The roots need warmth in the ground to ensure rapid growth. The more it turns the riper the melon. We've created an in-season produce calendar for Alabama so you can easily see when it's the right time to find the freshest cantaloupe or watermelon, or if you've missed citrus season. Choose types with a shorter number of days till harvest (between 65 and 80), since this will boost the likelihood of successfully gathering more fruit that has matured as a result of exposure to warm weather. While melon plants are growing, blooming, and setting fruit, they need 1 to 2 inches of water perweek. Seedless watermelons sound like a good idea, but have ruined the watermelon experience. Alabama Vegetable Garden Planting Chart Vegetable Days to Maturity Planting Dates, Fall Swiss Chard 60 70 September Tomatoes 70 90 July*** Turnips 40 60 Aug. 10 Oct. 1 Watermelons 80 90 June 15-30. Peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplants and parsley can now be planted all over the state. Wait until about two weeks after the average last frost date for your region to plant warm-season crops. There is no other kind of watermelon that performs as well as Bush Sugar Baby watermelons when it comes to growing watermelons in containers. There are many other good cultivars that are worthy of trial in the home garden. Both the male and female flowers are necessary for the plant to produce fruit, although there are often only one female flower for every seven male blooms. This website uses cookies to collect information to improve your browsing experience. If you choose to fertilize (and many do), make sure itdelivers more nitrogen than phosphorus and potassium, as this will encourage leaf and vine growth. and economic well-being. Thin seedlings and keep only the strongest seedling in each group. In the spring, do not plant this crop until after the last chance of frost. Thin seedlings to 18 inches (46 cm.) The seedlings are typically planted on mounds (three to a mound) spaced 2 feet apart in rows 6 feet apart. Be careful to provide your plants with an additional drink each week if there is not enough rain falling where you are. Grow them in a sunny spot that has fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. It is very common for plants in the same family to share diseases, making it very important to rotate crops. Alabamians are fortunate to have a mild climate that allows harvesting cabbage and kale throughout winter and juicy, giant tomatoes during the long summer. Chemical fungicides may be used to control some common leaf diseases of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and cantaloupes. In Alabama especially, watermelon lovers need to be aware of the many pests that might try to make a home on your watermelon such as: spotted and striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs and aphids. Plant the pieces about 3 inches deep, 10 to 12 inches apart, in rows about 36 inches apart. Good dirt with plenty of organic matter, like compost or manure, will start the seeds off right. Use the soil that was removed from the hole to create the mound and then sow your seed or transplant there. If possible, it is recommended to wait up to five years before growing a crop such as watermelon in the same place as any other crop from the same family. If you find any of them, dust them with diatomaceous earth. It works with this thump test even in the market. Potatoes. In-ground gardens and raised beds are both excellent options for growing onions. The fruit is often orange in color, although it can also be green. Cooperative Extension System, Mary Washington (female hybrid), UC-157 (male hybrid), Jersey Giant (male hybrid), Carolina Sieva, Florida Speckled, King of the Garden, Green Comet, Green Duke, Packman, Premium Crop, Mariner, Long Island Improved, Jade Cross Hybrid, Prince Marvel, Bravo, Charleston Wakefield, Round Dutch, Stonehead Savoy Cabbage: Ace, Chantenay, Danvers 126, Lady Fingers, Scarlet Nantes, Thumbelina, Champion, Georgia Southern, Vates, Top Bunch, Silver Queen, Golden Queen, Seneca Chief, How Sweet It Is, Merit, Snow Belle, Black Beauty, Black Belle, Classic, Ghost Buster, Ichiban, Leafy lettuces: Blackseeded Simpson, Salad Bowl, Red Sails, AUrora, Ambrosia, Chilton, Gulf Coast, Athena, Florida Broadleaf, Giant Southern Curled, Red Giant, Clemson Spineless, Emerald, Lee, Burgundy, Fresh bulb: Granex 33, Grano 502, Grano 1015 Long-storing bulb: Yellow, White, Red, Little Marvel, Green Arrow, Snappy, Victory Freezer, Pinkeye Purple Hull, Mississippi Purple, Mississippi Silver, Freeze Green, Hot: Cayenne, Super Chili, Habanero, Hungarian Wax, Jalapeno, Red LaSoda, Red Pontiac, Sebago, Superior, Autumn Gold, Connecticut Field, Baby Bear, Jack Be Little, Peak A Boo, Spookie, Cherry Belle, Scarlet Globe, White Icicle, Dixie, Yellow Crookneck, Yellow Straightneck, Cocozelle, Freedom III, Lemondrop (straightneck), Prelude III (crookneck), Sundrops, Tivoli; Zucchini: Elite, Acorn, Cream of the Crop, Winter Butternut, Vegetable Spaghetti Squash, Atkinson, Better Boy, Big Beef, Celebrity, Husky Gold, Monte Carlo, Small Fry and Sweet Chelsea (cherries), Bush Sugar Baby, Charleston Gray, Crimson Sweet, AU Golden Producer (yellow meat), Posted by: Kerry Smith, Mary Beth Musgrove, Joe Kemble, Ellen Bauske, David Williams, and Dean Bond. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, watermelon will not grow in a polar climate. Sow four to five seeds an inch deep in each mound. Kale. Cut the seed potatoes into pieces weighing about 2 ounces. put in good compost or aged manure, cover with good dirt, make a mound, drop in 5 seeds, cover with more dirt, pat down and water gently but thoroughly. In-ground gardens and raised beds are both excellent options for growing onions. Disease Control. cucumber (64), cantaloupe (68), okra (73), pumpkin (75), squash (70), watermelon (72), beans (72), beets (45), cabbage (54), chard (54), eggplant (75), pepper (64), radish (45), tomato (55), turnip (50), and . Phoenix dactylifera is very easy to grow and maintain. Vines produce male and female flowers separately on the same plant. The trick is to wait until the really hot weather has passed, but not wait too long or the plants won't have time to mature before the cold and dark of midwinter. Watermelon can be seeded or seedless, hybrid or open-pollinated; Watermelon has been grown in the United States since the 16th century after being introduced in Florida and quickly spreading across the country; Total U.S. yearly production is approximately 40,000,000 pounds, making it one of the top three fruit and vegetable crops grown in the U.S. Watch out for any breeze. Those who enjoy eating watermelon will be pleased to hear that. 2023 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Light. Plant onions in early spring once the ground is workable. Each summer I take a STRAIGHT straw from a straw broom about 4 to 5 inches long and carry it in my pocket notebook which I use to check ripeness. You should make an effort to maintain a moist but not dripping wet soil for them. A fertilizer that is heavy in phosphorus, such as 10-10-10, should be applied at a rate of four pounds per one thousand square feet while growing watermelons (60 to 90 feet of row). Space your mounds to give your plants enough room to spread and grow. Climate: tropical, sub-tropical; warm and . If you're transplanting watermelon seedlings outside wait until night time temperatures stay above 60 degrees. The top stripes shouldnt have an obvious contrast in color. The soil temperature at the 4-inch depth should be 60 to 65 F before this crop is planted. Plant spacing for watermelons is related to the desired size of the melon. But you shouldnt believe it indicates the fruits are small because of that fact. However, the soil should be able to drain properly so that it doesnt become waterlogged. Nevertheless, gardeners in colder areas can still have success producing watermelons by beginning seeds indoors, acquiring young plants from a nursery, or cultivating kinds with a shorter growth season. Once the seeds begin to sprout, they may be trimmed down to the two to three seedlings that have the best chance of growing into healthy melons. Growers already know how much nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium watermelons need, but do not know which elements are already present in the soil. Motivational and inspirational sources to all those parents to enjoy life with their babies, Home FAQ When To Plant Watermelon In Alabama. Copyright 2022 Home Life Answers All Rights Reserved Noveladd. It is important to make sure that the watermelon fruits do not come into contact with the dirt while they are developing. Your county Extension office has information about soil tests. Sow peas directly around September 5. Plant some seeds in the backyard garden. Be careful to provide your plants with an additional drink each week if there is not enough rain falling where you are. Trade and brand names are given for information purposes only. However, they can be grown in the right circumstances. Alabama ranges from USDA plant hardiness zones 7 to 8, which can be a little too cold for most kinds of avocados. "We have to wait on those soil temperatures. When to Plant. Seeds will germinate in 4-12 days. Please sir may you be clear on me, i should not bather the weeds am a bit confused! This creates a barrier between the soggy dirt and the delicate fruit so that it doesnt rot. Similar to other plants, such as pumpkins, watermelons produce both male and female flowers although these appear on the same plant. Transplant Outdoors: 2 weeks after the last frost date. Whats in a name? Everyone is welcome! Watermelons dont continue ripening after they are picked, so harvest time is important. Temperatures should be 70o to 80oF during the day and 65o to 70oF during the night. Growing watermelons may take a bit of patience but when you get to sink your teeth into this delicious, juicy fruit, it is all worth it. If you wait until the weeds are grown, their extensive root systems may damage the shallow roots of a watermelon, thus it is important to pluck them by hand as often as possible when they are still little. Don't Crowd Your Melons. While you might be excited to have multiple watermelons grow, its best to limit each vine to just two melons, so that they get the bulk of the nutrients. Watch the local forecast and err on the side of caution! Irrigation. Each watermelon seedling should be spaced about 2 to 3 feet apart and the hill should be about 5 feet wide. The plants can tolerate some partial shade, particularly in hotter climates, but plenty of sun is necessary to develop the sugars in the melons. Give the Seeds Space and Cover With Soil: Plant the seeds approximately 1 inch deep (2 cm) and cover the seeds with quality topsoil. Heres how to grow and harvest watermelons in yourgarden. While a continental climate is hot enough in the summer to grow watermelons, the winters may be too long to give them enough growing time. An immature watermelon will have a white bottom; a ripe melon will have a cream- or yellow-coloredbottom. Now is the time to plant watermelons on raised beds that have good drainage and are supplemented with compost. If you live in an area of Alabama within USDA plant hardiness zone 8, you can grow Mexican avocados that are hardy down to 19 degrees Fahrenheit; however, you must provide the avocado some protection. Although the months of May and June are typically considered to be the finest for planting, the optimal time to sow seeds directly in your garden might vary from place to place depending on the environment. Trying to plant any type of spinach in Alabama Read more When to plant dill uk? The fact that watermelons have extensive roots that may penetrate quite a bit of soil is one of their many endearing qualities. Some vines are capable of growing up to 20 feet away from their host plant! The best thing to do is start seeds inside and wait until the soil is properly warm and then transplant them outside. Seeds for corn, squash, cucumbers and the various beans and melons can now be planted. Its recommended to start watermelons off as seeds indoors. The earliest time to plant tomatoes in Alabama is in April, according to the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Cucumbers. Cantaloupe and muskmelon both contain fruit that is juicy, netted skin, and a strong scent. The skin of honeydew melons is silky smooth, and the meat inside might be yellow, green, or orange, depending on the variety. Watermelon planting dates range from December 15 to April 15, depending on the variety planted and the growing region. Instead of characteristic stripes, these melons have tiny yellow spots a few large yellow spots against a dark green skin. Watermelons, as well as other types of melons, can be grown from June through September. Transplanting is discouraged to avoid disturbing their roots. Use only stocky, healthy, fresh plants. Once they are at this crucial stage, pay attention as they only have about a two-week window to be picked. Deep cultivation after plants are older will do more damage than good. It takes time, but growing cover crops is a great way of increasing the organic matter and improving internal drainage of a field. A bed of straw will keep the baby melons off of the ground and safe. Watermelon is in the cucurbitaceae family which includes cucumber, muskmelon, squash, pumpkin, gourd, and honeydew. Then you have watermelons that are smaller in size and weigh anywhere from 2 to 4 pounds. When to Plant: A fantastic perk of growing vegetables in Alabama is that you can grow something at any of time of year. Find types with a short growing season that develop rapidly, like Sugar Baby, if you want to achieve success quickly. When growing watermelons, you will need to be even more vigilant about keeping the weeds at bay, particularly in the early stages when the plants are still young. Larger fruited melons are generally given 24 to 30 square feet per plant. ), Choosing Tomato Varieties for Your Garden, In cool climates with short growing seasons, start seeds indoors 2 to 3 weeks before your, In warmer climates with long growing seasons, sow seeds directly outdoors 1 to 2 weeks after your. If cut, they can last in the refrigerator for about 4 days. Dont bother to plant before the soil and air temperatures have warmed up above this point in spring or early summer because the seeds and plants simply wont grow. Dont seed too thickly. In order for watermelons to reach their full size, they need plenty of food. Can you grow carrots in Alabama? Its possible to start planting as early as March if you live in a warmer environment. Don't bother to plant before the soil and air temperatures have warmed up above this point in spring or early summer because the seeds and plants simply won't grow. Keep the soil moist around the seeds during the germination period; water close enough so that the water reaches the small roots forming. It typically takes about five calendar weeks for a watermelon to go from flower to ripe fruit. Freeze or can the surplus if you want to enjoy your garden all year. Sow watermelon seeds -inch deep. Space the hills two to three feet apart in rows that are six to eight feet apart. When To Plant Watermelons In Alabama? Space the hills 4-6 feet apart (1.2 to 1.8 meters). Knowing your first and last frost dates will help you start your vegetable seeds at the right time. Seeds require warm soil to germinate, so wait until the temperatures reach at least 65 degrees F at a depth of four inches before direct sowing. ). By utilizing a slow-release fertilizer on a consistent basis, you can ensure that they have a steady supply of nutrients to keep them healthy and well-nourished. The higher the water content , the riper the melon. They can also be planted in May or in June for a later harvest. They generally ripen over a two-week period,so keep your eye onthem. Watermelon seeds germinate easily and quickly, and seedlings don't usually transplant well, so there's no need to start them in a pot or seed tray. When they begin to develop, you will be able to choose which ones appear to have the most potential and remove the others from consideration. Plant watermelon into 12-inch-tall hills of soil that are spaced at least 6 feet apart. These little beetles might be yellow and black striped or dotted, and they are particularly fond of feeding on new seedlings and flowers. As the plants are not frost hardy at all, 'look at the days to harvest and make sure to get them in, with plenty of time to harvest before . Cut the seed potatoes into pieces weighing about 2 ounces. Ensure that the plants have adequate room. Ground-level drip irrigation is recommended instead of. The first flowers to bloom are male ones, followed by female. Melon seeds do not germinate well in cold soil. Watch your local weather for more accurate dates. Growers in north Alabama are about a month to a month and a half behind, says Schavey. Zone 7 Planting Schedule Zone 8 Planting Schedule Zone 9 Planting Schedule Instead, water just at the base of the watermelon stems. The last month that you can plant watermelon and expect a good . The Alabama Start weeding at an early age. Planting Guide for Home Gardening in Alabama. 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