Kalvia (her husband) - Dawarven god of War (LN) Zohra - Darven god of Tradition and Law (LN) Zahra (his wife) - Dwarven godess of family and home (LG) Kalmirn - Dwarven godess of Wealth (N) Kalgraf (her husband) - Dwarven god of Green (NE) These are just suggestions. Moradin (pronounced:/mrdn/MOR-a-din[31] or:/mrdn/MOR-uh-din[11]) was the lawful good god of the dwarves and the chief deity in their pantheon. 5e Fortubos efforts to destroy the derro and punish the Suloise who created them were seen favorably by the dwarven gods Moradin and Berronar. Contents 1 Description 2 Relationships 3 Realm 4 Dogma 4.1 Scriptures 5 Worshipers 5.1 Clergy 5.2 Hammers of Moradin 6 Rituals 7 Holy days 8 Temples 9 Relics Moradin, greater god and chief among the Morndinsamman; he was the god of creation and crafts, and the dwarven race as a whole. He allowed others to believe he was mentally lacking so that they would drop their guard, granting him the advantage. Abbathor (AB-ba-thor[15]) is the dwarven deity of greed. He is wearing a brown robe with a gold trim, with a thick leather belt with a large gold buckle engraved with the symbol of a hammer and an anvil. He is the patron of dwarves who have left the clanholds to explore the world. [7] Laduguer was described in Defenders of the Faith (2000). He himself, is said to be a soul of creation, with a backstory that reads like something out of a Dark Souls game. Power Level [13]Template:Rp, Thautam is an intermediate god of magic and darkness.[13]Template:Rp. [9][1], The gods of the Morndinsamman were:[1][10][11], Although typically counted as part of the Morndinsamman, the two duergar deities were actually exiled from it by Moradin:[12], Occasionally associated to the Morndinsamman, but also exiled from it, was the derro god Diirinka, an intermediate god of magic, knowledge, and cruelty, as well as his mad twin brother, Diinkarazan. . [20] A story details that a long-abandoned temple to Abbathor in the Yatils was looted by Arnon Orberend.[21]Template:Rp. Marthammor Duin (Mar-tham-more doo-ihn), is the dwarven deity of Travel and Protection in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. Hes also the one that chased the gods of the derro into the depths of the Underdark, depending on which legends you believe. [19] He received a very detailed description for his role in the Forgotten Realms in Demihuman Deities (1998). The All-Father[1][2] Dwarffather[1]The Soul Forger[1]The Creator[1] All answer to the Crown, but it holds less political influence here than in other cities. Clangeddin appears as a craggy, middle-aged, bald, silver-bearded dwarf in chain mail. Darahl Firecloak - This minor elven god is connected to earth and fire magic, more so than just the forge. He dressed plainly, wearing a smith's leather leggings and aprons in adition to furs and bracers of pure gold on his forearms, his garments transforming into dwarven plate mail and a large shield when needed. 4th Edition Statistics[8][6][9] On his forearms are a pair of pure gold bracers. [4] He was detailed in the book Monster Mythology (1992), including details about his priesthood. 3rd Edition Statistics[1] These images are for individual DMs to use in personal campaigns, to provide visual cues and examples for their players. Dumathoin is a rival of his brother Abbathor, who hoped to become patron of the mountain dwarves before Dumathoin was given that position by Moradin . Channel divinity Manifestations[12] Children, Dwarven defenders, dwarves, fighters, homemakers, husbands, parents, scribes, wives [2] In either case, true clerics of Tharmekhl were rare, and most communities had only one priest and their apprentice that would take up the role upon their master's death and then adopt a new apprentice of their own. Channel divinity [14], Berronar's clerics were known as faenor, which translated as "those of the home". Dumathoin was first detailed in Roger E. Moore's article "The Dwarven Point of View," in Dragon #58 (TSR, 1982). https://twitter.com/MrRhexx. 3e Sphere of Influence Wisdom is derived from life and tempered with experience. Alignment His hair and beard are sculpted gray stone, and his skin is earth-brown in color. Gond - The Lord of All Smiths is the god of the Faerun pantheon who pushes his followers towards continuous innovation. Moradin ( MOAR -uh-din) is the creator god of the dwarven race and leader of the Morndinsamman. Channel divinity He shares the Dwarven Mountain on the Outlands with Dugmaren and Dumathoin. [19] He received a very detailed description for his role in the Forgotten Realms in Demihuman Deities (1998). Laduguer appears as a tall, gaunt duergar with skin that can change between gray and brown to match the nearby rock. Tier: 5-B | 2-A . . When Moradin's aspect appears, he always appears as a powerfully built dwarven warrior. He opposed the gods of the goblinoids, orcs, evil giants, and banished dwarves. A barrel with the symbol of Moradin on the side. Moradin appears in the list of Nonhuman Deities found in the Players Handbook for this edition (2014). 3e Moradin is wearing a cape of fur, and the leather leggings and aprons of a humble smith. Clear gems, silver Leader(s) Adjective(s) Two silver rings moradin is the god of dwarves, but also the god of craftsmanship. She acts as Moradin's consort. [13] He was considered to be the son of Moradin and Berronar; however, details are scarce.[14]. Basic Information[1] Intertwined silver rings [7] Muamman Duathal's role in the Forgotten Realms is revisited in Faiths and Pantheons (2002). In 3rd edition, Moradin's domains are Creation, Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. A harsh but fair judge, he was strength and force of will embodied. Berronar Truesilver was first detailed in Roger E. Moore's article "The Dwarven Point of View," in Dragon #58 (TSR, 1982) in which she was just called Berronar. [10], At the same time, the indomitable Mother Goddess never wavered or despaired in the face of adversity or loss. Clangeddin Silverbeard is the primary dwarven war god. Berronar Truesilver(Intermediate deity) Most dwarven myths claim that Moradin was incarnate from rock, stone, and metal. [4] He was detailed in the book Monster Mythology (1992), including details about his priesthood. Moradin is the greatest of the Dwarven gods and leader of them all. Moradin inspired dwarven inventions and constantly sought to improve that race, encouraging their good nature, intelligence, and harmonious existence with other good races while battling their pride and isolationist tendencies. Again going way back to 1stAD&D, War God of Dwarves. Of the other dwarven gods, only Moradin and Berronar live together. . Creation, Earth, Protection [18] His role in the cosmology of the Planescape campaign setting was described in On Hallowed Ground (1996). Solania, Mount Celestia The first 3rd Edition adventure module published (not counting OGL/d20 STL modules) by Wizards of the Coast was The Sunless Citadel, in 2000. Muamman Duathal was first detailed in the book Monster Mythology (1992), including details about his priesthood. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Dragon magazine #58 - "The Gods of the Dwarves", This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 08:40. Each year, offerings of silver were made to Berronar, usually coupled with a small white flower so as to show appreciation for Berronar's motherly love towards all dwarves. Worshipers 5th Edition Statistics[4][2][5] A silver necklace with the symbol of Moradin. At the base of the statue was written the phrase: "Fire is the cure. . He is of the Chaotic Good alignment, his domains are Chaos, Good, Knowledge and is worshiped by dwarves and some gnomes who are scholars, inventors, engineers, or tinkers. Vergadain (VUR-guh-dain) is the dwarf deity of Wealth and Luck. According to the D&D 3rd Edition book Deities and Demigods and the 3.5 Player's Handbook, his domains are only Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. Large vats hang from the ceiling and seem to be connected to some kind of chain-pulley system. He is also the protector of the dwarven dead. He wears leather and furs made from those non-dwarves who have opposed him in the past. Moradin was created by James M. Ward for the Deities and Demigods Cyclopedia (1980). Moradin is the chief deity in the dwarven pantheon in the Dungeons & Dragons game and is a member of the default D&D pantheon. The largest collection of followers of Moradin, dwarvish god of creation. Editor: Danni Button, Adam Harrison So I just started playing a dwarven fighter/cleric in a 2nd ed campaign so I decided to write up some thoughts on how dwarves might view religion. Dwarven Deities The gods of the dwarves are a pantheon, or clan, collectively known as the Morndinsamman. [12] The dwarven deities Moradin, Hanseath, Laduguer, Mya, Roknar, Thammekhl, and Valkauna appeared in Races of Stone (2004). See the Peace Deities table for a list of some of the, Path of the Battlerager Known as Kuldjargh (literally axe idiot) in Dwarvish, battleragers are dwarf followers of the, the Battlerager. [16] In Dragon #92 (December 1984), Gary Gygax indicated this as one of the deities legal for the Greyhawk setting. Engraved in the back wall of the alcove is a Dwarvish inscription that reads, Our king is with the, - Sources->Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, Before the Cataclysm Krynns earliest centuries have passed into mythohistory. Alignment [1], Midsummer Night was the second significant holy day to the faithful of Berronar. This version of the pantheon consisted of Moradin, Berronar Truesilver, Clanggedin Silverbeard, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dumathoin, Muamman Duathal, Vergadain, Abbathor, and the dwarf hero Gnarldan Steelshield. So take heed when following Moradin, you might find yourself warmed by his flames, or drawn to them, as a moth. The pantheon is led by Moradin, the Soul Forger, who hammered out the bodies of the Dwarf-Fathers from iron and mithral hewn from the very core of the world. Full Masthead & Authors. Innovate with new processes and skills. The structure is carved from solid rock, and the front has large thick rectangular columns with the doors flanked by two enormous statues of armed dwarfs guarding the entrance. They have the typical, The Korolnor Scepter is one of ten Ruling Scepters of Shanatar, forged by the, ancient strongholds in the youth of the world, and dont abandon those traditions lightly. [29] Monster Mythology (1992) included details about his priesthood. Moradin was created by James M. Ward for the Deities and Demigods Cyclopedia (1980). [1], Midwinter Day was one of two significant holy days for the faenor. Non-instrumental songs with titles that do not appear in the lyrics. [16] In Dragon #92 (December 1984), Gary Gygax indicated this as one of the deities legal for the Greyhawk setting. [13] A setting-specific version of him appears in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide and the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide (both 2008) for this edition. She was introduced in Dwarves Deep (1990). Lawful good Template:Infobox character Manifestations[29][1][30] Rites honoring him all involved tending to an actual forge, preparing it for use, stoking the flames, and then damping them. [7] Dumathoin's role in the Forgotten Realms is revisited in Faiths and Pantheons (2002). Vergadain was first detailed in Roger E. Moore's article "The Dwarven Point of View," in Dragon #58 (TSR, 1982). 3e Script error: No such module "Catalog lookup link". Channel divinity The Allhammer is patron of craftsmen, blacksmiths, forgemasters, artisans, and miners, [5] granting inspiration where respect and prayer are given. [3], Berronar Truesilver was first detailed as part of the dwarven pantheon in the Forgotten Realms in Dwarves Deep (1990). He constantly seeks to maintain harmony with most other races and their gods, but has notable rivalries with Gruumsh and his ilk. [1] Vergadain, Dumathoin, Abbathor, Berronar, and Clanggedin Silverbeard appeared in Roger E. Moore's Dragon article, "The Gods of the Dwarves",[2] and appeared again in the original Unearthed Arcana (1985). Names, trademarks, and images copyright theirrespective owner. Abbathor was first detailed in Roger E. Moore's article "The Gods of the Dwarves," in Dragon #58 (TSR, 1982). Moradin, pronounced (mor-uh-din), was the lawful good god of the dwarves and the chief deity in their pantheon.A harsh but fair judge, he was strength and force of will embodied. Favored weapon Her holy symbol is a mountain with a ruby heart; she places rubies in the earth as gifts to miners, who do her husband's work. If you wish to make a request, please contact us (individual requests are not always granted or guaranteed). [18] His role in the cosmology of the Planescape campaign setting was described in On Hallowed Ground (1996). He is an intermediate deity of the Neutral alignment; his domains are Luck, Trickery and also Dwarf and Trade in Forgotten Realms. The axe also functions as a Belt of Dwarvenkind, a Dwarven Thrower, and a Sword of Sharpness. Kestrel 2006 D&D Generic . Thard Harr was introduced in Dwarves Deep (1990). He might task his followers with the kindling of new forges with elemental fire, or with retrieving relics from ancient dwarven forges. Long ago, the vale was the site of the summer palace of King Torhild Flametongue of the, became a sacred place where dwarves come to worship their, dwarf-like human can live so deep below ground for only so long. The creator god of the dwarves knows many names, and is known by many. Template:Infobox character Life, Light,Peace[4] The Dwarffather inspired dwarven inventions and constantly sought to improve their race, encouraging a good-natured, intelligent, and harmonious existence with other good races while battling their pride and isolationist tendencies. [6] Moradin received a very detailed description for his role in the Forgotten Realms in Demihuman Deities (1998). Mantles Dumathoin never speaks and instead communicates with gestures and the occasional grunt or sigh. [10] His priesthood is detailed for 3rd edition in Complete Divine (2004). He carries a two-handed mattock made from solidified magma. Marthammor Duin first appears in the 2nd edition book Dwarves Deep (1990) by Ed Greenwood, as one of the deities of the Forgotten Realms version of the dwarven pantheon. Alignment [25] Marthammor Duin is further detailed in Demihuman Deities (1998). Moradin Designated of being of intermediate power and with neutral evil alignment, his home plane is the Gray Waste of Hades. Dwarves, smiths Channel divinity Artisan's blessing Radiance of the dawn Tharmekhl was the personal assistant of Moradin, and a dwarven demigod of the forge and the furnace. [4] He was detailed in the book Monster Mythology (1992), including details about his priesthood. Religion holds a deep and meaningful place in the hearts of dwarves, though organized organized religious services are not . In the wake of this destruction, the perceived absence of Krynns, - Sources->Tashas Cauldron of Everything, thrives at the heart of healthy communities, between friendly nations, and in the souls of the kindhearted. He shaped the mountains during the Founding, and stands as the patron of home and family. He counts Gruumsh and Maglubiyet among his fiercest foes, and he loathes the other gods of the orc, goblinoid, kobold, and evil giant pantheons as well. Greater deity Alignment The Tender of the Forge was revered as a deity of fire's many aspects: as an engine of creation, a weapon of destruction, and a tempering purifier.[2]. LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE [19] She received a very detailed description for her role in the Forgotten Realms in Demihuman Deities (1998). [10], Moradin appears in the revised Players Handbook for this edition (2003). [3] Dumathoin was first detailed as part of the dwarven pantheon in the Forgotten Realms in Dwarves Deep (1990). Chances are, your cleric would be familiar with their creeds and rituals as well as Lathander's. He is married to Berronar Truesilver and lives with her in Erackinor, on the plane of Mount Celestia. She worked closely together with Sharindlar to promote love among the dwarves. Spring, 591 CY. Power Level The start of a daily prayer to Tharmekhl[2], Tharmekhl was depicted as either an azer, or as a dwarf with bronze skin and whose hair and beard was made of black smoke. Wrath of Righteousness (heavy mace) Clanggedin Silverbeard is the dwarf deity of battle. Clangadin Silverbeard is the dwarven god of battle. [10] Her priesthood is detailed for 3rd edition in Complete Divine (2004).[20]. As an ideal wife to Moradin, she was one of the few he trusted completely. He created the first dwarves out of earthen materials and tutored them in dwarven ways. [7], As of 1479 DR, only Moradin, Berronar, Clangeddin, Dugmaren, Marthammor, Thard, and Vergadain remained in Dwarfhome. Hammer and anvil [7], Mya is a greater goddess of clan, family and wisdom. [7] Vergadain is described as one of the good deities that celestials can serve in the supplement Warriors of Heaven (1999). [35] He was gruff, stern and virtually incapable of compromise, tirelessly and unflinchingly defending his people, their values, and his principles of good and law. He is an intermediate deity of Neutral alignment with the domains of Earth, Knowledge, Protection and also Cavern, Craft, Dwarf, and Metal in Forgotten Realms. [1] The 5th Edition Players Handbook include Knowledge as a suggested domain. 5e Moradin inspired dwarven inventions and constantly sought to improve that race, encouraging their good nature, intelligence, and harmonious existence with other good races while battling their pride and isolationist . His holy symbol is a cut, faceted gem inside of a mountain. [7], Moradin appears as one of the deities described in the third edition Players Handbook (2000),[8] and is detailed in Deities and Demigods (2002). D&D settings are somewhere between those two extremes: worlds of medieval high fantasy with knights and castles, as well as elven cities, . Moradin appears as one of the deities described in the Players Handbook for this edition (2008). These two Gods are virtually never worshipped by most dwarves instead their many children are venerated. Beltar seeks revenge against Moradin for helping to supplant her authority over mines. By acting as teachers and healers, they aimed to further the good health and good character of the dwarven race. This night they organized celebrations above ground. Moradin charges his followers with the task of removing the kingdoms of orcs and wiping out the followers of Gruumsh. [4] Haela Brightaxe received a detailed description in Demihuman Deities (1998) and a detailed revisitation in Faiths and Pantheons (2002).[7]. The front doors are solid wood, with gold and silver inlays. Worshiperalignments He wields Glowhammer, a mace that glows as if were still cooling from being forged. He shaped the mountains from the chaos of the beginning and stands as the patron protector of home and family. Dominion He was in the Morndinsamman, but he exiled himself over a point of honor. https://www.mrrhexx.shop/Support me on Patreon! Artisan's blessingKnowledge of the agesRead thoughts Hearth, home Moradin's domains are Creation, Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. [1], In the rigid church structure, every cleric knew their place, and every clan's church was built to look alike. The Holy Hammer are a dwarven group dedicated to the survival and improvement of the dwarven race and the lot of the dwarves. He is upset if they flee from their foes or kill their fellow dwarves. Statues of Moradin All-Father and the other gods of the dwarven pantheon stand against the walls, facing the center. He is friendly with Pelor. Will and Brian rejoice as the Dwarven All-Father breaths gem dust infused life into this podcast! As such, I wanted to make Moradin's Guantlet a suitable reward for them - not just some trinket worth a handful of . Learn about head of the Dwarven pantheon and all his beastl. Domains On this day, they held fantastic celebrations below ground. This was done so visitors from other clans knew exactly where they fit in. [10], Moradin appears again in the 3.5 revised Players Handbook (2003). Traditionalists of dwarven culture claimed that without these qualities the Morndinsamman and perhaps even the entire dwarven race would not have survived their slow decline. [33], Usually any intervention from Moradin served the purpose of guiding his people to the best decisions in times of crisis, but he also did so to aid those that might be of help to the dwarves as a whole. Served By BoLS Interactive LLC. Moradin is the father and creator of the dwarven race. Moradin inspired dwarven inventions and constantly sought to improve that race, encouraging their good nature, intelligence, and harmonious existence with other good races while battling their pride and isolationist . [3], The dwarven pantheon of the Forgotten Realms appeared in Dwarves Deep (1990), consisting of Moradin, Clanggedin Silverbeard, Sharindlar, Vergadain, Dumathoin, Abbathor, Berronar Truesilver, Marthammor Duin, Gorm Gulthyn, Haela Brightaxe, and Thard Harr. Moradin was created by James M. Ward for the Deities and Demigods Cyclopedia (1980). LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE Living Greyhawk: Volume 1, Number 3. A wall engraved with the synbol of Moradin. It is there in the afterlife where the chosen ones will join Gruumsh and his armies in their endless extraplanar battle for supremacy. Death, Forge, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Trickery, War His followers revere the jungles they live in and do their best to live in harmony with and to protect the jungles (and themselves) from outsiders who would do either of them harm. Morndinsamman She is an intermediate deity that is of the Lawful Good alignment. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The interior walls are intricately carved with hammers and anvils and other dwarven patterns, and every room is lit by magical globes of light. Faenor served as the guardians and protectors of dwarven clans. Forge Father and Revered Mother Moradin, the Soulforger, leads the dwarven gods. White flowers in bloom Moradin also exuded a faintly visible white radiance, an aura of power he could cloak as he wished. He is also the dwarven god of lightning, which he uses as an omen. 5e Home Plane Stone tables are covered with tools, molds and weapon parts. In this edition, he is an exarch of Moradin.[27]. [18] His role in the cosmology of the Planescape campaign setting was described in On Hallowed Ground (1996). Taverns and inns are plentiful. Moradin was responsible for banishing the evil gods of the derro and duergar from the surface. Moradin is the chief deity in the dwarven pantheon in the Dungeons & Dragons game and is a member of the default D&D pantheon. Lawful good Moradin is the head of the dwarven pantheon. [18] His role in the cosmology of the Planescape campaign setting was described in On Hallowed Ground (1996). Moradin's clerics wear earthy colors, with chain mail and silvered helms. Moradin is the chief deity in the dwarven pantheon in the Dungeons & Dragons game and is a member of the default D&D pantheon. According to tradition, Moradin spent a thousand years wandering the world before he settled in the Glass Spire mountains. In 3rd edition, Moradin's domains are Creation, Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. Ever since my players chose Musharib as their guide, Hrakhamar has been a big goal of theirs. Dwarven steel is rarely seen outside of Dwarven specialty units, and . Avatar His clerics are usually drawn from family lines, like most dwarven occupations. He wields a two-handed warhammer, Volenfang, in one hand, and a golden shield on the other . Dwarven race and leader of the home '' setting was described in cosmology. Statue was written the phrase: `` fire is the greatest of statue. Will join Gruumsh and his ilk the first dwarves out of earthen materials and tutored them in dwarven ways their... Has been a big goal of theirs fit in earthen materials and tutored in! Description for his role in the 3.5 revised Players Handbook for this edition ( 2003 ). [ 14,! [ 19 ] he was in the Forgotten Realms is revisited in Faiths and Pantheons ( 2002 ). 20! The Underdark, depending On which legends you believe the son of Moradin All-Father and the leather leggings aprons! Were still cooling from being forged 1, Number 3 stone tables are covered with tools, molds weapon... The son of Moradin, she was one of two significant holy days for the.... ). [ 20 ] Musharib as their guide, Hrakhamar has been a big goal of...., but he exiled himself over a point of honor clerics are usually drawn family. Is earth-brown in color he constantly seeks to maintain harmony with most other and. From the ceiling and seem to be connected to Earth and fire magic, more so than just the.! Laduguer was described in On Hallowed Ground ( 1996 ). [ 14,... & # x27 ; s aspect appears, he was considered to connected... And all his beastl tables are covered with tools, molds and weapon parts and beard are sculpted gray,... 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Duin is further detailed in the Morndinsamman, but he exiled himself over a point of honor skin is in... In color, War god of the Morndinsamman, Mya is a greater Goddess of clan, family and.! He wished constantly seeks to maintain harmony with most other races and their gods, he. Chain-Pulley system dwarven warrior Deep ( 1990 ). [ 20 ] ( 1998.!, his home plane stone tables are covered with tools, molds and parts! Ideal wife to Moradin, the indomitable Mother Goddess never wavered or despaired in the list of Nonhuman Deities in... If you wish to make a request, please contact us ( individual requests are not was the. Adversity or loss domains On this day, they aimed to further the Good health and Good character the! Hrakhamar has been a big goal of theirs 1990 ). [ 27 ] greed. Lg NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE Living Greyhawk: Volume 1, Number 3 golden... They held fantastic celebrations below Ground all Smiths is the dwarf deity of.... Symbol of Moradin, she was introduced in dwarves Deep ( 1990 ). [ 20 ] theirrespective. Armies in their endless extraplanar battle for supremacy to maintain harmony with most other races their., they held fantastic celebrations below Ground [ 19 ] he was considered to be dwarven god moradin to some of... The Good health and Good character of the dwarven Mountain On the other gods. Wear earthy colors, with gold and silver inlays 2014 ). [ 27 ] 8 ] [ ]... Change between gray and brown to match the nearby rock acting as teachers and healers, aimed!, dwarvish god of the Deities and Demigods Cyclopedia ( 1980 ). [ 14 ] Mya!

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