"Look how much we're paying now to deal with the hurricanes," Biden said. How much physical space does the internet take up? What if the mountain's base were raised to the present height of the summit, and then the whole thing were allowed to drop to the earth? serious answers to absurd questions and absurd advice for common concerns from xkcd's Randall Munroe. Better to just carry a sign. Order here! The rising Is there any way to fire a gun so that the bullet flies through the air and can then be safely caught by hand? Fast enough so you would need a speedometer in scientific notation. As long as you don't touch strange things and you don't swim too close to the fuel rods, it would be just like a regular pool. But after defeating the Nazis and inventing the atom bomb, scientists seemed to think anything was possible, including controlling the weather. I have had a particular problem for as long as I can remember. What would happen if a hair dryer with continuous power was turned on and put in an airtight 1x1x1 meter box? Sugar: 19 If the explosion "He made it up. quite as dramatic as Evin might have imagined. That's scientist talk for "We are so screwed." What if a spacecraft slowed down on re-entry to just a few miles per hour using rocket boosters like the Mars-sky-crane? Instead,according to Popular Mechanics, he said he could "imagine the possibility someday of exploding a nuclear bomb on a hurricane far at sea." How much volume would they take up and what would they look like? If it lacks a closed circulation it is called a tropical disturbance. While the president was assured they would look into it, obviously this plan never went anywhere. The problem is, we already know there would be no point. If you suddenly began rising steadily at one foot per second, how exactly would you die? Biden said Trump, "has an answer for hurricanes. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who get asked this question a lot, this is a very bad idea. Of course, at that point, it might be easier to just leave Earth behind completely. What would kill me first? Obviously, my boyfriend had to go without pizza until he landed at JFK. How long would humanity last? They often predict the complete annihilation of humankind, or at least a really big explosion. produces a cavity of hot gasses, which then collapses. What took more energy, the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza or the Apollo Mission? Could this be an effective weapon, or would it be as stupid as it sounds? No one would get a perfect score. The world just has too many people. And mess they did. Unlike the last article, out after almost a 15 weeks break, this one was released only a bit more than week after that. What if a huge mountainDenali, sayhad the bottom inch of its base disappear? 95 minutes at the right place at the right time. Trench. Earths atmosphere is really thin compared to the radius of the Earth. This was so far the second longest break. Weather Bureau (the forerunner of the National Weather Service), Francis W. Riechelderfer (pictured), heard about this idea and did not laugh until he cried. How much cornstarch can I rinse down the drain before unpleasant things start to happen? less than enough energy to microwave a burrito. After the meeting ended, we thought, 'What the f*ck? A blast this size in the Mariana Trench creates kilometer-high waves And there probably isn't a point in having the hurricane police just guess which storms they think will become huge to keep the number of yearly nukes to a more reasonable five or six, especially when they might be wrong every time. My son (5y) asked me today: If there were a kind of a fireman's pole from the Moon down to the Earth, how long would it take to slide all the way from the Moon to the Earth? This was announced on xkcd on January 31st when the comic 2575: What If? part of the ocean. "The short answer is 'no,'" Hugh Willoughby, a professor and hurricane researcher at Florida International University and total buzzkill, told Florida Today. Various Theoretical Models For Underwater Even the mightiest hurricane begins life as a much smaller storm. Category:Hurricanes - explain xkcd. What would happen if all of the rivers in the US were instantly frozen in the middle of the summer? More details.. It would be too bright to watch and it would turn into rock quickly. The final six articles in this period were released on four different week days, only two of them with one week apart. People sometimes say "If I had all the money in the world " in order to discuss what they would do if they had no financial constraints. a result of such a deep-water closed bubble creation and dissipation, The most obvious concern when it comes to nuking a hurricane, of course, is nuclear fallout. Dispatches from a horrifying alternate universe. All that changes when this cat enters the equation: Lets say that when Im typing the above equation, the cat hops onto my What If? Bernard Le Mehaute and Shen Wang. So basically, even if nuking a hurricane could move more air than is even conceivable, we'd still have a small hurricane on our hands. Regarding the question it could be done, but why did the guy asking the question whish to do such a horrible thing Randall ends up asking back. What is the furthest one human being has ever been from every other living person? The debris takes "You could hear a gnat fart in that meeting," the source told Axios. How many model rocket engines would it take to launch a real rocket into space? How much Force power can Yoda output?). Almost nobody would find their soul mate. ", Still, we shouldn't stop people from dreaming. Evin's scenario concerns neither. After that they were released weekly for almost three years, with just a few times with two (and once three) weeks between releases, up until article 136 was released on April 12, 2015 (2 years and 40 weeks). If we could convert the energy to build the Great Pyramid, would it be enough to send a rocket to the Moon and back? How close could I stand to watch it? The culprit was a comet or It goes through three or four cycles of this collapse and expansion Far more than a book for geeks, WHAT IF: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions explains the laws of science in operation in a way that every intelligent reader will enjoy and feel much the smarter for having read. How fast would you have to go in your car to run a red light claiming that it appeared green to you due to the Doppler Effect? Suppose you were to print, in 12 point text, the numeral 1 using a common cheap ink-jet printer. It's just a matter of time. ", In August 2019, the news website Axios wrote that sources who heard the president's private remarks in recorded comments in a National Security Council (NSC) memorandum claimed to have heard Trump asking top national security officials to "consider using nuclear bombs to weaken or destroy hurricanes. NOAA. ", The site wrote that during a hurricane briefing, which occurred early into the first year of Trump's presidency, Trump allegedly said, "[Hurricanes] start forming off the coast of Africa, as they're moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. You can almost visualize his wide-eyed innocence, wanting to take two deadly forces and use them to destroy each other, to benefit mankind. How quickly would the ocean's drain if a circular portal 10 meters in radius leading into space was created at the bottom of Challenger Deep, the deepest spot in the ocean? But first worry about what caused the 500 MPH winds How long would it take for people to notice their weight gain if the mean radius of the world expanded by 1cm every second? This is neither aerodynamic nor a good idea. The debris played a key role in identifying the Hurricanes are definitely worse than they used to be. If we hooked turbines to people exercising in gyms, how much power could we produce? What would happen if everyone on earth stood as close to each other as they could and jumped, everyone landing on the ground at the same instant? We were both (luckily) amazed and surprised and I have often wondered what the odds are for something like that happening. 65-million-year-old Chicxulub impact sitethis How long could I stay safely at the surface? For a more brief and arrangeable list, see. The reason for this you can read at the Editor FAQ . A CEO on the other hand, would be in trouble. In pursuit of answers, Munroe runs computer simulations, pores over stacks of declassified military research memos, solves differential equations, and consults with nuclear reactor operators. This new release is probably due to the upcoming release of the What If? And also, Donald Trump allegedly threw it out there as an idea a few times while president. 53,000,000 megatons is approximately the energy of the Chicxulub impact. Here's what would happen if you nuked a hurricane. you would not be warmed if you went to the surface. Could a high-speed train run through a vertical loop, like a rollercoaster, with the passengers staying comfortable? to rapidly intensify. Okay, so it would be complicated, but surely if legitimate scientists have thought about nuking a hurricane, it must be worth it to at least try? The result would be some kind of nuclear explosion. What would happen if lightning struck a bullet in midair? terrifying passage describing the detonation of a submerged gigaton mine We could possibly spend a ton of money and resources to get a probe to Voyager. "By the way," he continued, gesturing to Trump, "he has an answer for hurricanes. If you call a random phone number and say God bless you, what are the chances that the person who answers just sneezed? till late teens/early twenties) at the same pace as we do during our first month? . ' NOAA says the idea is still popular,noting on their official website, "During each hurricane season, there always appear suggestions that one should simply use nuclear weapons to try and destroy the storms.". The tree and splash would be great. If you're thinking about buying it, here are some things you might want to know: Humans can't digest the cellulose in paper, but if we could, eating this book would give you about 2,300 calories (including the cover). But spiders are a lot more scary. Assuming that you have a spaceship in orbit around the Earth, could you propel your ship to speeds exceeding escape velocity by hitting golf balls in the other direction? Also, it would be many times the distance the Earth is from the Moon. Copy paste the above text and correct the number and the title to get this result: The two first articles were released on the same day, Tuesday July 10, 2012, probably to get the blog going, and let users of xkcd see that there was going to be more. 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is out! The eight two weeks break, 14th break in total. What if you were flashing your BIOS during a thunderstorm and you got hit by lightning? The sixth two weeks break, tenth break in total. How far would a tungsten countertop descend if I dropped it into the Sun? How many bananas would you need to power a house? If I shot an infinitely strong laser beam into the sky at a random point, how much damage would it do? On the blog, Randall, who has a degree in physics and a strong scientific background, discusses hypothetical physics questions apparently submitted by readers. I use one of those old phones where you type with numbersfor example, to type "Y", you press 9 three times. This second article was released on the same day as the first, probably to get the blog going, and let users of xkcd see that there was going to be more. Any time I attempt to heat left over Chinese food in a microwave, it fails to heat completely through somewhere. completely. eclipse look like? Before these massive storms had names and categories, they were still wreaking havoc. How much would the sea level fall if every ship were removed all at once from the Earth's waters? In the absence of an You are in a boat directly over the Mariana Trench. In addition to the heat energy from the water, ", The elephant in the room here is that, according to a report by Axios (via GQ), while he was president of the United States and the man with his finger on the red button, Donald Trump asked why he couldn't just nuke a hurricane. convulsions. Since then only three more articles were released in 2016, the first two with about 8 weeks between them and then more than 12 weeks. If an asteroid was very small but supermassive, could you really live on it like the Little Prince? gigaton nuclear weapons as wave generators. According to Popular Mechanics, after the nuclear power plant disaster at Fukushima in 2011, scientists looked at sea life in the area and found "low but significant levels of radioactivity in the ocean." much less catastrophic than a direct nuclear attack. But is this something humanity might actually try one day? My daughter age 4.5 maintains she wants a billion-story building. What would happen if you tried to fly a normal Earth airplane above different Solar System bodies? On June 1, Democratic Texas Representative Sylvia Garcia introduced the Climate Change and Hurricane Correlation and Strategy Act, which would explicitly prohibit the president or any other federal agency official from using a nuclear bomb or other "strategic weapon" to alter weather patterns or addressing climate change. If you stripped away all the rules of car racing and had a contest which was simply to get a human being around a track 200 times as fast as possible, what strategy would win? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. How long of a fall would I need in order for the balloon to slow me enough that I could land safely? Hurricanes emit a mind-boggling amount of energy. It hasn't set and it won't for thousands of years. It had ended a war almost instantaneously, it was cleaner and cheaper than traditional fuels, so why couldn't it do something like fix the pesky problem of hurricanes? After acknowledging that the question has been answered elsewhere, he recaps the result, but then focuses more intently on the unasked resulting issue of the aftermath of everyone on Earth being magically transported to one location as they all try to return home. With practice, it's possible to throw a book every 800 milliseconds, which means that if human attackers are sprinting towards you, you'll have three or four chances to hit them before they reach you. Earlier this year, Severe Tropical Storm Sanvu passed over the Mariana Fat: 39 Which has a greater gravitational pull on me: the Sun, or spiders? Since Death Valley is below sea level could we dig a hole to the ocean and fill it up with water? Hurricanes cause destruction in lots of ways, but the big one is wind. If the Hubble telescope were aimed at the Earth, how detailed would the images be? What would happen if all the bodies of water on Earth magically disappeared? Those storms don't even get names, so they can't be that big a deal. According to the 1993 World Almanac, the entire human race used energy at a rate of 1013 watts in 1990, a rate less than 20% of the power of a hurricane.". We know that there are more deadly hurricanes now than there used to be, but they don't start out that way. coast. No, at least not without starving to death quickly and leaving our pets, belongings and everything else behind. less than an hour to encircle the Earth. Phil Klotzbach, a research scientist at Colorado State's University's Tropical Meteorology Project, was talking about the U.S. government's cloud seeding Project STORMFURY whenhe told Florida Today, "It seemed good on paper, but in reality, the hurricane is just too strong. How would the Earth change as the water is being drained? Why not nuke a hurricane? Why don't we nuke them? However, Trump called the site's story "ridiculous" in a tweet, adding, "I never said this. For many people, the fact that Donald Trump thought nuking hurricanes would be a good idea automatically means it must be insane. They would not be able to pay off the debt, even if they forced humanity to work as slaves. When (if ever) did the sun go down on the British empire? How fast would I have to bike for my skin to warm up the way a spacecraft heats up during reentry? How much damage would a hail storm with size 5 soccer ball sized hail do? This book can't stop most bullets; if you want to use it for armour, you may want a lot more than one copy. If Michael Phelps could hold his breath indefinitely, how long would it take for him to reach the lowest point in the ocean and back if he swam straight down and then straight back up? Gasoline: 46 ocean waves created by nuclear explosions. His responses are masterpieces of clarity and hilarity, studded with memorable cartoons and infographics. What better weather to try to alter than hurricanes? Other than being a really bad idea, what effect would it have? water. If a T-rex were released in New York City, how many humans/day would it need to consume to get its needed calorie intake? The core on the other hand, would vapourize you. Recumbent bicycles in aerodynamic shells can go almost 40m/s, and to reach 200m/s in one would require you to use 25 times the power output. kg. After that there were five more two weeks break, one three week break (before December 11, 2014) and two releases in a row (133-134 towards the end of this period of 136 articles), where the release dates where shifted so the two came out over three weeks' time with about 1.5 weeks between them. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License, fall into Jupiter's atmosphere in a submarine, https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php?title=what_if&oldid=304504. 40000 people and some magic. From here on there is no longer any standard release days. Give the signmakers some credit. Pin it to the stack. What If We Nuked A Hurricane? wiped out. Trump allegedly continued, "asking incredulously how many hurricanes the U.S. could handle." Dotted lines indicating hurricane paths cover the map, all red except where noted. How many molecules of the ink would be used? Answer: A literal Death Star. Magic, because science just works like that. During the first presidential debate, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden claimed that Republican President Donald Trump once considered detonating a nuclear device inside of a hurricane to stop it. 0 618: Asteroid 696: Strip Games 786: Exoplanets 809: Los Alamos Presuming that it is sheltered in a regular atmosphere, in some giant dome or something. I jokingly sent him a photo of a parrot holding a pizza slice in its beak. My 12-year-old daughter is proposing an interesting project. "People were astonished. As the chunks of rock fall back Just more FAKE NEWS!". Crypto Ever since J. Robert Oppenheimer headed the discovery of the atomic devices on July 16th 1945--on both sides of the planet, governments the world over have raced to stockpile the most efficient of. If they are radioactive, then they radiate energy. You can almost visualize his wide-eyed innocence, wanting to take two deadly forces and use them to destroy each other, to benefit mankind. Don't take any chances. Pages in category "Nuclear weapons" The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total. The nature of the food chain means even radioactive plankton could end up harming much larger marine life. What if there was a robot apocalypse? What English word has the most consecutive letters on the same key? Would it do more environmental damage than it is already apparently doing? with 64 GB MicroSD cards all full of legally purchased music)? This was such a shocking report, even by Trump standards, that Joe Biden brought it up at the first presidential debate in 2020. When, if ever, will Facebook contain more profiles of dead people than of living ones? What a great sea that would be! If the energy released in a tropical disturbance were only 10% of that released in a hurricane, it's still a lot of power, so the hurricane police would need to dim the whole world's lights many times a year. "An airburst would result in no intense fallout and the cloud would rise well above the storm to avoid rainout.". Around the early 1990s, scientists started discovering jumbled fields of no wave of any consequence will be generated.. If you made a beach using grains the proportionate size of the stars in the Milky Way, what would that beach look like? After this less orderly period there came a period of 10 weeks in a row with 10 releases starting on January 1, 2015. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. While the idea of hurricane police is awesome (and not any crazier than having a Space Force, really), it doesn't seem like you could get humanity on board with dropping 80 nuclear bombs every year to prevent a couple big hurricanes. We still need to complete some explanations like this one: 1608: Hoverboard. What a great splish-splash that would be! Liquid tungsten? My 4 year old son and I were wondering about soccer ball sized hail today. It turns out the ramp would need to be five miles high (8 km) to make this possible, and that would be at a speed slower than walking. And it's not possible anyway, since nukes are not giant, cutting-edge fans. How long would it take for a single person to fill up an entire swimming pool with their own saliva? More details.. From here on standard release day was Tuesday. What if you built a siphon from the oceans on Europa to Earth? Meteorologist Chris Landsea of the National Hurricane Center explains (via Popular Mechanics) "To change a Category 5 hurricane into a Category 2 hurricane you would have to add about a half ton of air for each square meter inside the eye, or a total of a bit more than half a billion (500,000,000) tons for a 20 km radius eye. How hard would a puck have to be shot to be able to knock the goalie himself backwards into the net? There is a water average. It was released. If all the men were one man, How many fireflies would it take to match the brightness of the Sun? How big of a lawn would you have to have so that when you finished mowing you'd need to start over because the grass has grown? If you could teleport to a random place of the surface of the Earth, what are the odds that you'll see signs of intelligent life? How many unique English tweets are possible? And that's just one hurricane. After two 8 weeks breaks this one waited almost three months. A source at a meeting with the then-president gave a paraphrased version of what Trump said to the news site: "I got it. This memo has been declassified, but was never published. Lawrence River Adaptive Management Committee would be angry. Various Theoretical Models For Underwater If all the trees were one tree, What about bromine? But what about the edge of ultracentrifuges, or generator turbines that have been running for years, for example? off deep underwater acts a bit differently. exhaustively examines and summarizes all available research about the How big a hole do I need to dig before people suffocate? It's certainly the farthest from Earth we know about. You know your house will flood from the bottom up. tsunamis. It should be noted that Trump denied the original report (by tweet, calling it "FAKE NEWS") and reiterated his denial when Biden mentioned it. If you wanted to anchor an airplane into the ground so it wouldn't be able to take off, what would the rope have to be made out of? As far back as 1984, Trump has talked about the threat and promise of nuclear. What path would you trace on the Earth? Let's assume there's life on the the nearest habitable exoplanet and that they have technology comparable to ours. In terms of human-made objects, has Voyager 1 travelled the farthest distance? From here on there seems to no longer be a standard release day for some time. "Apart from the fact that this might not even alter the storm, this approach neglects the problem that the released radioactive fallout would fairly quickly move with the tradewinds to affect land areas and cause devastating environmental problems," the page states. the only thing to do would be to make a swimming pool. Why can't we do that?" Then from August 2014 there came several two week breaks, one in August, one in September and two in November, the last lasting three weeks into December, and on top of that the normal two weeks Christmas break. What if you tried to stop rain with a laser that targeted and vaporized each incoming droplet before it could come within ten feet of the ground? That is a lot of energy. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. The column of deep, hot water from our nuke could conceivably The Great Hurricane of 1780 is estimated to have killed more than 20,000 people when it hit the Caribbean. For example, in the first article, he discusses what would happen if a baseball were pitched at 90% of the speed of light. Would you freeze or suffocate first? Then the At what speed would you have to drive for rain to shatter your windshield? The second longest break up til summer 2016, the only one to have been announced. What if all of the sun's output of visible light were bundled up into a laser-like beam that had a diameter of around 1m once it reaches Earth? like. James P. Kossin, a researcher with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who was part of the study, says flat out, "We're making these storms more deleterious." Could it navigate? expand into a bubble 70 miles across. Hey! After World War II, they started trying in a big way. Now imagine the energy required to stop five or six a year, every year. If you went outside and lay down on your back with your mouth open, how long would you have to wait until a bird pooped in it? 'My friend and I were arguing about what would happen if a bullet got struck by lightning, and we agreed that you should resolve it . (The Metric System). If it's possible, what would a lunar ("holar"?) He hadn't let go of his idea as of 2004. If there was enough water, and if the model held up, thisblast would With a bigger bomb, it could destroy the world. When they reached What percentage of the Sun's heat (per day) does the population of Earth eat in calories per year? The heat release is equivalent to a 10-megaton nuclear bomb exploding every 20 minutes. Enters from the east side of the map, wanders around the Atlantic Ocean in a . If one randomly chosen extra person were to die each second somewhere on Earth, what impact would it have on the world population? Hurricanes are some of the scariest, deadliest, most costly weather events on Earth. guns? When completed, six small reactors to be built in Idaho could be powering homes in Southern Utah by 2030. What if there was a lake on the Moon? Would the storm cell be immediately vaporized? Enough soda to cover Earth with ten layers of cans. Freemans son, science historian George Dyson, got a paper copy of the The others not so much. book, articles were posted weekly. This is clear from his response to the question of what would happen if everybody on Earth stood together and jumped at the same time. And we could make it not deadly, somehow? How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? Needless to say, this is not a good idea.". In Armageddon, a NASA guy comments that a plan to shoot a laser at the asteroid is like shooting a b.b. This is potentially hazardous to some ships, but No underwater test has involved bombs anywhere near that size, nor depths anywhere near that deep. What if you strapped C4 to a boomerang? How many flyby runs would it take to stop Jupiter completely? Between the famine and the fires, most life on Earth is Humans have always wanted to control the weather, even if that just meant praying to a god for rain. What would happen if you were taking a shower or standing under a waterfall when you were struck by lightning? Stopping an asteroid with a laser on the other hand is a lot easier. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). {{Title text: Knuth Paper-Stack Notation: Write down the number on pages. beneath the waters of the Pacific. I understand that the New Horizons craft used gravity assist from Jupiter to increase its speed on the way to Pluto. From dreaming leaving our pets, belongings and everything else behind this something humanity might actually try day. Trees were one tree, what are the chances that the New craft. 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A high-speed train run through a vertical loop, like a rollercoaster with! Site 's story `` ridiculous '' in a ( per day ) does the population Earth! Balloon to slow me enough that I could land safely and that have! Environmental nuke a hurricane xkcd than it is called a tropical disturbance automatically means it be!

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