(a) Use Figure 2 to describe the varying impacts of coastal erosion over time. Accept both routes. Dams built for flood control and water catchment along the rivers leading to these coasts inhibit the transport of large grained . Physical weathering/disintegration by such processes as freeze-thaw action, salt crystallisation, and wetting and drying. the extent to which the strategy has modified erosion or deposition issues A lot of the seawalls and groins were buried in order to form the new beaches. * The sand dunes on the beaches. The content will depend upon the impact chosen and may include: sequestration is a nature-based solution to environmental problems caused by climate change and has a significant positive impact on the planet and human well-being. knowledge and understanding of the operation of the management strategy In England, 271 million recreational visits are made to coastal environments annually and more than 22 million people live within 5 miles of the coast. Examples could include: [5]. the extent to which modification of processes operating in a coastal environment has been successful You can also search for this author in Coastal erosion is to blame. There are, however, a number of evidence gaps which we wish to further explore, such as the effects of marine environments on obesity prevalence in children and Vitamin D in adults, or the life stage at which nature-based interventions are most effective, and how they may vary among economic, social and cultural groups in the population. The most important of these changes occur on the beach and typically are related to erosion of the beach. Identification of individual groups? Many human activities take place on the coast; The effects of these may be: Direct or indirect; Positive or negative; Table of Impacts on Coasts. Behind the sandy beach is the primary dune. Your answer should include: Swimming / Living / Sunbathing. Erosion of wave cut platforms provide inputs into beach These processes could be sub aerial and/or marine, transport or depositional processes. [5], greatest in Newport Rock jetties that separate beaches interrupt the natural transfer of sand by the tides and wind. -Transport, 21. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-3880-1_175, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Reference Module Physical and Materials Science, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Lynch-Blosse, M.A., and Davis, R.A., 1977. The sand is then pulled out to sea where it forms a sand bar. An examination of the role of one marine process in relation to other marine processes in the formation of one or more landforms. Groynes have been eroded away Human activities on coastal management Hard engineering management involves using artificial structures, whereas soft engineering management is a more sustainable and natural approach to manage . Candidates may make arguments, using evidence, to show that positive impacts on human activity outweigh negative impacts or conversely that negative impacts outweigh the positive. the cost and benefits of the selected strategy. [6]. An examination of the scale of the role of erosional processes Midnight Pass, Florida: inlet instability due to man-related activities in Little Sarasota Bay. The data that has been collected by both parties, thus far will hopefully bring a more cost effective and more long term solution for beach replenishment. Strength of winds - some places may be affected by strong winds whilst others may be sheltered (a) Use Figure 2 to describe the pattern of sediment gain and loss along this coastline. Major cities like New York are right next to the sea. This paper bibliometrically and systematically analyzed 2,613 studies found in the Web of Science Core . Rubbish floating in the water, buildings built on the sand, unnatural beaches, etc. type of process changes with time/spatial scale - marine to fluvial and glacial This can be dangerous for kids and adults alike who are not careful when in the water, The erosion of shorelines is a natural process that can have beneficial or adverse impacts on the creation and maintenance of habitats. This leaves the sand dunes more susceptible to erosion causing blowouts and disrupting the succession of vegetation in the area. glacial weight removed from land An examination of the role of marine processes over time in the formation and subsequent modification of the chosen landform/s. Overstrand is the only site with mudflows This means that natural wildlife or landscapes are being cut down to be used for humans. (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to compare the shoreline changes shown at Location 1 and Location 2. Answers could address the following but credit other valid responses: geographical variations in success Evidence suggests a variety of impacts to coastline ecosystems result from shoreline development, increased sediments in the water, trampling by tourists and divers, ship groundings, pollution from sewage, overfishing, and fishing with poisons and explosives that destroy coral, Since they were built in the early 20th century, there has been a steady increase in beach erosion. . An assessment of changes over geographical space (6). It is not possible to completely stop the power of natural forces from changing the coast. This has happened for many year. [8], AO1 Candidates demonstrate application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate the extent to which coastal processes (and their associated landforms) impact positively on human activity. AO2 Candidates will need to demonstrate application of knowledge and understanding in order to examine the role of marine processes in the formation of their chosen landform. An examination of other time scales isostatic subsidence (slowly/over a long period of time), 19. This may include: 14. They are a vital part of maintaining our beaches as they absorb the impact. (a) Use Figure 1 to describe two distinctive landforms of this coastal landscape. Here, we used a multispecies occupancy model (MSOM) to understand mammalian habitat use patterns across a mosaic of tropical dry forest in Colombia and elucidate whether forest cover is more important than its integrity and other . Understanding of the link between processes and the formation of the selected erosional landform The increase in the use of fertilisers for agriculture and warming ocean waters has contributed to eutrophication of the Ocean in certain areas of the world. reference to vertical growth of reef, in-line with changing sea levels. subaerial processes of weathering and mass movement including landslides, slumps and rock falls. The world has woken up to the millions of tonnes of plastic that have entered the Ocean over the past 100 years. (b) Examine the success of one management strategy used to manage the impacts of coastal processes on human activity. the changing role of wind within the dune system - blowouts, 20. Assessment of varying perceptions of positive impacts by different stakeholders, 17 (a) (i) Use Figure 2 in the Resource Folder to identify characteristics of both high and low energy coastal environments. Material from beach can be transported to other beaches, 17. Activity: Impact: Development: Buildings on the coasts increase the weight pressure on cliffs; This means there is less available dissolved oxygen for native sea life, which can negatively impact biological processes. In this study, we attempt to address this issue by simulating the spatial interactions among natural hazards, ever-increasing human activities, and social vulnerability in the south coast of the Bohai Sea, China. Headlands How anthropogenic factors in the back-barrier area influence tidal inlet stability: examples from the Gulf Coast of Florida, U.S.A. - along sea bed, 9. (b) Discuss the impact of either eustatic or isostatic sea level changes on the development of one coastal landform. Overall, there are many ways whereby human activities have caused problems for a broad spectrum of coastal environments. Beaches move back and forth onshore, offshore and along shore with changing wave conditions. Remind students that many human activities not associated with the marine environment can also affect ocean ecosystems. An assessment of the relative importance of longshore drift The content will depend upon the time scale(s) and landform(s) chosen and may include: examination of the role of vegetation - increased deposition aided by plants in marshes and dunes the transport and deposition of sediment may provide opportunities for the extraction of sand and gravel able to erode more effectively, 19. - parts of mangrove furthest from low watermark have less erosion (1). To first understand the actual impact we have on coasts we have to understand what was before and what is now. Candidates may refer to how the impact of coastal processes may change over time. Knowledge and understanding of the positive impacts of these processes on human activity e.g. 6. The gradual slope of the beaches before erosion and the replenishment of sand is no longer. -Geology, In the other case, if there is more deposition than erosion, then the beaches grow due to more. examination of currents - absence of strong currents can lead to build up of sediment (a) Use Figure 2 to describe the pattern of wave energy. Examination of the role of longshore drift and other processes in different locations. [10]. More than 50% of the U.S. population lives within 50 miles (80 km) of a shoreline. Answers may conclude that seasonal processes have a major part or variable influence on the development of selected landform(s). Traeth Mawr, 17. Timescale of data The drift line is formed by the dead seaweed and other aquatic plants. 15. -Infrastructure To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Examination of the relative role of longshore drift global decrease in temperature in glacial periods 2. the accumulation of sediment to form beaches may attract tourists and lead to the development of a tourist industry Both approaches seen above are acceptable. As people migrate to the coast for residences, business, and recreation, they interact with the natural coastal environments. Development of barrier islands accessed by these causeways resulted in various types of construction that have negatively impacted on the coastal zone. Location 1 has most decrease/erosion and greatest range AO2 content encompasses the application of knowledge and understanding to examine the role of longshore drift in the formation of one landform of coastal deposition. There have been many disastrous chemical spills at sea and from industry on land, affecting animals immediately via ingestion, or long term, in changes to reproduction cycles and other biological processes. meltwater moves to oceans The content may vary according to the landform but may include an examination of: (a) (ii) Suggest one way in which the landform at 900710 (Traeth Mawr) is linked to other landforms as part of the coastal system. Between the barrier beach and the main coast is the Great South Bay. how the strategy modifies process South West Wales has limited number This realisation makes it all the more important that we take care of our environment, and our ever-expanding national Blue Belt, protecting more than 40% of English waters, is helping to safeguard these precious habitats for future generations. - Sorting is the process by which the standard deviation of clast size within a sediment becomes reduced. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how aeolian processes form coastal sand dunes. There are two types of coastal management: Hard engineering - this involves building structures to protect the coast. Do the unofficial footpaths have a detrimental/positive affect on species, . Landscape of blue carbon research from the perspective of bibliometrics. This is called an erosional coastline. Click to reveal answer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93806-6_175, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Reference Module Physical and Materials Science, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. e.g. (b) Discuss the view that coastal processes have a mainly positive impact on human activity. Allow 2 marks for development of the loss with comment on aspects such as magnitude, sections of society etc. magnitude of process changes with spatial scale A study by Halpern et al. AO2 Candidates should apply knowledge and understanding to evaluate the impacts of human activity on the coastal environment. Other landforms may be included from 1.1.7 such as dunes, salt marshes and tidal flats. When water and wind batter the shoreline sediments are carried out to sea and deposited on the sea floor or at other points along the coastline. This erosion may be very apparent or seem to have happened overnight when it happens due to a large storm or extremely high tide. On calmer days, the sand is brought back to the beach. This means there is less available dissolved oxygen for native sea life, which can negatively impact biological processes. In: Pye K, Allen JRL (eds) Coastal and estuarine environments: sedimentology, geomorphology, and geoarchaeology. Addresses the impacts of humans on landscapes and landscapes on humans, including themes such as resource management, degradation, sustainability, and meaning. Now the coast has been fished out. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of one landform of coastal deposition - AO2 knowledge and understanding of the reasons why a management strategy is required such as erosion of coastal dunes by tourists, destruction of coral reefs, erosion as a consequence of the use of groynes knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of the management strategy which could include physical structures and operations The pattern of loss and gain over space should be identified with confident use of x and y axis data. Beach Nourishment and Protection. The content will depend upon the landform(s) chosen and may include: knowledge and understanding of the strategy to demonstrate how the management strategy modifies coastal processes Internationally the UK continues to push for greater protection of marine habitats on the world stage with 20 countries joining the UK-led Global Ocean Alliance, which aims to secure protection for at least 30% of the worlds oceans by 2030. geographical context Suggest one reason for the variation in the importance of wind erosion. the movement of sediment may keep harbours clear and accessible Harbors and the navigational channels leading to them have resulted in some problems for estuaries. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of one strategy used to manage the impacts of human activity on coastal landscape systems. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Photographs: Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in 3.6 billion People live near or around a coast. Indicative content Changes of boundaries, ie choropleth. Landform/s will be clearly identified and must be erosional. [2]. The specification lists these as beaches, spits, bars, tombolos and cuspate forelands. the relative importance of wind Knowledge and understanding of the link between processes of transport and one landform of coastal deposition growth of embryo dunes . 4. [15], AO1 More businesses are becoming involved in circular economy models this means that more materials are reused, shared, repaired, refurbished, remanufactured and recycled; thereby creating a closed system and minimising the use of new resources. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Knowledge and understanding of other processes that may form selected erosional landform - transport, deposition Having said this, physical factors also have significant impacts across coastal landscapes. [3], Comment on workings of coastal system - inputs/stores/flows/outputs It is found that the activities occurring on . All storm water drains in Victoria are linked to the sea. Around the world, many projects are now seeking to restore marine habitats, such as mangrove and seagrass. It is important to recognize to what extent various disturbances affect wetlands when assessing disturbance and impact, and when considering wetland protection options (Clearwater et al., 1998). For some coastal regions, such as the Pacific coast, a large part of their sediment is supplied by rivers. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The government has taken steps to expand its Blue Belt of marine protection for Britains overseas territories and its own coast, last year designating a further 41 Marine Protection Zones, protecting species and habitats such as the rare stalked jellyfish and blue mussel beds. Answers may conclude that longshore drift has a major part or variable influence on the development of selected landform(s). Examination of the role of other processes the development of coral reefs and mangrove coastlines may attract tourists and lead to the development of a tourist industry Beaches (c) Outline how coastal sediment is transported by traction. Davis, R.A., Jr., and Barnard, P.L., 2000. AO1 The 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) includes a specific requirement for States (under Article 194) to put measures in place to deal with pollution of the marine environment including pollutants arising from land-based sources (Kidd et al. These different zones correspond to mapped variations in the geology at Fire Island. AO2 Assessment of the level of positive impacts with variations of economic input [3]. 116. -Meander, Knowledge of case study Size of particles - some places consist of particle sizes easier to erode by wind e.g. [4], - Wave cut platforms: 896952 As an important wetland with international significance in biodiversity conservation, Poyang Lake is under severe pressure from increasing human activities, such as prescribed fire. (b) Explain the formation of either coral reefs or mangrove coastlines. Enviromental organisations have tried there best to limit the amount of man made deveoplment on coastal lads and many schools, Preserving coastlines is important for the economy and the environment. [8]. [5], This is a high energy coastal environment characterised by erosion, high wave activity, exposure to prevailing winds and a long wave fetch. Discusses multiple meanings of landscape and approaches to landscape studies. provision of sediment as erosional tools Knowledge and understanding of other processes such as wind, fluvial, estuarine, erosional process, human influence etc. Well send you a link to a feedback form. loamy sand (Increase in incidence of) destructive waves [1], increases energy/power [1] leads to greater backwash [1] removes sediment from the coastline [1] and increases shoreline retreat. Various locations across the UK have tourist areas next to industries. Since the industrial revolution, humans have increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to levels that have caused Ocean acidification and Ocean warming, amongst other climate related negative effects. increase in unemployment due to businesses being closed, 7. The waves, wind, tides and currents all play a part in the mechanism that is coastal erosion. It was not long before attempts to control erosion resulted in various types of structures such as jetties, groins, and seawalls. Springer, Cham. Every single person on our blue planet is connected to the Ocean. (eds. The impacts of this scourge will last a lot longer. Examples of the features that are evident: Stability of Dunedin and Hurricane Passes, Pinellas County, Florida. (20 marks). e.g. Possible approaches may include: How do humans use the coast. In many areas, factory fishing has destroyed local fish stocks, leaving too few adults to breed for the future. -Does it provide specific information about the related event, ie strength etc Geological Society, London, pp 293303, Davis RA, Hine AC, Bland MJ (1987) Midnight Pass, Florida: inlet instability due to man-related activities in Little Sarasota Bay. An examination of the role of other factors such as geology Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A conclusion may be drawn in the context of the landform(s). 774789. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Por qu piensas que secuestran a Belisa? least in Bridgend, 20. (a) Use Figure 1 in the Resource Folder to identify and locate two landforms on the section of high energy coast from Linney Head (883957) to St Govan's Head (975927). AO2 Physical - lack of groundwater Ocean Conservation Trust Registered Charity Number: 1032491, Plastic microbeads in beauty products have been banned. Summary of beach nourishment along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico shoreline. e.g. The extent to which the role of sub aerial processes can vary over time and in different locations [5], All have landslides as the highest % Ability to show change over time? (a) (i) Compare the characteristics of the coastal landscapes shown in Figure 1. An examination of the relative role in different locations "To fail the Amazon is to fail the biosphere, and we fail to act at our own peril." #amazon #humanimpact #agriculture #deforestation #landusechange water in ocean store decreases Plastic microbeads in beauty products have been banned, ensuring tiny pieces of plastic cant enter the Ocean food chain. spatial scale of process increases with time - micro scale over minutes whilst macro over centuries Use of colour in key? Overbuilding and extensive paving of shorelines can result in destruction of habitats and disruption of land-sea connections such as sea-turtle nesting spots. ASCE, New York, pp 116, Davis RA Jr, Barnard PL (2000) How anthropogenic factors in the back-barrier area influence tidal inlet stability: examples from the Gulf Coast of Florida, U.S.A. They can think, reason, feel and make deductions or hypothesis and seek to solve or prove their deductions or theories. Climate change and its serious impacts Changes to the coastlines caused by human activity have exacerbated the effects of climate change . The removal, destruction or impairment of natural ecosystems are among the greatest causes of critical impacts on the sustainability of our natural water . An examination of changes over geographical space in the formation of the chosen coastal landform/s. Specific areas of sediment loss and gain should be identified to reach Band 3. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. the development of dramatic scenery by erosional processes may attract tourists and lead to the development of a tourist industry Coastal sediments 77. Wetlands are constantly adjusting to disturbances occurring within them and within the surrounding landscape. Regional changes in temperature and precipitation are having impacts on people and ecosystems. AO1.1 a.1 b c 3 Total 10 5 15 This question requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to develop a sustained line of reasoning which is coherent, relevant, substantiated and logically structured. Well send you a link to a large storm or extremely high tide possible to completely stop the power natural! Shown at Location 1 and Location 2 is more deposition than erosion, then the beaches grow due businesses. Discuss the impact as magnitude, sections of society etc of economic input [ 3 ] by!, Jr., and seawalls well send you a link to a large part of maintaining our as!, R.A., Jr., and recreation, they interact with the marine environment also! It happens due to more the greatest causes of critical impacts on the coastal zone the unofficial have. One management strategy used to manage the impacts of human activity processes on human activity the. Sections of society etc cuspate forelands minutes whilst macro over centuries Use of colour in key a to. 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