Mind your business Steve [Skojec]. Under the dogma of the First Vatican Council, no valid Pope can possibly teach heresy or grave error, nor fail in faith. Taylor Marshall and the rad trad movement in general is adding onto the liturgical and spiritual problems the Church has been facing in the West. I never claimed I texted Taylor yesterday. And what will happen after the Pontificate of Francis, if a conservative Pope is elected? Yeah, right. Hes got a good heart and weve both had a hard year. (1:47 PM), There were other pastoral councils that did not condemn a heresy. But we are fallen sinners, and God is merciful. Im arguing that they failed by not clearly articulating their modernism, The issue is that the texts are to be presumed faithful unless specifically heretical, even if their drafters used weaponized ambiguity. In this video, I address the recent controversy surrounding Taylor Marshall's comments on the SSPX, Dave and Tim Gordon's reactions to it, and arguments that. I cant do UNITY alone. And most of these people think youre scum just for going to the Novus Ordo. This sounded very familiar. But not while shots are fired hourly on Twitter and crowds watch on. by And most of these people think you're scum just for going to the Novus Ordo. Learn how your comment data is processed. Most are errors that Pope Francis does not teach. Marshall then goes on to say that God just wills the Catholic religion. erred by receiving the Eucharist from the SSPX on Easter; regular parishes are widely shuttered and there was no other possibility of receiving the Holy Eucharist. Catholic micro-celebrity is wholly meaningless and mostly fruitless. When Pope Francis issued the early statement on many religions, some theologians complained saying that God only permits many religions. To learn about the different methods of contributing, including 100% tax deduction, etc., see my page: Thomas Splettstoesser (8-15-06):atomic structure of profilin in comlex with actin, PDB code 2BTF, cartoon representation, rendered with PyMol, Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, About Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong / Donation Information, Traditionalism vs. I reached out to Tim this morning. Fr. I read somewhere that it has something to do with the Society of St. Pius X, a group in an "irregular situation" regarding canonical status due to the founder's excommunication, but I'm not sure how exactly involved they are in the Marshall vs Gordon thing. (9:16 PM), Lets have robust discussion about the status of the SSPX (whom I still hold to be in objective schism) going forward, but in a spirit of Christian fraternity and unity. Theres an unimagined gap between FSSP and SSPX, Honestly: All I care about is the truth. In October 2019, Marshall received media attention for publicizing an incident at the Catholic Church's Amazon Synod in which Alexander Tschugguel and an accomplice filmed themselves removing indigenous fertility statues, reportedly of Pachamama, from the Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina in Rome and throwing them into the Tiber river. Tons of defamatory theories swirling about my motives and about the TnT breakup itself (which Marshall is conspicuously failing to correct). Ive been reaching out for months; just defending myself against slander, no pattern except that I wish them both welltheyre both Catholics with whom I mostly agree Trent [Horn]: a smart dude I barely know & only spoke with thrice; Taylor: a smart dude I know WELLspoke to him daily for over a year, until he abruptly/mostly stopped replying to texts/calls. You are wrong on divorce and remarriage, and absolution and Communion for people living in objective sin. The example shown by so many conservative Catholics is gravely immoral. He was a Catholic for about 13 years. (, You know its not true I cant believe you think he has no understanding of any of the issues he talks about. ], Update: called Taylor a little bit ago to wish Happy Easter Monday and bury the petty squabbles. Radical Catholic reactionaries love to habitually go up to the line but not quite goover it. I said nothing about you or your family on here and never would! Look where it got them. I would never frag ya[.] It seems possible to do with some but not most SSPX attendees, namely the ones w/o the schismatic attitude How do you unite the clans with those who call us FSSP bootlickers, a common attitude among SSPX ever since FSSP broke off. Along with the Muslims, we are the descendants of the same Father, Abraham: why does God allow many religions? That is sad. R4R is going to settle the debate in the coming weeks. But I saw Josephs tweet and found it disappointing. (3) And this teaching, which is also a Law of the Church: The First See is judged by no one (Canon 1404). Bellarmine also condemned as proximate to heresy, the position that Vatican I made into heresy itself, that the Pope may be a heretic or may teach heresy. Timothy (words in green henceforth, and Taylors in blue) tweeted on April 13th ( at 8:06 PM and 8:13 PM): Just defending myself with the truth. Timothy Gordon has come down on the critical side: I stand with FSSP and ICKSP. Thank you! Kelly. Not gonna tweet anymore on this[. Show me where I called you a single name. It has long struck me that the faith has never been so under attack. At all? Look at what the Church says on the matter: Debating an issue is fragging? (4:06 AM), Photo credit:Thomas Splettstoesser (8-15-06):atomic structure of profilin in comlex with actin, PDB code 2BTF, cartoon representation, rendered with PyMol [public domain / Wikimedia Commons], Famed Atheist Champion Antony Flew Became a Deist, Taylor Marshall vs. Timothy Gordon (Hatfields & McCoys Redux). In another video, Taylor Marshall says this: I think the Pope has said heretical things. [2:41 PM), Disagreeing respectfully is the OPPOSITE of fragging. For those who don't know, they are both in the traditionalist Catholic blogosphere (in an extremely brief summary, traditionalist Catholics are very conservative and prefer Catholic rituals done as they were before the Second Vatican Council). Then, too, anyone who stands in judgment over the Pope, violating the teaching and law that no one may judge the Pope, commits the sin of schism. God wanted to allow this: Scolastica theologians used to refer to Gods voluntas permissiva. St Paul of Tarsus fought to the death with half the people who crossed his path and he was a very, very great Saint indeed. The pope is a valid pope, but only worthy to be bashed and lied about week in and week out. They put their faith in strong men. Ron I know under Canon law the pope can resign, but does The conclave then examine the resignation to see if it meets Canon law and was freely done? Timothy Gordon. Wow! He explains why the communique was well done and why its critics such as Marshall have missed the mark so gravely. I am grateful to the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, by whom our Marshall family received the Resurrected Body of Christ on this Easter Morn. Basically, the cause of the current quarrel is the status of the SSPX, and whether to receive sacraments from them or attend their services. Whats obtuse is a hermeneutic of intentionalism instead of a hermeneutic of textualism, Thats what we are saying: we KNOW the intent was bad. This is a contemptible accusation, which reveals Marshall to be, as I expressed it on Twitter, an ignorant fool. "It is a mistake to maintain that woman's rights are the same as man's. Women in war or Parliament are outside their proper sphere & their position there would be the desperation & ruin of society. The statement in question is the false allegation that Francis said God positively wills a plurality of religions. If it is an apologists opinion, not the teaching of the Church I ask, Do you receive the Sacraments from so and so? Do you go to your apologist when you have a problem in your marriage? Where does so and so receive authority to teach? Shock horror. Because there are many religions, and why are there many religions? Yes, Dave and I disagree on stuff. One has the right to defend ones reputation, For the annals of history: I didnt leave. I was non-renewed against my wishes. (8:04 PM), no pattern except that I wish them both welltheyre both Catholics with whom I mostly agree Trent [Horn]: a smart dude I barely know & only spoke with thrice; Taylor: a smart dude I know WELLspoke to him daily for over a year, until he abruptly/mostly stopped replying to texts/calls[.] Sometimes they bark at perceived threats, sometimes they bark at each other, but the howling never ceases. Good bye Mr Taylor. He was acting as a good father. He wont call back. You bet. Its destructive and wrong. Sorry Gordons, but this seems to be the only way. God forgive me for anything negative or incorrect that I have ever said about the SSPX. You are wrong on all of these things. (4-16-20, 3:20 PM). Do not imitate him. Now lets review the teaching of the Church on the subject of the papal gifts of immunity from error and a never-failing faith. Im fine. Are they clarifying or scarifying? But again, has to involve all willing parties. What, Marshall seems to be asking, would Rambo do? He exalted himself above the Pope, rather than humbling himself before Christ. Mirus begins by mocking Marshall and then descends into ad hominem attacks like this one: "discussing the book is rather like pointing . Therefore, he has chosen to depart from the Catholic Church. Thats the problem. Finally, God wills to permit unbelief and highly-flawed religions, under His permissive will, because He respects our free will. Just ask them[.] They talk about tough things but have a good time! If anyone can enlighten me, that would be appreciated. Marshall: Honestly, Tim, I think Ive said this before, this statement bothers me more, I think its more heretical, more grievous than anything in Amoris Laetitia. Certainly, God gives sufficient grace to everyone to avoid all grave sin and to do His whole will. [25], Marshall briefly received attention from Donald Trump's 2020 presidential campaign for popularizing Archbishop Vigan's letter warning of a deep state working to undermine the United States of America. The book has been controversial in Catholic circles, drawing both positive and negative reviews from various media outlets. I said Ive reached out several times in the New Year w/ scarcely a response. What theyre talking about hereis formal heresy.. My Podcast link: Author Texas, USA youtube.com/drtaylormarsha Joined January 2009 351 Following 131.9K Followers Tweets & replies Media Dr Taylor Marshall (3:13 PM), It seems possible to do with some but not most SSPX attendees, namely the ones w/o the schismatic attitude How do you unite the clans with those who call us FSSP bootlickers, a common attitude among SSPX ever since FSSP broke off. He never said. Acta non verba. Major pattern. And JP2 was FAR more modernist than he acknowledges, but the point is that Daves tweet to Taylor was 100.0000% civil[.] [28] Marshall and his family converted from Anglicanism to Catholicism. I love dialogue; I care about Taylor; most of all, I love the truth. (9:58 PM), Someone close to Taylor, tell him to return my call. He was acting as a good father. Podcaster and YouTuber. He is refusing to be taught by Pope Francis. Thats heteropraxy, not heterodoxy. I ask everyone to pray for all parties involved. But youre not understanding that conciliar documents need to be interpreted under the construction most optimally faithful to Tradition, wherever possible. Sorry to see him go, but pride goeth before a fall. (9:50 PM), Clarify where correct; apologize where incorrect. I reached out to Tim this morning. Can we talk about that? Its an important intellectual matter and it merits dispassionate debate. But right here, thats a judgment and accusation against the Pope of teaching material heresy. Too many apologists charge ridiculous amounts to come and speak at parishes and conferences. Its intellectual. Civil discussion is whats needed and you wont even respond to me, privately or publicly. R4R is going to settle the debate in the coming weeks. Interesting timing all around, that folks would start putting up this pro SSPX content just before Voris's story. They are, A) shes calling names, not me B) my daughter has brain surgery in 90 mins and many of these people want to go to war with good guys like FSSP. Someone close to Taylor, tell him to return my call. There are certainly a few factors, as with all etiologies, but I speculate that his evolution regarding SSPX was probably one of them. They stopped being men and became guys, and now, in tragic numbers, feckless soy boys. The attempts to throw Dave under the bus are silly. I think it comes dangerously close. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. Thus, when there are disagreements, how can two mini-popes with their little online fiefdoms resolve a difference? Walther accused Marshall of "distorting or simply lying" about the pope in order to anger Catholics. (4-14-20, 4:56 PM), I dont think you get it. Some are born from culture, but they always look to heaven; they look to God. I am living my life and have no time for their judgments over my soul and my family. [5], Shortly thereafter, in 2006, he and his wife converted to Catholicism. The signatories to the Open Letter have committed heresy, and so has Taylor Marshall, by rejecting the teaching of the Council that no Pope can teach or commit heresy. Only dad does. Its quite strange, no? Dr. Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon knock it outta da park HERE. Pope Francis: But some might ask themselves: but why is the Pope going to the Muslims and not just to Catholics? EWTN, Catholic Answers or their personal blog? Well, if he wants to base his understanding of ecclesial politics on, It is an interesting fact about social media that some people who witnessed Marshalls insult of the Superiors General, and my own criticism of Marshall for making this insult, concluded that. (9:58 PM), Lefebvre voted for EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENT. The relatio of Vatican I makes it clear that the Fathers of the Council intended to assert as dogma the teaching of Doctor of the Church Saint Robert Bellarmine that the Pope cannot in any way be heretical, or publicly teach heresy. Who determines where that is? Reactionary Civil War Heating Up Over Taylor Marshall? They are expressions of imagination and wishful thinking. It is sheer blatant hypocrisy for him to also say that no one can judge the Pope. Line by line commentary by Dr Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon. He is, in a video far too tedious to link to, claiming that they are cowards. Ego kills. I guess Taylor Marshall aint Braveheart. Canon 1364, n. 1: an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication. Photographed by, Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales. And it is contrary to the above discussed dogma that no Pope can teach heresy or grave error, i.e. Why the biblical analogy of Christ as Bridegroom and the Church as Bride remains the fundamental truth of the relationship between the sexes. He does this by examining the history of the conflict between Church and Freemasonry, examining many recent private revelations and prophecies, and tying these to the undeniably unsettling developments within the Church in the last 60 years. [8][9] Prior to his administrative work at the college, he was a professor of philosophy. You are wrong on cohabitation. People accused me of not reaching out, which I have been for months[. (1:49 PM), Thats heteropraxy, not heterodoxy. The point of departure was NOT receiving Communionwhich is licit all things consideredbut the apology for not just inaccurate statements about SSPX (which is great!) Catholics become schismatics when they reject the Pope as Teacher and Shepherd, when they reject his authority over doctrine and discipline. You are living in objective sin and leading others into that sin, by your heresy and schism. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/daveamarshall-vs-timothy-gordon-michael-voris.html, https://wdtprs.com/2020/04/ask-father-whats-the-truth-about-the-sspx/, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. (3:39 PM), Nonsense. Dont act as if fringe groups and their leaders arent the mob w/ gang bosses on Cath twitter. Not just VC2. Thats why. He wanted to allow this reality: there are many religions. Because there are so many other awesome channels out there, and knowing this man publicly berated those who accept FSSP or NO in their life pilgrimage is no different than calling them rabble. Lets take this offline and chat by phone later, yes? 'Jesus Revolution': Talking to Jonathan Roumie, Defense of Vatican II vs. Oliveira Leonardo's Attacks. (8:33 PM), He made it sound like he called back, Steve. But Trads have flatly misunderstood religious freedom in Dignitatis: read Leo XIIIs IMMORTALE DEI 36, which Trads reject Dave and I agree 100%about Dignitatis[.] Not gonna tweet anymore on this, Agreed. . Please say a prayer for me. They stopped being men and became guys, and now, in tragic numbers, feckless soy boys. Is there actually a breaking point? Quasi-schism is starting to fade . So the seventh accusation is patently false. Yes, Taylor Marshall, anyone who accuses the Pope of heresy necessarily also commits the sin of schism by refusal of submission as well as communion with the Pope. (. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. I used to believe this nonsense as well. Wherever it leads. Its quite strange, no? Thats my ecclesiastical position. Catholic Doctrine and the Sunday Readings for March 2023, Please Welcome Our Speaker for Tonight Mrs. And he makes this absolutely clear later in the video: Marshall: Its like Paul in Galatians, he could resist Peter to his face, but he couldnt depose Peter. They received confirmation from Bishop Kevin Vann in May 2006. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. The answer always insinuates formal adherence to schism. Dr. Taylor Marshall and Tim Gordon of the smashing TnT podcast (Taylor Marshall and co-host Tim Gordon) and YouTube channel join me to talk about the death of men and how it has affected the behavior of the . He never said. I enjoyed the interplay between the two and all of a sudden I noticed that there was no more Tim Gordon. (4-14-20, 8:58 AM). "The Catholic Monitor" Butchers My View of Papal "Eucharistic Pharisees" (Communion in the Hand). 'Jesus Revolution': Talking to Jonathan Roumie, Defense of Vatican II vs. Oliveira Leonardo's Attacks, Tertullian's Eucharistic Theology: Lucas Banzoli vs. J.N.D. And he states this again, more specifically later in the video. But in an April 2020 tweet, Tim said that his contract with Marshall was not renewed "against my wishes." (, This bodes very ill for the future unity of the reactionary revolt, seeing that both Shaw and Sammons are part of, Steve Skojec, founder and former editor at, The entire trad movement has become a chorus of barking dogs. So he wills that there should be, by divine permission, other religions through which the Holy Spirit works, to bring more souls to Him. Petty, self-serving, vindictive, egomaniacal acts like releasing sensitive private 411 about my household. Shall we list the many who have done this? I havent watched his video on the matter I might very well have the same criticism of him that I do of Joseph. . When they reach the seventh accusation against Pope Francis, Marshall again accuses the Pope of heresy. I love dialogue; I care about Taylor; most of all, I love the truth. Lefebvre voted for EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENT. He didnt. Yes theres a new theology that needs to be rejected. Ill continue to hope.). It becomes like the infighting of pope-less Eastern Orthodoxy. Tim appeared regularly on Marshall's YouTube show until early 2020, with the pair calling themselves TNT - Taylor and Tim. (1) No Pope can teach heresy or grave error. (2:00 PM), Yes theres a new theology that needs to be rejected. Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon are one of the funniest Catholic guys on Youtube. Any position whatever on this topic cannot be heresy, as the Magisterium has not infallibly defined the answer. And we must accept the Pope, not merely as someone who holds an office, but truly as our very own Teacher and Shepherd. They stopped being men and became guys, and now, in tragic numbers, feckless soy boys. 2 or 3 of them. Such was my purpose for my rejoinder. Lets take this offline, bro. Of course, following someone on Twitter does not . are the easiest: just send to my email address: apologistdave@gmail.com. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. For my part in some irreverent jesting in the wake of this spat, Im sorry. Ill speak to ANY of these guys Ive ever crossed swords with. Weve said this over and over on TnT (TnT is his video series with Timothy Gordon.) Dr. Taylor Marshall and Tim Gordon of the smashing TnT podcast (Taylor Marshall and co-host Tim Gordon) and YouTube channel join me to talk about the death of men and how it has affected the behavior of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Shots fired by Retrograde Gordon Bros against Marshall. Addendum: Further Timothy Gordon (and David Gordon) tweets: Ill do it anytime. Required fields are marked *. (12:11 AM), The attempts to throw Dave under the bus are silly. You may not prefer your own understanding of the Faith over the teaching of the Papal Magisterium. Im asking.Thanks. I'm not sure if any of you posted this story already. I wondered why I hadnt seen Timothys face on the ubiquitous Taylor Marshall videos as of late . Will do whatever I can. What would a resurrection of men look like? Too many apologists are gurus with groupies. Now they havent judged him, obviously no one can do that. I heard he was mad about some of them, have helped you (by Gods grace) to decide to, , or better understand some doctrines and, Or you may believe my work is worthy to support for the purpose of apologetics and evangelism in general. But after the fact of our sinfulness, our fallenness, our brokenness, given that many persons are weak in many ways, and so cannot bring themselves to accept the Catholic religion, God permits them other paths to salvation, which are nevertheless always through Christ and His Church (even though they may not realize this). He sent a diplomatic text insinuating there wouldnt be a call. And that he committed a severe public detraction of Tim. Cuz the Church wont clarify. So Marshall believes that Pope Francis has espoused particular heretical ideas. Take it up with them. Roman Catholic theologian and translator of the Catholic Public Domain Version of the Bible. You said precisely about a schismatic slur. Taylor Marshall was a Catholic for 13 years. I said Ive reached out several times in the New Year w/ scarcely a response. [12] All but one have been self-published by Saint John Press and Media, a company held and managed by Marshall. You may not stand in judgment over the Pope. Anyone who accuses any Pope of teaching material heresy, or committing heresy is guilty of heresy, for rejecting the dogma that Popes cannot teach or commit heresy, and is guilty of schism, for refusing submission to the Pope. This mainstream trad Catholic dalliance with the schismatic SSPX (canon 751) is beginning to endanger the souls of the faithful and it needs quashing with dispatch. And thats just what it is, guessing. I would never frag ya, Disagreeing respectfully is the OPPOSITE of fragging. He threw all 'boomers' under the bus and not all of them drank the V2 koolaid. We need a moderate voice, a voice which speaks to the hearts of the faithful, respects authority, and genuinely wants what's best for Catholics, not desiring to be right every time or to shame all . (4-14-20, 4:23 PM), Im blocking the 3 Gordons because they will not drop it regarding me and the SSPX. Submit your mind and heart to the Vicar of Christ, as to Christ himself. For context, here is one of the podcasts they did a while ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxoUW3Tn01Y. Im of the opinion that TM is an opportunist who does more harm than good bc he keeps the barking going. Sorry, Taylor! Im blocking the 3 Gordons because they will not drop it regarding me and the SSPX. Im always in need of more funds: especially. I stand by that judgement, and, Marshall appears to imagine that the Superiors General should react to their complex situation with the subtlety of some Hollywood action-hero: an attitude, in fact, completely at odds with the historical reality of Archbishop Lefebvre himself. Marshall and Gordon have each appeared on her YouTube channel, and Nicholas has interacted with her tweets more than 100 times since 2017. torrentum, Thank you for posting this to let us know. PS: this isnt a big deal. They acted like old buddies and intellectual "colleagues." Two laymen with a youtube channel, spreading the news about the Pachamama dunker guy, etc. Lets have robust discussion about the status of the SSPX (whom I still hold to be in objective schism) going forward, but in a spirit of Christian fraternity and unity. Its not the first time. The ordinary form Mass is still valid, yet it is trashed all the time and regarded as objectively inferior. And Catholics who attend it are despised and looked down upon, as second-class Catholics. If it is correct great. Then, given our sinfulness and brokenness, God positively wills that there be other religions, such as the Christian denominations, present-day Judaism, and moderate peaceful Islam, so as to bring more souls to Him. ", "Sword and Serpent: An Interview with Dr. Taylor Marshall", "Bishop Barron, Taylor Marshall, and a Stonewalling on Hell", "The Catholics Who Hate Joe BidenAnd Pope Francis", "Infiltration: an unconvincing tale of the Church's enemies", "Infiltration: An idiot's guide to the problems of the Church", "The Devil Is To Blame: Dr. Taylor Marshall Researches the Spiritual Roots of the Clergy Sex Abuse Crisis and More", "The Long Infiltration of the Catholic Church", "Vigan Speaks: the 'Infiltration' Is Real", "Thieves steal Amazon fertility statues as synod nears end", "Thieves steal statues used at synod prayer, throw them in the river", "He Had Corona Virus and Recovered: Alexander Tschugguel talks to Dr. Taylor Marshall", "The Top 3 Reasons Catholics Will Vote for Donald Trump", "13 Years and 7 Children LaterThoughts on My Marriage", "The Eternal City: Rome & the Origins of Catholic Christianity", "Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages: A Layman's Quick Guide to Thomism", "Storm of Fire and Blood: Sword and Serpent Book III", "Saint Augustine in 50 Pages: The Layman's Quick Guide to Augustinianism", "Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within", Preconciliar rites after the Second Vatican Council, List of communities using the Tridentine Mass, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Taylor_Marshall&oldid=1142174788, 21st-century American non-fiction writers, American Roman Catholic religious writers, Anglican priest converts to Roman Catholicism, Articles using infobox templates with no data rows, Pages using ordination template and denomination parameter, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 22:53. 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In Catholic circles, drawing both positive and negative reviews from various media outlets Timothys on... ( 9:50 PM ), Lefebvre voted for EVERY single DOCUMENT here one... Bury the petty squabbles, self-serving, vindictive, egomaniacal acts like sensitive! Crossed swords with you get it Bridegroom and the Church on the critical side: I with! Log in or sign up to the Novus Ordo have missed the mark so gravely an... Again accuses the Pope as Teacher and Shepherd, when they reach the seventh accusation against the Pope of material! Became guys, and now, in a video far too tedious to link to, claiming that are! The New Year w/ scarcely a response one has the right to defend reputation. Became guys, and now, in tragic numbers, feckless soy boys does. Single name company held and managed by Marshall been self-published by Saint John Press and media, heretic! 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