I have news for you, God is not going to destroy the earth, for the Bible says the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord!!! The revival preceded a great assault from the atheistic authorities. Satan can only make counterfeits of what God does but he most certainly cannot emulate Gods power. The gospel according to Ivar, its no gospel at all. religious demons/devils Satan is much smarter than this. John Arnott is not a false prophet or false teacher. Ivar said: Those born of The Spirit, those born of The Only True GOD, are the brethren of The Messiah, for they received a love of The Truth that they might be saved. It was a costly decision on his part, as well as those he conned into following him. No where is that in the Bible, no where. And one recurring theme whith BJ and Bethel Redding seems to be the dominionist view of us being like God, or Christlike in a sense, that the Lord never intended. Yet because of Faithful Noah, The Only True GOD no longer would curse the ground for mans sake because Noah obeyed The Only True GOD! I have never been at Toronto Airport Fellowship, and I have never met John Arnott. . Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Joyce Meyer, Rick Warren, Paula White, Kim Clement, Kenneth Hagin, Robert Tilton, Robert Schuller, Juanita Bynum. The dangerous deception of Kingdom Now theology. The Kingdom Now branch of Dominion theology exists within Pentecostalism whereas the Reconstructionists branch of Dominion Theology exists within Reformed Theology. The subsequent evaluations that have been done reveal that projects have had significant impact in the community. Hard Lessons in Discernment Thousands of years ago, Satan, a former anointed cherubim angel, was convinced he could raise his throne above the stars of God and make himself like the Most High. I guess to insult you means one gets to have brute lies spoken about them. He would have us separate ourselves from this Christ. At that time, the devil will be bound and the glory of the Lord will fill the earth. 4. Now therefore, what do I have here, declares the LORD, seeing that My people have been taken away without cause? Again the LORD declares, Those who rule over them howl, and My name is continually blasphemed all day long (Isaiah 52:5). Warren is a former New Age follower and a Lighthouse Trails author who has written numerous books and booklets including his autobiography, The Light That Was Dark. There is only fruit of the Spirit in my life, my familys life and friends as a result of attending there. Melchi = king and zadoc = Priest sorry about the spelling not my strong suit. These are People Full of Love for the Lost and Not for the devils works. angel pipe full of happy Pappy No more disease, war, poverty, AIDS, global warming, etc. His dominion will surely be global and powerful. As a result there are plenty of trendy new churches that openly and brazenly attempt to live with sin rather than confront it. The problem with following a copy-cat Jesus, is that such followers believe they are saved. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name [Jesus Christ] under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." By Zachary StieberThe Epoch Times New medical diagnosis codes for COVID-19 immunization status have been added in [Read more] trance glory 2. like so many other dangerous teachings and movements, the danger is not always apparent right away it can take a bit of digging to find out what a teacher or a movement actually stand for. Copyright 2002-2023. And they follow, and desire to be like their Master and Brother, The Messiah, He Who was the firstborn of many brethren. Obama, the pope and Bill Johnson. > glory chunks heresy hunters hate Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, circus holay (holy circus) The minute a holy ghost preacher asserts the divine character of the Son of God, and preaches Christ and Him crucified-oohhhh sorry dude, thats WAY too heavy, thats too religious and legalistic. Signs and Wonders Movement I noticed you have made the comment more than once about your not owning anything. Jonathan Birt, son of Lord Birt, late of the BBC and now the government's transport guru, converted in 1997. Professor Avni was the Head of Archaeology Survey of Israel. During the ages the Jews lived in colonies, where they shared everything. What do you do for God here on earth? whacked up in the Holy Ghost Amen. Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and the apostles preached the gospel of the Kingdom. They are bearing the fruit of the Kingdom. Birthplace: Noyon, France. clucking like chickens that we are all one body. This kind of spirit is mentioned in the book of Acts. No answered prayer, just an aging and diminishing congregation. They are, Joel Osteen, Leroy Thompson, Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar. feast on the flesh of Jesus Woe to them! Because Lighthouse Trails is a research ministry, it does at times post news stories from both religious and secular sources. All of them saints, martyred for their pure faith. Perhaps I shouldnt comment, as I, never being one to give in to peer pressure, should perhaps have a little more understanding for those being led astray. chittemrajaiah. releasing the glory they push the gullible into supporting their ministry with financial donations and by purchasing books, videos, and DVDsall of which fund trips around the world and expensive lifestyles. In everything I have heard from Johnson, live or on video I can discern no serious departure from essential Christian doctrine. Seduced because they love this evil world and their own life in it! Because the gospel currently dominant in the emerging charisdramatic churches, prefers to have their Jesus as an enfeebled mascot figure-head, a guru, a role model, a wise man, social activist, political radical, legal advocate, one who never challenges my lifestyle choices-rather affirms them; a mystic, one spiritual leader among many. Prominent adherents of those ideologies include Calvinist Christian reconstructionism, Charismatic and Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology, and the New Apostolic Reformation. Or growth based on deception like teaching of prosperity and Kingdom Dominion theology. Greetings to you in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. it seems like you may be throwing hate around where some grace would suffice.. You do not have to listen to me. Our funding partner is the general manager of YENCOMAD Contraction Company. suckling Lucy the milk angel In Him. Thomas traveled to India, and might have been slain by short and long knives. Lambinator (Lamb of God + Terminator) I pray for softening of your heart in this having researched the critical record against Bill Johnson. This is what Bill and others in his movement teacha Church fully empowered, fully representing on earth the way things are in heavenjust like Jesus did, in exactly the same way. Evangullibleeasily deceived by teachings that contradict the Gospel of Jesus [Read more] I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. Toronto Blessing stigmata (blood, oil, gold dust on hands) thank you. Typical manifestation of Kundalini is holy laughter, uncontrolled shaking, animal noises and sensations of burning inside. Tell me how that shows Christs love, or builds unity in the body? He just as easily could be at the top of any list of the most influential preachers of the past half-century; when Preaching cited the most influential preachers of the 20th century (in our first issue of the 21st), Billy Graham came in at number two. Joel C. Gregory, holder of an endowed chair in preaching and evangelism at Baylor; the Rev. > also an orphan and its one of the reasons as to why i was forced to start holy intoxication 1 Timonthy 6:10 says: For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Hence, Kingdom Now opposes a separation of church and state. Thank you loveandtruth for your comments. A man and woman joined together in obedience and submission unto The Only True GOD are blessed indeed. As I said to Chris: If Jesus wants, he can put gold dust under my bed. It is not a case that we are not invited to reign and serve, some may say enter into the Melchisadec priest hood. I heard similar types of criticism of certain popular worship churches and their original songs. power injection off baby Jesus My citizenship is in Heaven, and the true church is a rescue operation to save people from the false Kingdom builders. I have been a Christian for some years and am alarmed at the Kingdom now teaching. I cant speak for the beliefs of the others you mention, since I dont know them, but I think you are very wrong in Judging Bill Johnson. I attended a couple of his sessions earlier this year. I feel like crying Jesus also wept over those people who was so sure they were so right that they did not understand what God was doing. This is the most common topic. So we really need to test the teaching. firewater of God Died: August 20, 1912. ecstasy trance I can tell your passionate about this post. Let me remind you that the Jews have lived like this in Israel from around 1909 up to this day. holy toking i am Evanglist ,and I play Keybaord in my Church ,Church means people ok , I am penticostal Boy He also issued a warning that if anyone came along and tried to preach another gospel (like those who say miracles are no longer part of the Gospel) let him be considered anathema or eternally condemned. How to Strengthen the Faith of Our Children & Grandchildren With 5-Minute Conversations by T.A. Manifest Sons of God He drank alcohol behind the stage at Lakeland. On detail he may possibly get it slightly off key, on this I could not be sure. Below will be an on-going, exhaustive, list of pastors and teachers of the Christian faith who have either fake degrees or try to pass off honorary degrees as earned degrees. https://ivarfjeld.wordpress.com/2012/10/02/andre-strom-warns-against-bill-johnson-and-todd-benthely/, https://ivarfjeld.wordpress.com/2011/11/04/worshiping-the-new-age-gods-of-the-air/, https://ivarfjeld.wordpress.com/2012/09/25/more-shocking-falsehood-found-inside-churches/. And Paul rebukes them, and explains that the true Kingdom awaits servants of Jesus that never became King`s on Earth, but rather persecuted martyrs. I look forward to your thoughts or questions regarding the matter. Paul promotes death to the flesh to take on the nature of Christ. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Home to a better place, home to the Eternal Kingdom in Heaven. What did Jesus have to say about material blessing? ecstatic worship Who is the real sinner? I assure you I would be running a mile if I heard such false theology. they condition and desensitize new recruits over a period of time to believe what they sayeven over the Bible. those who disagree with their ungodly behavior and damnable teachings are considered either sub-Christian or religious zealots, Pharisees, cultists, fear-mongers, hate-mongers, sensationalists, liars, witch hunters, heresy hunters, unsaved, and haters of Jesus Christ, who are possessed by a "religious spirit." The apostate Church in Corinth feels they have become kings, and have all they want. Is it the fullness of the kindom actually now? Prakasam Dt , A.P. I have seen in print what your fellow sceptics have written about Bill Johnsons theology and much of it does their argument no favours. Dominionist Kingdom Now preachers reject this old fashioned Christian willingness to face the certainty of future trials of our faith. How could I tell someone who had been a slave to sex and was now radically transformed because of What Jesus did that his joy was unfounded? Richard Allen. We analyze all kinds of theological perspectives and the people who preach and teach those perspectives. Nobody can stop it because it is a DIVINE WORK OF GOD. Correct docrine alone will not save one single person in fact those who really knew everything in detailed and warned everyone were well you know who they were. Paul charged Timothy to be on guard against him. The focus is on them because they are as Jesus is, and being divine, they can speak things into existence that were not, but only God can do that. smoking the cross of Christ, spirit of religion Longing to be with the Messiah, who will come back and rescue you. 4. They bring people closer to God and have compassion for the lost, sick and oppressed. I have no particular adherence to Bill Johnsons ministry. True Revival in the Midst of Persecution The World Will Not Love True Revival OUR WEBSITES. It has provoked me to examine a little more critically what I believe! And so is it for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle. They did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.. It pains me to hear Christian against Christian, how much more must it grieve Jesus. The worldly systems are the creation of, and under the dominion of the god of this world. However the following article is a close to defining what Kingdom Now theology teaches. toking the Bible NEVER, means not for a single minute. Please do not write long comments, but be brief, and take one point at the time. How many prosperity teachers do you see claiming to love Jesus Christ and riding around in $100,000 Mercedes living in mansions while children are starving in poor countries? There is no other way to interpret those verses. Paul was most likely beheaded. francis. 6. Jesus said: I NEVER knew you. Dear brothers in Christ, For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain (Titus 1:10-11). angel bell figurine/statuette to summon bartender angels We are working in between trible people.like labadi, koya boya chunchu yerukala yanadi communites. Chris Lawson, of Spiritual Research Network, has posted a new video on Warren B. Smiths YouTube channel. Nonetheless, God seeks believers to join an army to take back dominion over the world. Jesus said it was hard, but not impossible! All the Apostles were martyred. One day it will show for sure what is what, and who is who. Those who love this world all serve the god of this world, and play their part in the processes that seek to destroy The Creation of The Only True GOD. Ivar said: foaming at the mouth, piggy anointing (snorting sounds) If the above information is not exposure of falsehood, than nothing is. If you want to listen to Bible bashers and their ignorance hang out here at this site, otherwise listen to what Bill is teaching, take it to the Bible for yourself, test it, check the references, you will find he speaks the truth that many others are afraid to admit to or hold themselves accountable to. Its typically of pentecostal/charismatics to make scandal upon scandals! If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe youyou of little faith? * The Antichrist is a spirit, not a person. Please forgive me for being a bit messy in this comment, but I believe I got through the point. Bill and his cohort Chris Volotron? heavy holiday drunken glory The Crack Shop I see the article is just a list of cowardly, disrespectful slanders on a man of God whose sole purpose is to glorify Jesus. The book, published by Mountain Stream Press, is now available through Lighthouse Trails. The world is a sinking Titanic ripe for judgment, not Garden of Eden perfection. Their movement, which Christerson and Flory called "Independent Network Charismatic" or "INC" Christianity, has become one of the fastest-growing faith groups in the United States. We can be sincere and we can be sincerely wrong. 5, Non of the martyrs have followed the American styled, glossy copy of Christianity proclaimed by men like Bill Johnson. I tell you this Nancy because I love you, and want you to be found in the Kingdom of Heaven. Finally Paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit, In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her! At that moment the spirit left her. I know that God is all powerful and can choose to reveal Himself to His sons and daughters in any way He wants to. Gullibleeasily deceived. You are not her to gain popularity, collect millions of dollar, and live a life in deception and indulgences. tingling sensations in hands, arms, and body, denial of the deity of Jesus Christ and the Trinity Greetings to you in the name of jesus christ I guess from the Pope to pastor Bill Johnson. The post True Revival in the Midst of Persecution The World Will Not Love True Revival appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. If we hide or deny our sins, we become hypocrites. snorting dust from the tomb of Jesus Christ Birthdate: September 30, 1971. The post Lent and Contemplative A Likely Match appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Alistair Begg, senior pastor at Parkside Church outside Cleveland; and the Rev . (2 Kings 19:22). You do not show scriptures that say to we are commanded to do what they did in the time of Acts when they shared everything in common. See 2 Corinthians 12:14 Now I am ready to visit you for the third time, and I will not be a burden to you, because what I want is not your possessions but you. I do not know how much gold or money your have stored up. religion is crap Just because you believe evil spirits are attached to these leaders doesnt mean you are correct for you are only man. And if a Christian has children, surely they can save for them. suckle the wine vine Here is a list of what all blasphemers have in common, whether or not they claim to be Christian: but in reality, in these last days it is they who are lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these (2 Timothy 3:1-5). I didnt want to say that anyone around here was judging anybody. One of the main evil spirits within Hinduism is a monkey god named Hanuman. Yet, they stand guilty of the very thing they accuse others of doing. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven (Revelation 13:6). Black preachers are known for their passionate delivery of the scripture from the pulpit on Sunday mornings and over time, many have developed identifiable preaching styles that congregants find entertaining, engaging or distracting. I think thats an evidence that you cant cast out demons by the highest of them. I understand what the bible teaches about honor, but where are the passages about creating a culture? Pensacola Christian College will no doubt be labeled as hateful, homophobic, and intolerant for cancelling a music concert after learning that one of the members of the renowned UK singing group is gay.* Already, news sources and social media outlets throughout the western world [Read more] You will never convince me that I was drunk on demonic spirits. Mother Teresa, who selflessly took care of 40,000 derelicts in Calcutta, basically stopped her ministry to them by providing them a clean bed and comfort. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. McMahon is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. They sold them and paid off the building with money to spare! As a close friend said this teaching that come from Kris was so lacking in scriptural understanding it was amazinng why almost an entire audience agreed that the fless is good the soul does not need saving as it is good and laughed at a very lude story to show that Christians should not be too spiritual but can be normal. We are also interested in sharing the word of God with our Church in Zimbabwe holy electrical buzz I have attended Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship on several occasions over the last 5 years and I have only been blessed. 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