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How to Create an Awesome Portrait with High end Retouching in Photoshop

One of the things that I am more passionate about is portrait retouching. Photo coloring and skin coloring is are things that I am very interested about since they are really hard things to master. I have always been inspired by one of my favorite fashion photographers Lindsay Adler who does an amazing skin retouching in all of her pictures. I have always been impressed on how Lindsay Adler preserves the texture of the skin and makes it more dramatic while fixing the imperfections of the different tones in the face cause by blemish, spots on the skin, etc. I edited this awesome portrait with the theme of a king with a technique called Frequency separation which allows you to separate the texture and the color of the skin to edit both separately. I also did some dodge and burn and added some coloring to the picture with different layer masks. This project was inspired in one of Lindsay Adler’s skin retouching techniques. To check Lindsay Adler website you can visit her website:


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