None of them really knew what was causing this affliction, one doctor even suggested MRSA! I also had breakouts on my back, mostly (red bumps). Also, barely able to sleep. Reply. I was so bad i had to stop. I intend to wean off of them to see if that what I causing the itch. I wish Id carried on smoking rather than go through this swallowing issue I am terrified of it! We have doctors use them dont diagnose off the internet. These people may include bartenders, people who work in certain food industries and domestic cleaners. This stuff is not safe. First of all the FDA/government whoever needs to regulate it and the stores around here that sell it to minors should be shut down. I have also been to a dermatologist and he says eczema, I never have it normally though. Anyone out there experiencing this? Your immune system's sensitivity to nickel may develop after your first exposure or after repeated or prolonged exposure. I am only on 6mg of nicotine, diluted from a 12 with non nicotine. Alos had issues with tongue getting numb, now I have a sore tip of the tongue all the time, eye issues, ringing in the ears and fatigue like I have never known before. Just ordered some 100% VG Juice aqnd will try that. Also, we need to remember that liquid nicotine is POISON. The exact cause of nickel allergy is unknown. Eyes appear to be clearing up well. Hope you do too. When you get sick from it, listen to your body when its giving you signs something is not right. So know its not from a withdrawl or anything. Ive switched liquids, gone full vg, weened myself right down to 0% nicotine as well as having been drinking more water daily than anybody could ever want to, and the problem remains. I started vaping around the first of the year. Dianne, HI I BEEN VAPING 4 MONTH I have been vaping for about a year now. I will look into that. With multiple ways of ingesting and creating the vapor comes multiple ways of possibly infecting ourselves with things that arent good for us. I bought a Blu pod system recently and have been using that to curb my nic cravings by taking a few puffs when i feel the urge. The good news is these symptoms go away after a few weeks to a month, but the bad news is vaping-related side-effects are very much the same, so its hard to identify what is causing them. Ive been to so many doctors its embarrassing.. plenty of ct scans, mris, ENT visits along with 3 different neurologists who have only come up with a diagnosis of new-daily-persistent-headache (no shit). Years ago I tried 24 mg nic, this time started with 18mg, but in the last month Ive experimented with 12mg and 6mg. I order 0 nicotine and they still say nicotine added for flavor. Although higher percentages of PG are often reported to have a more drying effect on the mouth, it's not uncommon for 100% VG vapers to still experience it. You play you pay. Now, Im not saying its not the PG causing all of this because we all know that everything under the sun has side effects but, I have made an appt. I vape zero nic.also the minute I stay vapingi get a runny nose. Now a white patch on roof of mouth spongy to the touch. In: Middleton's Allergy: Principles and Practice. Hi Jan, Are people using mostly box mods when this is happening? I also feel depressed most of the time and it is not like me to get that way. My belly, legs, arms, back! Leg muscle tightening (quads and calves) I went to the dermatologist and they took samples of my breakouts to be tested to see what was causing these skin issues came back negative. This is getting as expensive as cigs. 1. could be from e-cig laundry detergent, food, stress, etcetera. Vaping illness 'breakthrough' points to vitamin E . Todays news accelerated ones beliefs thay there hasnt been sufficient testing. Nichrome is a popular alternative to kanthal for heating wires and was, in fact, invented before kanthal. Ive started sleeping with a vaporizer, that has helped some. Chronic Sinus Infections. the only thing that haelped at least the hives was clariton /with the decongest I scratched so much they bled. This is all unregulated, if I ever heal up it took weeks on all kinds of medication. I quit smoking 3months ago and started using VIP ecigs 2weeks later. I through out the e cigs last night. So, I started vaping just over a month ago, on November 23 to be exact. How exactly are you getting exposed to the nickel in the batteries? Coughing up muck can take up to 6 months to clear after you have stopped smoking. I think he was referring to the stuff coming out of China, like Dekang. After a 20 a day 25 year smoking habit and several attempts to give up i came across e-cigs around october of last year and have not even thought about going back to cigarettes since however, Ive tried juice from 2 different suppliers. My lips seriously have tripled in size! Is that what is making people itch? Vaping didnt help. I'm gunna give a build a go though. Is usually gone by the next morning. I just Started smoking electric cigarettes and two weeks. Hopefully resume my health . Its entering your blood through your skin and your body is getting sick. One day!!!! I saw my doc today and he diagnosed me as having Hyperhidrosis. I have tried every style of vaping there is on the market and different blends of juice as well from diy to all the big vaping brands, but still have the same symptoms. (pretty sure thats the reason-not dehydrated, anxious, or OD on nicotine as didnt have that much) so now im trying VG clearo type but am getting the swollen tongue and dryness, even tried unflavoured (100% VG) but thats WORSE for it. I just purchased an e-cig and broke out into hives. Forum Help, Updates, Suggestions & Feedback. But nickel can be found in many everyday items, such as coins, zippers, eyeglass frames, cosmetics, detergents, and even some electronics, including cellphones and laptops. Doctors couldnt figure it out. Elsevier; 2020. And of the starters that this is happening with, Im wondering what the nic levels are and how much they really smoked. As for the first 7 months that I didnt experience this, I was outside a lot. My mix is 70% P.G. Download Factsheet. The doc (not knowing the cause) told me to take one every day for a month to see if it clears up and it did but Id rather not have to be taking meds every day! Spent 4 months now with same pain in chest non stop feeling of anxiety through the worry, had numerous other tests done at docs blood samples everything nothing showing up. Well, no more. I have been seeing a dermatologist who has been giving me steroid ointmet, and finally Prednisone and during Quit for real or smoke the real cigs. I can only use Cartomizers, the Aluminum ones like Kangers not the stainless steel one. I tried vaping for only one day, using 100 percent vg liquid. Its total poisen for me. After the surgery I felt much better and can sleep better. Looks like I need to stop vaping; but Ill never return to real cigs. The now solution v.g is g.m.o free and very gentle. for months I thought they were brilliant and I would recommend them to anyone, but after maybe 6 months of smoking the ones that look like cigs, in the orange pkt from most major retailers, I started getting itchy lumps under my skin. Pressure in ears/crackling and the sensation of your ear drum beingI dont knowsuctioned with certain noises. I took a puff off the ecig, that was it! Ran out of ciggs and smoked a ecig for about 2 days sporadically. I kinda also wasted about 3 years vaping and among headaches and muscle pain had pretty much no motivation to do anything during that time. You may crave cigarettes, feel irritable and hungry, cough often, get headaches, or have difficulty concentrating. I have found that benedryl will sometimes help. Now I stopped using and will never use this toxic shit again, its still taking a minute for my body to break this allergy down and rid itself. Doctor sent me to the hospital and I was told removing my tonsils would be best. I dont know whether I was allergic or particularly unlucky, but I do know that I have never experienced anything like this before and I will never, ever go back to smoking this poison. let me know if this help!! Ive been using a protank and mod dripper. I have a question, just bought NY first vape yesterday around 1 starting smoking immediately around 6 I got extremely tired as if I were drugged. Muscles at times are uncontrollable. Steroids are awful as well. In my ears it the worst pain imaginable I stopped for 6month off the e cigs and felt amazing I wanted Unless I have bedbugs inside my skin jeez I think just triggered one of my phobias! Small amounts of these metals can be aerosolized and inhaled. soaps, etc. I really do think e cigs arent without dangers. From my right eyelid to my inner thigh. Neck,face and chest. Nickel is an exceptionally common metal. They need to put on the box what in the cigs. I have found that taking allergy pills and using Gold Bond medicated lotion helps to decrease these symptoms. I HAVE READ EVERY SINGLE COMMENT ON THIS THREAD SO FAR. I didnt smoke ecigs for a while but when I started again I was sick.I thought about an allergy but everywhere I read that it mostly causes skin reactions. Been to the ER twice with swollen tongue and am on second pack of steroids until I can make my appointment with the allergist. Ive been going through the same stuff. Itchy rash could be contact dermatitis. MaryAnne i would like to here more about your inability to swallow. This juice is incredible but super strong in flavor, I have considered 100% vg but really I think the problem lies with the amount I vape, as I say its just too easy to vape non stop all day every day, who cares what does it, its vaping in general that is my problem, too much everything! I have a Foos ecig that takes the liquid and I think now I will stop that and use the other one that I have with the cartridges instead and see if my rash and itchiness subsides. On the way to the doctors now. Quit smoking 1 month ago and started using an e-cig. I started having a really weird symptom just a day after using a vapor device. My voice is very hoarse. Well its been real and its been fun, but it hasnt been real fun! Dont trust that the manufacturers of the e-cigs you get, the ones from petrol stations or supermarkets wont change their product design or ingredients. After 10 emergency visit in 2014 finally I know ecig is killing me. We touch our face? with out nicotine and after just 10 min my face and body were covered in bumps like I was attacked by an army of mosquitoes. Because its labelled as low when in fact, even a few minutes a day toting on this low will introduce massively more nicotine into your system than a heavy smoker puffing away at 40 a day. I am not in a place to quit cold turkey so Im back on analogues because I dont know what else to do. General e-cig/vaping discussions. ITCHY IN MA PLEASE TELL ME IF ANYONE KNOWS ABOUT THIS HAVE 4 MONTHS CIG FREE. No skin rash and a small amount of itching. Please try Velvet Cloud organic liquids or similar. Easy for them to say growing up on daddies yacht, e-cigs saved my life, im not ready to turn my back on them just yet. These patients were subsequently found to have a nickel allergy; the devices were found to be positive on a dimethylglyoxime (DMG) nickel spot test. Give up the e-cigs and find out. Since Im quitting today. People have know idea how much nic they are getting into their systems. If you quit two months ago and stil are going through health issues, the vaping is NOT the problem. I use organic liquid seems to be less irritating.I might have to quit because of the eye lid issues. Soon after the pain came the extreme difficulty to take a normal size breath , it felt like I had been punched in the chest and the wind knocked out of me. I know this isnt common, but its likely that some of us are just allergic. I am still on e-cig and on and off on smoking because both of my general doctor and ENT doctor feel e-cig is safer than cigarettes. I truly hope everyone finds an alternative to cigarettes for those that are allergic. However, now I have a rash all over my back and upper chest. Hard to believe thats the soonest they could see me, considering I have hives all over my chest, stomach, sides, under my armpits and on my under my upper portion of my arms. I never had rashes or most other reactions Ive read but the symptoms I do have largely went away the day I went without vaping. It could be either an allergic reaction or a stress reaction to a histamine reaction. Not the pg or vg. Are they Teflon? I started vaping since last November and in a few weeks I found that I had breathing problem and it was so severe that I could not sleep. But I was almost certain that my condition had to do with vaping because I did not have any of the above symptoms before using the e-cig. Contact dermatitis. E cigs seriously need to be regulated. Lots of phlegm. If youre going through the 10ml bottle in three days, then your nicotine intake is very high. It is t easy to get rid of so the sooner you treat it the better! Today is day one without any nicotine and I cannot believe its taken this long to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! It can be bought at at any health food store. Even the lowest of nic mixes and 30 minutes vaping a day introduces massively more nic to your body than a 40 a day Marlboro smoker, and thats going to make you really sick, essp if you were not a heavy smoker in the first place. Both made me very ill. I had a severe allergic reaction; hives, swelling and nausea! Further information can be obtained by contacting the ATSDR Information Center at: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Try a mod with 3mg nicotine and high organic vg 90% or above. Im not sure its about PG-VG ratio, but perhaps its the flavouring. We decided to use e-cigs instead about 4 months ago. Clear fluid pours out of my nose and mouth. I stopped smoking in May 2014 and started vaping. OK THE FIRST 2 MONTH .I HAVE NOTICED THAT I HAVE PUT A LOT A WEIGHT ON MY STOMACH AREA VERY WINDY ALSO SWAETING A LOT TIRED I DONT SEEM TO BE MY SELF BACK FORTH AT DR MORE TIRED I ON HIGH MENTHOL I THINK I NEED TO GO ON LOW DOSE I DONT WANT GO BACK TO SMOKING BUT THE WAY I FEEL IM THINKING ABOUT CUTTING VAPPING FOR NOW AND GO BACK TO SMOKING HELP. More spot started to tingle. The best way to describe this is that I feel like my blood is toxic and my skin is on fire Has anyone else had this? Two weeks later, I had to return to the hospital and was admitted for 4 days. Its ecig poisoning. I have mainly the red blotches all over my body from excessive gaping, I vape all day non stop. I quit smoking cigs about 3 weeks ago too, and my skin has been breaking out, dizzy, sore throat, and had a headache for 3 days. Lead, nickel, tin or other heavy metals: they help heat the vaping liquid. ), and I wake up with muscle aches especially worse in neck and shoulder. When you quit smoking, you will have both physical and mental withdrawals. Oh, yes, and now I have rosacea and permanently red eyes. I am convinced now after reading this thread that the vape is to blame. I smoked Blu ecigs for several months and then my hands got really itchy. its very intense? Was thinking about how bad it is to have the cell phone to my ear, so I wear earphones with a mic to chat because of the battery. Getting your gums back to good health is all that is needed, but it takes time and fortitude. I only smoked a few ecigs then developed the steady ringing in my ears. It first appeared when I tried a strawberry-kiwi flavour, then it stopped when I was vaping other not so fruity flavours and then I got pomegranate-papaya with actually tastes quite similar to the strawberry one and it started all over again! If your hands have to touch nickel, wearing gloves may help. It's about 10-14& nickel.. guess it'll depend on OP's allergy. Easy as that sounds, discovering the cause can be difficult . I can take a long soak in a bed of poison ivy and be perfectly fine. Even months later, sometimes the rashes come and go within 24 hours, or they stay for longer. Im still staying with Nature Finest Organic, just got my order will have to wait on my face and mouth to heal. A well thought out answer that makes sense!!! The swelling is severe and even painful around hives on face and chest. I changed all my beddings and got new mattress ($600), threw away half of my clothes and dry-cleaned the rest. We all appear to be experiencing something negative. Im going through a bad reaction tooMy face mouth and throat are burning really bad..Im going to stop all together..this is not right . So I am pulling everything up I can on this. I have been vamping since October,everything was fine until a month ago,had no cigs and my breathing has never been better,but a month ago have developed this rash,which is very itchy at night.I read the report about allergy,and have given up using e- cigs,a month ago,on antihistamines from the docto for 2 weeks,but the the itchy rash has not cleared,will give it another 2 weeks,then I will be back to the doctor.Can anyone tell me how long does this rash take to clear. Hydrate very well and get some fruit and veggies into your system. Nickel is a chemical that is widely used in utensils, jewelry . 1. seraph089 1 yr. ago. Am I really gonna have to quit nicotine entirely ? Switch from propylene glycol to vegetable glycerin, lower the nicotine content, change e-liquid brand, do whatever it takes and youre bound to find what works for you at some point, but going back to smoking tobacco is the worst thing you can do. Then smoked a few months till trying the ecigs. What other additives are used? I suspect this is an issue with the device. I used e cig and a week later ended up with blocked ears and dizzy and spent two days in bed unable to move without the room spinning dont know if its connected to the e cig or not but came on quickly after I started using it co insistence maybe?! Another tip is to switch out metal watchbands for those made of cloth, plastic, or leather. virtually doesnt exist with high VG juices. i enjoy ecigs havtried all kinds of vg to pg.same reaction. been to the er 4 times had shot every tine and dose pack of prednisone every time and now have epipen go to allergy doc next week keep you posted ! The ratios of the two metals can vary; the most common nichrome alloy for vaping is Ni80, which consists of 80-percent nickel and 20-percent chromium. I am an occasional cigar smoker who started vaping about a year ago because I was finding my smoking frequency increasing and hoped that vaping could provide a relatively safe alternative. they simply say it is just water vapor. To everyone who writes about bad allergic reactions to vaping, I beg you to check where youre getting your liquids from. We had a bedbug problem a long time ago and my parents ended up selling the house after we failed to treat them. I am going to doctors tomorrow as I cannot continue this way! The itchy rash was happening maybe two or three times a week to varying degrees and the swelling has only happened three times, the first was quite mild and it went away fairly quickly and did not disfigure me much. Ill need 2 weeks for a full clear if it goes like last time. Since this could also cure my snoring problem I agreed but it wasnt a walk in the park. All kinds of flavors, I had about 15 of them that I liked to alternate from time to time to reset my tastes. Additional information: Notice excessive burning in back of throat after eating something, and then vaping. Hope you all get better soon, I know the itch is bad! After oral nickel challenge flares up of eczema and/or nickel patch test. Whenever I try to research every site suggested some other cause for my health issues. Nicotine is freaking dangerous, back to smoking I guess. I went to see my doctors and both my general physician and ENT doctor had little knowledge about e-cig and the allergies it may cause. The Sandbox. Nicotine overdoeses are easily achieved if using high strength, even 12mg can be high. Im down to zero nicotine so I know its not the level of nictoine which I know can burn and cause sore throats etc. Its turned me into a downright rottereveryday I wake up and smoke my vape and just shit the bed doing nothing. The doc didnt know what it was, but he sent me for a blood test to see if I was having a reaction to something. Also had diziness and diarhea and basically feeling high in a bad way but the doctor said it was a virus, said it was unlikely to do with this and im not entirely sure will try antihistamine to see if it is! Also quit weed at the same time. Most of these metal hypersensitivity (MHS) reactions are type IV/delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. After scratching the itch, small white bumps appear (hives?) Any other medical issues? . If you think the area may have become infected, see your doctor right away. I started googling everything that I ate that day! Was Your Shoulder Pain SO Bad That You Couldnt use arm? The old smoke till youre sick is no myth. The breathing started slowly to improve with less pain and I was able to lie in bed comfortably only to experience flu like symptoms coming on (muscle aches in back and neck,cold sweats and generaly feeling green with sickness). Generally my skin is so much better and has colour again, I realize now how unwell I looked over the last week or so. I have been vaping for 2 years now after rolling my own cigs for 30 odd years with Nautilus tank and ola hero mod box, 6 mg nic juice, Alabama strawberry flavour at 70 vg 30 pg. My body felt totally poisoned. I have had same exact symtoms and scroured the net for a while before I found this place I thought I was completely alone everyone and the doctors just thought I was full of shit I have lost relationships over this while in extreme pain. Never did I realize that I have an allergic reaction to his vapor (he switched 4 months back to e cigarette). People who feel that they're allergic to cigarette smoke describe a number of common symptoms, including: difficulty breathing. Definately a poisen for me. And if not, then you shouldnt be implying that cigarettes fixed all of your problems, because thats what these cult cigarette companies want you to tell people. If I dont scratch it, it reduces but I still know its there. I dont have nicotine in my juice either. Skin is comming back as normal. I could not figure it out. Clear nail polish on jewelry may help, but may have to be reapplied often. a huge glass bottle plus the throw in a test Needs to be pure organic for sensitive people. . the Pred. Fingers crossed that the VG works, super paranoid about flaring up but at least I know the warning signs for round 2. Have a nice day. Benadryl is helping for couple of hours. I believe that you should stop 3 or four days to see how you feel if the symptoms are going probably u have got allergic to the liquid. Im almost thinking that the high nic levels that I started at, which I thought were not high enough, are too high for someone who is still smoking 1 pack/day while Chain vaping at night. Just under 2.2 % of people who responded had rashes after vaping PG-containing juice, about 3.6 % had pimples or hives, just under 2.6 % experienced burning or stinging sensations and about 3 % had itching sensations. It cleared up once, I started mixing my own vape from what I was told was organic flavorings(extracts and concentrates) I broke out exact same way same places but little worse..looked at the small writing on bottles that were labeled most Capella flavorings taste great but use PG to extract the flavoring, other companies clameing organic use acetone (nail polish remover) to extract the flavor. To say ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skin and your body when its giving you signs something is not like to! Around the first of the time and it is t easy to get rid of so the sooner treat. Got my order will have to quit cold turkey so im back on analogues because I dont it... 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