For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. And yet I must say here, that sometimes all things work together for the Christian's temporal good. I will now proclaim to you the way of salvation. It is not the pain of death we feel, but the pain of life. say you? God's power will be with her heralds, God's might shall be with her armies, and the earth shall soon submit, and Christ shall reign for ever and ever. It is more than some men think to have been rocked in the same cradle and dandled on the same knee. It should be, "The fool hath said in his heart, no God." "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be." May you be holy, harmless, sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. And now standing in the midst of men who mock, and boast, and jeer, he cries "Who can lay anything to my charge?" Suffering is the college of orthodoxy. It was after death remember that, it was after death that his heart poured out the tribute of blood and water by which we have the double cure; see, then, how he loves us in death and after death. As an old countryman once said to me, from whom I gained many a pithy saying "Ah! Can he still be valiant, and maintain his ground, calling out, "Who is he that condemneth?" Who will feed my belly with hid treasures? As Jonathan of old, with his armor, climbed up the steep place in the cleft of the rock and began to mow down his enemies, so, believer, alone or with your friend, as God has called you, climb up, for verily the possession is yours, and you may take it. It is not many minutes before he begins to feel his sin in having persecuted Jesus, nor many hours ere he receives the assurance of his pardon, and not many days ere he who persecuted Christ stands up to preach with vehemence and eloquence unparalleled, the very cause which he once trod beneath his feet. Perhaps the little one stutters, stammers, and cannot get its words out, but the mother sees what he would say, and takes the meaning. But if thou agreest with thy creditor, he will, for Jesus' sake, blot out all thy debts, and set thee at liberty, so that thou shalt never be amenable for thine iniquities. ", I. Oh, that you would come and learn it! There are e'en stronger arguments for the non-condemnation of the believer in the resurrection of Christ than in his precious death and burial. This he does by arousing our desires. who is fully assured of his interest in the covenant of grace, in the blood of atonement, and in the glories of heaven! Any one of them were all-sufficient. Are you prepared now to be despised and rejected of men that you may at last ascend up on high, leading captivity captive? Now, at the present moment all things work. A CHRISTIAN BROTHER was asked, one day, "To what persuasion do you belong?" "The children of the flesh, these are not the children of God." Some may say, "It is the prospect of bankruptcy." Can it be supposed that those who are the children of the devil are nevertheless the children of God? If my friend over yonder has paid my debt, it is gone. The influence of his holy religion has made abundant atonement to the world for any wrong that you ever did to it. : I took pleasure in sin; but, "he, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame." Be the property much or little, we are co-heirs; if there be infinite treasures, Christ hath them, and we have them; but if there be no treasure whatever, and faith should end in disappointment, and hope in despair, the calamity which impoverishes us must also impoverish our great co-heir. Many of the daughters of pleasure are far more fair than she! I tell thee No; Christ never called the righteous; and if he has not called thee, and if he never does call thee, thou art not elect, and thou and thy self-righteousness must be subject to the wrath of God, and cast away eternally. They think that if they cry, "Lord, have mercy upon me," when they lay a-dying, they shall go to heaven directly. I do not know that it is for my good that my children should be about me, like olive branches round my table, but I know that it is for my good that I should flourish in the courts of my God, and that I should be the means of winning souls from going down into the pit. The greatest piety cannot preserve a man from growing old, and although in grace, he may be "like a young cedar, fresh and green," yet the body will have its grey hairs, and the strong man will be brought to totter on the staff. Shall it be, I say, that integrity shall be found in heathen lands and not be found here? Happy in what he has received, for that very reason he groans to get the fulness of what is promised him. Ah, what is this? Oratory may stand back, and eloquence may hold her tongue. God's grace will be sufficient for us; his strength will be made perfect in weakness. We are all born God's creatures, and as such we are debtors to him; to obey him with all our body, and soul, and strength. We have received a divine life, by which we are made partakers of the divine nature, having "escaped the corruption which is in the world through lust." Well, about that, I have this to say, "It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." And somehow or other you have an equal faith for the future. I have thus given you the four props and pillars of the believer's faith. repeat not that challenge." Again and again let this blow, from the sword of the Spirit, descend upon him, "It is Christ that died," and you will soon be acclaimed the victor over your greatest foe. It is written, "When thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." See, brethren, he enters into glory, but not for himself alone, for it is written, "Whither the forerunner is for us entered." The affliction was, as it were, in your very bones, but the promise was also in your very heart. Christ's property extends to all, and we are co-heirs. This is the grandest message of the gospel, that "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures." Come, faith, and help me now to lay my fingers among the strings of the golden harp. Purity, holiness, unselfishness, all the virtues, should glow in us as they shone in him. It does not always follow in human reasoning "if children, then heirs," because in our families but one is the heir. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, Note that Paul does not say, "If they shall fall;" but, "If they shall fall away," if the religion which they have professed shall cease to have any power over them, then, it shall be impossible. They are blessed, but they have not had their public entrance. Come let us at the sovereignty which has called us, and let us remember the words of the apostle, "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world, to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in his presence. We must understand the word "together," also in another sense. And what if some of us should live very many years? There is not a star though it seemeth to sleep in the deep blue firmament, which doth not travel its myriads of miles and work; there is not an ocean, or a river, which is not ever working, either clapping its thousand hands with storms, or bearing on its bosom the freight of nations. He has written concerning the spirit of bondage, and the spirit of adoption, the infirmities of the flesh, and the helpings of the spirit; the waiting for the redemption of the body, and the groanings which cannot be uttered. Who shall accuse the Redeemer? ", There is now nobody left that I know of, that can condemn us, except the Judge; and if we have escaped our opponents Satan, the world, conscience, and the law, we need not fear to stand even at God's judgment seat. Cataracts of trouble descend if you will, and you, ye floods of affliction, roll if so it be ordained, for God has written my name in the book of life. Lo! Can those lips say, "Depart, ye cursed," to the man for whom they once did intercede? In English history, the days of Mary, when the saints at Smithfield bore witness for Christ at the stake, were grand days; and in Madagascar, did you ever read a more thrilling story than the record of the bravery of those Christian men and women who suffered the tyrant's cruelty? Romans 8:12 . What consolation then to be called: for if I am called, then I am predestinated. In another place he calls himself the very chief of sinners; and yet it is this man who dares to ask the question, "Who is he that condemneth?" In many things we all offend. There is never a clash in the world: men think so, but it never is so. Last Lord's day, I thought by God's good help I was enabled to persuade some of you that the death of Christ was an argument too potent to be ever denied an argument for the salvation of all for whom he died. Are you persuaded of this love of God to you? The more you search the Bible, the more sure will you be that sonship is the special privilege of the chosen people of God and of none beside. His experience with regard to God, what was that? I was reading a passage by Dr. Chalmers the other day, in which he says, that his own experience did not lead him to believe that the Holy Spirit ever gave any witness of our being the children of God, apart from the written Word of God, and his ordinary workings in our hearts. I will have one more illustration. To this end Jesus Christ came into the world and bore our image, that we, through his grace, might bear his image. The tall archangel before the throne is not called God's Son, he is one of the most favoured of his servants, but not his child. God bless you! And at the present moment, in Central Africa, where Bishop Hannington has been put to death, we hear that there is an edict for the killing of Christians, yet hundreds of black men come forward to confess that they are followers of Christ. Waiting implies being ready. But when it has attacked us, and done its worst, there comes in the majesty of divine sovereignty. Rather judge that such prayers are like Jabez, of whom it is written, that "he was more honourable than his brethren, because his mother bare him with sorrow." I can stop his accusation with this perpetual care of Jesus for his people." The old translators rendered the passage thus; "The mind of the flesh is enmity against God" that is to say, the natural mind, that soul which we inherit from our fathers, that which was born within us when our bodies were fashioned by God. Men hate election just as thieves hate Chubb's patent locks; because they cannot get at the treasure themselves, they therefore hate the guard which protects it. Others, this afternoon, by teaching your children in the class. Then we are heirs of all things heaven and earth, time and eternity, anything that you can conceive of the things that can be named and cannot be named, things conceivable and inconceivable, finite and infinite, human and divine. I know it; I know it to my shame and confusion; yet do I live by him I slew, I am saved by him I murdered; and I glory in the grace that makes such a miracle of mercy possible.". Let me feel the worm that never dies rather than the stings of an offended conscience, if indeed this is not itself, "the worm that dieth not." All things at this present moment are working together for the believer's good. I look on them, and see among their glorious ranks, some whose names are celebrated in every Christian land as the bold "lions of God," the immovable pillars of truth; men of whom the world was not worthy, whose praise is in all the churches, and who are now nearest the eternal throne. He meets it by the blessed fact that "It is Christ that died." That is "good," the vat bursting with wine, the barn full of corn! But if thou art no lover of God, but a stranger to him, I beseech thee do not pilfer to-day and steal a comfort that was not intended for thee. What says Christ? The lad draws the bow: ay, but it is quite as much his father, too. Hope operated spiritually upon our spiritual faculties, and so does the Holy Spirit, in some mysterious way, divinely operate upon the new-born faculties of the believer, so that he is sustained under his infirmities. Communion is the fountain of conformity. To such who have preceded us we owe the purity of the Church, and to them we are debtors. The joint heirship reaches from the gloomy patina of deep affliction up to the bright ineffable splendor of the throne of bliss, nor can any man reverse the record. His zeal in doing them proves that he has the spirit of a child of God, and the result of those works proves that God works in him as he will never do in any but his own children. He that will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution. Ask them whether they would have loved God if left to themselves, and to a man, whatever their doctrines, they will confess, I never heard a Christian yet who said that he came to God of himself, left to his own free-will. As long as we have half-a-dozen, we have half-a-dozen doubtful ones: but when it comes to only one, and that such a sufficient one as the truth that "It is Christ that died," we have a well-founded hope, in which we may rest with confidence. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. and hence he is "a very present help in time of trouble.". If you understood how delightful it is to get out of yourself into Christ, and to live because Jesus died, you would not linger and doubt, and fear, but you would say, "If it be so, I will come to Christ, and I will trust him, that with you I may say, 'The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.'" I. The sighing of the prisoner surely cometh up into the ears of the Lord. Yet it is not the natural innocence of his heart, but the perfect mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ, which gives him this amazing confidence. Does the apostle mean devils, fallen angels, that would overthrow us, some of them as "principalities" by their dignity, others of them as "powers" by their subtle, crafty force, does he refer to devils? He can lay certain desires so pressingly upon our hearts that we can never rest till they are fulfilled. So it must be, "If so be that we suffer with him that we also may be glorified together." And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. God is angry with them, and they know it. The law of God was a good law, a just and holy law. "But thou hast stained thyself with lust." All things work together for the Christian's eternal and spiritual good. A man's heart is moved when he groans. Oh! Well, in the first place, there is one part of the property which we may enjoy at once. How much have you done after all, young man? Do you see the force of this expression? I say, it is utterly needless for me to refresh your memories about your present condition; but I feel it will be a good and profitable work if I remind you that there are high privileges of which you are possessors even now; there are divine joys which even this day you may taste. As this is a legal question, and as in matters of wills everything should be proven and sworn to, let us have, concerning our inheritance, the evidence of God: that cannot lie. Nay, his law never asked for more than human righteousness divine. Today, can we not stand at the grave of the dead sinner, and say, "Lazarus, come forth?" It does not appear on the surface of the text; but if you look a minute, you will see that PAUL WAS PERSUADED THAT HE AND ALL THE SAINTS ARE JOINED TO GOD BY LOVE. In the previous chapter, Paul was writing to some who ought to have been teachers, but who needed still to be taught the first principles of the gospel; they were such babes in grace that they needed the milk of the Word, the very simplest elements of gospel truth, and not the strong meat of solid doctrine. I thought Christians were a humble, timid people." The apostle ends the list by saying, "nor any othe creature." "How art thou fallen from heaven, thou son of the morning!" Side by side with you there sits an ungodly person; you two have been brought up together, you have lived in the same house, you have enjoyed the same means of grace, you are converted, he is not; will you please to tell me what has made the difference? "I don't know," said he, "how it will, but for my good I know it will work, and you shall see it so." Otherwise, he could not have said, "I am persuaded that things present and things to come shall not be able to separate us." Sin and death no longer have authority over you. says some one, "I, debtor to the poor?" It also delivers us from every fear and doubt. The deeper things shall be left with God. There be others of acute intellect, who, searching into mysteries of science, discover things that have been hidden from the creation of the world; men of keen research, and mighty erudition; and yet of each of these poet, philosopher, metaphysician, and great discoverer it shall be said, "The carnal mind is enmity against God." An adversary in the court might plead against him, and overthrow him, for he could not answer him. How necessary then it is that our nature should be changed! We are forced to use words if we would influence our fellow-men, but the Spirit of God can operate upon the human mind more directly, and communicate with it in silence. I would put the trumpet to my lips while I preach, and sound out this one note, praying that it may be a death-blast to all accusations that can be brought against believers in Christ. O my beloved, do not ask the question. Oh, before those days fully come, quit the service of the master who never can reward you except with death! He ever liveth to secure effectually the eternal salvation of every soul for whom he died, even for every one who puts his trust in him. Good men are labouring, at least with usual zeal, and bad men are strenuously plying their craft of evil. Then our spirit beareth witness that we are the children of God. If we are born into his family it is a miracle of mercy. That was his triumphant entry. The enemy is in front of us. If we suffer orthodoxy to fail, or God's truth to be dishonored, future generations will despise and execrate our name. IV. I would invite you, my brethren in Christ Jesus, this morning, to do three things; first, let us consider the terms of the will "joint heirs with Christ;" secondly, let us go forth and view the estates what it is of which we are joint heirs; and when we have done so, let us proceed at once to administer, for God hath made his children administrators as web as heirs. Some of you have a trouble perhaps, in her who is dearest to you. Ah! III. To be cheered under many things, which otherwise would depress him, the believer may betake himself to the matchless mysteries of the grace of God, which are wines on the lees well refined. Is it not my duty, as well as my happiness, to ask whether there be a way to be reconciled to God? Down thou shalt come, sinner, if God cries down; there is no standing when he would have thee fall. Sometimes I have thought that impossible. So, you see, I cannot help wondering what the "things to come" will be for you who are here. ", "Ay, ay!" Come, my brothers and sisters, are you persuaded of the love of God? Yet again. May not this electrify a man of joy, and make him dance for very mirth? And he could not think that it could be so; as he turned the matter over mentally, he said, "If they be indeed one with Christ, I am persuaded that nothing can separate them from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.". Mark that Paul does not say that all this could ever happen; but that, if it could, the person concerned would be like apiece of ground which brought forth nothing but thorns and briers. Or, read you that old legend of Curtius, the Roman knight. Prosperous professors, who do no business amid David's billows and waterspouts, may set small store by the blessed anchorage of eternal purpose and everlasting love but those who are "tossed with tempest, and not comforted, are of another mind." He had endured persecution, imprisonment, famine, shipwreck, he had suffered from scorn and scandal, pain of body, and depression of spirit. Gentlemen, the apostle Paul was well aware of your objections; and therefore mark how confidently he asserts the doctrine. I showed you that the difficulty is that we know not what we should pray for "as we ought," and the Spirit meets that difficulty by making intercession for us in a right manner. No man ever desired Christ in his heart with a living and longing desire, who did not find him sooner or later. The Saviour walks along preaching and talking with the people until he comes under the sycamore tree, then lifting up his eyes, he cries "Zaccheus, make haste and come down, for today I must abide in thy house." and no one dares to speak, for man himself cannot accuse; with all his malevolence, and acrimony, and malice, he can bring nothing against him; no charge can stand at the bar of God against the man whom he hath absolved through the merits of the death of Christ, and the power of his resurrection. As I have already said, if in time of trouble a man can pray, his burden loses its weight. The angels in heaven had known good, and only good, and preserved by grace had not fallen; the evil spirit had fallen, and he knew evil, but he had forgotten good, and was incapable of ever choosing it again; he is now for ever banished from hope of restoration. Moreover, the Holy Spirit's intercession creates prayers offered in a proper manner. Jehovah has declared that he will be a father unto us, and that we shall be his sons and his daughters. Thus, that doubt is answered by the same all-powerful argument: "It is Christ that died.". And may the love of Jesus be with you. To use another figure, Christ's death was as it were the digging out of the gold of grace out of the deep mines of Jesus' sufferings. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according the to will of God." As long as you go with evil companions, they will applaud you. There may be a few who do, but it has never been my misfortune to meet with them. Now, when effectual calling comes into a house and singles out a man, that man will be compelled to go forth without the camp, bearing Christ's reproach. He was dead, absolutely dead, rotten in his sin; the life is given when the call comes, and, in obedience to the call, the sinner comes forth from the grave of his lust, begins to live a new life, even the life eternal, which Christ gives to his sheep. Then after you had heard what the natural religion of man is, I would ask what must his irreligion be? Some say that children learn sin by imitation. My illustrations do not touch the mystery, but set forth the grace. My friends, there is a cementing power in the grace of God which can scarcely be over estimated. Come life, come death, my soul can rest on this. In the next verse we are described as hoping. We are to be conformed to the image of his Son, fifthly, as to our inheritance for he is heir of all things, and what less are we heirs of, since all things are ours? We look over the many things which we might ask for of the Lord, and we feel that each of them would be helpful, but that none of them would precisely meet our case. I served the world, he would not, in mine age. He served his country, not for himself, but for his country's sake; and can it be that you will not be poor yet honest for Christ's sake! But still I think if my life were in hazard, and I stood in the dock, and my counsel were pleading for me, my tongue would be itching to plead for myself, and I should want to get up and just say, "My lord, I am innocent, innocent as the babe newly born, of the crime laid to my charge. He died for thee, if now thou dost confess thy guilt. "Thou madest him to have dominion over all the works of thy hands: thou hast put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, yea, and the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea." He would not be there if he were a debtor. Do you not remember that the two sons of Zebedee asked to sit, one on the right hand and the other on the left? Hearken ye to this passage in the 9th of Romans! AMEN. 14. Firm as this rock I stand, though nature reels and all things pass away. We are not at liberty to give or to refuse. God that cannot lie, in the person of the Holy Ghost, graciously condescendeth to say "Amen" to the testimony of our conscience. If so, then I have a hope that I may be among the called host whom God has predestinated. Because he has remitted all our debt of sin, we are all the more indebted to him in another sense. === Sample: Romans 8:1-3 === Romans 8 Some people talk about "getting out of the 7th chapter, into the 8th." We are to be holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners. The first who takes up the believer's challenge is Satan. She is, "when unadorned, adorned the most." When we have broken his commandments, as we all of us have, we are debtors to his justice, and we owe to him a vast amount of punishment, which we are not able to pay. They are, as Paul puts it in his letter to the Ephesians, "predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his will. It does not strike man upon the head; it penetrates into his heart; it lays the axe at the root of the tree, and pronounces him "enmity against God," against the person of the Godhead, against the Deity, against the mighty Maker of this world; not at enmity against his Bible or against his gospel, though that were true, but against God himself, against his essence, his existence, and his person. he hath made us kings. There is nothing that pains me so much as sin; I desire to be quit and rid of it; Lord help me to be holy"? Was well aware of your objections ; and therefore mark how confidently he asserts doctrine! Now are we the sons of God. as much his father, too that live. Prisoner surely cometh up into the ears of the Church, and that shall... 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