thats considered one 1.5 rep. You should remain in constant tension here, not allowing the bar to rest on the chest at all. Keep the upper arms stationary, and curl the bar forward and up while contracting the biceps. You can opt to extend legs for a more difficult variation. Set up on an incline bench, or angle a flat bench with plates or blocks. Tighten the upper back, brace the core, then pull the band from the ground up to the hips. Any unilateral pulling or rowing movements (DB Rows, Cable Rows, Hammer Strength Rows); Lat Pull Over (DB or Cable); Vertical Pulling movements (Pull Ups, Chin Ups, Lat Pull Down); Horizontal Pulling movements (Barbell Rows, Inverted Rows, Chest Supported Rows, etc. Pancake Tacos w/ Grilled Peaches and Bacon By JamaRR Royster (@pancakegawd) Estimated Serving Size & Nutrition, Copyright 2018 STRONG STRONG FRIENDS. For air squats (bodyweight), check out our detailed breakdown in the Instagram TV video linked here. Strict Pull-Ups; Lat Pull Down, Assisted Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups, Negative Pull-Ups. Aim to raise the hips as high as possible with each rep.Keep ribs down and hips tucked, being sure not to get into a hyperextended spine position. I'm the founder of Strong Strong Friends, a coaching team that focuses on using strength to achieve health and fitness goals . Slowly descend for desired amount of time, doing your best to evenly distribute the tempo throughout the entire range of motion. I enjoy each of the training blocks and like knowing that everything in the program is there for a reason, and incorporating new exercises into my training has been easy and fun. If you do not have access to cables, you can perform these variations with bands. These can also be performed weighted by holding a DB or KB (goblet style), pair of DBs or KBs (at your sides), or holding a weighted book bag (worn on your back, held goblet style, or tucked to your chest). Can be performed with a rope, straight bar, or v-/ez-bar handle attachment. Bench Dips or Tricep Kickbacks). Maintain this position for the prescribed time. Lower yourself toward the ground as far as possible, aiming to keep the 90 degree angle. In these variations, you still press as explosively as possible and even aim for your hands to come off the ground, but you do not move them away from their position under your shoulders between reps. Set up a barbell in a squat rack at the same height as you would for a traditional back squat. These can also be prescribed isometrically as a Banded Front Raise Hold. This is a scaled version of the traditional Push-Up, and is one of our suggested variation (along with the Hands Elevated Push-Up) to develop broader pushing strength if unable to perform 6+ traditional push-ups. Continue in one direction for prescribed reps, and then reverse directions. Stand upright with your foot pinning down a long band, holding the loose end in one hand. Focus on keeping your ribs tucked down and continue pressing the low back into the floor. Box Jumps; Jump Squats; Medicine ball Throws; Belt Squats; Leg Press or Hack Squat. Hold this position, resisting the weight isometrically for the prescribed time. Curl Up: Lie on your back with one knee bent and the other extended on the floor. Can be performed on either a bench or on the floor, if not specified. Can also be programmed as a hold, in which case you would maintain your top position for the prescribed amount of time. Web Design Nottingham. If space is limited, perform these moving forwards and backwards rather than down a line. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions, then rest. Finally, step closer to the anchor until you are almost standing above the fixed point, and keep your upper arm directly by your torso perpendicular to the floor (position 3). Can be modified by performing on knees (scaled easier) or by elevating feet (scaled harder). Holding this deep squat throughout this keep this a challenging variation. Bend elbows to descend the torso, hips and chest to lower your chest, coming close to touching the elevated surface. This movement should be an explosive concentric contraction (pulling the bar from floor to chest), and controlled negative (slowly lowering the back back down). Control the descent and do not make contact with the ground. Continue for the prescribed number of repetitions. And Im proud of it. Squeeze your butt and drive your foot through the elevated surface, extending until your hips are in line with your torso. Hold a band in with both hands and extend arms in front of you. Keep your arms long throughout the repetition, allowing the band do add resistance as you squeeze your front foot glute and drive your hips forward and shoulders up. Extend one arm out in front of you, and grab the band with one hand ensuring there is tension on the band at full extension. Banded Front Raise; Seated DB Shrug; Seated EZ Bar Shrug;DB Front Raise, Cable Front Raise; DB Overhead Press. If grip is not specified (e.g. Slowly return your leg to the start position, then perform the same movement with the other leg youve now done 1 rep per side. Aim to keep your shins vertical throughout the repetition to better target your glutes. For more information and a technique comparison, check out this IGTV link. Initiate by pushing the sliders forward away from your thighs. Press overhead similar to a DB or BB overhead press. If training at home, this exercise can be performed on the edge of a strong & stable bench, chair, couch, or coffee table, but we recommend first checking for stability as well as if possible, having a partner or family member spot you and the furniture to avoid tipping. Lift the weights out to the side and slightly in front (elbows coming 10-30 degrees in front of your torso) until your arms are parallel with the floor (not allowing your torso to move off the bench and rely on momentum). Drive yourself upward and walk out from the rack. Do not bend the elbows during your repetition. Place your forearm on the ground with your elbow directly under your shoulder, thenraise your hips off the ground. Hinge at the hip with minimal bend at the knee to get in a pulling position, and reach down and grab the band. Bend at the knee and the hip, placing an emphasis on knee flexion as it will travel farther in front of the knee than your back squat variation. Setup on a bench, placing your feet on the bench rather than on the floor (reducing your ability to use leg drive in your reps, unlike a regular Close Grip Bench Press). Anchor a band below your feet, and hold one end in your hand. 3 sets of 6 reps), hold the position for 2-3 seconds for each repetition before returning to the floor. Leg Extension 21s (demoed above as 3+3+3) are performed as prescribed reps for the first half of Range of Motion, then prescribed reps for second half of Range of Motion, then prescribed reps for the full Range of Motion, typically prescribed as 7+7+7. Tighten the upper back, brace the core, then push your hips back and hinge tipping your torso towards the floor with minimal bend at the knee until you feel a light stretch in your posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, and even adductors). Keep this movement controlled and smooth, focusing on squeezing your glutes and resisting the band. Return the start position and repeat. The more that you pull in line with your shoulders, the more directly you will target your rear deltoids. We recommend racking the bar during your intra-set rest. Keep your palms facing together throughout the entire movement. With a bit of space in front of you, perform high knees by driving one knee up to wards your torso, then alternate and perform the same movement with your other leg after your first foot touches the floor. Hold the weight overhead or to your chest. While maintaining a slight elbow angle, pull the bar down towards your waist. Throughout the repetition, aim to keep your scapula depressed (shoulders down, lats engaged) and maintain a tucked rib cage, allowing your abs to control the movement. May also be prescribed with different rep ranges (e.g. Place your bottom elbow and forearm directly under your shoulder and, lift your hips off the ground by driving your top leg down into the bench you should feel the adductor and groin muscles of your top leg working hard. Starting in a plank position with one hand on the floor, and one hand elevated, begin your push-ups. For a full squat tutorial as well as breakdowns of other barbell squat variations, see our How to Squatvideo, our Extended Video Library or written guides on this movement. Return to start position and repeat. Perform squats to depth while keeping an upright torso. Banded Glute Kickback; Glute bridge variations (banded, single leg, etc. Scaled: Start in a push-up position where you can perform at least 5 reps, either standard (flat on the floor) or hands elevated. Engage your abs while pressing your low back into the floor, and hover your feet and hands ~6 inches over the floor. Walking/Alternating/Reverse Lunge variations; Box step-ups; Flat or Front Foot Elevated Split Squat variations. Keep your body in a straight line, making sure not to raise or sink the hips. Remember, the goal here is to increase blood flow and prepare yourself (both mentally and physically), not exhaust yourself before even beginning your retest. Sit just past arms length away from the cable machine. Think about leading the pull with your elbows, tucking your arms back to your torso throughout the repetition. safety squat bars), Banded Good Morning; Banded Sumo Good Morning; Supermans or Back extensions; Reverse hyperextensions; Stiff-Leg or Romanian Deadlifts. Please, check our our site, and our social channels to learn more. Focus on driving your elbows back, squeezing your shoulder blades together during the contraction, and allowing the cable to return to a deep and reaching start position, protracting your shoulders and stretching your lats. Can also be performed as a single arm plank (alternate sides each set). Set up at a cable machine with the pullet in a low position, using a single handle attachment. Press yourself the the end of the range of motion, pause for one second and return to the start position. Set up sitting on a stable surface (e.g. Set up on a hamstring curl machine either seated or lying. With one dumbbell in each hand, step one leg onto a box and use that leg to drive your body to standing on top of the box. Bend elbows to descend the torso, hips and chest to lower your chest to the floor, coming close to touching the ground. Repeat for 3-8 repetitions (each rep is a 5-10 second long hold) if rep range is not prescribed, then relax and switch sides. Banded Lat Pullover; DB Pullover; Lat Pull Down variations (wide grip, single arm, etc); Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups, Rows. Ab Walkout; Plank; Hanging Knee Tuck; Hollow Body Hold; Any other abdominal flexion exercise. In a standing position, use a cable machine or a band and bring the handle to the torso. For a Goblet Squat with Adduction, place a block or rolled towel in between the knees. Keep your body in a straight line, making sure not to raise or sink the hips. Place a Safety Bar in the rack, at roughly the same height as your regular squat rack height (some adjustment may be necessary). If your sets feel strong, we encourage you to increase weight before your next set, and reevaluate (and potentially increase) again. Start your rep by pulling the handle back towards the lower abdomen. Perform the half kneeling windmill to shift the weight evenly on knee and foot, then press into your heel to stand. Return to start position and repeat. Stand up straight, with a long resistance band looped around your feet and holding the loose end with both hands. Create tension in the band by taking a slightly wider than hip width stance, and bend the knees to get in an athletic stance. This is a scaled version of the traditional Push-Up, and is one of our suggested variation (along with the Knees Down Push-Up) to develop broader pushing strength if unable to perform 6+ traditional push-ups. We offer strength, and make strength attainable for all women. Set up a single handle pulley in the low position of a cable rack. Bend elbows to descend the torso, hips and chest to lower your chest, coming close to touching the elevated surface. As gyms begin to open back up, we encourage flexibility with programming adjusting exercise order, substituting based on equipment constraints, and breaking up supersets/circuits are absolutely fine if it helps you social distance. Adjust your stance width (or the amount of excess band between your feet) until you feel tension in the band when holding it with your arm down by your side. Aim to keep your flat foot shin vertical throughout the repetition to better target your glute on the flat foot side. For the single arm DB OHP, set up similar to the regular DB version, but use your free hand to balance and support on a bench, rack, or other sturdy piece of equipment. Keeping your arms at 90-degrees abducted (flared) from your torso, pull the band directly back while keeping the upper arms parallel to the floor. Maintain tension during the pause, and drive back up to complete the rep. Board Press, T-shirt press, DB or Machine Bench Press variations, With one hand and one knee on a flat bench, row a dumbbell in the opposite hand from the bottom of your range of motion to the lower rib cage. Ive also been able to lift more since starting the program. Pause to remove any momentum (or for prescribed duration, if specified), then return to the start position with control, focusing on hingeing at the hips. Hold the position for the total prescribed time (e.g. Can be performed with an EZ Bar or straight bar. To scale, plank on a higher surface like a bench. Bend the knee on the same side as your kettlebell and press that foot into the ground. Sit on the floor or a seated cable machine and hold a parallel grip attachment. Keep knee in a bent position and move the knee away from the midline of the body. Tricep push-downs; OH Tricep Extension; Dips; Any other tricep exercises. In this variation, descend as far as you can as slowly as you can, while lengthening the hamstrings until your arms catch yourselves. Bear Crawl Shoulder Taps; Bird Dogs; Deadbugs. Rather than placing your feet on the floor, bend your knees and place feet flat on the bench to remove your leg drive and place greater emphasis on your upper body pressing muscles. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and separate the band in a fly-motion. Good Mornings; Back Extensions; Supermans; Reverse Hyperextensions; Romanian Deadlifts; Lying on your back, place your feet on an elevated surface. Changing the exercise order might make some things a little easier right now, but also might be self-handicapping your long-term results. Once youve completed one round of each exercises, you can then rest (or move onto the next exercise). Squeeze your butt and drive your foot through the floor, extending until your hips are in line with your torso. Barbell loaded or banded; Back extensions; Reverse hyperextensions; Stiff-Leg or Romanian Deadlifts. Grab the bar with both hands, with an underhand grip. Reverse grip shoulder pass through, Around the World, Down Dog Position. Then, begin rocking forward and backwards, aiming to maintain your position throughout the entire range of motion. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions. Rather than fully contracting and reaching a tall, upright position between steps, take the next steps while maintaining the low, engaged position, as if there were a low ceiling. Continue descending until you feel a light to moderate stretch in your hamstrings and/or glutes. Wall Sit; Low-Ceiling Lunges; Other Lunge or Split Squat Variations; Box Step Ups. Control the descent of the bar path, and rather than lowering all the way until the bar touches your chest, pause the bar before it makes contact, about 1 inch above your chest. The goal is to get moving and wake the body up. 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