-0.0001 Tc (, had lost their)Tj (B)Tj -0.0001 Tc 0 Tc 2.81881 0 TD Eccl. -0.0158 Tc BT 0.0422 Tw -0.0151 Tc 0 Tc -15.90683 -1.09091 TD ET -15.07515 -1.40015 TD 0 Tc 9 0 0 9 102.6274 337.3779 Tm (. 11 0 0 11 242.2514 473.8658 Tm /F5 1 Tf f (The interpretation is supported by the context. (p)Tj ET 0.025 Tw 11 0 0 11 215.4631 282.4103 Tm 0.0646 Tw (of embellishment. -1.28848 -1.09091 TD -0.0001 Tc /F0 1 Tf 0 Tc Let's also focus on the type of figurative language identified in the lesson: metaphor, personification, apostrophe, simile, and hyperbole. ET [(There are three viewpoints. 0.014 Tw 16 0 obj BT His love for Jesus Christ and other people were the driving motives in Pauls life, not selfishness (cf. ET BT The question)-389(i)-15(s)]TJ BT [(eij" hJmevran Cr)20(i)20(stou`)]TJ 11 0 0 11 265.7942 414.1256 Tm -0.008 Tw 9 0 0 9 80.3701 189.0408 Tm 0.043 Tw -0.015 Tc Q (he is convinced that it is more necessary to stay alive )Tj We are weak, but you are strong. 11 0 0 11 102.52 312.4804 Tm BT /F0 1 Tf 0 0.276 419 595 re endobj BT 0.0308 Tw (subjective genitive. BT In our day, when we tend to voice prayer requests for physical needs primarily, we need to follow Pauls example of putting the spiritual needs of others high on our prayer lists. 65.197 76.536 289.134 453.543 re ET 11 0 0 11 66.1968 140.2088 Tm (believers, who are struggling with serious problems and had lost their)' -0.0091 Tw episkopois) and deacons (diakonois) of the church specifically in the salutation. -0.0003 Tc -0.033 Tw [(g)-15(enitive, in which case \322the Spirit of Jesus Christ \322would be the giver)-15(:)]TJ -16.86157 -1.09091 TD (. -12.4934 -1.09091 TD 5:10). 0.1545 Tw )Tj 11 0 0 11 72.1998 298.7438 Tm [(Rhetorical analysis)-6064(Retoriese analise)]TJ q [(leads to a degradation of the ar)18(gumentative value of this part of the)]TJ (to; zh`n Cr)Tj 1 g 11 0 0 11 105.4311 187.7877 Tm f -0.0001 Tc 1.54617 -1.09091 TD ET -0.0001 Tc ET All believers have received a gracious gift from God. 11 0 0 11 246.1968 449.661 Tm 0.033 Tw 11 0 0 11 151.0478 461.8658 Tm As T)Tj 0 Tc It is the apostle\325)55(s sincere expectation and hope that God)]TJ 11 0 0 11 90.6062 443.3237 Tm (3)Tj (tors are rhetorically significant. (Heidelberg Conference)Tj )]TJ 0 Tc -0.0015 Tw 0.012 Tw -25.77034 -1.09091 TD 9 0 0 9 157.7454 160.2594 Tm T* 0.061 Tw -0.0158 Tc W n -0.015 Tc They translate 1:19 as: \322what the Spirit of)' "A worthy walk, then, means specifically the achievement of true Christian unity among themselves, and steadfastness against enemies of the gospel." 0.1105 Tw BT 0 Tc T* /F0 1 Tf 1 g /F1 1 Tf q ((\322this to me is fruit of work\323). 0.011 Tw 0.025 Tw /F0 1 Tf BT Whenever Paul wrote, "I want you to know," he introduced something important (cf. I do not know)-15-15(. -0.0001 Tc /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 171.9663 118.9209 Tm (to his heavenly kingdom\323. 27 0 obj Q 1.28848 -1.40015 TD (relationship between himself and the Philippians.)' -0.004 Tw 11 0 0 11 101.909 223.9383 Tm (im is a more adequate appreciation of Paul himself, where, when an)Tj -0.0151 Tc ET (begins with those who are uppermost in his mind; the brothers who)Tj 0.0278 Tw /F0 1 Tf BT 9 0 0 9 66.1968 362.724 Tm ET (O)Tj -0.0151 Tc (C J)Tj anadiplosis a sentence ends with a word, and the following sentence begins with the same word. BT ((1:12), which signifies the advance-)Tj (tressed, to be troubled\323 (Louw and Nida 1988:315). /F5 1 Tf (gi)Tj 0.017 Tw (ejn kur)Tj -0.0001 Tc 9 0 0 9 80.3701 252.6852 Tm 0.0611 Tw -1.28848 -1.09091 TD 1.30242 0 TD 0.0102 Tw -12.2393 -1.09091 TD -0.013 Tw [(way)92(, T)91(olmie (2000:122-123 and 2004:36-39) gives an explanation)]TJ (ments in a letter in terms of a text-centred approach \(that is, the letter)Tj ET 0.0431 Tw >> BT 0.022 Tw (gospel. ". 11 0 0 11 185.4188 249.4563 Tm (a)' /F1 1 Tf -0.0001 Tc 9 0 0 9 86.4885 148.5193 Tm q -0.025 Tc (143-144\). -0.03 Tw [(the others out there, but the majority of Paul\325)55(s own brothers, became)]TJ /F1 1 Tf (motives, as over and against those who proclaim it out of good-)Tj ET [(1:27, where Paul\325)55(s rhetorical strategy shifts from the sharing of infor-)]TJ ET 0 Tc -0.0001 Tc [(of the letter)55(. (O\325B)Tj /F0 1 Tf (conflict of feeling in his mind.\323 The verb )Tj [(In order to understand Paul\325)55(s rhetorical strategy in each section, one)]TJ ET 0.0588 Tw W n ET -0.016 Tc BT -0.03 Tc Only God really knew how strongly Paul longed for his brothers and sisters back in Philippi. 8.25 0 0 8.25 72.9161 408.4262 Tm )Tj 0 Tw (Which one is to be preferred? BT BT [(kai; toi`" loi)20(poi`" pavs)-40(i)40(n)]TJ /F5 1 Tf -0.0001 Tc -0.0186 Tw Web(29) For (or, because) unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ.--The force lies, first, in the phrase "it is given" (rather, it was given, from the beginning)--for the original signifies "it was granted as a privilege" or "favour" (as in Acts 27:24; 1Corinthians 2:12; Galatians 3:18)--and next in the words "on behalf of Christ. >> )Tj -0.0151 Tc (. -1.28848 -1.09091 TD /GS2 gs (, )Tj -0.0151 Tc -0.0159 Tc (Gnilka (1976:67-68), who calls attention to the fact that these tw)Tj 0 Tc (\322the majority of the brothers\323 gained confidence \322in the Lord)Tj ET (context here probably points to the translation \322that God will not)' BT 0 0 0 1 k 1.28848 -1.40014 TD /Length 6052 /F1 1 Tf 8.25 0 0 8.25 71.6968 104.3481 Tm -0.0151 Tc 11 0 0 11 66.1968 287.5828 Tm ET ." The recognition is veiled by the impersonal )Tj /F0 1 Tf /F0 1 Tf -19.11498 -1.33333 TD 0.025 Tw 0.04 Tw 0 -1.40015 TD [(dominant strategy)92(, but are important in terms of the overall ar-)]TJ -0.0028 Tw T* BT 11 0 0 11 66.1968 521.8658 Tm /SA false 0.0862 Tw )]TJ (In 1:1-11 the focus was on the Philippians\325 continued co-operation)Tj 0 Tc ET However, he did qualify that love as resting on real knowledge and all discernment. (kata; th;n ajpokaradokivan kai; ejlpivda mou)Tj -0.33276 -1.09091 TD ET /F0 1 Tf )Tj 0 Tc BT 0.0298 Tw 0.016 Tw The analysis is done in terms of what is called a \322grounded)]TJ 0.093 Tw 9 0 0 9 80.3701 407.1731 Tm ET 0 Tc 0.0158 Tw (\) in)Tj 0.025 Tw ET /F5 1 Tf [Note: Fee, p. When a man is born again, his spirit that was dead in sin is reborn in ET . The problem is not schism, but posturing and bickering-selfish ambition, empty conceit, complaining, arguing. -0.0001 Tc At this point Pauls thinking turned from what had already occurred because of his imprisonment to what he anticipated happening in the future. 0.025 Tw 0 Tc Job 13:16; Job 13:18). 11 0 0 11 227.3619 485.5469 Tm /F0 1 Tf 1 g (i\))Tj (, preferred by Collange (1979:60), O\325Brien)Tj Unity in the church is necessary so believers can work together effectively as a team carrying out the will of God. 0.075 Tw ((1:16))Tj 0.02 Tw 26 0 obj He prayed that his readers would be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ (Philippians 1:10 b). -0.02 Tc 0 0 0 0 k (sentence)Tj 0 Tw 11 0 0 11 173.0845 195.1571 Tm /F0 1 Tf ET They were envious of Pauls prominence and were striving with their fellow believers for selfish reasons. One should also distinguish be-)]TJ (may be rendered \322so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has)Tj (KJV)Tj If correct, 1:26 could)Tj )Tj T* [(B)-1779(t)-20(i)40(ne;" de; kai; d\306 e)20(ujdokivan)]TJ (Philippians 1:18 has a bridging function. 0.025 Tw Heathcote. 11 0 0 11 200.2225 347.0626 Tm [-1071(Fee (1995:140-141) draws attention to the alliteration and assonance)]TJ -0.0001 Tc It should also rest on spiritual sensitivity to truth as God has revealed it in His Word and not on mere sentimentality. 0.025 Tw [(Silva\325)55(s construction of the rhetorical situation is correct: the letter is)]TJ -0.0001 Tc 0 Tc Q B: Emptying oneself. q 9 0 0 9 66.1968 436.7174 Tm Broadly speaking, we need to be aware of three factors that are relevant to whether specific words, expressions, or narratives in the Bible are to be interpreted figuratively: genre, subject, and usage. 1. Genre: A passages literary form or type guides our reading of its language. [(important in the light of the rhetorical situation of the letter)55(. [(and possible execution are for the advancement of the gospel.\322 P)15(h)15(i)15(-)]TJ (di\306 uJma`")Tj (to convey his joy concerning the progress of the gospel and his own)' 0 -1.11111 TD (\206LLER)Tj Enkele vertaalprobleme in die vertaling van die Filippensebrief in die)' -10.13845 -1.09091 TD -0.0135 Tw (narratio)Tj -0.0001 Tc (and to stress the pre-eminence of the gospel.)' -0.0002 Tc [-1046(The use of )]TJ Very often the next item in the letter would be a wish (sometimes a prayer) for the health or well-being of the addressee. (again, the rhetorical impact of the exegetical issue, and not the issue)' /F5 1 Tf endobj 0 -1.09091 TD Above all, the gospel has to do with Christ, both his person and his work." T)92(olmie (2004:141) is probably correct)]TJ "The pastor who, like Paul, holds his people in his heart will find them holding him in their hearts." 9 0 0 9 94.5433 196.4248 Tm 0.08 Tw word stekete, translated "stand firm"] conveys the idea of firmness or steadfastness, or unflinching courage like that possessed by soldiers who determinedly refuse to leave their posts irrespective of how severely the battle rages (cf. 9 0 0 9 205.2638 55.8736 Tm -25.38142 -1.0909 TD -18.07917 -1.11111 TD 0.052 Tw ET -0.022 Tw (Nida 1988:461-462\). q (, to help or supply the needs of someone \321 to provide for)Tj BT 0 Tc [(4)-1390(So Osburn 1971:42. 0 -1.09091 TD 9 0 0 9 103.973 359.0626 Tm (false doctrine. 11 0 0 11 66.1968 462.0706 Tm (caivrw)Tj 25 - The Philippians needed Paul. 0.0908 Tw (, etc.\). BT (,)Tj BT ], "The Christian life is not a playground; it is a battleground. -0.0001 Tc 0 Tc -1.28848 -1.09091 TD /F5 1 Tf 8.84995 0 TD 0 0 0 0 k 0.0314 Tw /F1 1 Tf (in 1:15 and )Tj (. (, is a preacher of)Tj f The 181 which follow are arranged in alphabetical order for the sake of reference. All Rights Reserved.Garamond Three is a trademark of Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries.Garamond Three T " D U B 5 I F P M H J 3 ) &. -0.0001 Tc [(rect, it is also an ar)18(gument based on divine involvement. BT when you have the single mind, you look upon your circumstances as God-given opportunities for the furtherance of the Gospel, and you rejoice at what God is going to do instead of complaining about what God did not do." (the )Tj BT [-15(And being convinced of this \()]TJ ET 0 Tc ET ET 0 Tc BT 11 0 0 11 267.4628 235.661 Tm 0 Tw /F5 1 Tf BT -1.54617 -1.40014 TD -0.0151 Tc [(t)-15(he Philippians. T* The things that we choose because we love them reflect how discerning our love really is. 0 Tw 0.087 Tw 0.0087 Tw 0 Tc ET 11 0 0 11 206.9155 473.8658 Tm WebPhlp 3.10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;. )]TJ /F5 1 Tf 15.80559 0 TD 0.0966 Tw 0.0627 Tw Directions: Read the lines of poetry. Some were hoping to advance their own reputations by their activities. ET ET -0.0182 Tw 0 -1.09091 TD (ejn emoiv)Tj 0.035 Tw (G)Tj 0.0014 Tw 0 -1.2 TD 0.0683 Tw For example, references to a road in an historical narrative would normally be taken as referring to a physical road; references to a road in poetry might be taken as referring to a way of life. Thus, some genres are more likely to contain figurative language than others. 0.063 Tw 11 0 0 11 311.5227 144.8579 Tm -0.0001 Tc (. BT 0 0.276 419 595 re /F0 1 Tf -0.027 Tw 0 Tc Charis (grace) is a variation on the word usually used in Greek salutations, namely, chairein meaning "greetings." 0 Tc (RSV)Tj ET BT endstream BT By especially greeting the guardians -0.015 Tc A defense (Gr. Q (in 1:20)Tj ET /F0 1 Tf 0 Tc Love for God and Paul motivated the members of this second group. /F1 1 Tf /F0 1 Tf ET )Tj BT (, as the )Tj [(w{st)-20(e tou;" desmouv" mou fanerou;" ejn Cr)20(i)20(stw`/ genevsqai)]TJ Pauls feelings were similar to those of his Lord Jesus Christ, who generated them in the apostle. 0 Tc -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw By the gospel, especially in Philippians, Paul refers primarily neither to a body of teaching nor to proclamation. -20.62836 -1.09091 TD T* 0.38892 0 TD ET 0.0481 Tw 0 Tw [(the letter to the Philippians, T)92(olmie (2000:221-222) ar)17(gues that the)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc -0.015 Tc Q (\). )Tj (J J)Tj The Anchor Bible Reference)]TJ 0.029 Tw /F5 1 Tf 24.77032 0 TD ET BT /F0 1 Tf -0.0074 Tw For example, the 6 days of Creation in Genesis 1 are literal 24-hour periods. 0.1239 Tw ET -0.031 Tw The first one is much better)55(, a far better)]TJ (J P & N)Tj [-1046(The expression )]TJ -0.0373 Tw /Length 4544 9 0 0 9 201.9901 222.6852 Tm (zw, s)Tj 0 Tc The Christians in Philippi should not let the opposition of unbelievers frighten or detract them from their mission. /F0 1 Tf /F5 1 Tf ET 0 Tc (. 1.28848 -1.40013 TD 11 0 0 11 178.2946 168.8579 Tm BT 9 0 0 9 317.3969 133.6452 Tm 0.008 Tw 11 0 0 11 102.0668 408.4262 Tm [(t)-20(he antithesis between the enemies of God, whom he puts to shame)-20(,)]TJ 9 0 0 9 201.3917 271.661 Tm -0.015 Tc 0 Tc 0.0144 Tw "With this section we come to the heart of matters, the primary reason for having written this letter . BT )Tj 22.16393 0 TD 0 0.276 419 595 re BT (issue introduced here is that the things that have happened to him,)Tj /F0 1 Tf -0.0151 Tc -20.98979 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc BT /F5 1 Tf 25.65924 0 TD Acts 16:12; Acts 16:20-21). /F1 1 Tf 0.013 Tw [Note: Robertson, 4:438.]. )]TJ ((b) their joy in the faith, and (c) their exultation through his ministr)Tj )Tj -0.0001 Tc 1 Greeting Thanksgiving Prayer For Spiritual Maturity The Progress Of The Gospel Stand Firm For The Gospel Living Is Christ To Live Is Christ -0.0001 Tc ET 0 0 0 0 k 0 Tc BT 0.042 Tw )Tj BT -0.0151 Tc 0 Tw For him, regardless of the decision about whether he would continue to live or die or the opinions of other people, saved or lost, his whole life revolved around Jesus Christ. [(Paul refers as constituting \322the beginning of the gospel\323 \(4:15)-15(\))-15(. (makes it quite certain that it refers to what God is about to do in)Tj 0.05 Tw WebChapter 1 Themes in Philippians 1 Philippians 1:1 (show verse) Bishop An overseer, a supervisor Bishops Bishops or overseers Christian ministers Servants Of jesus f (to proclaim the gospel with unfailing courage. [(he inserts it here at the beginning of the letter)55(. 0.033 Tw The snow glows white on the mountain tonight. BT 0 Tw [-1046(O\325Brien (1991:97-98) draws attention to the \322well-rounded and)]TJ T* 8.25 0 0 8.25 140.327 478.2213 Tm -0.015 Tc 11 0 0 11 98.4645 283.661 Tm 0.025 Tw /F5 1 Tf (ejn kur)Tj 19.46433 0 TD 9 0 0 9 148.5788 482.4642 Tm (K)Tj 11 0 0 11 350.2745 395.0626 Tm -24.46564 -1 TD (has a similar function in that it serve)Tj 0 Tw ET (C D)Tj 4.84662 0 TD Figurative language uses figures of speech. B. Lightfoot, St. Pauls Epistle to the Philippians, pp. This church and Paul had a wonderful relationship. -0.0001 Tc -0.0001 Tc His example of aggressive witness had inspired the Roman Christians to be more outspoken in sharing the gospel. -0.0251 Tc ET (disappoint Paul in his endeavours to magnify his Lord and to proclaim)Tj 0.037 Tw Work at However, the Romans arrested him again, imprisoned him in Rome a second time, and then executed him as a martyr there in A.D. 68. 11 0 0 11 302.0807 383.0626 Tm 4 0 obj )Tj -0.001 Tw Q He could maintain a truly joyful (n)Tj -0.0159 Tc 0.025 Tw 11 0 0 11 66.1968 521.8658 Tm )Tj -15.19763 -1.09091 TD ET -0.015 Tc 11 0 0 11 288.9273 308.724 Tm -0.015 Tw (is a brief summary of the )Tj /F0 1 Tf 0 Tc At least four examples of an ar)18(gument based on)]TJ /F5 1 Tf f -0.0118 Tw "One of the reasons most of us in the West do not know more about the content of Philippians 1:29-30 is that we have so poorly heeded the threefold exhortation that precedes . 1 g -0.0001 Tc BT /F5 1 Tf Chicago: Moody Press. BT People had become aware of Pauls personal relationship with the Savior because he had shared his testimony with them. [(oiJ de; ejx ejr)20(i)20(qeiva" to;n Cr)20(i)20(sto;n kataggevllous)-40(i)40(n, oujc aJgnw`", oijovmenoi)]TJ [(Snyman)-6388(A rhetorical analysis of Philippians 1:12-26)]TJ /F0 1 Tf -0.015 Tc (4)Tj 0 Tw 1.54617 0 TD /Length 5955 /GS0 gs [(is supported by the context and, with the prospect of Paul\325)55(s return,)]TJ (R D)Tj ET /Length1 12256 ET Q -0.035 Tc T* (B)Tj 0 Tc Paul proceeded from his introductory comments to explain his personal circumstances because these were of interest to his readers and profitable for them to understand. ), which signifies the advance- ) Tj ET /F0 1 Tf 0 Tc Job 13:16 ; Job )! Empty conceit, complaining, arguing 408.4262 Tm ) Tj BT ], `` the Christian life not... Tm -0.0001 Tc /F0 1 Tf 0 Tc love for God and motivated... Of Pauls personal relationship with the Savior because he had shared his testimony with.... 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