I am the Manager of a Motel and I am forced to live on property. BS!!! Destruction of property due to mold contamination. If your landlord doesnt agree to return your security deposit, then it might be time to escalate the situation. My State Farm does but they claim I still have the policy I had 10yrs ago when I lived in the home for a year, which conveniently isnt setup to include renters. Her attorney sent a demand letter to my HOA Insurance company Nov 2014 asking for $14,000. He is only 15 and has constant migraines, his left side of his face is in pain all the time his left nostril is always clogged and he constantly is blowing out black stuff. Do you all know of any good doctors in Georgia? In fact, the question on many minds within the defense bar, which deals with mold-related cases, is: What evidence was brought in to convince the jury to come to the conclusion it did? My doc told me I did not have seasonal allergies, I had environmental allergies as my throat and nose had evidence of chemical burn. Posted on March 3, 2021 by Habitability Defects, Mold. The estate of a man who had toxic mold in his apartment received a $250,000 settlement even though his death was from other causes. A little paint on the problem does Not fix the real issues!!!! and with like no rain too. A group in California was awarded $1.3 million for claims against contractors that performed work so poorly it caused leaks and allowed mold to enter their homes., This is actually crazy! I woke up 5 days later in the ICU of the local hospital. I have an attorney, but I beleive he sure could use a consultant..please help me. I have reason to believe I have mold in my home. kitchen cabinets where promise to be changed after 2 weeks and a month and half later still nothing. They got me out only to come back from this pneumonia almost killing me. We now have started noticing mold around all the windows all over the bathroom as well as both our bedroom closet and the closet in the kitchen. Do we have any leagal grounds against our landlord? I do not want to be living here anymore and plan on suing the landlord and getting a new place as soon as possible. fixed) then go get some. no reimbsmnt for anything. The woman proceeded to tell me the hard time they have had with the owner and how nasty she was to them i in return asked if they didnt see that as odd and told them why i thought they were doing this. Havent been able to get ahold of the supervisor. I had water pour through my cam lighting . Its mold thst grew on the petri dish and I am sending it out to test which type of mold it is. but to put it together you have to first shut off the water to the toilet. There has been allergy test and other test and could not figure out what it was from. fee, background check, credit check, and of course a security deposit. The court document further states, On or about January 10, 2000, Plaintiffs first learned, after a specialist tested the Subject Property, that the Subject Property contained toxic moldOn or about July 26, 2000, Plaintiffs treated with a mold specialist physician who informed them their symptoms and ailments might be related to the toxic mold found within the Subject Property.. Two weeks later I went to pay my first months rent and told them that the smell was still there and had actually gotten worse. However that slowed and when our family started staying home more our health problems started getting worse. Im genetically mold susceptible carrying Hla-dr gene mutations. I cant afford a new home this one is paid for I just want to know what can I do about this because the manufacture nor the dealer who sold us this home wants to take responsibly to fix it Please help! Two days after i was diagnosed with pharyngitis i discovered mold on my side of the room on the walls closest to carpets then alllll my windows in my house have mold in the frames and tracks of the windows. We are in eviction for holding the rent but we blindsided the attorney but he did not care. This is a really disturbing issue for me, as she is disabled and nearly 80 years old. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has found that Pugliese'streatment protocol for mold exposure had "no scientific evidence of being beneficial" and "the potential to cause harm.". We have used dehumidifiers that are like bags that we hang and they suck up the moisture, but even then, they are full in a day or two and we cannot afford to spend all our money on mold preventatives. its cold in there even with the door open and the heat on 78-80 degrees. I went to the hospital the diagnosed me with Asthma, something that doesnt run in my family, I never had it no symptoms, and I have no allergies. When mold investigator walked into our unit they could automatically tell that there was some kind of mold issue on our ceiling bathroom and even bed room. So, for example, if your accident occurred on October 1, 2020, you will have until October 1, 2022, to file your claim. It was then pushed into my stomach and went through my system. im going tomorrow to look at apartments. When we rented moth balls were everywhere. I need an attorney who practices in Delaware and Im having great difficulty locating one. Since we have lived in this home we have had many mold issues due to a leaking roof and the water coming into the house and cause areas of the home to become moldy, such as bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedrooms. Here is a link to the memo with the addendum: http://www.lomod.org/News/2012/2012Dec/files/CA%20Lease%20Addendum%20Approval.pdf, 7. AFter I shower, I get really dizzy and lightheaded. HELP PLEASE! However, our landlords have never treated the mold and I contacted the board of health to address the issue to them. We are suing builder and bank for this reason and many other construction defects and do not know what type of doctor to go to. But some molds can cause serious health problems once they get a foothold into your home or workplace, particularly "black mold." A company owns our property that we rent from, and they have a maintenance company that comes and fixes things for them when we ask. I have bleached and scrubbed everywhere at least once a week and it still grows back strong as ever. In fact his weight loss is extremely alarming. Thanks Lori, Me and my kids have been liveing in hud apartment for years and have contacked houseing over two years ago about the mold in my apartment.i was told to wash it with bleach.it comes back rite away.me and my son have had sevel helth prombles i beleave caused by the mold.houseing refuses to fix it and sid its my responsibility to clean it.iam a diabetic to and fear my family is at risk, I need help. I cannot afford another move, but need to get out of there. They then said they would seek funding but later said they could not pull together enough money. I immediately got dizzy and turned so pale I looked like death had knocked on my door. Settlements also sidestep the considerable legal costs involved in such cases, such as medical experts and lab testing. I have a screw on plastic bidet for my toilet so I dont have to use as much toilet paper. So we still have a leaky roof into our front closet and mold is still growing in our front closet We cant use the closet because of the smell. California law requires landlords to provide tenants with a written disclosure, prior to signing a rental agreement, when they know, or have reason to know, that mold exceeds permissible exposure limits or poses a health threat. Also, while federal law requires disclosures about lead paint, it doesnt impose a similar duty on landlords when it comes to mold. I have called numerous times about the mold growing in our walls, and seeping through the light fixtures. My husband and I are leasing a house in Mississippi and at the time did not know that there were foundation problems causing water to leak out of the concrete slab in our garage when it rains causing water to flood the garage floor . I didnt get out fast enough. We have not had any other water damage so the previous damage I could only assume to be the culprit. The owner/landlord refuses to acknowledge the responsibility of this basement flood/mold problem. California law requires landlords to provide tenants with a written disclosure, prior to signing a rental agreement, when they know, or have reason to know, that mold exceeds permissible exposure limits or poses a health threat. California maintains a law called a written disclosure law for mold. Did you know that the agar in the test kit has an expiration date? He has now been sentenced to eighteen months in federal prison. They chose sat & sun so theres no body we can call. My kids arent healthy, my husband has had nothing but headaches this year. I went back 2 weeks later to find everything I owned gone from the house, locks changed, and new renters living there. one week later the whole house is flooded as the first bathroom the contractors fixed the pipes bust. Our bathroom would be completely back if we didnt clean it with bleach every other day. What he showed me was in the bathroom, and not just a bit on a shower wall, but down the sides of the wall, one walls headed under the sink and under the sink. I am a Lanlord. I realize now that the white stuff on my esophagus was aspergillus toxic mold. As you can see, the county is upset, and knows they are at fault. During this time I would have hives,and went from being virtually healthy to having respitory problems. I can feel myself getting sicker and sickerthe doctors act like they dont see it..I coughed so hard one dayi begann hurting in back and chestreally badi thought it was a heart attackGot to the ER I had broken a rib coughing so hardthen when i followed up with My doctor all of a sudden they tries to tell me no one said i broke my ribsIts crazy, i only been in my place a moth on jan 7 2016 i had a leak from my toilet i fell 3x reported it to the landlord he sunt a mantieance man out weeks later the job still wasnt done cause he had to replace the whole toilet then i had a molded refridegrator that didnt work that was included in my lease didnt get a refridegrator til 3weeks after i reported but then i had bought 200 dollars worth of food that spoil because the lack of the landlord it didnt get replace i still dont have a stove what to do. They changed the rug last year (after sewerage damaged another room in my home, in which it took 2 months to actually fix it, and we lived here the whole time, with 3 young children, but I was a pest to the gentleman who came to change that rug and he finally came back and changed my sons. My elderly mother is living in a rent subsidized, hud approved home. Danny Hamrick This article may be helpful: Toxic Mold Litigation Who Is Legally Responsible And Do I Have A Case? HELP???? Mold in the path of water and living on the edges of the ice freezer when the ice is becoming frozen, to the pre dropping area is water that is ice coated in mold.. Oh, I dont bring ice from the ice machine anymore, but rather a newer machine below if and only if i have to and or from the convenience story or fast food soda machine.. but now i wonder about all ice machines. We found black mold. Do we have case against them? What can i do in this situation? Just needs re gluing?? The 2nd or 3rd time they fixed the roof, the master bedroom started to leak, along with the original spot. twenty six year old single mother of five children whose ages are 1 yr, 3 yrs, 4 yrs, 7 yrs, and 9 yrs. My daughter, a teacher, was move into a mobile classroom for this coming school year, we noticed a distant smell and found mold on her things that had been in the room for only a few weeks. We believe insurance agent was negligent and caused my family to be sick and exposed to mold for over two years. If the landlord refuses to comply, you may be able to leave your lease early. There was a big gap in the side of the window sill for my windows behind my bed that got filled in. They offered to put me in another apartment but I just want to leave. The only reason anyone can see that they are passing any inspection is that they are paying off an inspector. The flooring is always wet or damp. We asked in Feburary for the mold to be tested because we got suspicious. Called to see what the status was with the leasing agent and she tells me that You must have the heater cranked, they said your apartment is so humid. Relayed that everything we had been doing plus wiping the walls down and keeping the heat at about 68ish and still having problems. We called management immediately, pulled up carpet, and saw water damage under carpet. Both claimed that they had become "extremely" sick as a result.Attorneys for the Federicos made claims for both breach of contract and negligence per se. My health is progressively becoming worse and I have more issues then I can list. The apartment was ok, but it had a mildew smell and she told me it was the carpet cleaning chemicals, which should go away within a few hours. The client is also an Attorney. As the months went on I was becoming very ill because the landlord did not remove the drywall, baseboard or carpeting. Well the same day I filed the complaint they contacted the leasing office and they came to my house the same day and told me that I should havwe came to them instead of complaining to the housing athority then they said that they where not going to renew my lease and that I have to move what can I do (they said because of the bread of my dog) which I paid the deposit to have and also pay a monthly pet fee for. I have notified the manager of the village and she informed the owner and he stated he will not reimburse me for any repairs caused by the black mold. Im badly allergic to mold. I asked him about the shingles sitting in the gutter above my unit and again said that wouldnt cause issues either. Today called the office because the mold has now been found on the back of my sons dresser below where one of the leaks were. She has 2 small children with sensitivity to harsh chemicals, She herself is asthmatic, and I am immune deficient. We have leaks in the ceiling and all my boss asks the maintenance man to do is paint over the black mold coming from that ceiling. that is no where near the bubble spot referenced above. I printed out the email (which is the first paragraph above) and mailed it to AHA. I have nothing left. I did a home test that showed toxic black mold was present, but Im told thats not enough. In explaining why most physicians can't treat toxic mold issues, the Center's website states: "The reason being is that these types of poisonings are more of a toxicology problem in human health rather than a disease, they are an actual poisoning. She says the vents are like that because of the moisture and it looks more like rust then mold. he said if i didnt get it taken care of Ill be evicted. Ive only cleaned it once-not to be unclean-but to stop from ruining it anymore-and NO I DIDNT use any cleaners, just water-cant get the dirt to go down the drain if the bath mat is there-thats where most of the paint is gone, underneath ir. For instance, it could be the result of construction defects, faulty materials, poor architectural design, or the previous owner's failure to disclose known problems. At issue was solely the question of insurance handling and bad faith. I would like to share the story of my husband Jeff. I found black mold in my bedrooms closet. We recommend tenants discuss their landlord-tenant dispute with an experienced real estate lawyer, as a lawyer will provide a recommendation on how to proceed. If you have an issue with these, you should talk to your landlord. The Landlord would not fix the water problem painted over mold in bathroom basement.And then I notice it in the air duct on top on a couple of inches of dust we where breathing. A week later, a new management company took over the apartments. He hasnt taken action but I still pay my rent. Any suggestion . Now, the question I have is can I sue the company who sold me the modular home or the inspector who marked everything in the home in compliance? We filed a discrimmination application due to disabilities (allergies to mold) with Fair Housing and they are taking the case. From what I can see right now, a year later, the pieces of drywall, or whatever are making the ceiling, have a clear distinction on every border and one of them has become cracked and I can actually push that piece up and down. I am currently living in a condo. The categories of compensation (not to mention the amount of that compensation) you can receive in a lawsuit over health problems and/or property damage stemming from toxic mold will vary significantly depending on the facts of the case. Need a good lawyer, I won already against Board of Directors in HRTO, human rights ontario, Your comment is awaiting moderation. There was water pouring through the ceiling in MULTIPLE places last year. Also another interesting fact is that EMF electromagnetic frequency can cause acceleration of growth of mold, in fact if your have parasites they detect the EMF waves and see it as an attack so they grow faster, multiply faster. just ordered a blood test and a chest x-ray for Aspergillus (1 type of mold). I asked my landlord to fix it and he has yet too. Friday I contacted the health inspector and they will hopefully be coming out tomorrow. Mr. Barker seem like a nice enough Ella and upon viewing the home with him it looked okay there was some what he referred to as remodeling projects currently underway on the back half of what he described as an addition that would be coming to an end and it would also at that point open up a few more square feet and an extra room for one of My girlfriend and mine for children who were also pretty eager and excited to move in to our new space and live life. Where does a renter go for help about this problem. in my home to look at it to tell me if she had ever experienced these black spots and that was when she informed me that it was black mold and could cause serious health Less than a week later I ended up back in the hospital and had exploratory surgery and they removed my gall bladder and appendix. The building has a flat roof and apparently the unit next to mine had their ceiling cave about 3 months earlier. So of course I was excited to save $650. My mother had issues with her hip that are gone now, and in rehab she caught pneumonia, then heart issues and to another hospital and another rehab and then out to the affordable monthly hotel and she started to get better. I alerted the rental office who sent a maintenance man twice who claimed it was dust. Dr. asked about his living conditions and we told him we believe that there has been mold in the house for years. I figured that it all had to to with the ceilings being messed up but didnt know there was mold under them too. The failure to properly handle a mold personal injury claim based on recognized medical testing can cost millions in damages. after you do your homework, make friends with your neighbors and start to educate them. Limited reports also link black mold with more serious conditions like pulmonary hemorrhage or memory loss, although it isnt yet clear whether this is directly tied to mold or other variables, such as environmental conditions or a patients chronic health problems. Although the physician could not state with certainty that the mold came from the apartment, when combined with the history of the illness, his opinion was that the sinus issues were linked to the tenancy. The landlord denied this claim. We have cleaned the surface mold with bleach and it keeps coming back. Thank you so much for your quick reply. It is black in color. That was a few weeks ago, now I am noticing the paint in certain areas fading out and exposing mold that had obviously tried to be covered with the paint. Recommended Reading: How To Remove Mold From Linoleum Floors. While I was out of my home the manager put Aftershock on the ceiling and the baseboards; after my telling him not to cover up the problem he needed to solve the problem the re-inspection passed because you couldnt see the Mold on the ceiling and baseboards, but they could see it on my furniture etc. On Feb 12 my husband and I rented a small home. I filed a claim with OWCP and of course they denied it. Could I actually win a case like this especially since Im moving out so soon? She did give me an inhaler as I have trouble breathing in the apartment. Could I potentially counter-sue her for actually causing the flood, not handling the so called mold issue herself (lease states shes responsible for leaks and other plumbing repairs), and for the 7 months of rent she didnt pay by breaking the lease? Later still nothing this pneumonia almost killing me paint, it doesnt impose a similar duty landlords. And bad faith application due to disabilities ( allergies to mold for over years. 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