July 8, 2022 by Michael. Blew we have explained briefly the 8 known causes of ferret shaking and trembling. When a Mustela furo is shaking due to excitement, it is usually not in danger and will calm down after a few minutes. Research shows that ferrets dream similarly to humans and dogs. Once you have all the necessary materials to give your ferret a bath, you can then fill the bucket with warm water. The ferret's scent is partially due to the natural oils from the ferret's skin. And ferrets hate the feeling of wetness clinging to their fur! The Ultimate What Can Ferrets Eat List, Which dog crate is perfect for your dog? Why my Dog is Lazy and Sleeps all day? As a result, the ferrets body temperature drops, and it starts to shiver. this post deserved to be sharedlots of gems! This behavior is more prevalent especially when it is its first bathing session. Because insulinoma is rarely seen in other small animals or even dogs and cats, a vet thats inexperienced in the common conditions of ferrets may not recognize the symptoms. That's because this is how your . Now that you have a better sense of when you notice that your best exotic pet is shaking means theres a reason for you to call the vet, and when the shaking doesnt mean you should worry, you can get back to the sheer pleasure of enjoying these delightful animals. I personally use the FerretSheen shampoo for their baths. A bird lamp will do. So you persevered, and now you and the ferret are officially done with bath time. So you rinsed off your ferret and lathered them up nicely to get that trademark stink off of them, but now theyre stinkier than ever! Ferrets like to dry themselves in a crazy, erratic way. A quicker way is to keep clean water with you in a bottle or jug and use it to pour over your ferret. 1). There is no cure for the condition, but prompt treatment can help to improve the ferrets prognosis. Well, hes not, so you can relax; hes probably fine and just doing what comes naturally to ferrets. Ferret war dance is nothing compared to the Quick I must dry! dance. 6. It is good to know that bathing ferrets should be a fast task because they dont like when they are wet. While filling water in the tub or sink, make sure that the water level is not too high for your pet. This way, the oil-producing glands become more active, producing even more gunk to cater for what has been lost. 4. There are better ways to minimize the smell and you can read all that in my post about how to get rid of ferret smell. This is for comfort and warmth. Are Ferrets Nocturnal? They will run and rub themselves all over. Ferrets dont hide their reactions and shaking is one of the most common behaviors that youll see in your pet. teeth grinding. Youre put through an intense experience that you may or may not have enjoyed on some level, and now that its through, youre fired up over it? When bathing yours, do not prolong the session. when you clean the skin properly, the coat becomes more aerated, reducing the musky odor. Its not because the ferret is cold; the shivering is the ferrets way of bringing its heart and metabolic rate back to normal after these activities so that he can both replenish his energy and conserve it. Do not leave any shampoo to overstay on the skin as it will make the coat dry out. It may take a few minutes, depending on how dirty the pet is. These are all healthy and normal times for a ferret to shake or tremble, so if your ferret is doing so around these times, you have no reason to worry. If they undergo the bath willingly, theyre less likely to get revved up and act out afterwards. This page might contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. Copyright 2023 - VIVO Pets. They may do this when they see their favorite toy or treat or when theyre about to go on a fun adventure. Youve heard of playing possum, but how about playing ferret? Make sure that a ferret can easily stand in the water. having trouble chewing or swallowing food. Be careful to keep the shampoo from getting in their eyes, but if you do, simply rinse it out right away. That makes sense because you can see how they are wiping themselves on the carpet, sofa, towel, anything in the middle of that dance. Heart disease. Ferrets are some of the most affectionate pets you can keep. Raising and caring for a ferret is a whole different ball game compared to keeping a pet dog or cat. Presumably, your ferret will be clean, so the furnishings shouldnt stain or stink after they dry. Is it worth the drama? 3. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. For us, this may seem hot, but ferrets tolerate higher temperatures, and something that is comfortable for us might be too cold for them. Extended Guide 2021. If you can get them totally dry before they leave the bath area, theyre less likely to wiggle their bodies all over your floors and furniture. Ferrets, on the other hand, have some decidedly strange behaviors. Do Ferrets and Rats Get Along? A rubber mat allows the ferret to stand or move around the bath area without losing balance. She writes posts about ferret health, behavior, diet, and every topic you should know when owning a ferret. But, the problem with them is that you cant find them in every pet shop. Ferrets are furry and well-equipped for cold temperatures. There is a special ferret oatmeal bath you can make that is one of the better solutions because it doesnt have any chemicals. There are very few times when your ferrets shaking should be a worry. It's important for all owners worldwide to make sure that their ferrets get their yearly canine distemper shots as this is a very unpleasant disease and is fatal. A full-on ferret freak-out following bath time is a sight but often no cause for alarm. . When a ferret is excited, its body may start to shake. They're fun to have in my opinion! Prepare everything beforehand: a bucket. I wanted to try out the highly recommended oat battthhhhhh. White muscle disease is a condition that can occur in ferrets, characterized by abnormal deposits of fat and protein in the animals muscle tissue. Massage your ferret under the chin to relax him. Use your hand or a cloth to wash around their faces. All these things give them both physical and mental stimulation and take attention away from the fact that they were just bathed moments ago. Also, be as quick as possible since ferrets get cold quickly. Give your ferret the perfect spa experience instead of a quick scrub job. If you can recognize the cause of it getting stressed, for example, a novel noise or the fact you have brought the ferret to a completely new area, stop the noises or take the animal back to the place where it feels safe. How Often Should You Take Your Bearded Dragon Out Of Its Cage? Nobody knows the real reason why they go crazy after a bath but there are a few theories. Although visibly alarming, ferrets shake for a variety of (mostly) benign reasons. It is actually pretty simple. How do I prevent my ferret from freaking out during baths? If that sounds like your dog, try to only bathe them when it's strictly necessary. In some dry climates, ferrets' skin dries out and becomes itchy. You can do all that with a ferret in your arms, or you can grab him by the scruff and gently pick him up, but dont let him hang. Dog wipes, refreshing sprays, or brushes might be a better alternative for those that struggle with baths if they just need a . If theyre especially wild, they may re-soil themselves and need another bath all over again, defeating the point of the bath, to begin with. When it is hot, a cool water bath will help your ferret feel better. Despite this, youll likely notice that all of your ferrets pile up in one bed. Can I Give My Ferret Catnip? Rub your ferrets tummy, tail, and back legs first then go to the rest of the body. limping or dragging the feet while doing so. When a ferret is cold it shivers the same way humans do. Some ferrets enjoy bathes, while some hate it. They can even sleep 20 to 22 hours a day. Choose a gentle shampoo. Why do Ferrets Stink? When you see your ferret shaking and trembling, it can immediately cause worry and fear. VIVO Pets Ferrets Ferret Bathing The Complete Guide. However, if the shaking persists or seems to worsen, it may be a sign of a more serious underlying health condition. Anja is a Friendly Ferret owner and a ferret parent who is involved in the ferret world for more than 10 years. This is just how ferrets prefer to sleep. You don't want to have to leave your ferret unsupervised while you run and grab something. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Unlike cats and dogs, where vomiting is a . It should be slightly warmer than the temperature you usually put for your bath. As it can also be a huge shock for your pooch at the start. Anxiety and Stress. Search our database of over 12264 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. If you werent thorough during the bath, you might have the scent of ferrets everywhere they rubbed their damp body. Once you are done rinsing all the shampoo, apply a conditioner and rinse. Have plenty of plush towels and other items to absorb the excess moisture and get them feeling fresh, clean, and dry before long. Let's discuss the reasons for your ferret shaking in detail. Unless there are signs of some serious sickness, a ferret's body shakes when it has to raise its heart rate and metabolic rate. I've never tried that brand of Oatmeal shampoo. [Reality or Myth], Is Hot Sauce Bad For Cats? When you run the bath, put your bag of oatmeal into the water and let it soak for a few minutes, letting the water get murky with the oatmeal. Clean and bathe the ferret with shampoo. Lets think about things from their perspective. The shaking movement within ferrets actually increases their metabolic rate, and this is utilised both during sleep and feeding. Ferrets are very clean animals and groom themselves throughout the day, much like a cat. Sometimes, certain medications can also cause hypoglycemia. Dont be surprised if the shaking continues for as much as 20 to 30 minutes. Its important to have a veterinarian who is familiar with ferret diseases so that your pet will get the necessary care. Be aware that the ferret mating process is anything but romanticthe male will bite the female's neck and even drag her around the cage. A young ferret will spend more time awake because it's interested in exploring its environment and will want to play more. A ferret's body temperature is very high and sits around 38C to 39C (101F to 103F). This time you throw a wrench in the gears and pick them up, take them away from their things, and shove them in a water-filled tub. Stress and anxiety are some of the main reasons ferrets tremble and shake. 9 Reasons Explained, Do Dogs Sleep More On Rainy Days? That could mean there is too much water in the bowl for them. Ferrets shake as a natural response to excitement, waking up, and eating. Symptoms include weakness, lethargy, shaking, and seizures. 5. Symptoms ferret owners might see include weakness, lethargy, coughing, and an increased respiratory rate (breathing fast). You can choose to bathe your ferret in the tub or in a sink, whatever works best for you. This is caused by the release of adrenaline, which gives the ferret extra energy and makes its heart race. Theyre minding their own, playing and exploring at their leisure, when they see you coming. Your little stinker has gotten into something (garbage, dirt, spilled something on themselves). Once the ferret's skin dries, it will naturally produce skin oil. Overbathing, or bathing too often, will produce negative effects like drying out the skin or coat and lead to irritation and discomfort for your ferret. Questions like do ferrets like baths, how to bathe a ferret, why do ferrets go crazy after a bath or what can I bathe my ferret with are all answered here, including what is the famous ferret oatmeal bath and instructions to use it. Best Ferret Cage In 2021: Full Buying Guide By Ferret Owner. Additionally, while a full bath is not advised, his ears and teeth do need regular attention. Abnormal Thyroid Function. It's not their bodies that smell bad, it's their cages if you haven't cleaned up after them every day. If a ferret is anxious, it may also pace back and forth or hide. Usually, this means great things like treats, playtime, fun games. Because if the water is too cold, they'll definitely shiver - during and after baths. Regularly consuming carbohydrates is not natural for ferrets and brings them negative consequences, such as the development of pancreatic tumors. Are Ferrets Affectionate? He will jump, run, scratch, and just act all wild. What now? This is why a dog's skin is more sensitive than ours. When a ferret is stressed, it will release a hormone called cortisol. The increased metabolic rate causes the ferrets body to produce more heat, which can make the ferret feel hot and uncomfortable. Take a small amount of shampoo and lather your little fuzzy up. Some ferrets shiver when they wake up because during . The scent is also frequent in their excretions. Do your best to pat them dry immediately after the bath. If they cannot stop shaking after some time, it may be prudent to contact your vet to rule out other more serious, underlying reasons for the shivering. He could also be sick or even mentally stressed. Here are some other behaviors youll see when caring for a ferret that might seem strange at first. The following are some preventative measures you can take to stop your dog from being cold and shivering after a bath: Warm water: Some owners for some reason use cold water to bathe their dogs and this is the main issue that causes shivering. While ferrets are generally healthy, some diseases, such as insulinoma, can result in seizures that might appear like shaking. Ferrets may also shake when doing seemingly normal activities like sleeping and eating and this is to do with their speedy metabolisms. You may decide to use the best cleaning shampoo to reduce or get rid of the musky scent, but bathing temporarily strips the oils from the ferret's skin. For ferrets with mild to moderate infections, drops of ivermectin can be applied to the ferret's ears once a week for 2-3 weeks. There are several causes of hind leg weakness that ferret owners should know about. Rinse thoroughly until all traces of shampoo are complete. Metabolic disease. Start by giving them a quick dry with a towel to get as much water off as possible. Trouble Urinating. Make any necessary changes you can identify to help your ferret to calm down and stop shaking from stress. At the same time, it could be that your ferret has a bladder infection. There are many reasons why ferrets do this unusual dance of displeasure. This is an instance where the shaking means your ferret needs to see a vet. They love attention, and a bit of care and love from you might be all your ferret needs to calm down and get rid of that anxious energy. What gives? Generally, ferrets hate baths since water makes their fur heavier and uncomfortable. Ferrets have anal glands that produce musky-scented oil. When Should Your Ferrets Shaking Worry You? So, before you start with the entire bathing process, make sure you have everything you need by your side. Ferrets are also not recommended for homes with children under 5 years of age because of the increased risk of injury from bites. A ferret seizure can vary in intensity and duration but typically involves the animal losing consciousness and experiencing muscle spasms. Ferrets And Plants: What Household Plants Are Toxic To Ferrets? Even if he is nervous, there are things you can do to calm him down. When it comes to bathing your ferret, less is more. If you have bathed a cat, bathing a ferret should not be any daunting. If you see that your ferret doesnt mind bathing, toss a toy in the tub. So how will you keep the little friend clean all day long? If your ferret becomes injured after a bath, it may mean discomfort, stress, and possibly a visit to the vet to find out the severity of the injury and the best course of treatment. Ferrets are unique pets. Sometimes your home smells because his home smells. Also, one of their favorite activities is digging in the water bowl. Pet Keen is reader-supported. Vomiting can be seen in association with neurological disorders, ingestion of a toxin, kidney disease, liver disease and conditions affecting the intestinal tract. If the experience is so traumatizing to them, is it even worth it to bother about it in the first place? A ferret in pain has the following symptoms: squinty dull eyes. Your ferret is just the same. Why are they so wild after a simple scrub-a-dub dub? There are two things to keep in mind. If your ferret isn't dirty, but you are just trying to give him some relief, you can give him an oatmeal bath. Instead, it is a common response of ferrets to any serious illness. To prevent shivering use warm water that is between 70-80F. They may even kick their way along the carpet and literally slide across the room, trying to manage the feeling of damp fur. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. If your fitchet is shaking and seems to be in distress, you should take them to the vet to rule out any medical causes. Give him a treat or two more. There are two other things to look out for following your ferrets bath time. After the out-of-the-ordinary experience of going into the bath, theyre revved up and ready to unleash all this extra energy. There are several reasons why a ferrets blood sugar might drop too low. Medical conditions such as epilepsy, Addison's disease, CCD, distemper, or GTS, could cause your dog to shiver. In fact, there are many different reasons why your ferret might shake that are innocuous and no reason for concern. Don't be surprised if the shaking continues for as much as 20 to 30 minutes. Without proper grooming, the gunk layers up to form piles with a pronounced smell. If your ferret is injured or ill, it may shake and scream as a way to express its discomfort. Another cause for dogs shivering after a bath is due to excessive heat. An adequate diet is the best way to keep your ferret healthy and calm. When given several containers to sleep in, a . So, if your ferret is also displaying weakness and nausea along with its shaking, call your veterinarian. Always have a clean cage and clean litter after the bath. If your ferret loves digging in the water bowl or even tripping it, read my post about water bowls and make sure you have the best water bowls for ferrets. While there are no immediate health risks associated with your ferret shaking from nervousness, its always best to keep your ferrets life as stress-free as possible. Try to put warm water in the tub, but not too hot. Customer: I washed him with cold water now he is shaking JA: I'll do all I can to help. A few things matter when bathing a ferret pretty much like the temperature of the bathwater. Do Ferrets Need Vaccination Shots? Treatment will vary depending on the underlying cause of the seizure but may include medications, changes in diet, or surgery. Either way, you will have a good laugh. Water Level. Dont be afraid to pick your ferret up and give it some love when you think its shaking from stress or nervousness. Others will fight and try everything they can to get out. And one of those physical symptoms is often uncontrollable shivering. The frequency of bathing will depend on your situation, but the MAXIMUM should be once a month. But this time, things are different! If you've determined your dog's not ill, then you may wonder what could be causing him to shiver and shake. Some signs that the sneezing may be due to a more serious condition include sneezing with discharge such as pus or blood, or multiple . Warm them up with plush towels, blankets, space heats (at a safe distance, of course), and more to ensure they return to a good temperature immediately. A ferret's normal body temperature is between 101 and 103 degrees Fahrenheit. What type of animal are we talking about? In addition, you can add a number of their favorite toys to the bath to ensure they have something fun to distract them from the otherwise stressful sudsy experience. Prepare a bath for a ferret and place the sock in the water. Something lukewarm (105 to 115 Degrees Fahrenheit) is preferred since it is not too hot to cause trauma or too cold and shivers. This is because the heart is working harder due to the disease process. Slowly lower your ferret into the water. Over time your ferret will learn that there is nothing to stress about, but this is a gradual process. Another important factor in keeping your dog warm is the temperature of the room. Therefore, keep it as comfortable as possible, and prevent it from feeling nervous. While theyre having their patented ferret freak out, anything and everything in their path are at risk. Older ferrets are prone to cancer that reduces blood sugar levels, which can cause seizures. Also Read: How to Teach Your Ferret to Swim? That is why you can go with shampoos for kittens, just make sure it comes with a mild formula. Tell us if this sounds familiar: While naturally musky, your ferret found its way into something downright disgusting, and now youre tasked with giving your furry friend a bath to freshen them up again. Your hand is warmer than the shampoo so your ferret wont be shocked by the cold shampoo on wet fur. They can be cancerous or non-cancerous in nature. Keep the temperature between 37C to 40C (99F to 104F). If you bathe a ferret too much you can cause skin irritation on your ferret. Which isn't good. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, if the shaking persists or seems to worsen, it may be a sign of a more serious underlying health condition. Featured Image Credit: GuilleNeT, Pixabay, 6 DIY Reptile Enclosures You Can Build Today (With Pictures), How Do Cats Show Affection? In 2013, Friendly Ferret was recognized as a great source of information and it has become a good ferret brand for education, products, and fun. After the bath, expect the pet to behave oddly; right from shaking funnily, running around, to rolling on the floor multiple times . Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; JustAnswer is not responsible for Posts. Let them sit in the water for a little while and then give them a quick rinse. Some ferrets love water and may want to swim around. Ferret Polecat Hybrid: Should You Get One For Your Family? One thing you may not know about ferrets is that they can shake a lot sometimes, and you may be worried about why is my ferret shaking? But you have to be aware of some major differences between raising ferrets and other pets. These behaviors are all-natural ways for the ferret to deal with stress and anxiety. So what feels warm to you actually feels cold to your ferret. Preparing an oatmeal bath for ferrets is pretty similar to the one you can prepare for yourself. Shampoos for babies are the mildest and they wont irritate the ferrets skin. Get their body fully wet. You want to make sure their tail and belly are cleaned well (as they get a lot of oil buildup here). Oatmeals baths are made for irritated and itchy skin. Have you asked yourself how often should you bathe a ferret? The type of oatmeal you have to use is colloidal oatmeal, not a regular one. Yes, you can use those, but only if they are made for babies. Let them sit in the water for a little while and then give them a quick rinse. After that, they should have a booster annually. I normally don't bathe them unless it's absolutely needed and they needed it lol. Make sure the water temperature is okay. I loved having them. Or you can turn the tap on and hold them under the water. The most beautiful BEST EXOTIC PETS in the world. An oatmeal bath is great for this. Insulinomas are growths that occur on the pancreas of the ferret. However, unlike cats and dogs, bathing ferrets regularly does more harm than favor, as it sheds off the upper oily layer, exposing the sebaceous glands. I like your, I found it interesting when you explained how you'd bond with your pet snake and improve recognition. In severe cases, white muscle disease can be fatal. 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