Once this occurs, miracles, signs and wonders abound! The students rejected his efforts until a desperate prayer led to an unprecedented supernatural outpouring. The. Living Proof Bakersfield, 1700 Golden State Ave, Bakersfield, CA, Copyright Mario Murillo Ministries 2021. You can view the first part here. GOD BE PRAISED ! Praise God!! Glory to God!!!! Wake- Up Christians. On Buzzlearn.com, Mario is listed as a successful Soccer Player who was born in the year of 1927. Marios estimated net worth is $890,546. Birdy may the spirit of the living God consume your heart in Jesus name. God first must create a divine order before he can manifest His glory. If thats not revival, what is? Thank you! Naturalists tried to find the nest to photograph the egg. Rev Jim H Brown, May the sweet and powerful presence of the Holy Spirit consume the hearts and lives of those who are hungry for Jesus to be exalted resulting in multiplied thousands, even millions of souls to be added to the family of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord. Go determined to return a changed person who can spread revival where you live. They are our future. I see fruit now; and Im sure there will be more in the future. Yes, that is exactly what it was! Rumors of a romantic love triangle between Mario Murillo, Carmelo, and another woman named Oksana circulated for about two years, and there were even speculations that he was having a sexual relationship while in the ministry. i wholeheartedly agree, GOD is giving america one last chance to repent before judgement strikes, and he chose the young, confused children of a major denomination who is This is that thirst and hunger of William Booth being part of I AM THAT MOVEMENT OF GOD 12.3K 29 April 20, 2021 Show more. Never thought of what Mario is stating!! This is real, its a God thing. Despite the looming possibility of being arrestedDont know if you could do this or not, but what a message that would be! I am a product of the Jesus movement and saved in 1972. What God do you think these people are seeking? Featuring Gene Bailey, Mario Murillo, Pastor Hank Kuenneman and Lance Wallnau. This article first appeared on Curt Landry Ministries. Others wanted to camp near the egg and video it in hopes of catching the moment that it hatched. Then the fire that had begun during that Saturday night prayer meeting hit him. Come Holy Spirit, REVIVE THE CHURCH TODAY! Thank you Mario for that wisdom. My first thought was I want to go there and be a part of this great move of God! The sudden outburst of emotion came after the death of Carman's fan Teri, a woman he met and prayed with backstage at one of his concerts who was battling cancer and died shortly after they met. For the original article, visit our content partner at mariomurillo.org. When our church would close the doors, we teenagers would find a pastor who would open up for us to worship God until we were satisfied. Card information. Having been in a few wondrous revivals in my 81 years, when I first heard about it my soul jumped within me and rejoiced. He was sending a news team today to cover it but the leadership asked him not to come. But God then showed me with my limited understanding that God was saying , HERE means a point on the map, not here meaning where things begin.. Ive heard other believers also say something very similar . He said those years I AM THAT MOVEMENT OF GOD When made aware of this the sinner must choose to repent: choose to go, and sin no more (as Jesus told the adultress). The harvest is so great that it is consuming all of my time. The nest was located high up in inaccessible mountains, yet the forestry service had to keep its location hidden. What a sorry response. The next miracle was for a young man who was devastated. From day one, when I watch it online, it is overwhelming, powerful, and affected me profoundly; Thats how I knew it was the real deal. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. {eoa}. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land. Ninety seven percent of the comments agreed with the article. God knows what it will take and Im hoping my own children will be part of it. And lets rejoice with those in Asbury who are rejoicing!!! Why? Amen so true guard our hearts and motives Let the Spirit of our Ever-loving God find you and others wherever they may be! But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all, If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews?'. Also in 1991, Mario preached in Los Angeles to a packed-out Shrine Auditorium. Revival happened in 1970 and also 1950. The Holy Spirit repeated the challenge, and I willingly said, I will commit my soul, Father! 13 years have passed, and I have continued to pray daily. Keep up the great writing. Mario's estimated net worth is $890,546. He was born and raised in the United States by his parents. I admit that when I first heard of this revival, I was skeptical. How much more then should false ministers be rebuked publicly? To our knees to our knees. Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week oncharismamag.com. Regardless, I loved your Blog!!!! Mario began his preaching in the violent student revolution in Berkeley, California. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved (Matthew 9:16-17)great word!!! Those quasi-Christian cults like the Children of God Family or the Unification Church of Sun young Moon were typical of the deception trying to mimic what God was doing. 10:1,2). Dont know why you are not on Flashpoint, we miss seeing you. Well put Mario!! This was beautiful Admin. 63 years? Marios condition improved so radically that he became cleared to go home in just 48 hours. -The Supernatural Power of Jesus Blood: Applying the Blessings Available Through Jesus Blood He went ahead to be the founder and current president of In Touch Ministries, which is famously known for broadcasting sermons through television. The power of humility quickens you in the spirit so that you can discern wisely and walk To put it plainly: America needs to see "Jesus Revolution." May it spread like wildfire, let Your glory be lift high Lord. Im praying that in this Revival there will be a wonderful renewal of hearts full of compassion, and the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit. He also steadfastly maintained that the Gospel must remain his central theme. I pray it moves to Lexington and throughout the entire State of Kentucky and then to the whole Nation. He needs to come BACK to Jesus. That will be interesting to watch and see. Revival will bring the boats together in unity, and a massive number of souls into the Kingdom. How did we let the prophets down Hey Mario. Alessandra (named after his mom (her real name was Alessandra), that made Rodolfo so happy) and Allegra. I was praying this very thing today and here it is.. we need to stay out of the way of this.. let it happen to the college generation! Humility, repentancefruit of the Spirit, Mario Also.1 John 2:14 I wept when I left that place, because my heart longed to stay. 4. Bless and heal, anoint Mario Lord continue to stir his heart and give him supernatural strength to continue that only you can give In Jesus Name Amen. , The last one in the early 1970s there was for believers already in churches to behold, when its Kentucky witnesses carried its spirit with them as long with their testimony. Students began to report healings, they would testify, that in the Name of Jesus, their sickness had vanished. Amen, Mario, The fans have been speaking about it for a while and March 31 was thought to be the last day of the heroic character. She was devastated as, back in those days, women were not allowed on the mission field without a husband. Mario Murillo, Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau (April 20, 2021) 548. Mark Batterson. People praising the Lord, young people repenting and testifying and the sweet presence of the Lord. Several who asked this question cited Matthew 18:15, Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. Me too! for Jesus is doing a new thing and we dont need the old churches doctrinal talk of those old school religious spirits who dont follow our prophets new revelations! To God be the glory! Now we can ask: Let this revival come to here too! -Gods Chaos Code: The Shocking Blueprint that Reveals 5 Keys to the Destiny of Nations "It's taken me eight years to bring myself to say anything about it. George and I love you. The unexpected result was a vibrant army of 2,000 youth. Shortly after, her fianc called off the engagement. "These people fail to realize that God is a God of justice and judgment," Wiese says. Like Dutch Sheets said, lets apply Mateo 28. Give us a wave all across America. Thanks for your comment. Mario great article. A preacher can feel like the Psalmist who said in Psalm 73:13-14, "Surely, I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocence. I, too, live with other seniors. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. 13:17,18; 14:1,2). Amen! He said He would come He is here. We both are so grateful for your excellent explanation of a Holy Spirit Revival, this helped me not to be unsure/skeptical of The Holy Spirit Revival in Asbury with the young people Amen Mario, Amen!!!. Joy that hes showing himself still on the throne. Yes ! Hallelujah. When I saw the news of Asbury I immediately wept. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and more! It shows how hungry people are for the move of God. Every revival only needs the Holy Spirit and man to get out of the way!!! May Our God See Harvest of Souls. I pray, we as believers, will lift our neighborhoods , our zip codes our towns and cities up to the Lord for a continual outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so we fan the flames of what GOD is doing. Mario, Tucker Carlson on Fox News channel has been reporting on it for two nights. We neighbors, hearing of the birth, rejoice, send congratulations, and should then go about our quiet business of finding our own husbands and conceiving our own babies. Was it something I said or didnt say? We are opening our church for Revival Worship beginning tomorrow evening and lasting until????? My 9 year old granddaughter lives in CA. Theres no theatrical worship and hype. With repentance comes Gods love and times of refreshing. We hear of them far away, but we need and desire revival here too We pray for revival across your l Since then Murillos voice has been heard by millions around the world, bringing a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society and Christs power to end addiction, racism, violence and disease. 13 years ago, in a united Methodist church on the banks of the Ohio river, attending a world vision meeting, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and asked me if I was willing to pray for 20 years for revival to come to Immokalee, Florida. Oh Lord: may this ignite a worldwide fire: a hunger and thirst for You: a searching and seeking for You: may this come also to our land of Zimbabwe: many be swept up in Your.gift of repentance and may You pour out Your Spirit on a dry and thirsty land: and ALL to Your honour and glory. Decades later, the Methodist church moved to remove the ordination of two of their firebrands: William and Catherine Booth. Ive never read anything like this explanation you just laid out Re the Asbury Revival. IJXN! Begin with me,Lord Jesus! Sanction Holy Spirit There is only one way to be born again and thats the Bible way. Never forget this: This is a warning you must not ignore. He was born in San Francisco, the last place you'd expect to produce an international evangelist. Yes Lord, protect these leaders and bring this movement to its full potential. Yes this is the Time for Harvest of Souls for Almighty God. Thank you for your reflections. So very true. We are NOT required its HIS move now!! May Holy Spirit indwellin thst place w truth n love. It could be because of the red algae blooms it has in abundance; which upon decay provide a red tint to the water in those areas. Love, Dr. Ken and Diane Searle. It never occurred to me that people would have these reactions. Humility is needed for any outpouring of Holy Spirit. Prophetic Update with Hank Kunneman and Kent Christmas (May 4th, 2021) What's Really Going On? HEAVENLY FATHER, I PRAY THIS AS HUMBLY AS I KNOW HOW.AND I THANK YOU FOR ASBURY AND ALL THAT ARE BEGINNING AND ARE COMING.. LORD JESUS CHRIST, I give YOU all the Praise, all the Honor, and all the Glory Forever and Ever. The church of four walls is a likely place, although I believe the focus should be on places where lost souls have been forgotten. Hallelujah! Amen, This revival is the real deal. The room of believers were too busy giving God glory. Thank you Lord God Almighty who has heard the cry of your children and is moving to gather souls on the Earth Amen. 253K views 7 days ago Mario Murillo pulls no punches in this uncensored interview! The singer wrote on Facebook that it has "been a long time coming" for "the proverbial bachelor" to bite the dust. Hallelujah. Amen. Yes Lord. Thank you, brother This is perfect! I have been all in since finding out about the Asbury Revival. William Booth a man who contained a MOVEMENT OF GOD within his Jar of Clay No media, no books written, no internet or even electricity but just a simple man with a FULL MOVEMENT OF GOD within his Jar of Clay being and within 4 years of time in that MOVEMENT OF GOD through one man In spite of violence and persecution, some 250,000 people were converted under the ministry of The Salvation Army between 1881 and 1885. The simple truth is, I really didnt know how to interpret it since I had no grid to guide me. Im disappointed that they will not allow my posts,for Ive made friends on that site among other dear ones who,as I do love, the gift of prophecy and the move of Gods Spirit, but hate to see it misused or counterfeited!. URGENT! The Internet has been rife with rumours that Mario, the iconic Italian plumber and game character, may soon die. And it was beautiful! In a sense, Jeus used these men to teach me about what Im seeing. My wife and I are praying for this to hit other schools across this land. However, they were married a good 14 years before the end of their marriage. Some on here are saying that if God has a problem with what has been spoken that he will take care of this, well he already has, as he had Mario obedient to his Voice and Word! Great insight and may all of our hearts stay humble and in repentance. We carry ambers of fire burning in each and everyone of us from that HOLY SPIRIT fire within these Jars of Clay of Dust. (Not to create a movement to cash in, that becomes a FAD MOVEMENT CLUB. . I spent 30 years caring for the elderly in their homes. Rejoicing where I am because our GOD is everywhere!! The disciples were in the Upper Room worshiping, praying and giving their personal testimonies for 10 days before the fire fell. The orphanage became her missionand her family. A minister who has labored for decades with scant results can feel hurt, even dismayed, when any event flies from obscurity to worldwide acclaim in just a matter of days. Worship and praise begins the process of hearing from heaven. My first reaction was that I was thrilled, and I still am. So how did it all start? 26. It strengthened our support among local pastors nationwide. We have lost young men and young women to suicide and drug overdose. Thank you for your article! We let the prophets down and failed this nation. Finally, on one Sunday morning, the elders physically picked him up and carried him into the pulpit. Praise God! After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the University of California at Berkeley, where he shared his . Mario Murillo added Watch Lenna miraculously healed of 5 illnesses. My son attended Asbury University and it is only an hour and 1/2 away from my home. False Teacher #8 - Mark Batterson. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the University of California at Berkeley. May your people respect it, desire it and embrace it! Overshadow and guide this work of the Holy Spirit!. Mankind probably named the Red Sea. Pray for this huge movement, among those churches that are focused upon a narrative that sounds like this: Any month now ,Trump will return, triumphantly ridding America of demoncRat deep staters by giving them Gitmo justice, then the wealth of the wicked flows to us, as massive signs&wonders Revival breaks out in such glorythen the best yet to come for many many years..generations even ..no Rapture of judgement possible at all for a long long time, all because Gods prophets and the ecclessia church who believed the prophets spoke this victory into existence and decreed by word /faith the blessing of the Kingdom Now! A response of arrogance by the new school. He earns his wealth from his career, therefore, he has amassed a fortune over the years. 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