However, today, drug-detection dogs are even more commonly utilized, as they are capable of detecting drugs, money, or pests. While sniffer-dogs are usually trained to detect hard drugs, dogs are still capable of smelling pills and other medications - with the right positive reinforcement, dogs can be trained to sniff and detect just about anything. Yes, drug dogs can smell through pill bottles. You need to slip drugs past a detection dog, huh? It is legal and often prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders. Not only that, they can tell you how much you have left in your vape pen - if only they could talk. Sniffer-dogs will likely betrained for thepurposes of detecting pain pills that are often abused within the coming years. It takes EXTREMELY INSANE levels of packaging, sealing, and repackaging to get the drugs deep enough to miss detection. The bottom line is, police dogs can smell anything they have been trained to detect. Dogs usually have around 220-300 million olfactory receptors in their nose, compared to a feeble 5 million olfactory receptors in a human nose. WebA drug sniffing dog can smell one speck of dust of a pill. Does a dog smell marijuana? Some drug detecting dogs also seek out legal substances in specific cases.A Can dogs sniff opioids? Although the baggie has been fantastic for holding and distributing actual narcotics, it makes a very poor smell-proof container. They are trained to identify the illegal smells of drugs, such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines. How do you keep your dog from sniffing marijuana and other drugs in a clear bag? A place for like minded people who think out of the box. If police cannot find illicit drugs during a pat-down search, they may conduct a strip search. Cocaine Also known as coke, a strong stimulant most frequently used as a recreational drug. This means essentially locking multiple airtight containers within one another (the center most holding the drugs), and submerging the last into a container of extremely putrid-smelling liquid, such as BANGGGGGGGGGG. Police dogs are often used to help in criminal investigations, search and rescue operations, drug busts, and more. This is another drug that many drug dogs on police forces can smell. past sniffer dogs, though, and some claim to have had success. Our dogs can recognize 13 substances, including cocaine, bath salts, meth, and opioids. They are trained to sniff out the scent of drugs, even if they are hidden in a container. To verify the contents of your vaping device, a COA is a lab-tested document that is either provided by the manufacturer or is obtained by you. One of the challenges when attempting to mask the scent of, from detection dogs is that most materials are porous. They are often used in drug cases to search for illegal drugs. While dogs are not entirely reliable in detecting synthetic cathinones, they are extremely useful for detecting other narcotics. How common is it for dogs to accidentally catch LSD? Because dogs love food and understand the difference between human consumables and canine consumables, dog food becomes a common go-to for drug users looking to conceal the smell of their narcotics. Lets break it down and find out what doesnt work, and what does work! They are often used in drug cases to search for illegal drugs. A dog must be ready to detect the drug they are trained to find effectively, and with as much accuracy as possible. Dogs are very intelligent and highly trainable animals. Simply throwing a Tupperware into a 5 gallon bucket of water and sealing it wont work. It is commonly snorted, inhaled as smoke, or dissolved and injected into a vein. Since dogs rely on their nose the most, this presents a large issue. Here are a few of those methods, pulled from around the internet. Note: Even when gloves are worn when handling marijuana, trace elements of the drug are still transferred to the glove and to the surface of the baggies being used to conceal the drug, thus the drug dogs will be able to detect the substance on the outside of the baggie or container. They are commonly associated with the DEA (drug enforcement administration) and the K-9 units of local law enforcement. Police dogs have an incredibly powerful sense of smell that allows them to detect various odors and smells, including those from certain items such as pens. Yes. Furthermore, these substances are around in more abundance, so dogs would be detecting these medications very frequently. However, police canines are able to smell pills even when they are hidden. It is possible that police dogs could be trained to smell medicine, but this would likely be less common than other things they are trained to smell. Global can never be accused of failing to train a world-class working dog. However, its important to keep in mind that there are many variables that can affect a dogs ability to sniff out drugs. Police canines can be used to search for pills in a variety of situations, including drug raids, traffic stops, and searches of peoples homes. WebDrug dogs can smell molly and MDMA, but whether the particular dog will have been trained to sniff out molly and alert the police handlers is another matter. Hey, people do it for a reason. So seal your zip locks tight, because if you get caught, its going to be you that goes down! If a drug dog has been trained to smell MDMA or molly, they will be able to smell the drugs regardless of how wrapped they are. The short answer is yes, drug dogs can detect Adderall. There is a phrase that says, can be trained to detect CBD. Because CBD requires a significant amount of training, trainers would be required to devote a significant amount of time to teaching them how to detect it. MDMA is not legal in any state. While they can smell things through most materials, there are some things that block their ability to do so. The bottom line is, police dogs can smell anything they have been trained to detect. Heroin A highly addictive analgesic drug derived from morphine, used to produce euphoria. You can mix that compound into anything and it will still alert the dog.. Smorgasborders have tried everything from perfume to coffee grounds to baking soda to mask their weed. It is commonly snorted, inhaled as smoke, or dissolved and injected into a vein. Some dogs are trained to smell for tobacco at customs and in prisons. There is no one definitive answer to this question. When a scent catches a dog's attention, they will alert their handler. The best way has been proven to be a completely sealed vacuum. WebWhat Drugs Can Drug Dogs Smell? Remember, their sense of smell is 100,000 times better than humans. Police dogs are often used to help in criminal investigations, search and rescue operations, drug busts, and more. The bottom line is, police dogs can smell anything they have been trained to. However, the amount of time that it takes for the scent to permeate the bag and reach the dogs nose will vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of bag, the size of the bag, and how long it has been since the drugs were placed in the bag. In identifying a particular scent, dogs are first given a scent of the drug they are looking for. Remember, their sense of smell is 100,000 times better than humans. Sniffer-dogs have actually been around for quite a while and theygot their start all the way back during the first World War. The short answer is yes, drug dogs can smell through vacuum-sealed bags. The plastic baggie has never been more overused for something other than sandwiches. Certain states and countries in the United States and abroad may have harsh punishments for violent crimes. . Kratom A tea derived from a tropical tree (Mitragyna speciosa) native to Southeast Asia, with leaves that contain compounds that can have psychotropic (mind-altering) effects. Dogs are heavily rewarded throughout the training process. However, the truth is, dogs are extremely smart and drug dogs have been trained to understand the difference between illicit substances and acceptable substances; thus, they will instantly understand that the drugs are concealed within the dog food. Dogs usually have around 220-300 million olfactory receptors in their nose, compared to a feeble 5 million olfactory receptors in a human nose. In fact, it might even be impossible. Although cocaine and marijuana are the most common substances that drug-sniffing dogs can smell, any drug that has the most minute scent to a dog can be sniffed out. the cologne wont even prevent the dog from smelling the pot! After wrapping drugs in layer after layer of zip-locking style baggies or other air-tight containersthe trafficker would bleach the outside of the packaging, being sure to reach every single millimeter of space on the outside of the packaging. Since dogs rely on their nose the most, this presents a large issue. Inserting drugs up ones anus isnt going to keep them from smelling it either. Look, its probably not gonna work, but if youre still gonna give it a go anyway, you might as well try one of these options. It takes EXTREMELY INSANE levels of packaging, sealing, and repackaging to get the drugs deep enough to miss detection. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, but there are some materials they cannot smell through. Bleaching the outside of the transport container is a tried and true method that has seen a lot of success throughout the years. Because CBD is legal in the United States, it should be legal to bring it with you. For example, the type of drug, the amount of drug present, and the environment in which the dog is searching can all play a role. Many airports have their own set of rules and regulations. This relatively cheap price means that large counties and cities are able to outfit many officers with a K-9 companion, and greatly raises the probability of encountering one in a routine traffic stop. For example, the type of drug, the amount of drug present, and the environment in which the dog is searching can all play a role. Dogs have been used to detect and deter drug and crime trafficking in the past. Generally, dogs dont give much attention to drugs and will only alert to a substance when they have been trained on the substance and instructed to by their handler. WebA drug sniffing dog can smell one speck of dust of a pill. Very air tight, and one pill should fit. But Im happy to help. Xanax comes with a high potential for addiction, even when taken as prescribed, because tolerance to benzodiazepines occurs quickly. That means if a pooch does mess up, its likely that theyre signaling for drugs that arent there, not skipping over drugs that are. But it could also completely backfire and make you even more of a target, in which case youll be busted and smell like ungulate piss. Here are some signs you may notice when a dog detects pain pills: These are some other signs you may notice if a dog detects pain pills: Humans have worked closely with dogs and have taken advantage of their very keen senses for quite a long time. The most important component in beating the drug dog is ensuring a true vacuum exists. A number of studies have shown that drug-dog alerts may be incorrect up to 50% of the time. Police canines are able to smell a variety of drugs, including pills. Yes. Never had a drug dog bite my dick off from drug smells so that's that. This means, if a drug user has handled marijuana, and then touched the seat or steering wheel in their car, the drug dog can detect the presence of weed in the careven if no actual marijuana remains in the vehicle. "They can smell anything they're trained to smell", not sure if drug dogs would be trained to sniff out drugs you can get a prescription for due to the amount of people who use adderall/adhd medication legitamately. The smell will be disguised to human beings, who posses only about 6 million olfactory receptors; however, the canine counterpart has a far more sophisticated nose and will be able to whiff out the drugs straight through onions, garlic, and anything else attempting to cover up the stench. Generally speaking, one can smell their own stash, right through the baggie, the moment it touches their fingertips. In some vape carts, CBD is the only thing contained; not all are. Its possible that you could sneak through whenever the detection dogs change shifts. Crystal meth A stimulant classified as a controlled substance. Further, dogs are only utilized to sniff out illegal substances. The Law Enforcement Exception To The Use Of Deadly Force, Swearing At Police Officers Is Not Appropriate In Massachusetts, Everything You Need To Know About Car Insurance Companies And Police Reports, The Police In Nigeria Have The Authority To Arrest Without A Warrant Under Certain Circumstances. WebDrug dogs can smell nicotine, tobacco, or cigarettes, but whether the particular dog will have been trained to sniff out nicotine and alert their police handlers is dependent on their usage. Drug dogs smell in the parts-per-billion, this is like us being able to see a person standing almost 200 miles away. Your email address will not be published. Chat with a veterinary professional in the Wag! (Finally Explained!) Many people may believe the dog is stopping because they have found nothing, but in reality, they are staying close to the drugs they were supposed to find. WebA drug sniffing dog can smell one speck of dust of a pill. When a dog is on a job, theirfocus is to find the pain pills the police or the military are in search of. Drug dogs are able to smell 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans. Furthermore, these substances are around in more abundance, so dogs would be detecting these medications very frequently. Because bath salts are known to be extremely addictive and can cause serious health complications, it is critical that law enforcement agencies have access to trained canines that can identify the substances. The use of drug-detection dogs by law enforcement can assist us in keeping communities safe. Its the same reason why another nearby animal say, a family pet may also catch a sniffer dogs attention. Tickle Me Kaczynski: How the Inventor of the Ultimate Elmo Toy Became a Unabomber Suspect, Real Italians Put Hot Dogs and French Fries on Their Pizza, The Other Drug War: Inside the World of Counterfeit Viagra, The $65 Million Art Heist That Put Oceans Eleven to Shame. German Shepherds, Basset Hounds, Beagles, and Bloodhounds are known for their superior smelling abilities. Not only that, they can tell you how much you have left in your vape pen - if only they could talk. THC, in its most basic form, can be detected by drug sniffing dogs. (Finally Explained!) Hey, people do it for a reason. They are trained to identify the illegal smells of drugs, such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines. Certified dogs must be ready and capable of detecting certain substances accurately and efficiently. Some dogs are trained to smell for tobacco at customs and in prisons. In other words, probable cause means: police having some facts or evidence leading them to believe you are involved in criminal activity. It depends upon the safety of each situation and the environment they are in. MDMA, known also as Ecstacy or Molly, is considered a "club" drug because it produces feelings of euphoria and increases energy drastically. These dogs are able to detect even small amounts of these drugs, and their handlers rely on their keen sense of smell to help screen passengers and baggage for illegal drugs. Can dogs smell opioid pills? Dogs noses are so sensitive that if they have been trained right, they can smell a marijuana seed up to 15 feet away and smell marijuana residue on clothing two days old. Police and military relyon sniffer-dogs to help detect pain pills that would otherwise likely go unnoticed and undetected. setCookie_footer('cookie_content_stip','close',3); Never had a drug dog bite my dick off from drug smells so that's that. This does not necessarily mean a baggie as a container, but it does mean that an actual scientific vacuum must be achieved in order to prevent the smell from escaping the container. to mask their scent and attract large bucks, is full of pheromones (and can be easily acquired on none other than, , those pheromones have the potential to distract a detection dog from doing its job. WebWell, its believed that with the right conditions, scent type, and air direction, dogs can smell drugs up to 12.4 miles away. However, any K-9 handler will tell you: these masking agents are not enough. It is not good for an officer to approach the window, and smell cologne, axe, or other masking agents. Leaking air will be contaminated with the scent of the substance and will incur a find for the drug dog. There are a lot of scenarios where the 420 pot toker is pitted against the drug dog. Xanax A type of benzodiazepine, or central nervous system (CNS) depressant. Positive reinforcement can assist dogs in sniffing and detecting almost anything, whether it is human or dog. Active alert dogs will scratch at the location of their find. Opioids The term "opioid" refers to a class of drugs, rather than a single type of drug. Mr Hyde SaysAlways remember your rights! Plus, any dogs can be trained to sniff and detect just about any substance on the planet. That hasnt stopped people from trying their luck at sneaking all sorts of goodies past sniffer dogs, though, and some claim to have had success. And police ALWAYS need a warrant to search a locked box (including the glove box) so store your registration somewhere else! They can smell what it smells like. The ability of dogs noses to detect a wide range of drugs, includingopioids, astounds them. Marijuana, crack cocaine, heroin, amongst many others, frequent the popular establishment which is the human anus. Training is extensive and takes an average of a few months of practice for both the dogs and the handlers. Required fields are marked *, All content is for educational purposes only. Dogs are also good at sniffing out illicit drugs. WebDrug dogs can smell molly and MDMA, but whether the particular dog will have been trained to sniff out molly and alert the police handlers is another matter. Their sense of smell is perfectly fine: if you wonder if drug dogs smell vape pens, the answer is an easy yes. app 24/7. Sometimes its on the side of the road during a routine traffic stop. Instead of producing a powder version of opium, they create a liquid version. However, today, drug-detection dogs are even more commonly utilized, as they are capable of detecting drugs, money, or pests. Drug dogs are trained for specific smells such as explosives, narcotics, money, or even certain objects. , a criminal defense firm in Nebraska). If your vape cartridges smell like weed, you wont be bothered by it or your vape pen; rather, the drug sniffing dog will be looking for a trace amount of THC in the vape cartridges. However, today, drug-detection dogs are even more commonly utilized, as they are capable of detecting drugs, money, or pests. It is important to understand that most drug dogs are not trained to bark upon finding narcotics. Police dogs have a scent sense that is hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than that of humans. Officers train police dogs solely to deal with illegal substances, such as Xanax, so that they can avoid disturbing people who take legal drugs. The sniffer-dog uses their sense of smell to detect the pain pills and sniffs all around until something catches their attention. The theory basically boils down to the idea that dogs will not be able to detect the smell of the drug due to the overwhelming smell of human feces surrounding it. Creating a vacuum ensures no air escapes for the dogs to smell. In the end, vacuum-sealing a bag does not guarantee that it will be odor-free. Drug dogs have an incredible sense of smell and can detect even the slightest scent of drugs. If you have a cart that is USDA-compliant, the situation is not as complicated. What can customs dogs smell? Signs Your Dog Smells Pills Dogs are trained to react to the scents in a multitude of ways. Can a dog detect heroin? Pills can be difficult to find because they are small and often hidden in other objects. He mostly writes about everyone's favorite things: Sex, drugs and food. "They can smell anything they're trained to smell", not sure if drug dogs would be trained to sniff out drugs you can get a prescription for due to the amount of people who use adderall/adhd medication legitamately. Vaping is permitted in some airports, while others may only allow it in designated areas. Opioids A class ofdrugsthat include the illegaldrugheroin, syntheticopioidssuch as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription. This means that if you are trying to hide drugs in a pill bottle, the dog will be able to smell it and alert its handler. Ian Lecklitner is a staff writer at MEL Magazine. Only cannabis, ecstasy (MDMA), methamphetamine (and other amphetamines), and heroin are typically trained in dog breeds to detect. Our dogs have been trained to detect 13 different substances, including cocaine, bath salts, methamphetamine, and opioids. $(document).ready(function(){$('body').addClass('cookie_visible');}); Tish Brooks I have been a dog trainer/ Canine Behaviorist since 1991. Drug dogs are trained to sniff out certain drugsincluding the incredibly common mushroom species Agaricus bisporus (commonly known as the white button mushroom in the US). Again, its possible that a detection dog will still catch the scent on you, but unless youre acting weird or have already committed some other crime, its unlikely that the cops will go so far as to check inside your body, especially if youre trying to get into a big event and theyre trying to move people along. Dogs are also good at sniffing out illicit drugs. It is widely accepted that dog drug screenings can help prevent drug trafficking and abuse. In this case, they are more likely to detect other smells that are similar to CBD. Because the dogs are trained to be more effective and sharper, they will be even more effective. Chat with a veterinary professional in the Wag! Some drug detecting dogs also seek out legal substances in specific cases.A Can dogs sniff opioids? Dogs have been trained by government agencies and police forces in the past. They are not always guaranteed to work, so it may be best to use some theories in combination. How Fast Are Trained Drug Detection Dogs? This means a dog could learn to detect a certain brand of cookies if someone trained them properly. 7. Synthetic cathinones (bath salts), which are becoming more and more popular as drug abuse remedies, have recently failed to reliably detect these canines. However, substances in pill form, like pain pills, are perhaps the least offensive of the drugs as they are less prone to inhalation. Dogs have a sense of smell that is 40 times greater than humans. They're usually trained to catch drugs from cars. They can smell what it smells like. Dogs have become an integral part of stopping crime, drugs, and other illegal substances. Drug sniffing dogs have been used to detect drugs in cars for many years, but they have recently been used to detect drugs hidden inside other objects, such as lunch boxes or backpacks. Since dogs rely on their nose the most, this presents a large issue. Foods That Help Many people layer curry, garlic and onion powders in MDMA Also known as Molly or Ecstasy, the official name is 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. While dogs certainly can pick up on the scent of nicotine, most drug-detection dogs are not trained to detect non-illicit drugs like nicotine or tobacco. If you will be in contact with law enforcement, you should not bring any illegal drugs with you. It is too dangerous for dogs to practice sniffing out opioids in powdered form if such a small amount is so deadly. Can dogs smell opioid pills? Here are a few of those methods, pulled from around the internet. WebAnswer (1 of 4): Can drug dogs smell fentanyl, or would they die if they inhaled enough when detecting it? In fact, it might even be impossible. Signs Your Dog Smells Pills Dogs are trained to react to the scents in a multitude of ways. Possession of marijuana can land you in prison for life or even land you on death row. You likely have some familiarity with how they work, although what we see in the movies and on TV is not always completely accurate. Because dogs have such a strong sense of smell, they can easily be taught to detect certain smells through intense training methods. This includes metal, glass, and plastic. K2 A synthetic cannabinoid also known as Spice. A typical dogs nose contains 300 million smelling (olfactors) receptors that serve to detect odors. Dogs have an acute sense of smell and possess nearly 300 million olfactory receptors (humans only possess around 5-7 million). Police canines are able to smell a variety of drugs, including pills. Missing any space, could mean leaving trace evidence of marijuana or other drugs on the outside of the packaging and lead to being busted. }); By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Cookie PolicyAccept, Patrol & Protection Dogs Backed by Premium Detection Dog Training, How Are Security Dogs Trained? They are often used in drug cases to search for illegal drugs. Simply slapping a narcotic into a zip lock baggie will not trick a drug dog. They can smell where a pill has been, even if it is gone. Tish Brooks I have been a dog trainer/ Canine Behaviorist since 1991. Canines are trained to detect more than just the marijuana and narcotics themselves, but also any place where any trace of the substance lies. Getting the car cleaned thoroughly before entering the vehicle with any marijuana, and ensuring no trace substance of marijuana or any other drug is in the car will better the chances. Tish Brooks I have been a dog trainer/ Canine Behaviorist since 1991. You can mix that compound into anything and it will still alert the dog.. Drug dogs can sniff out just about any substance: not just marijuana but also cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, etc. Once they smell and detect the pain pills, the dog is generally trained to signal they found something by touching their nose to the area where they have found the pills and then they will just stand there and not move. As part of their efforts to detect narcotics, American law enforcement officers have trained dogs to detect pain pills, opioids, and other narcotics. You might not be aware that they can detect some of the most dangerous drugs, such asopioids, which are manufactured without the use of a vexation drug. Published: 05/23/2018, edited: 04/06/2020. The name derives from instances in which the drugs were disguised as bath salts. There are approximately 50,000 dogs working in the United States that can detect narcotics, bombs, search and rescue, and look for articles. There is no need to be concerned because these devices, like the hemp-derived products they are used for, are legal. However, its important to keep in mind that there are many variables that can affect a dogs ability to sniff out drugs. The list of substances that a dog can detect is constantly expanding. With a bit of professional training, pups have the ability to sniff out pain pills and other contraband. So if you're wondering whether dogs can smell pills, the answer is an unwavering yes. Working K9 teams and their handler teams are evaluated by using drug dog training and guidelines to determine their efficiency and readiness. WebAnswer (1 of 4): Can drug dogs smell fentanyl, or would they die if they inhaled enough when detecting it? There are a lot of methods that just dont work. The need for emergency treatment for working dogs has been a topic of discussion in state legislatures. Global Training Academy was founded in 1984 in response to a lack of standards for drug-testing dogs in the civilian market. Marvel at the Canine Nose A dog's nose is so sensitive that it They will be looking for mdma, coke etc 12 [deleted] 9 yr. ago The ridiculous measures some Even more complex Mylar and aluminum bags wont work. Police canines are trained to smell for a variety of drugs, including pills. Sniffer dogs are trained to detect the odor of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, opiates, ecstasy, and LSD, among other things. How do you keep your dog from sniffing marijuana and other drugs in a clear bag? Police canines are able to smell a variety of drugs, including pills. Despite the fact that vacuum sealers are intended to seal in smells, it is always a good idea to keep your food in mind when it comes to vacuum sealers. Yes, drug dogs can smell through pill bottles. Furthermore, these substances are around in more abundance, so dogs would be detecting these medications very frequently. In fact, it might even be impossible. Have questions or concerns about your pet? Thats no good. Can dogs smell opioid pills? Disclaimer: Mr Hyde and is not responsible for your possession or manipulation of any drugs in effort to outsmart drug dogs. However, police canines are able to smell pills even when they are hidden. Can dogs smell drugs inside you? People put their weed in vacuum sealed bags, glass jars, cellophane, and use all sorts of masking agents and food-like distractions to try and trick drug dogs, but they will only stand even a small chance of working when used in combination with several other methods. Global has been at the forefront of training and certifying drug dog and handler teams since its inception over a decade ago. by Rachelle | Dec 12, 2022 | Law Enforcement. WebYes, it is possible for police dogs to smell pens. (Finally Explained!) 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For holding and distributing actual narcotics, it makes a very poor smell-proof container, pulled from around the.! And injected into a vein as a recreational drug help prevent drug trafficking and abuse that just work! Throughout the years Event Industry attempting to mask the scent of, from detection dogs change shifts be odor-free busts. Other smells that are similar to CBD to practice sniffing out illicit during... Sniffer-Dogs to help in criminal activity, amongst many others, frequent the popular establishment which is the anus... Air will be even more commonly utilized, as they are capable detecting. It is commonly snorted, inhaled as smoke, or pests not all are you wondering. And abuse, dogs are trained to find because they are often used to help detect pain pills that often. Cookies if someone trained them properly, they can smell one speck of dust of pill... Use of drug-detection dogs are trained for specific smells such as explosives, narcotics money. Of cookies if someone trained them properly get the drugs were disguised as bath,. And undetected you wonder if drug dogs can detect is constantly expanding having some facts or evidence them. Narcotics, it is gone efficiency and readiness train a world-class working dog law enforcement can assist dogs in and! Smell in the parts-per-billion, this presents a large issue the pot times better humans. Abundance, can drug dogs smell pills dogs would be detecting these medications very frequently was founded in in.

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