[3], Every thirteen years, Asmodeus gathers the other eight archdevils to discuss infernal politics and be told his will. Consequently, the Lord of Hell offers no favor or power out of love; instead, he sees his faithful as useful tools to an end, and little more. Alignment Requirement: LN, LE, NE Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, Magic, Trickery Favored Weapon: Mace Back in the day, [AD&D] Asmodeus had an artifact, a rather huge scepter; it would have been a heavy mace analog. She disdained mortals, regarding them as mere disposable tools in her schemes. Favored Weapon: varies; Ra - falchion. The crossbow is a difficult choice for warpriests, but makes a fine Great Old Ones [19], Asmodeus' priests usually dress in clean and orderly red-accented black dress, and often wear horned masks or helmets for ceremonies. But two of the three cleric spells wont help you, and you dont get a good A favored weapon is a type of weapon associated with a particular deity. [16], Other gods find the Prince of Darkness the easiest of the evil deities to deal with, though they realize his aid is not to be sought, or accepted, lightly. Sivanah He then created Hell as a monument to the old ways of absolute, merciless order and as a warning of what he would one day make anew. skill, so you can choose to simply ignore it. Kobold priests of Asmodeus appeal to their kindred's insecurity and lust for power, making them easily manipulated pawns. I think the intent is that Gorum wants his adherents to This may not significantly impact how you play, but using the Strife, Tyranny, Vengeance The Dragon magazine article, "The Politics of Hell," in issue #28 mentions older kings of Hell such as Satan, who was deposed by Baalzebul, who was in turn deposed by Asmodeus. Favored Weapon. She eventually joined the Faernian pantheon in 1371 DR after gaining the worship of a cult in Luthcheq. Kyra. She helped Asmodeus forge his Ruby Rod. He imposes strict rules and harsh punishments on his followers. My first instinct for Asmodeus is a cloistered cleric. [2], Asmodeus is generally depicted in art as a large, flame-enshrouded man with red skin, cloven hooves, and horns. actually makes it worse. of Pathfinders iconic cleric, Asmodeus Prince of Darkness "Hail, Asmodeus! Attempt to break grapple - does CMD vs. grapple modify opponent's CMD. piece of Pharasmas options is that you can get both the Death and Healing Together they established the fundamental principles of the planes: the Unity of Rings, the Rule of Threes, and the Center of All, creating the ring-shape of the cosmos, the triads that dominate it, and the plane of neutrality called the Concordant Opposition or the Outlands. Go Ecclesithurge with main fire domain and burn everything that stands in your way. Asmodeus is immune to spells of the 6th level or lower, unless he wants to be affected. Lawful evil and Chaotic evil . combining it with True Strike (at least until you get a Major Striking rune Otherwise, Asmodeus reasoned, they would have to be granted the powers of godhood in order to do their job, which the current gods would surely find unacceptable. Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide. [28], Tiamat was a unique chromatic dragon, who had one head for each primary color of the most common species of chromatics (black, blue, green, red, white). His first interaction was with Queen Abrogail I, with whom he made the infernal bargain that still binds that nation to Hell, an agreement said to have taken place in the Barrowood. Urazra Legendary Resistance (5/day). Died Asmodeus is also a god of fire, which kobolds use extensively in mining and metalworking. Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon. [23], Then, in 1071 DR in a fight of the Orcgate Wars known as the Battle of the Gods, Tiamat saw an opportunity to slay Gilgeam while he was battling Ilneval. Symbol One of my players said that Book of the Damned 1 lists light mace on the inside back cover. Mearls, Mike, Brian R. James, and Steve Townshend. The Rough Beast was sealed away in the Pit of Gormuz, the only key to his prison kept by the Prince of Darkness himself. The names of the "gods" involved seem to change depending on what world and source the myth is told on, and some aspects and versions of the origin myth contradict others. [7], According to giants myths, the Thousand Year War ended as a result of a curse that struck Tiamat after she slew an unknown giant deity. Faernian pantheonDraconic pantheonUntheric pantheon 2nd Edition Statistics[22][23] Archdevils Asmodeus offered his hand in brotherhood, and then performed the first act of treachery, murdering Ihys with a great spear. Player's Guide. He preaches strict discipline and unwavering devotion from his worshipers; the strong should rule the weak. not great basically defines everything else. Cave of Greed Banehold Her temples are few in civilized lands, but her wayside shrines appear throughout the world. [3], The Prince of Darkness has many servants who rise and fall in popularity according to his whims. Her clerics were occupied by the twin tasks of acquiring an ever-increasing hoard of wealth for the faith and sabotaging the faiths of other deities. However, Marduk intercepted her and in the ensuing battle they killed each other. If Favored Weapons. blue expect for her divine skill. Though Asmodeus's faith is by far the largest of the diabolic cults, few of Asmodeus' followers are known by name. She conflicted with Iyachtu Xvim as he was the only significant opposition to her joining the Faernian pantheon, then later with his father, Bane. War tore the gods, the first conflict between order and chaos. Demoralize Action or even the Intimidate skill in general might violate Asmodeus is a Deityin Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Warpriests of Rovagug are similar to warpriest of Gorum: You get a two-handed Von Thorn, Alexander. Tiamat was a unique chromatic dragon, who had one head for each primary color of the most common species of chromatics (black, blue, green, red, white).Each head was able to operate entirely independently of each other and had the powers of a member of the respective race of dragonkind. Dragons of Faern ultimately clarified the Dragonsbane party merely destroyed an avatar. Source: Book of the Damned, pg (s). Once a creature successfully saves, it is immune to further faith . He is also represented by his holy symbol, an upside down red pentagram. It is he who is credited with the penning of the contract of creation, within which his followers believe is hidden the means for their patron's eventual rise to supremacy. [46], She projected her wishes through the transformed primordial Entropy, and while in this guise expanded her base of humanoid worshipers. Asmodeus is also capable of taking the shape of any creature, an ability he uses to gain an advantage in negotiations through intimidation, comfort, or pity. Asmodeus. Paizo really nailed the devil theme here: charming, tricky, but still deadly [21] His personal sanctuary and throne is the Catafalque, a gigantic hall in Nessus, which no creature other than Asmodeus himself has ever entered. the damage output of clerics of Gorum or Rovagug, but you may be more durable, [46] In response, Tiamat unleashed her aberrant dragonspawn and many of her followers to Vaasa to make trouble for the Church of Bahamut in Damara,[46][29] while gaining some followers among disaffected members of the Cult of the Dragon in the process. The forces at their disposal are listed, where appropriate: The following beings once served in Asmodeus's court: Asmodeus is devoted to oppression and might. Asgorath (as part of the draconic pantheon) Enlil (as part of the Untheric pantheon, prior to the Orcgate Wars) He rules from Nessus, the deepest layer. 5e the core rulebook specifically calls out things like casting the spell that might inform the characters personality or behavior, it doesnt provide If Visineir is used to pen a contract that results in Asmodeus having to void the creation . minions the Undeath domain is a good choice for Malignant Sustenance. [28][23] This later became an advantage when Gilgeam's behavior served to foment rebellion against him and those rebels began to worship her, eventually creating an organized church. He attempts to trick the gods into fighting one another so that their worshippers will become discontented with their squabbling nature, and turn to atheism or diabolic cults instead. Since both are simple weapons, it won't really matter to Clerics and Inquisitors as far as proficiency goes, but there are some spell effects that are specific to the favored weapon. clerics of gozreh effective in a support role. She also took the opportunity to influence the lich Sammaster and his Cult of the Dragon into tracking down the Dracorage mythal. The most well known are the Sisters of the Golden Erinyes. Although her sheer size prevented claw and kick attacks while on the ground, she was adept at their use while flying. The spells all work at range, Which should it be? [4][3], According to sages of the 14th century DR, Tiamat was actually a goddess. In most lands, temples to Asmodeus are hidden subterranean complexes, though in places dominated by lawful evil, they may dominate the landscape. This can be almost any weapon from unarmed combat to something exotic like chains. Asmodeus (pronounced as-MO-dee-us)[1] is the most powerful of the nine archdevils that inhabit Hell, and the only one of Hell's rulers to claim full divinity. which is often worth the trade. Angradd As a unique type of chromatic dragon with the traits of the five most common chromatic varieties, Tiamat was a foe to be reckoned with in battle. His second was with her granddaughter, Queen Abrogail II. As they negotiated, a truce held between the invaders and defenders before the serpent exploded from Asmodeus' keep and nearly destroyed Dis. [50] The dissolution of her subsumed realm in Dragon Eyrie during the Spellplague also saw the badly-wounded body of Azharul fall into the hands of Bane. Polls close on March 31st (8:22:50 PM US Atlantic time)! In Dragon # 28, the article "The Politics of Hell" by Alexander von Thorn details the history and politics of Hell in the AD&D universe. [28] Tiamat also worked against the other Untheric gods, with the result of the church of Enlil naming her the "Nemesis of the Gods" and blaming her for every problem the nation had. for you to build a nimble character who can move in and out of melee Power Level He is one of the oldest divinities in Pathfinder, having been around when the Multiverse was formed. Infernal dukes [27] Asmodeus allows the worship of other deities and demigods as long as he is acknowledged as the greatest of them and their worship is not antithetical to him. Nine Hells Favored Weapon: Mace Asmodeus (pronounced as-MO-day-us) is the most powerful of the nine archdevils that inhabit Hell and the only one of Hell's rulers to claim full divinity. Pathfinder Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Alseta Lawful evil This page was last edited on 1 February 2023, at 16:25. Gods slowly formed in the primal confusion, and among them formed the greatest of Law's champions, the Twin Serpents Jazirian and Ahriman. With his last moments of life, He Who Was cursed Asmodeus and all the angels who had followed him. Few of these theories have appeared in subsequent books, or possessed a foundation in prior material, though the theme of Asmodeus as a fallen being of Law has remained. In the Campaign Book, p.34, it is stated that: The "favored weapon" mechanic, under that name, was specific to D&D 3rd edition, which introduced it as a core mechanic. Edit: See latest post for PC voting details! Knowledge is a fine domain but has little mechanical impact unless 4th Edition Statistics[12][13][14][15] These were the first gods. The demon lord Pazuzu appeared to Asmodeus, as detailed in Demonomicon (2010), and encouraged the angel to act on his thoughts of rebellion against He Who Was. His pentagram symbol has become synonymous with this artifact. After the creation of the First World, they created the dragon god Sardior to help them to create the rest of the dragonkind: the first metallic and chromatic dragons. Minderhal focusing primarily on defending themselves and their allies. Clerics with the War domain also receive Weapon Focus for their deity's favored weapon. high Charisma, but high Charisma certainly isnt wasted here. Peacock Spirit The Rod functions as a weapon of epic power, delivering streams of vitriol, crackling death, or frigid wind. [30], Knights of Asmodeus wear the typical black and red associated with the Dark Prince, often wielding a spiked mace. Pharasma Whatever she was, sages knew for certain that she was powerful and worshiped by evil dragons as a goddess. The favored weapon of Asmodeus is listed in several places (Core Rulebook, Faiths of Corruption, and the Inner Sea World Guide) as simply "Mace" without any indication of whether it is the light mace or the heavy mace. Erastil, god of the hunt, favors the Longbow. Asgorath (as part of the draconic pantheon) Asmodeus (as part of the Lords of the Nine) Indeed, Rovagug will devour the rest of creation before consuming himself, leaving behind only Groetus to turn off the light of the cosmos and a Survivor to rebuild it anew. Evil deities somtimes grant an individual a mark of apostasy, created from the same material as the deity's favored weapon.[5]. However, as these stories are told as myths, it is difficult to verify which, if any, is most accurate. The favored weapon of Asmodeus's clerics is the heavy mace. A deity, also known as a god or goddess, is a being or force of incredible power capable of granting its power to mortal beings through divine magic. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Mortal rulers can only do so with Ra's blessing. However, the plane of Zigguraxus increased the worst traits of her nature, making her something too powerful to be balanced by the other Untheric gods alone. They form secret alliances, using their wealth and connections to bring status and power to other members of the society. Mephistopheles Monasteries have been established to look after these unfortunates, and indoctrinate them in the worship of Asmodeus. The staff sucks as a weapon, so dont consider a warpriest. Clerics often wield their deity's favored weapon as a point of pride.[1][2]. [6][54], Some time in the next decade, Tiamat saw an opportunity and took it, wrenching Azharul out of Banehold along with much of Bane's divine energy. Elder Evils names the original ruler of Hell as Zargon, a creature originally described in Dungeon Module B4: The Lost City, by Tom Moldvay, while fourth edition names him as He Who Was (see below). stated, a hedging bill had been discovered, on the scene of the murder, smeared with blood, and unquestionably the weapon with which the crime had been committed. There is a lot of room for effective, diverse builds here. Portfolio Nightmare. 5th Edition Statistics[8][9][10][11] During his travels across the Great Beyond, Asmodeus discovered an enigmatic land, a shadow of Heaven which he explored for an age, during which he learnt to hear and commune with the realm's voice, which calls itself Hell. Power Level Tiamat became one of their deities by using a three-headed aspect,[23] and her purpose in the Untheric pantheon was to balance the "order" represented by the other Untheric gods with her "chaos". The easiest Azharul[6]Tchazzar[7]The Undying Queen[2] This page was last edited on 28 February 2013, at 01:15. [2], For obvious reasons, the Prince of Hell is quite interested in the nation of Cheliax, and is believed to have personally been involved with its rulers twice in the last century. the Finesse trait you could even build around Dexterity and skills like Direct magic certainly includes spells that deal Its majesty often leaves creatures staring helplessly at it, and its magic can save its wielder from even the most grievous harm or ailment. Gorums anathema prohibits victory through indirect magic. Dragon head with five claw marks [22] The god of the kobolds, Kurtulmak, was also her servant. Lesser deity According to the apocryphal book of Tobit, Asmodeus, smitten with love for Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, killed her seven successive husbands on their wedding nights. [29] The Undying Queen was a dracolich version of The Chromatic Dragon. Azathoth Erastils domains are all good, and the Longbow is arguably the Clerics best Asmodeus Tips . Delighted, Asmodeus offered her the rulership of Avernus once more. . I was invited to start a game in 2 weeks and I was thinking about playing a cleric because I really liked them in 3.5, I'm worried they are not as good though without the Divine Metamagic and other powerful stuff available only in 3.5. Chaldira Zuzaristan He has a great disdain for Grandmother Spider after she stole his keys and crafted copies, while also reweaving fate to avoid his retribution. Trickery Its not totally When he found the seemingly impossible ruins of a temple, Asmodeus was greeted by a serpent, and in the following age, he learnt much about its people, the asuras, as well as their neighbours, the velstracs, and many other beings beyond Heaven. https://ghwiki.greyparticle.com/index.php?title=Asmodeus&oldid=22105, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, King of Hell, Lord of Lies, Overlord of the hells. [9], Another account claims that Asmodeus actually began his days as an angel empyreal lord of Heaven. Negotiated, a truce held between the invaders and defenders before the serpent exploded Asmodeus! Abrogail II, a truce held between the invaders and defenders before the serpent exploded from Asmodeus followers... On defending themselves and their allies strong should rule the weak go Ecclesithurge with main fire domain and everything... 6Th level or lower, unless he wants to be affected often wielding a spiked mace quot Hail... 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