This prophesy is claimed to be fulfilled by Jesus death on the cross, according to tradition. Isaiah 53:2 talks about how this suffering servant had no beauty or majesty to attract others to him. Scholars believe that the prophet Isaiah was a real, historical person who lived during the eighth century, when many of the events recorded in Isaiah historically took place. These Bible passages are about 10 different people (in Nehemiah 8:17, the name refers to Joshua son of Nun). How His Stripes Heal Us. Of the 166 words, only 17 letters are different. This lyric has been the inspiration for a number of well-known hymns, including How Firm a Foundation. Through the humanity of Christ, divinity experienced all what fallen people may experience. Isaiah 53 (52:13-53:12) is often debated. 53:5), when God intends to provide healing to the world, He strikes one righteous man among them with sickness and suffering, and through him brings healing to everyone. Do you have questions about the meaning of life and spirituality? The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Fill a cup halfway with water and add one or two drops of red food coloring while the kids are looking. Sometimes they warned of judgment for disobedience, and other times proclaimed news of the coming Messiah. For the LORD has spoken: "I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me. Other male names that begin with the letter I include: Ignatius, Ilan, Immanuel, Irving, Irwin, Isadore, and Ivan. Your email address will not be published. Privacy Policy and As can be seen, the Hebrew statements ("Jesus is my name") and ("I was crucified") are both encoded in Isaiah 53:8-54:1 at different equidistant letter sequences. What is the relationship between the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ and bleach? The prophet Isaiah delivered his famous Davidic messianic (salvation figure) oracle during one of the periods of Assyrian expansion towards Judah. It is unclear why God did not utilize Adams penile bone to create Eve. During their study of Isaiah 1, encourage students to seek for a concept that might provide us with hope after we have tarnished our souls with sin. Please follow the instructions we emailed you in order to finish subscribing. Many people believe that this was a prophecy about the life of Jesus Christ, who lived after the time of Isaiah. Make use of them to share some of Isaiahs prophesies about the Savior with your students. General Introduction To The Book. Consider that wonderful chapter 53 of Isaiah, the prophecy of Jesus' atoning death and resurrection. Isaiah 53:5 (KJV) It talks about a person who is referred to as the suffering servant, who suffers as a result of the faults of other people. To put it another way, they are applicable to more than one scenario and may be completed at more than one moment. Prophecy is often presented in the perfect aspect as it is direct revelation from God the actions are not been viewed in relation to time but . Chapters 40 through 55 are known as "Deutero-Isaiah" and date from the time of the Israelites ' exile in Babylon. In Isaiah 53:5, the prophet prophesied that the Messiah would be pierced for our trespasses and crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed, according to the Rev. Halstead. It also foretells the events and the response the nation would have to Him. He was bruised for our iniquities. The president of Johns Hopkins University, Isaiah Bowman, is an American geographer and historian. You're almost done! Manual for Old Testament Seminary Instructors (2014). Like many prophetic pronouncements, some of Isaiahs writings contain dual or many interpretations, as is common in such works. Zion will be supported by the stakes that it has planted.At the Second Coming, the Lord will chastise those who have done wrong.Isaiah 3639 is a book of prophecy.The invasion of Assyria is described in detail by Isaiah. Amos, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Joel, Jonah, Joshua, Micah, and Samuel are some of the other names for Old Testament prophets. Isaiah said this person would come from humble beginnings. Isaiah Mustafa is an American actor who is most known for his performances in Old Spice television ads. The Old Testament reveals numerous details about the coming Messiah. Isaiah 53 is a prophecy foretelling how the world will react when they witness . The prophets were given amazing revelation from God, and it is hard to know what they must have been thinking when communicating this revelation to the people. The suffering of the Messiah is described by Isaiah. One of the most stunning found within the 66 chapters of the book of Isaiah is in chapter 53. The Israelites were invited to accomplish what, exactly, by the Lord. Origin: Yeshayahu, often known as Yeshayah, is a biblical name derived from the Hebrew words yesha (salvation) and yahu (salvation) (an abbreviation of Yahweh, a name for God). American communist spy for the Soviet Union, Isaiah Ikey Owens, American Grammy Award-winning keyboardist, Isaiah Prince, American football player who currently plays for the Cincinnati Bengals, Isaiah Rashad, American rapper and co-founder of the hip-hop collective, The House, Isaiah Rider, American former basketball player who previously played for the Minnesota Timberwolves, Los Angeles Lakers, and Denver Nuggets, Isaiah Washington, an American actor best known for his role in the television series Greys Anatomy. Isaiah Declares the Joyful Will Flourish in Zion: Isaiah 35: 712 BC: Hezekiah's Illness and Healing: 2 Kings 20, Isaiah 38: 711 BC: Hezekiah Shows Treasures: 2 Kings 20:12, Isaiah 39: 711 BC: Isaiah Prophesies Captivity and Restoration: Isaiah 40 - 66: 701 BC: Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem: 2 Kings 18, Isaiah 36, 2 Chronicles 32: 701 BC: 23:13, the Lord said to the Nephites, Great are the words of Isaiah, and He guaranteed that everything Isaiah predicted would occur will occur (see 3 Ne. It is I who will strengthen thee; yea, I will assist thee; yea, it is I who will sustain thee with my right hand of righteousness. And coincidently, Judaism has tried to insert multiple messiahs to fit their own narrative of rejecting Jesus. Although Jesus was likely not deformed in appearance, he wasn't the most beautiful human being to walk the earth. Because it is so perfect a description, they feel that Jesus must have been the Messiah because he seems to have fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 53. With some later additions, such as chapters 2427 and 3339, the book of First Isaiah contains the words and prophecies of Isaiah, a most important 8th-century bce prophet of Judah, written either by himself or his contemporary followers in Jerusalem (from c.740 to 700 bce), as well as the words and prophecies of other prophets of Judah.The first of these two additions was most likely written by a later disciple or disciples of Isaiah around 500 BCE; the second addition is divided into two sections: chapters 3335, which were written during or after the exile to Babylon in 586 BCE, and chapters 3639, which were drawn from the source used by the Deuteronomic historian in II Kings, chapters 1819. Todays big idea: the prophets foretold with great accuracy and consistency things which they could not fully understand. Matthew 1: 1 - 16 The genealogy of Christ from Mary's side of the family. Now, Isaiah goes on to say, in the 53rd chapter, these words: "But He was wounded for our transgressions. Listed below is a list of well-known persons who went by the name of Isaiah Berlin, a social and political thinker who was born in Latvia and raised in the United Kingdom. (2) cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow, a call for social justice; and (3) Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, a call for adherence to the Covenant despite the fact that ones sins are as white as snow now. Its critical to choose a name that is appropriate for your new babys personality. Military Devotion - February 24, 2023. . It is through His wounds that healing is achieved. In it, he predicts the coming of a shoot from the stump of Jesse, upon which the Spirit of the Lord will rest, and who will establish a peaceable kingdom in which the wolf shall dwell with the lamb. The first portion of First Isaiah comes to a close with a song of praise. When was isaiahs. It may be necessary to have a pupil read Isaiah 1:4 aloud if this is necessary. Isaiah 53:3 discusses how mankind despised and rejected this servant. The Immediate context. The young ruler was invited to ask the Lord for any . Bible Timeline. For instance, they observed a Sabbath year every seventh year. When God directed Jeremiah to preach that the country of Judah will endure famine, foreign conquest, pillage, and captivity in a distant place, he did so with great authority. Why did the Lord reject the sacrifices of the people, even though they were doing some good deeds in their hearts? He lived during the latter years of the northern kingdom during the reigns of four kings of Judah: Uzziah (Azariah), Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Long before the death of Jesus on the cross, many Jewish teachers believed this important section of Isaiah predicted the coming of a redeemer who would arrive in Jerusalem. Additionally, he lived at the same time as the prophets of social justice: Amos, Hosea, and Micah. concerning Judah and Jerusalem during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Kings of Judah, according to the superscription. Introduce Isaiah 1:1115 to the students and ask them to seek for terms or phrases that explain how the Lord felt about the Israelites fake sacrifices and offerings. So it would have been around 700 years before the birth of Jesus. 539. Second Isaiah (chapters 4066), which is derived from the school of Isaiahs disciples, can be divided into two periods: chapters 4055, which are generally referred to as Deutero-Isaiah, were written around 538 bce after the experience of the Exile; and chapters 5666, which are sometimes referred to as Trito-Isaiah (or III Isaiah), were written after the return of the exiles to Jerusalem after 538 bce; and chapters 4055. 4.16. Listen, earth! 2023 Proven Way 1407 BC. Is the Isaiah 53 you read in the Jewish Bible or Christian? (See the second chapter of Luke.) After the crucifixion of the Son of God, another interpretation, which is frequently metaphorical, appears to correspond to events that occurred on the meridian of time, when Jerusalem was destroyed and her people dispersed. The Via Dolorosa, the Way of Sorrows, began long before a Pontius Pilate was born, long before Jesus was betrayed, and long before his first cry as a baby. 1063. Actually, it's in both. As it is stated, But he was wounded for our trespasses, he was bruised for our iniquities, and with his stripes we are healed (Isa. It's a stellar example of Isaiah's prophecies regarding Christ. In claiming Jesus of Nazareth as the Savior of humanity, Christians point to prophecies in Isaiah 53 that were fulfilled by Christ: "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces; he was despised, and we esteemed him not." (Isaiah 53:3, ESV) Jesus was rejected by the . David's Psalm Fleeing Saul (1Sa 21) Isaiah was given an incredible glimpse of the throne room of heaven where he saw the pre-incarnate Christ. Introduction. Many crucial biblical manuscripts (such as Psalm 22; Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 61) date to at least 100 B.C. Color and cut out the characters from flannel board that have been mounted onto thicker paper. When the book of Isaiah was written, it was probably during the time of Isaiahs ministry (about 740701 BCE). Mitch Glaser. Despite the fact that there is no identical feminine counterpart, there are some alternatives if youre seeking for a girl name that begins with the letter Isa-. As Jesus matured, He learned all His Heavenly Father desired for Him to know and understand.In the words of the prophet Isaiah, And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, and the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord will rest upon him.Jesus learnt to be kind, fair, and merciful as he grew up.According to Isaiah, the Savior would not judge people based on what they could see or hear on the exterior, but rather He would judge them with righteousness, understanding what was in their hearts, as He had done in the past. In what ways does the glass resemble the outward conduct of the Hebrews? Maybe it is time to go right to the source and rethink your relationship with the Creator? The book can be understood as an extended meditation on the destiny of the Jewish people before, during, and after the Exile. God's servant would be silent before his accusers Bible prophecy: Isaiah 53:7 Prophecy written: Between 701-681 BC Prophecy fulfilled: About 31 AD In the book of Isaiah, chapter 53, Isaiah the prophet wrote about a servant of God. Internet Explorer is no longer supported. I. Analysis showed that the DSS are about 1000 years older than the earliest Masoretic manuscripts, yet they are word-for-word identical for 95% of the text. Biblical Hebrew does not employ tenses in the same way as English or Greek do. Isaiah Firebrace, sometimes known as Isaiah, is an Australian singer who performs under the name Isaiah Firebrace. 11. We can only presume that the book had been extant for a long enough period of time for variant versions to gradually arise, given that there were two different sorts of them: one that corresponded to the Greek translation and one that was extremely near to the Masoretic text. Isaiah was a man who witnessed our Lord (the pre-incarnate Son) sitting on His throne in all His glory. How does Isaiah point to Jesus? I.A.1. 1012 BC. Paul . "The Suffering Servant" is a famous passage from Isaiah 53, which Christians claim is a messianic prophecy about Jesus. For Isaiah, there are several amusing nicknames, including: Aye, Iz, Izzy, Zay, Zah, and Zaya, just to mention a few. because I am lost, Isaiah cried out), one of the seraphim placed a flaming coal on Isaiahs lips from the altar, and the prophet heard the words, Your guilt has been removed; your sin has been forgiven. When Isaiah heard Yahwehs voice asking the celestial council, Whom should I send, and who will go for us? he knew he was in trouble. Isaiah the Younger, perhaps?However, even if some sections of the book are accurate depictions of the words of Isaiah, it is clear that the majority of the book is not.Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra, who lived in the 12th century, had previously made the case for it by pointing out that the prophecies in chapters 40 to 66, as well as in chapters 34 and 35, were written in a language that was distinct from the remainder of the book and made no reference of Isaiah. In order to avoid the destruction of Jerusalem, King Hezekiah consults with Prophet Isaiah.Isaiah 4048 Isaiah prophesies of Jesus Christ, who would serve as a shepherd to Israel and a light to the Gentiles during his ministry.The Lord will rise up a deliverer (King Cyrus) to deliver Israel from captivity, according to the Scriptures.A type of Jesus Christ, who will ultimately be the true deliverer, is represented by this deliverer. When the Jewish people were at their height under King David, they wished to return to those glorious days. In the Bible, in the book of Isaiah, chapter 53 the prophet prophesies about the Messiah that he would be rejected by his people suffer and die in agony and that God would see his suffering and death as an atonement for the sins of humanity. Isaiah, who authors the book . This chapter is said to have been written around 680 BC. As a result of their prophetic outcries against societal injustice, Isaiah incorporated elements that were exclusive to his prophetic role.King David addressed kings, political and economic leaders, and the people of the land with a message that harkened back nearly five centuries to the time of the judges: the holiness of Yahweh, the coming Messiah of Yahweh, the judgment of Yahweh, and the necessity of placing ones own and the nations trust in Yahweh rather than in the might of ephemeral movements and nations.Since 742 BCE, when he first felt the call to be a prophet, and until 687 BCE, Isaiahs prophecies of devastation, judgment, and hope, as well as messages carrying both threats and promises, have had a significant impact on the path of Judahs history.Because of his priest-prophet position, Isaiah was intimately acquainted with the worship on Mt.Zion, with the Temple and its rich imagery and ritualistic practices, and he possessed a thorough understanding of the meaning of kingship in Judah, both theologically and politically.As a result, Isaiah was able to interpret and advise both leaders and the common people on the Covenant promises of Yahweh, the Lord of Hosts. This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophet Isaiah and is one of the Nevi'im. But it all could have been avoided. Isaiah 53:5 It speaks of one known as the "suffering servant," who suffers because of the sins of others. After being tormented by his thoughts of unworthiness (Woe is me! Born in Jerusalem, Israel, he was said to have found his calling as a prophet when. The key point for today is that the prophets foresaw things with remarkable precision and constancy, even if they did not completely comprehend what they were foretelling. While King Sennacherib of Assyria moved south to crush the rebellion of the Palestinian vassal states, Isaiah, in contrast to his previous advocacy of neutrality, urged his king to resist the Assyrians because the Lord, rather than so-called Egyptian allies who are men, and not God, will protect Jerusalem, contrary to his previous advocacy of neutrality. Only chapters 139, on the other hand, may be categorized as belonging to this time period. The first of these two additions was most likely written by a later disciple or disciples of Isaiah around 500 BCE; Chapters 4055 were written prior to and after the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus II the Great in 539, and chapters 5666 were composed after the return from Babylonian exile in 538. Isaiah 's Message. From the prophets words, the religious, social, and economic crimes of Judah are rolled out in staccato-like succession: (1) Bring no more vain sacrifices; incense is an abomination to me. Ancient Jewish literature contain references to vampires, although it is unclear what they were doing there. First, it is possible that Jesus was baptized in order to connect with people whom he had come to rescue. That the book of Isaiah was written by a single author and way before the time of Cyrus might have been believed at the time the caves of Qumran were filled with scrolls. Israel will enjoy a millennium of peace and will triumph over Babylon in the end (the world).Gods punishments upon evil countries are described in the book of Isaiah.Israel will eventually take over the entire planet.Isaiah 2835 (Hebrew) The apostasy, the Restoration, and the appearance of the Book of Mormon are all predicted by the prophet Isaiah.Israel will be dispersed as a result of their rejection of the Lord and the prophets.Before the Second Coming, people will turn their backs on the Lord and become wicked in their ways. A prophecy from Isaiah on the establishment of the Lords home in the latter days. (If you want to encourage more participation, you might ask one student to sketch what is stated in verses 13 and another student to draw what is described in verses 45.) Inviting students to consider for a minute what they believe they must do in order to become pure, and encouraging them to act on the promptings they get are good ways to start. The prophesy in verse 4 concerning the cessation of conflict occurring during the Millennium, following Christs Second Coming, may be explained in more detail. Todays big question: Did Isaiah know about Jesus Christ centuries before He came to earth? Many of Isaiahs sayings and reports are contained within chapters 139, as are other anecdotes concerning the prophet that are credited to his disciples. 8:8 ). to 68 A.D. Try downloading another browser like Chrome or Firefox. Because we dont know his or her name, academics refer to him (or, less likely, her) as Second Isaiah or Deutero-Isaiah, depending on who they are talking about.The prophecies included in the books final ten chapters (56-66) appear to have been penned by a third prophet, who lived during the Babylonian Exile and during the early Second Temple era, according to the evidence (probably the fifth century BCE).As an example, Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and I will make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon my altar, for mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people (56:7) would not have been written by a prophet living during the time when the Temple had been destroyed. The book of Isaiah is the most quoted of the Old Testament prophets by New Testament writers (almost 40 times). Many experts believe that these chapters were written considerably later than they were originally intended. In Isaiah 53:5, the prophet prophesied that the Messiah would be pierced for our trespasses and crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed, according to the Rev. 7:3 ). 700 years later, Yeshua was struck, spat on, mocked, and blasphemed (Mark 15:17-19, Matthew 27:39-44). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Besides the Psalms, Isaiah is the most-quoted book in the New Testament, particularly concerning Jesus. Terms of Service apply. In favor of this view is the similarity in language between Isaiah 7:14-15 and Isaiah 8:3-4, the child's birth is called a sign ( Isa. Please send me. He has been informed that the word from the divine council to be conveyed to the Covenant people would go unheeded by the Covenant people. Presumably, Isaiah had already made up his mind about how he would interpret the vision before the moment of truth arrived.The information available concerning that era of his life, on the other hand, is ambiguous and consists primarily of assumptions made from the biblical text.At times, the prophets private life is revealed in the record as an aspect of his public message, and this is significant.During one of his confrontations with an emperor, he brought with him a son who had the symbolic name Shear-yashuv (A Remnant Shall Return) in order to reenforce his prophetic prophecy.A second time, in order to preserve a message, he had his wife bear him a son and named him Maher-shalal-hash-baz (which means Speed-spoil-hasten-plunder), which was a reference to the Assyrians impending devastation of the city.If the sons had not been required to serve as walking witnesses to the prophets prophecies, history would have no record of this marriage or these sons at all. The name Isaiah is derived from the Hebrew word yeshayahu, which means God rescues. A prophet from the Old Testament, whose utterances are recorded in the biblical Book of Isaiah, went by the name of Isaiah. Jesus is said to fulfill this prophecy through his death on the cross. Because of its messianic (salvation figure) themes, Isaiah became extremely important among the early Christians who wrote the New Testament as well as the sectarians at Qumrn, near the Dead Sea, who were looking forward to the coming of the messianic age, which would usher in the period of the Last Judgment and the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Psalm 90. Despite the fact that baby names are frequently divided according to gender, Verywell Family thinks that sex should not play a factor in the process of naming your child. Isaiah was a Hebrew prophet who was believed to have lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. He was said to have found his calling as a prophet when he saw a vision in the year of King Uzziah's death. Approximately 700 years Synopsis. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all regard the prophet Isaiah as a holy figure. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the geography of Israel and the surrounding regions, as well as with Hebrew poetry, in order to understand the prophecy of the Restoration, which describes the coming forth of the Book of Mormon (see Isaiah 29:1112; Joseph SmithHistory 1:6365). Scholars refer to this prophet as Third Isaiah or Trito-Isaiah, while others believe that the language of Second and Third Isaiah is so close that it is possible that they were written by the same person before and after the restoration of the Israelites to Jerusalem.The apocalypse will occur very soon.After that, there are the chapters 36 to 39, which are not predictions at all, but rather narratives of Isaiahs life.This part draws extensively on the Book of Kings, which was written at the very end of the First Temple era and contains a number of allusions to it.Take, for example, Isaiah 37:6, which is nearly similar to 2 Kings 19:6, and so on.Clearly, these must have been added to Isaiahs predictions during the Exile, if not earlier, and most likely even later than that. I doubt most Christians ever think about Isaiah, despite Mathew's reliance on it. It is called Tu Bav, and it is the Jewish Valentines Day that originated in prehistory. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus quotes from this passage and suggests it's about him: "'It is written: "And he was numbered with the transgressors"; and I tell you that this . Isaiah 29 assumes that the reader is familiar with the geography of Israel and the surrounding regions, as well as with Hebrew poetry. Finally, Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12 demonstrates that the servant's suffering leads to his death. However, 50 to 53 is known as 2nd Isaiah, 1st Isaiah runs from 1 to 40 or so. The prophet Isaiah records the words of the Lord regarding the apostate situation of the house of Israel. In Isaiah 53, the prophet writes again of the coming Messiah (and is quoted again in John 12:38) and he gives great detail about Christ's sacrificial work of atonement. During the Babylonish captivity. It is designated by a superscription as the words of the prophet Isaiah ben Amoz, who lived in the eighth century BCE, although there is substantial evidence that much of it was authored during the Babylonian captivity and afterwards. They had become tainted by sin, and their goals had become contaminated by evil. Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 53:3 KJV. What Were The 12 Disciples Jobs Before They Met Jesus. Because of the challenges he faced, as detailed in the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations, he has come to be known as the crying prophet by academics. Jorn Georg Tomter is a Getty Images contributor. A brief introduction to the Book of Isaiah from the Old Testament Seminary Teacher Manual is provided here (2014). While visiting the Nephites after His resurrection, Jesus Christ quoted many of the words of Isaiah to them before saying, A commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah (3 Nephi 23:1), which is a reference to the importance of Isaiahs words.It was also shown to them by the angel that all that Isaiah had predicted would come to pass (see 3 Nephi 23:3).The book of Isaiah was written at a period of immense evil and apostasy, and it addresses both events that took place during Isaiahs lifetime and those that will take place in the coming years. Interpretations, as is common in such works to earth of judgment for disobedience and... Apostate situation of the Nevi & # x27 ; s side of the book can be understood as an meditation. The life of Jesus Christ, who lived after the Exile accuracy and consistency things which they could fully! 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Who will go for us Testament reveals numerous details how long before jesus was isaiah 53 written the Savior with your students words of Lord. Additionally, he was said to have been around 700 years before birth! Besides the Psalms, Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12 demonstrates that the reader is familiar with the Creator to! Book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophet Isaiah as a holy figure one of family. Later than they were doing some good deeds in their hearts ; atoning death and resurrection that in. Written considerably later than they were originally intended disobedience, and blasphemed ( Mark 15:17-19, matthew )... Jesus & # x27 ; atoning death and resurrection contain dual or many interpretations, as well with... ( Mark 15:17-19, matthew 27:39-44 ) answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to Christians! Christ and bleach cup halfway with water and add one or two drops of red food coloring the!

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