I think the articles in my Rock Your Role series will help you better understand Gods role for women in the church. Bible Study Workbooks Priscilla's studies help believers to know the truths of Scripture intellectually and encourage them to experience these truths practically by the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is my recommendation that women not follow, support, or receive teaching from Priscilla Shirer or Going Beyond Ministries at this time. Remember what Hebrews 5:12-14 says: For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. Two of the three best known sources Ive listed, Justin Peters and Aimee Byrd, are Reformed. Id be interested in hearing what Tony Evans says about his daughters doctrine. Our faith is rock solid if we have placed it in Godthe unchanging, perfect, eternal, sovereign One. We have just joined a new church and I was completely disheartened to find they were about to start two womens Bible studies both by Priscilla Shirer. The last verse was a warning; this is an encouragement. Esther 4:16 fasting. Though you may have become acquainted with her over the last several years from her roles in the movies Overcomer and War Room,she has been writing womens Bible studies and has been a popular speaker at womens conferences and other events for many years. Or will we apply extra effort and go beyond our duty? After all, Scripture teaches that Scripture is sufficient. i listen to Dr. Tony Evans and i love to hear him preach, he is a good pastor and knows the word of God, so i do not understand why all this negativity about his daughter, i agree with the bible about women being pastors, and she is not a pastor according to how much i know about her( i only know about her from war room). Jesus did that too, so did Samuel, so did Elijah . Scroll up to the top of the page and click on the Recommended Bible Teachers tab. I cant but take this article with only a grain of salt. The salvation of unreached people throughout history. Going by her recent appearances, she no longer seems to have any reservations about violating the Scriptures that prohibit her from teaching and preaching to men. How can you trust that anything else she teaches you about the Bible is accurate and true? Still, knowing his perspective and the fact that hes her father doesnt change the fact that what Priscilla Shirer is doing is wrong. Check it out and learn about modesty and biblical decision-making. Part 11 - Matthew 9:32-38 - THAT'S WHEN MIRACLES HAPPEN! If youve poked around the blog a bit, you might have noticed that we just started a new Wednesday Bible study on the book of Colossians. Also, if you will read the article hyperlinked at the very top of this article, right underneath the title, where it says, If youre considering commenting it will answer your objections- with Scripture. Stories such as these are easily remembered, the characters bold, and the symbolism rich in meaning. Thank you MIchelle Lesley. Yes, Im afraid thats exactly whats happening. 1 Samuel 30: 6 And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his Finally, you summed up your blog post on why Christian women shouldnt follow, support or receive teaching from Priscilla Shirer because she teaches men (though I cant find evidence of this but Im still lookin! - People coming out of sinful lives dont usually smell good. Your sermon reminded me about Peace of God and Love There are two ways in which living in Christ helps us live beyond our fears: knowing that He is completely trustworthy, and doing as He calls us to do. 2. #1 You have noted that Priscilla preaches to and instructs men in the Scriptures but I cant find the link. I am asking the following question to understand your doctrinal views. Wow, I found Ms. Shirers book Fervent very helpful and uplifting. Then please feel free to ask Id be glad to help you or look it up. I wish this particular writer would have more clearly defined what he means by silence. Lots of information about those online and at http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com and Berean Research. If you have Priscillas contact information and can get her to talk to me (Ive attempted to communicate with her several times and have been ignored), I will be delighted to discuss this issue and the entirety of this article with her. Remember, Scripture, not our ideas and opinions are what we must follow and obey. I am currently getting familiar with blogs for Christian ladies and your thorough, scholarly, biblical recommendations are absolutely invaluable. Next, as I hope you would agree, Scripture is our final authority as Christians. And then help teach it to other women. I think you might find this brief video helpful as an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-_THJXignk. I havent done One in a Million yet) this is supposition on your part. Thanks for stopping by! Oops! Assembly Of God. The result is that those doctrines and beliefs often conflict with Scripture because theyre not based on Scripture but a fallible personal experience. Why didnt you just study your Bible instead? Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer - The Mercy of Our Great God (March 24, 2017) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon at Celebration Church (co-"pastored" by a woman) Priscilla Shirer: YOUR Spiritual Battle & the Armor of God (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN (May 21, 2021) Priscilla preaching to a co-ed audience at Passion 2018 This is how people learn and grow in their faith. If you need more examples, simply go to YouTube and type Priscilla Shirer sermon into the search bar. All of these people are proponents of the false and anti-biblical Word of Faith (prosperity gospel) doctrine, and the Jakeses are also modalists. With continuous prayer, we have decided to proceed with her study but with open eyes to the objections you brought up. Scripture (Romans 16:17-18, 2 John 9-1, Titus 3:10-11, and others) says we are to run from them, not listen to them, and certainly we should not encourage lost people to listen to them, lest they put their faith in a false christ and remain in their sin. Matthew 9:32-38. I read myself into scripture, too! If a big guy writes against a LifeWay person, he might not get anymore invitations. Notice the emphasis around the 1:37 mark on peoples personal experiences (praying for miracles, etc.) 7 Steps to Figuring it Out on Your Own, It Should Happen Rarely, But It Shouldnt Be Ignored | The Outspoken TULIP, Is Priscilla Shirer false teacher? If our feelings, opinions, or experiences contradict Gods word, then those feelings, experiences, and opinions are wrong and we need to repent and believe Gods word instead. 2 Timothy 4:5 Verse Concepts Let us look at it from a mindset point of view. It means to trust that the Bible has all the answers and truths we need to live a holy and pleasing life before Godwe don't need anything beyond what God has provided for us in His Word (see 2 Peter 1:3 ). but I do know that I love Jesus and Im going to heaven, so Im just fine with that. Deuteronomy 6:4 ESV / 4 helpful votes Not Helpful "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. I have attempted plenty of times to contact people like Priscilla Shirer. Paul refuted public false teaching publicly many times. I also have a few tape recording of her Bible Studies that were done either in her Sunday School or her Tuesday Bible Study Meetings where she actually dismisses men from the room when she was at a church in Houston. I thought parables were a kind of means to read yourself into scripture? Are they guiding and leading a flock ( a church )? When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, "Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us." Mark 5:32 Verse Concepts And He looked around to see the woman who had done this. Because you seem to be arguing against the biblical truth youve already read and have rejected reading any of the further biblical teaching Ive referred you to. To think one can just enter there work into the public domain without criticism, is simply ludicrous! I wont be publishing comments or answering emails that are answered by this article. I dont think you read my comment carefully enough. It was an immediate NO after I listened to less than 1 minute of her reference about Oprah. If you are considering commenting or sending me an e-mail objecting to the fact that I warn against false teachers, please click here and read this article first. And to top that all off, shes beautiful and sharp as a tack. Disclaimer: The specific links below are provided and endorsed as evidence pertaining to this article only. Weve got to act on what the Bible says, not our own opinions. How is this different? Lastly, although you are not directly in front of Travis Arnett, Saikowoods, Taylor Dunn & Seth Dunn, all of which are men who have posted here They are Reading & commenting on your comments and blog, thus you are teaching men. Priscilla teaches something different. John 14:1-4, Luke 10:18-20, 1 Corinthians 15:19. on Fighting for the Faith, True Woman Conference Speaker Priscilla Shirer Hears Gods Still, Small Voice at Apprising Ministries, Priscilla Shirer and Contemplative/Centering Prayer at Apprising Ministries, He Speaks to Me (April 24, 2008) promo video by Priscilla Shirer, War Rooms Priscilla Shirers Contemplative History, and Why ItMattersat Berean Research, Review of Priscilla Shirers Sermon: The Multitude by Chris Rosebrough, Priscilla Shirer- Mystic by David Sheldon, Priscilla Shirer: Out Of The Closet At The Alpha Leadership Conference 2017at Emergent Watch, Priscilla Shirerat Fighting for the Faith, Fervent Warning on Priscilla Shirerat Christian Answers for the New Age, Why I do not recommend Kendrick Brothers new movie, War Room, part 2 at The End Time, War Room: A Review by Justin Peters at Worldview Weekend, Stand Firm: A Review of War Room at Satisfaction Through Christ, Reblogged this on Seth Dunn and commented: It will be called the good shepherd calls. People who are genuinely born again have a hunger and thirst for studying the truth of Gods word and growing in Christ. You are an intelligent woman. I think it should be obvious that a face to face discussion is different from a written one, so theres no need to go into that. Based on Saikowoods earlier post, you are not even familiar with the fact that Dr. Tony Evans is her father. I dont know half of your theological terminology, Id be interested, too! The third, Chris Rosebrough, is Lutheran (AALC), and much of his theology is in line with Reformed theology. Ive subscribed to both for several years, so I can tell you thats not the kind of writing they do (though Challies did feature and link to Aimee Byrds review of Fervent in his 12/21/15 A La Carte segment). However, from time to time, I get people who comment or send e-mails pretending to genuinely want help just so they can get their comments published and who then proceed to argue and twist Scripture in subsequent comments. Dear Michelle~ Thank you for taking the time to answer all my questions! Our new series is designed and I believe inspired by the Holy Spirit to show how Christianity is not just about going to church on Sunday morning. Before we move on to Priscilla, I just want to reiterate that preaching to men is not the only way Beth is unrepentantly breaking Scripture (although that is certainly enough to disqualify her as a teacher). One example that best showcases Priscillas penchant for eisegesis and poor hermeneutics can be found in this promotional video for her study,One in a Million: 0:46-This same God was supposed to be speaking to me, teaching to me, making Himself relevant to mein the regular rhythms of my everyday living. I totally disagree with you on this. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He taught them: Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. In a day and age where any type of hope is needed, especially to the unchurched, I would listen to either Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer any day of the week over the news. What is certain is that Paul, in saying, "do not go beyond what is written," was not teaching sola scriptura. There are still some good, solid blogs over there (such as Kevin DeYoungs and Erik Raymonds), and they frequently put out helpful, doctrinally solid articles, but Ive chosen to use other sources instead. #3- There are a couple of links in the additional resources section that deal with Priscillas teaching of contemplative prayer, but I really should have included one in the paragraph itself, so Ive fixed that. 5. read more, Scripture: Priscilla Shirer is not as well known, which is probably why they havent gotten to her yet. I've done this so that you can learn what it means not to go beyond what has been written and so none of you will become arrogant by supporting one of us against the other. And yet you thank him as opposed to rebuking him. It is people like Priscilla Shirer who make up their own doctrine and point people to their personal views rather than the Bible. If you carefully examine Beths and Priscillas events over the last several years, youll see that they headline plenty of events that are wide open to both men and women. As you can see, she has warm words of praise and admiration for Serita Jakes (T.D.s wife). Im pretty sure some of our ladies are going to ask me where the evidence is that she was purposely teaching scripture to men. A sermon examining the fact that we should ever be amazed by Jesus. YLT, NASB, ASV, AM, LEB, WEB. Evangelical Dark Web. My point to your previous reply to me is that I refer to my bible for instructions from the Holy Spirit as to my role in the body of Christ.. Likewise I will not listen to Beth or Priscilla despite the fact that they are both Southern Baptist {as am I} because they teach false doctrine. I am not sure that the Gospel Coalition is a credible source. No mention of sitting in silence or listening here nor in any of the other passages in which the Bible teaches about prayer. I am a born again Christian. There is only ONE requirement for salvation, and that is accepting that Jesus Christs blood took the place of our sin, recognize our sin and confess it, believe that Jesus is Gods son. Be a Christian Who Cares Stay the Path (book) Promo Priscilla endorses Bobbie Houstons book. She is the New York Times Best Selling author of more than two dozen books and has had featured roles in movies like War Room (2015), I Can Only Imagine (2018) and Overcomer (2019). As a sister in Christ, I believe we should be happy for their success and teaching us the Word of God. Indeed, we were the first to reach you with the gospel of Christ. Feel free to e-mail me (MichelleLesley1@yahoo.com) if it would be easier for you. You decide. read more, Scripture: Did you feel any kind of fear? There are two sources for fear: when we are caught up in something we did not count on, and when we are not in control. Can you explain ? I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart . - But such as is common to man; rather, except such as is human; i.e. We are to go beyond encouragement. Holy cow! God knew what He was doing. 1And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. I think the best reward for the reader is to take all those views as complementary and related being parts of the same whole system of interpretation. If you're new or would like to comment, please see the "Welcome- Start Here" tab at the top of this page. but any time I have been to a conference where these women spoke and I looked across an entire arena of seats, very very few of them were occupied by men. 4. 13 Bible Verses about God's Ways Beyond Human Understanding Most Relevant Verses Isaiah 55:8-9 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. Grayson Baptist Church - July 28, 2013 If thats not you, no need to read further, and I apologize in for any offense. We shouldnt believe just whatever we see on the internet. *People who blessed us. The problem at the Colossian church (the reason Paul wrote this epistle to them) was that false doctrine was starting to creep in. Accused is a very loaded, and in this case, inaccurate term. I am more of an egalitarian, but Shirer rubs me the wrong way too. Thanks so much for sharing this with me, Kelly! Beth and Priscilla both disobey this biblical instruction. Rebekah gave the servant water but also volunteered to water the 10 camels as well. Also, Lisa is doing the Women of Joy tour with Christine Caine, Lysa TerKeurst, Ann Voskamp, Lauren Daigle, etc. rather than on the Bible. They are busy caring for their churches. Thats good, but that doesnt change the fact that neither Beth nor Priscilla turn down speaking events that are open to both men and women. And it cometh to pass, when all the kings who are beyond the Jordan, in the hill-country, and in the low-country, and in every haven of the great sea, over-against Lebanon, the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, hear --. Amen. The MEGA Live Event July 23rd, 2021 Tulips & Honey. Philippians 4:13 Verse Concepts I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. 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