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Shooting Amazing Restaurant Food Photography

Taking pictures of food and especially for a restaurant can be lots of fun. I was able to be part of an amazing restaurant food photography project. One of the things that I always try to do when I shoot restaurant food photography is try new things, new cropping, interesting backgrounds, something that you don’t normally see. Restaurant food photography is all about selling the product so to make your images look amazing you need the colors to stand out.

You also want to make the food look the best. I love shooting food photography because you have so much fun doing it and you can get very creative. Plus most of the times when doing restaurant food photography you don’t need to do a lot of editing if you have good composition and lighting. I spent 20 minutes editing all of this pictures and just made minimum changes in contrast and brightness.  These pictures were taken at a lodge close to the Tetons in Jackson Wyoming in a restaurant called The Lift. One of my favorites product photographers is Marcus Nilsson, you can look at his web page by clicking on this link:

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips

amazing restaurant food photography tips