Dont forget that Bangtan loves you, so please do love them back kindly . Youre home early. You didnt say a word. I didnt know I was going to struggle with this one, so I hope it did not turn out that bad :(, Plus that my sweet sweet neighbour (note my sarcasm) always wants to listen to his music, loud may I add at freaking 11 p.m. cause obviously thats what everyone does. I think everyone would immediately feel better once they felt something rubbing on their cheek. Dont feel bad for feeling this way, emotions are here to let us know when we need to stop or go for it just like our bodies. We can do that later. Hoseok pushed you out of the room, closing the door behind him as if you arent allowed to see it for a couple of hours. You were embarrassed showing a side to Hoseok you never wanted to show him. This was not the smile which cured all of his stress, which he longed to see after a long day or every minute of the day if he was being honest. He cried his eyes out after your friend called.. Its okay sweety. Tears were flowing down your eyes, the textbook hiding under the couch after you pushed it off with so much force, it slid right under the sofa. I love you y/n., Originally posted by jungkookfortunekookies. Its really hard to swallow, you know., Babygirl, I will show you its really not.Youre gonna love it. You know reading those kind of stuff isnt as hard as writing it hahaha and this is still kind of innocent I guess lol. Originally posted by jeonbase Hoseok: He's really happy that he has you to help and protect him, but he blushes at the boys teasing since he doesn't question a thing that you do. He gave you a confused look, asking what was wrong. Lets be honest here. I cant hobi. your voice trembling, hands shooting towards the book but before you could touch them Hoseok stepped back, your fingers only getting the chance to slide over them. The wind blowing the rain in your face feeling like sharp nails scratching your skin making it hard for you to keep on going but you did, desperately hoping he wasnt out there in this weather but knowing him he probably was, searching for you made you push harder, the paper in your hands long gone, washed away by the rain. Dont worry sweetheart. He stared at the dent in the door he had kicked in anger after losing the game against Seokjin. Now I think its time I show you how much I love you.. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting! He will turn around soon. Namjoon chukled, patting your shoulder in sympathy while you laid with your head on the table, looking defeated at the picture on the wall. You were sitting on the ground, pen in your mouth, a paper in one hand and in the other hand a calculator switching your sight between the two. His words had lighted up the darker side of your heart, his words filled with loved chased away the beasts as it bit their skin. His familiar and calm scent, his warm temperature cradled your mind and scared away the demons. I love you! you shouted after you stepped under the luke warm water. Why are you leaving? the voice asked. She should be with a real man. Small blue flowers greeted him, the stickers burning in his mind. Hearing him sigh deeply, you felt him leaning back in the chair, the back of his head now touching your chest. Babe? Last week or two weeks ago? Jin/Kim Seokjin. since you didnt even explain it to me as you just ran off he continued but couldnt help but chuckle at the sight of you sprinting from the couch, nearly tripping on your way to the room. Yoongi would say, kissing your hand before pulling you up and guiding you to the bedroom. I hate it so much. I think he is- You dropped your phone, totally forgetting Jimin was still on the phone when a voice you longed to hear called out your name. I need response otherwise I just ugh. I was jealous, I was so jealous I wanted to punch him in the face. he couldnt help but cry when you told him. I dont want my baby feeling stressed. he interrupted, grabbing your hand, pulling you out of the libraby to take you home as he shot you his bright smile knowing you needed your rest and could talk about this later on. How can I sleep when youre like this? He sounded closer, voice soft and careful. I love the real and raw you.. You scrunched your nose while doing so as you followed the black noodles hanging of the chopsticks as they made their way to his mouth but they suddenly stopped mid air. Closing your eyes, you started to breathe in and out but to no avail, black spots appeared when you looked around, the room still spinning, the space feeling much more smaller than you imagined, the heavy air pressing down onto your heart making it difficult to breathe as you wobbled towards the door, desperately wanting to get out of here but before you could reach for the knob, you stumbled backwards, losing your balance and fell the floor when the door suddenly swung open. You did not even have to say anything. I just feel really insecure when youre with him. he murmered, his voice so soft you almost didnt understand him. You couldnt hide it anymore and so you told him the truth. You hit the door with the vacuum while you were cleaning. He could feel you staring, following his every move. In short, someone always snatched you or Hoseok away thus not being able to spend quality time together so today was the day hopefully. It wasnt almost noticable. Of course she wants to go back with you. I am with you arent I? You are safe here | 1995 | HSP | Rosacea | Mature content. I love you so much because my heart and my soul are intertwined with yours. His hands flew to your cheeks as his eyes locked with your eyes. Unfortunately it didnt and pulled Jimin down with you, both crashing to the ground. Everyone hummed in agreement. Maknae line will follow later! It wasnt the one he saw almost everyday. He felt you struggling at first, trying to get out of his grip but he held you so strong there was no way you were getting out of his protective arms. Babe please dont overwork yourself. Jimin bit his lip when he led you to the kitchen. Maybe it was best if you went home. Ssh sweety. Taehyung hated you. When his eyes looked into yours again he bit his lips, pushed you down on the bed and crawled over you telling you what he was going to do to you in his husky voice. I have. "Wait! Good luck y/n. your friend voiced out softly after she explained what you needed to do. He could get mad at you but he knew you felt quilty and well it just comes with loving you. Just wait for a bit you rambled on, needing to get away, feeling the front you put on already began to crack and made your way to the fridge, grabbing the plate you had put away for him, placed it in the microwave and turned it on. Suddenly his left arm came dangerously close to your face, as you brought your hands up to shield your face from his clenched fist. Why does it have to be me? I am dumb. That would be an explation or just hoping that your braincells would wake up, providing you with inspiration. So now you were sitting on the cold steps, bum freezing off while crying your heart out. Take today for example. He was simply protecting you. "I made it, though," you stated. Looking for something even if its so tiny but would still remind you of home. Time was running out. What if you were just walking home glad the weekend had begun but got yanked into an dark alley as a man would press a gun against your temple, threatening if you would dare to resist he wouldnt be afraid to use it? At first he would look at you like this because how dare you to snap at him while he was trying to make you feel better. You, however were staring at the painting hanging on the wall as you thought about a story that could fit with the canvas. Wiping your cheeks and throat dry with your robe after shedding all the tears you could cry, you rubbed little circles onto his blue silk shirt, with your cheek against his chest you focused on his breathing. This man was crazy. Taehyung: *gif* I will try to keep my work good okay? Hearing Yoongi mumble that you both were unbelievable and Seokjin whining over the waisted food you both bursted out in laughter because clumsly couple striked again. All that time Seokjin had not said a word, softly rubbing your lower back while rocking you back and forth tenderly. He would definitely cook for you. The kid began to cry while Sniffles happily skipped over to him, dumping the bear infront of his feet. Tears were already spilling down your cheeks, of course they noticed so why were you even trying to hide. You were about to burst, your head was pounding, eyes burning from exhaustion, lips cracked and bleeding, the metal taste a bitter reminder of the stress holding you captive. But I guess we can use it for our furure son, so its okay. Where is my Hoseok? he asked looking around. I promise., (is it me or does it looks like he actually saysI promise?). He laughed and ran to the kitchen. Because I want to do something but youre too tall. you whined, sending some pressure to his neck. Taehyung: The urge to lick your lips was definitely there but refrained from doing so, eyes still locked on his. Not getting any response you bit your lip in worry. This is why youre pissed? Your sudden loud voice asking him to go away and leave you alone made him freeze, his smile dropped and so did his shoulders. Its a sign of strength because I think that showing your emotions is the strongest thing a human can do. What? you were confused, not really processing what he just said, still in pain because of your arm. They flew through the room while muttering under your breath, words he couldnt clearly hear and maybe did not want to hear I-is everything al-alright? Now shoo shoo After the little dove flew away, he just stared at the silver and gold on the ground. He was searching for words but he could only hear his thoughts. You softly knocked on the door, opened it slighty and peeked in the room. Have you seen y/n? He asked the maknae who was sitting at the table, clicking away at the laptop. You sat there for awhile. Your eyes and nose began to sting, tears dangerously close to spilling so you quickly took a deep breath, looked at the ceiling with wide eyes trying to hold of the tears. He wasnt sure what to do or what to say afraid he would set you off in another rage however he couldnt let you continue like this. He went out to look for you.. I think it does. he chuckled embarrassed. You loved them all very deeply but it was hard to talk to eachother if someone would jump on you guys in a playfull mood or asking to play videogames together. Well no I think.. He was angry for some reason, you knew that. There you were, surrounded by shampoo bottles, as you casually joined them on the floor, playing it off like you planned it. I felt so bad about yesterday and I know how it feels to miss your family. I could only think of you leaving me and began to cry. I would totally laugh out of cuteness. Namjoon laughed and said: dear dear sweetheart, I felt bad about yesterday and it got me thinking how I could make you feel better, therefore Ive strolled the whole afternoon looking for something and at last this caught my eye he opened the bag. Turning the shower off, a towel sucking up the drops of water, you stepped into your pajamas and waited for him to come home. He only did that when he was flustered or shy so that means. Of course you dont need to worry silly eventhough homesickness sucks youre my home now too Taehyung. Taehyung is in hysterics. And thats when you broke down. BUT.. please no more otherwise I wont have any shirts left.. You kept silent, feeling the tension coming from your boyfriend. Its okay. Hearing you yell at him that you were okay, he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief like how the heck do you fell multiple times over the bathtub?? At least my baby knows whats best for her Jungkook smiled, leaning down to peck your lips, arm secure around your shoulder. I wouldnt be that guy that could cuddle you to sleep every night. Everyone nodded their heads. You love me? Nothing is working.. so if anyones knows I would be forever grateful! These papers can wait and after youre done eating, take a shower and sit down with me in the kitchen to drink some well deserved tea.. Tonight wasnt any different and well.. your patience began to drop. What if you get tired of it and get with him. It stopped a while ago. Jimin chuckled, hand pressing against your shoulderblades, silently telling you to come closer and kissed your temple when you did. or did he sound worried? Turning his face away from the sun, he eyed the bushes where he heard the noise and to his suprise, Pointy came walking towards him but he wasnt alone, three other foxes followed him aswell all with something in their mouths. You want to listen to the song on repeat forever, but you know if you hear his voice one more time, you mightn't survive it. It was kind of hot though. 1. Why was he with you? You both finally had time, or actually Namjoon finally had his well deserved break and immediately called you, excitingly telling you about the date he had planned for you,rewarding you for being so patient. When the both of you were little, things didnt go so well but when you got older getting along got better and better by year. BTS reaction to you pinning them against bed ; Anon said: Hi !! taking the pen in his hand, he began to point out what you could change and what you could add, all the while doing this without letting go of your hand. Your legs slipped from the wooden material now dangling infront of the heater, making room for him to join you. Jungkook? Taehyung just came in at the wrong moment and didnt bother to listen to the rest of story when you were talking to your friend on the phone, overhearing only a little part of the conversation. I am not one of those people who will forget about her friends you said sternly, making clear you didnt want to hear anything about it anymore. Gosh what a pervert. Tilting your face towards the heavens you welcomed the cool air gently touching your skin, only the barestripped trees witnessing the blisfull look on your face. Dont I deserve an explanation or something? With arms crossed over your chest and with one foot tapping unpatiently against the floor you eyed the back of his head. Was it his fault? But Jungkook is already on the laptop. Was what you said when you saw him. Well you already had those so he was kind of used to it but you felt how they switched much more sooner than normal. I cant take it anymore! Namjoons words told you. Dont cry. The tired look was still there but a new emotion filled his charming orbs and his lips were curled in a small smile. Its like the universe are telling us that we need to release our worries, so we can feel refreshed again, feel relieved. Maybe than you will fall for his words. Hope you like this reaction and stay healthy! the first thing that popped into my mind when you told me was that you wanted to break up. and thank you for liking my blog. The way you both.. he hesitated, his fingers playing with his shirt nervously. You turned around and nodded your head in approvement. He would be pissed. And trust me I dont get bored quickly. That's how this reaction came to life, inspired by some weird sleeping habits I myself have (don't we all!? ) Sighing, you closed your eyes while leaning against the wooden material as tears burned behind your eyes, begging you to let loose and in the confines of your own home, you did. How could those soft, warm lips form such cold, harsh words and it was all because of a little misunderstanding. Of course it wouldnt, you were always on his mind, how could he not think the worst when you had told him you would be home at 9 and still no any sign of you at 3 a.m. not even a text. Y/n thats not true and you know that. If you are as clumsy as me, please be more careful haha. Taehyung: The way his head fell in his hands and the deep groan that slipped past his lips told you he was irritated. Its not your friends its just him. he followed you to the bedroom, sitting down on the bed watching you with sad eyes getting yourself ready to go. Yoongi noticed how you had been distancing yourself. Lifting it closer to your face, the caller read Jimin. The blue inkt bled down the dark white paper which was struggling not to fall apart, clung on to your hand, weakenig with every drop of water they drawed in. Hoseok snuggled closer, hiding his face against your tummy, his hands holding your waist carefully. The one, you were talking on the phone with. I didnt.. you began, voice soft and shaky, eyeing your shoes not daring to look up. You know you can trust me on my words, my friends and I, were still working hard, we work hard everyday to reach our dreams and well Im glad I didnt give up cause look where I am now. of course babe but how did you get all those ingredients? you rubbed your chin thinking about how in the world did he get those. BUT this you carried on .. this is not. You heard him sigh before he slid down the door aswell. It seems impossible with the immense love I feel for you already but I really do. Looking left and right hoping to see a glimps of you but unfortunately you werent there. Just let me tell you one thing. With one hand on the back of his head you buried his face against your chest and stroked his hair as you shushed him, telling him it was okay and to let it all out. Putting your handbook away,your hands landed in his hair, softly massaging his scalp. Its out. You failed him again. . Without turning around you replied. 2 minutes, 5? What was so urgent for me to rush here? You asked him when you stepped in the practice room. y/n.. whats wrong? his soft voice lighted up the dark aura you had surrounded yourself with as you looked at him sitting beside you. BTS Reaction To Seeing You Defend Yourself From A Drunk Guy Before They Have The Chance To. No, no, no. A shriek of exciment slipped past your lips when you saw a big notepad laying on top of a closet. Its only healthy when you talk about it in a calm way. street, now serene and peaceful, clearing your mind and soul. I made lasagna, I can heat it up for you? Dipping down you kissed away his tears while your fingers pushed his hair out of his face. Stop it, geez! Taehyung scolded himself, slapping his cheeks multiple times as if that would help him to set his mind to something else. Most of the times you declined, not wanting to disturb but actually you did not want to see him around all the pretty female idols who seemed so perfect. You could hear she felt bad for you, knowing how happy you were when he called you, her being there when he did. He didnt know why you were saying those things, where you got it from. stupid, stupid, stupid. pulling away from you, he started to hit himself in the face, repeatedly everytime he mentioned how selfish he has been. Jimin was enjoying some alone time in the garden, absorbing some sun when he heard some rustling. Aah I should just wait till my sweet baby will come home. After convincing Seokjin and Namjoon, he began to take care of him and after 1,5 week he was free to go but not without shedding some tears ofcourse. Tell me whats going on. Yoongi needed a moment to let it all sink in, following the tear down from your eyes to your nose to end up on your red lips. You couldnt help but always giggle when he saw Taehyung, puffing up his chest, voice suddenly much more deeper while greeting him with amanly hug. You felt embarassed, you felt bad thinking that he would think he wasnt enough. I HATE it when someone gives me the cold shoulder. Whats up. you asked her when you picked up, walking out of the livingroom, the noise the three of them produced making it unable to hear what she was saying on the other end of the line. Please dont leave me hanging in the dark. His words burnt your skin as they reached you, causing you to drop the glass in your hands. The babyblue comforter you had insisted to buy it for the bed was wrapped around his body however it only made him feel suffocated and struggled to get out of it, throwing it on the floor with anger. Hoseok gulped. Turning around his feet took him to the bedroom. Waving him bye you entered their dorm and now you were waiting for Namjoon to get ready.. 30 minutes ago. You tried to tell yourself that, you tried to tell yourself that it was alright. Taehyung you turned to him Relax.. I am sorry Taehyung. you stammered trying to come up with an explanation but you knew there wasnt one just that you had forgotten about the time and thus apologized although he deserved more than a simple Im sorry.. With eyes gazing at the trees you suddenly felt something moist fluttering against the back of your hand and thats when you remembered why you were here in the firstplace, the sight of the wavering sheet taking you back to this very morning. Stupid Yoongi. you mumbled to yourself while standing up, taking your coat off the hanger and putting it on aswell as your shoes. Babe.. Y/n.. he was speechless, the shock which at first had slowly vanished, came barging in again when those hateful words left your mouth and your heart. He shuffeled to the little vase filled with the other yellow flowers and added the one in his hands with a big smile on his face. BTS Reacts: You Having A Cute Moan (!!) "Can we go? - You Having Cuts And Burns From The Kitchen. Anyways can you help me with someting on the laptop Jimin had walked over to you and grabbed your wrist, dragging you out of the room. I love you too, so much. You whispered back. What did he expect? You scoffed at the thought, obviously something was wrong is someone crumbles openly, they wont do it for fun and the last thing that person needs is judgemental eyes looking their way even the ones who at first looked at you with concern will end up just like the rest, silently scoffing when you tell them school has you just a bit stressed and right there, its sad when you have to express your feelings in a much lesser way than how youre actually feeling, knowing most people wont understand your tears and will end up calling you weak, someone who overreacts or just a drama queen which is not the case. His face, leaning down to peck your lips, arm secure around your shoulder an explation just! The immense love I feel for you they switched much more sooner than normal at but... The deep groan that slipped past your lips when you did almost didnt understand him however were staring the. You carried on.. this is not youre my home now too taehyung best for her Jungkook,! 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