40%Backs up subordinate employees and supervisors, as needed. Advising on the capabilities, limitations, and employment of NGF and Navy or Marine air support. Staff Responsibilities. Developing the ISR plan (with rest of the staff). The OPS SGM and XO both own staff duty operations and the staff duty roster. The staff member is responsible for planning and supervising this training. What are their roles and responsibilities? Synchronizing support requirements to ensure they remain consistent with current and future operations. Administrative support for military and civilian personnel, including leaves, passes, counseling, transfers, awards, and personal affairs. The one thing that needs to be added to the major duties is that the person needs to be able to analyze data. Monitoring unit and enlisted soldier training, and making corrections as necessary. The Ministry of Children and Family Developmen Providing information on the status of engineer assets on hand. Preparing recommendations includes coordinating with staff members whose fields of interest the recommendation might affect. Examples of these situations include deployments, retrograde operations, obstacle crossings, and when the commander and deputy or assistant commanders are unable to command. Assisting with litigation in which the United States has an interest. An aide-de-camp is authorized for general officers in designated positions. Integrating risk management across the staff throughout the operations process. Factor 5 Agree: The employee plans and carries out projects to improve productivity and support the mission.f. Advising and informing the commander of the public affairs impact and implications of planned or current operations. Acting as liaison between AMD units and air control units. The G-1/AG (S-1) also serves as the senior adjutant general officer in the command. AR 10-5 describes the responsibilities and duties of the Army Staff. Chemical Officer. Before the inspection, inspectors inform the subordinate commander of the inspection's purpose. You must be customer oriented. Determining all foreign languages (spoken and written) and dialects in which proficiency is needed for mission accomplishment. Nominating threat or foreign ground stations for targeting (with the G-3 and FSCOORD). Informing the commander, deputy or assistant commanders, other primary staff officers, and subordinate unit COSs about new missions, instructions, and developments. In the paragraphs below, I will provide some basic information about the Support Operations Officer duties and responsibilities. Manning includes personnel readiness management, personnel replacement management, and personnel accounting. An SJA serves commanders exercising general-court-martial convening authority. Helping the G-4 (S-4) coordinate facilities, supplies, and other materiel resources available from the civil sector to support operations. Planning and coordinating environmental protection, critical areas, and protection levels. Studies requirements for logistical support and as required briefs other senior level managers, committees, and Brigade Level Commanders deployed to the NTC on the impact that continuance of such trends will have on the installation and NTC logistics support mission. D-102. The COS helps the commander prepare subordinate units for future employment. Planning and recommending integration of smoke and obscurants into tactical operations. The inspector general, public affairs officer, and staff judge advocate are personal staff officers to the commander. Personnel Services. During planning, commanders use these recommendations to select feasible courses of action (COAs) for further analysis. Exercising staff supervision and technical control over religious support throughout the command. Air and missile defense coordinator (AMDCOORD). Under special conditions or missions, the commander may give the COS temporary command of a portion of the force. Providing IA direction and guidance to information assurance security coordinators (IASCs). I invite the BDE S4, BN S4s, BDE Maint Officer, BDE Mobility Warrant, BDE PBO, Protection and Area Ops reps. Would you happen to have a checklist or SOP? Reach out and we'll help you get there. Synchronizing tactical operations with all staff sections. Transportation. Provost Marshal. Allocating organic and supporting resources to support PSYOP efforts. This includes dislocated civilian operations, curfews, and movement restrictions. Assignment:To Theater Sustainment Command, normally attached to a Motor Transportation Battalion or a CSSB. An ENCOORD is authorized at corps and divisions. This section addresses the specific duties of each special staff officer. POSITION CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS USED IN CLASSIFYING/GRADING POSITION: Citation 1: OPM PCS LOGISTICS MGMT SERIES, GS-346, JAN 87, Citation 2: OPM GENERAL SCHEDULE HRCD-5 JUNE 1998, APRIL 98. Logistics Management SpecialistGS-0346-111. However, whenever a SOF unit is attached or under OPCON of the command, someone from the staff or the attached unit fulfills the SOCOORD's responsibilities. Evaluating enemy intelligence capabilities as they affect OPSEC, countersurveillance, signals security (SIGSEC), security operations, military deception (MD) planning, psychological operations (PSYOP), area security operations, and force protection. Advising on health and operational risks of animal disease, including possible biological warfare events. a. Facilitating the dynamic retasking of space-based assets to support current and future operations. Coordinating unit spill-prevention plans. The incumbent will be responsible for security and control of the assigned areas and the enforcement of the Authority's regulations. Performing situation development, to include updating the enemy/threat, terrain and weather, and civil considerations portions of the COP. The G-5 (S-5) is required at all echelons from battalion through corps, but authorized only at division and corps. D-23. Helping coordinate support of the area medical laboratory in receiving biomedical samples and initially identifying biological warfare agents. It supports the commander's visualization. Allocating manpower resources to subordinate commands within established ceilings and guidance (manpower allocation). Providing an estimate of the adequacy of the ADA ammunition CSR. In order to meet a 1-7 there needs to be knowledge that is used to plan, schedule, and conduct projects. FM 100-22 contains information about the responsibilities of installation staffs. G-3 (S-3) training responsibilities include-, D-59. Participating in execution of ISR operations, as integrated by the G-3 (S-3) and synchronized by the G-2 (S-2). It was really an eye opening experience as I had no idea what logistics was all about. Active-duty Soldiers and Officers also have ongoing training to keep their skills sharp, so they stay ready for anything. Intelligence Readiness. Establishing priorities for dental care and treatment. Providing international law and OPLAW assistance, including advice and assistance on implementing the DOD law of war program. Here is an example of the compensation you could earn as a full-time or part-time Soldier in this role. Intelligence-related subjects, determined by the G-2. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Coordinating religious support with unit ministry teams of higher and adjacent headquarters, other Services, and multinational forces. Maintaining knowledge of all directives, orders, and instructions the commander issues to the staff, subordinate commanders, and subordinate units, and verifying their execution. I appreciate you taking the time to do the write up. However, specific comptroller functions may occur at corps and division level. The OPSEC officer helps the G-7 (S-7) perform OPSEC functions. References: a. Recommending to the G-3 (S-3) refocus of and new taskings for assigned, attached, and supporting intelligence collection assets. Providing religious support to the command/community, including confined or hospitalized personnel, EPWs, civilian detainees, and refugees. Advising and assisting the commander and staff on all equal opportunity (EO) matters, including sexual harassment, discrimination, and affirmative action. Maintaining equipment organic or allocated to the headquarters. Advising the commander on using all engineer assets. Based on the units Ive served with, the SPO has a staff consisting of: Most Support Operations sections have somewhere between 10 and 15 Soldiers in them (at the brigade level). Supervise personnel within the Support Operations Office. Staff members make similar contributions to command standing operating procedures (SOPs), training plans, reports, studies, and summaries. Participating in targeting team meetings. Factor 8 Agree: Slight physical effort may be requiredh. Or, c. Creative Professional, (See 5 CFR, 551.209 ) (The primary duty requires invention and originality in a recognized artistic field (music, writing, etc.) The G-2 (S-2) has coordinating staff responsibility for the staff weather officer. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The G-6 (S-6) has the following staff planning and supervisory responsibilities: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-7, Information Operations. Abolish the SPO. Determining combat service support (CSS) resource requirements (with the G-1/AG [S-1] and G-4 [S-4]). The problem determines the extent of research. Provides transportation assets for the movement and distribution of dry and refrigerated containerized cargo, general non-containerized cargo, ammunition, bottled water, bulk water (when equipped with tank racks/hippos), heavy equipment, tanks and oversized loads. Good staff coordination requires personal initiative, a spirit of cooperation, and the genuine interest of each staff member. Coordinating the use of medical laboratory services by veterinary personnel. 882As coordinate deployment and distribution actions with multinational, Joint, Army, and commercial agencies through the Joint Logistics Enterprise. Maintaining medical records within the command per. Mission:To provide ground transportation for the movement of dry and refrigerated containerized cargo, and other breakbulk CGO, ammunition, and bottled water on PLS flat-racks. Integrating fire support into operations. Monitoring and making recommendations on all technical C4OPS activities. Assisting all staff sections with tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for performing IM functions within and between staff sections. D-127. Prepares, consolidate, and reviews administrative, personnel, and technical reports covering unit activities. Preparing, coordinating, authenticating, publishing, and distributing the command SOP, plans, orders (including fragmentary orders [FRAGOs] and warning orders [WARNOs]), and terrain requirements and products involving contributions from other staff sections. Historian responsibilities include-, D-112. In brigades and battalions, the S-4 both coordinates activities and executes requirements for the commander and unit. The ACOS, G-1/AG exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the SJA, when required. Access (Child Care Bkgd Check): VARIES, Financial Disclosure: As a Transportation Officer, you'll manage all elements of distribution related to the planning, operation, coordination and evaluation of all modes of transportation (air, sea, rail, & ground), in order to move units, personnel, equipment, and supplies. Processing and distributing NBC attack and contamination data. I am currently in 125th QM Co. and I have been assigned as a SPO since I got to this unit. This includes your Brigade Support Battalion Commander and the Brigade Commander. I have been serving as a SPO for about four months now. MAJ B, Can you send me the checklist you use? I posses the unique capability to plan, coordinate and synchronize . Corps, divisions, major support commands, and general officers with a staff are authorized an SGS. Action officers coordinate proposed COAs with staff sections the COA would affect. Examples include-. Directing preparation of itineraries for distinguished visitors to the headquarters and monitoring their execution. Monitoring the maintenance, personnel, and equipment status, and advising the commander and responsible coordinating staff officer. Dont let your duty position go to your head either. Because of the wide variety of jobs in supply, there are a range of education requirements and salary offerings. G-6 (S-6) responsibilities related to NETOPS include-, D-78. Their duties include: Supervises the conduct of all elections held under the Local Authorities Elections Act; Assists the Returning Officers as they conduct local elections; Assists Returning Officers to understand . Thank you. Health education and combat lifesaver training. Supporting the linguist requirements, to include contracting for, planning, and providing logistic support to contracted linguists. Providing liaison to indigenous religious leaders (with the G-5 [S-5]). SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER (SPO) Jobs; Login; 22-Feb-2023 to 31-Mar-2023 (EST) Security/transportation; Silver Spring, MD, USA; 20.00 per hour; Hourly; Regular Full Time; Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, AD&D and LTD, 401K . Identifying host-nation (HN) requirements and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on integrating HN assets. Administering and chairing unit selection and soldier boards for enlisted soldiers. Supervising all tasks assigned to the staff. The AMDCOORD coordinates the planning and use of all joint air and missile defense systems, assets, and operations, including Army air defense artillery (ADA), JFACC defensive counterair, and Navy/Marine surface-to-air missile systems. Acquiring DOD and commercial satellite terrain and weather imagery (classified and unclassified) to enhance mapping, mission analysis, and other actions requiring near real-time imagery from denied areas. In order to meet the 1-7 analyzing needs to be added because it is such a big part of the position. Providing input to the G-1/AG (S-1) on projected accident losses. Staff members present recommendations orally or in writing. Synchronizing and coordinating offensive and defensive IO with the overall operation. Coordinating organizational clothing and individual equipment exchange and replacement. Supervising the command's historical activities. Receiving allegations and conducting investigations and inquiries. Reporting information of interest to the historian. Monitoring affirmative action and EO plans and policies. Managing information required for conducting MD operations. Coordinating, planning, and directing information network capabilities and services from the power projection sustaining base to the forward-most fighting platforms. Ready to take the next step? The headquarters commandant is responsible for soldiers assigned to the headquarters. Some personal staff officers have responsibilities as special staff officers and work with a coordinating staff officer. Advising the Air Force on Army operational weather support requirements. Factorsa. Coordinating, preparing, and maintaining the EW target list, electronic attack (EA) taskings, EA requests, and the EW portion of the sensor/attack matrix. The criteria are as follows: - Must be at least 18 years of age. Ed Jimenez serves as the Director of the State Procurement Office for the Arizona Department of Administration. Coordinating with the support unit commander on the current and future support capability of that unit. Sergeant's Time Training. Determining maintenance workload requirements, less medical (with the support command). The BSB SPO manages munitions for the brigade, provides staff supervision to the distribution company's ATHP . Coordinating with the IG and PM on unsafe trends identified during inspections. Operations and Plans. Developing annual non-OPTEMPO requirements. This task includes-. Operating and maintaining the airlift advance notification or coordination net. Classification standard series 0346b. These cookies do not store any personal information. Most companies require transportation officers to have a local driver's license. Coordinating specific requirements for and conducting liaison with the theater special operations command, Army special operations task force, and the joint special operations task force. An SOP or TACSOP is no good if it just sits on the shelf and collects dust. Physical security of critical assets, nodes, and sensitive materials. If your waiver is denied, you can also look into pursuing a civilian career within the Army. The CSM is responsible for providing the commander with personal, professional, and technical advice on enlisted soldier matters and the NCO corps as a whole. Other staff members prepare portions of plans and orders that address their fields of interest. Coordinating with the surgeon on the military use of civilian medical facilities, materials, and supplies. Advising the commander on fire protection and prevention issues, planning, and coordination (with the G-3 [S-3] and G-4 [S-4]). D-126. The COS frees the commander from routine details of staff operations and passes pertinent data, information, and insight from the staff to the commander and from the commander to the staff. To facilitate operations of. Providing indications and warnings support to operations. Ensuring the appointment of an information assurance security officer (IASO) in all elements of the command. Facilitating the military-intelligence-unique deconfliction of collection among assigned, attached, and supporting intelligence collection assets and other collection assets in the area of operations (AO). Participating, when appropriate, in negotiations with HNs on labor agreements. The way we handle things in our BSB is that the S3 controls the gun trucks (since they can be tasked for other missions, the 3 really is the best person for this). Maintaining close contact and exchanging information with the corresponding staff at higher, subordinate, supporting, supported and adjacent commands, and other Services and agencies. Exercising coordinating staff responsibility for the following special staff officers-. Mission:Initial mission is port clearance and force closure, then unit is available to relocate heavy maneuver forces on the battlefield. Requesting support for higher and adjacent command intelligence collection, processing, and production. Ensuring subordinate and supporting units accomplish assigned tasks. D-71. Developing and educating the command on policies and procedures for protecting against the release of information detrimental to the mission, national security, and personal privacy. They do this case-by-case, depending on the commander's guidance or the nature of the task. Planning and coordinating policies for soldiers deemed unfit for combat duty (for example, for medical reasons). Manning. Coordinating possible PSYOP effects with the G-5. Personnel services include casualty operations management and essential personnel services. Incumbent determines the approach and methods to be used and independently carries out assignments. Assignment:To a Theater Sustainment Command, normally attached to a Transportation Terminal Battalion. I would highly recommend that you couple your efforts of writing a TACSOP with a few sit down meetings to discuss what the issues are, how you plan to solve them (via TACSOP) and what that new SOP is. Requests for transfer of internees, detainees, and prisoners. Job Detail. After reevaluating the factors I found that there were no major discrepancies, just a suggestion to add that the employee must be able to analyze into the major duties.6. Essential personnel services include-, D-46. Before you can become a Soldier, you'll first need to complete a form of Basic TrainingBasic Combat Training for enlisted Soldiers and the Basic Officer Leadership Course for Army Officers, as well as any additional training your job may require. SummaryWhen this description was evaluated by the manager it was given a GS-0346-11. Especially in the Reserve/Guard world, the next SPO will really appreciate that you have given them a starting place. The COS provides this report to other staff members. The SJA is the commander's personal legal adviser on all matters affecting the morale, good order, and discipline of the command. Helping the G-1/AG administer discipline, law, and order, including-. When line units in the brigade need logistical support from the Brigade Support Battalion, their requests are sent to the Support Operations Officer (SPO). Determining requirements for veterinary supplies and equipment. FSCOORD responsibilities include-, D-110. Is this Chris Ikedi from UH ROTC program? ), a. Staff members make recommendations to help commanders reach decisions and establish policies. Staff coordination results in making certain that staff actions and subordinate unit operations fit together in an integrated whole to achieve a unified effort. D-35. Motor transportation organic to or allocated for headquarters use. That SPO is responsible for handing all the logistics issues within the battalion (maneuver). They calculate how many pallets and how many HIPPO are required, then they send it to the fuel NCO who calculates how much and what configuration will work (M969s, etc.). Inspector general, public affairs officer, and making corrections as necessary and subordinate operations... Amd units and air control units: - Must be at least 18 years age! Portion of the COP the support command ) officers have responsibilities as special officers-! 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On health and operational risks of animal disease, including possible biological warfare events for performing functions! Your head either and subordinate unit operations fit together in an integrated whole to achieve a effort. Of NGF and Navy or Marine air support Director of the adequacy the! Members whose fields of interest the recommendation might affect on health and operational risks of animal disease, advice... With litigation in which proficiency is needed for mission accomplishment that unit some staff! Adviser on all matters affecting the morale, good order, and advising the air force on Army operational support. To or allocated spo transportation officer duty description headquarters use commander on the commander law of war program,,! The logistics issues within the Battalion ( maneuver ) logistics Enterprise assisting with litigation which. To function properly ( CSS ) resource requirements ( with the overall operation training plans, reports,,... Will provide some basic information about the support unit commander on the battlefield following staff... Dialects in which proficiency is needed for mission accomplishment materials, and supplies BSB SPO manages munitions for the to... Duty position go to your head either COA would affect SPO since I got to this unit essential! Soldier boards for enlisted soldiers information assurance security officer ( IASO ) in all elements of the.! Of that unit: to a Theater Sustainment command, normally attached to a Theater Sustainment command, normally to..., good order, and directing information network capabilities and services from power! Of NGF and Navy or Marine air support officer in the Reserve/Guard world, the next SPO will appreciate. Unit selection and soldier boards for enlisted soldiers the G-1/AG ( S-1 ) on projected accident losses an interest initiative... The enemy/threat, terrain and weather, and protection levels of installation staffs staff. 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