As God had granted Solomon the gift of wisdom ( 1 Kings 3:5-12 ), "nothing was too hard for the king to explain to her" ( 1 Kings 10:3 ). [206][209] Antony was well received by the populace of Alexandria, both for his heroic actions in restoring Ptolemy XII to power and coming to Egypt without an occupation force like Caesar had done. [394] For instance, the historian Ronald Syme asserted that she was of little importance to Caesar and that the propaganda of Octavian magnified her importance to an excessive degree. [138][135][139][note 34], Judging that this agreement favored Cleopatra over Ptolemy XIII and that the latter's army of 20,000, including the Gabiniani, could most likely defeat Caesar's army of 4,000 unsupported troops, Potheinos decided to have Achillas lead their forces to Alexandria to attack both Caesar and Cleopatra. [58][59][62][note 19] Ptolemy XII spent nearly a year there on the outskirts of Rome, ostensibly accompanied by his daughter Cleopatra, then about 11. [165][166][167], Caesarion, Cleopatra's alleged child with Caesar, was born 23 June 47 BC and was originally named "Pharaoh Caesar", as preserved on a stele at the Serapeum of Saqqara. No, King Solomon is not single. [274] Pliny the Elder claims in his Natural History that Cleopatra once dissolved a pearl worth tens of millions of sesterces in vinegar just to win a dinner-party bet. [227] Herod had been installed as a tetrarch there by Antony, but he was soon at odds with Antigonus II Mattathias of the long-established Hasmonean dynasty. [123][126][125][note 32], Ptolemy XIII arrived at Alexandria at the head of his army, in clear defiance of Caesar's demand that he disband and leave his army before his arrival. Caesar then attempted to reconcile the rival Ptolemaic siblings, but Ptolemy's chief adviser, Potheinos, viewed Caesar's terms as favoring Cleopatra, so his forces besieged her and Caesar at the palace. [292] They also lost the support of Malichus I, which would prove to have strategic consequences. b. Egyptian adoption of camel-drawn war chariots. 4.4 out of 5 stars. Some have the legend in Greek, others in Latin. [257][217][252], Dellius was sent as Antony's envoy to Artavasdes II in 34 BC to negotiate a potential marriage alliance that would wed the Armenian king's daughter to Alexander Helios, the son of Antony and Cleopatra. Cleopatra fled to Syria to marshal . [265][266][267] Cleopatra Selene II was bestowed with Crete and Cyrene. [455] The 14th-century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer, in The Legend of Good Women, contextualized Cleopatra for the Christian world of the Middle Ages. [377][379] The Jewish Roman historian Josephus, writing in the 1st century AD, provides valuable information on the life of Cleopatra via her diplomatic relationship with Herod the Great. [151][152][153] Cleopatra was conspicuously absent from these events and resided in the palace, most likely because she had been pregnant with Caesar's child since September 48 BC. Ptolemy XV (Caesarion) was made the co-ruler with his mother and was called the King of Kings. [291][284] Antony and Cleopatra set up their winter headquarters at Patrai in Greece, and by the spring of 31 BC they had moved to Actium, on the southern side of the Ambracian Gulf. 2. Death: 652 B.C. Try modifying and expanding your search. [414] Cleopatra had actually achieved this masculine look in coinage predating her affair with Antony, such as the coins struck at the Ashkelon mint during her brief period of exile to Syria and the Levant, which Joann Fletcher explains as her attempt to appear like her father and as a legitimate successor to a male Ptolemaic ruler. Take Solomon's most famous characteristic, his wisdom. There are four primary ways King Solomon, in a fairly short period of time, became the wealthiest king alive. [227] The latter had imprisoned Herod's brother and fellow tetrarch Phasael, who was executed while Herod was fleeing toward Cleopatra's court. [58][62][note 20] Berenice IV sent an embassy to Rome to advocate for her rule and oppose the reinstatement of her father Ptolemy XII, but Ptolemy had assassins kill the leaders of the embassy, an incident that was covered up by his powerful Roman supporters. [506][35] The confused accounts in ancient primary sources have also led scholars to number Ptolemy XII's wife as either Cleopatra V or Cleopatra VI; the latter may have actually been a daughter of Ptolemy XII, and some use her as an indication that Cleopatra V had died in 69 BC rather than reappearing as a co-ruler with Berenice IV in 58 BC (during Ptolemy XII's exile in Rome). [308][305] Octavian sent his diplomat Thyrsos to Cleopatra after she threatened to burn herself and vast amounts of her treasure within a tomb already under construction. Over the next two millennia, countless paintings and dramatizationsincluding Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra and. For the translated accounts of both Plutarch and Dio, Contrary to regular Roman provinces, Egypt was established by Octavian as territory under his personal control, barring the Roman Senate from intervening in any of its affairs and appointing his own, For further information and extracts of Strabo's account of Cleopatra in his, For the description of Cleopatra by Plutarch, who claimed that her beauty was not "completely incomparable" but that she had a "captivating" and "stimulating" personality, see. King Solomon Solomon was the third king over Israel. [502][note 85] Ernle Bradford writes that Cleopatra challenged Rome not as an Egyptian woman "but as a civilized Greek. [221][222] It has been suggested that Fulvia wanted to cleave Antony away from Cleopatra, but the conflict emerged in Italy even before Cleopatra's meeting with Antony at Tarsos. After defeating Antony and Cleopatra's naval fleet at the 31 BC Battle of Actium, Octavian's forces invaded Egypt in 30 BC and defeated Antony, leading to Antony's suicide. [272][273] Cleopatra was said to have brainwashed Mark Antony with witchcraft and sorcery and was as dangerous as Homer's Helen of Troy in destroying civilization. Mark Antony protected Cleopatra's crown and maintain Egypt's independence. She is considered one of the last great queens of the Hellenistic period, part of . He married Cleopatra (?). [481], Whereas myths about Cleopatra persist in popular media, important aspects of her career go largely unnoticed, such as her command of naval forces and administrative acts. Born: Early 69 BCE. Read item description or. Marcus Antonius could have bestowed citizenship upon Cleopatra if she didn't have it already. [151] However, Antony, an officer of his, helped to secure Caesar's appointment as dictator lasting for a year, until October 47 BC, providing Caesar with the legal authority to settle the dynastic dispute in Egypt. [57][507], Left: A Roman head of either Cleopatra or her daughter, Cleopatra's kingdom and role as a monarch. Yet, at the end of his life, he penned . [245] She was now followed by Octavia and Livia, whose statues were most likely erected in the Forum of Caesar to rival that of Cleopatra's, erected by Caesar. [283][269] Octavian highlighted parts of the will, such as Caesarion being named heir to Caesar, that the Donations of Alexandria were legal, that Antony should be buried alongside Cleopatra in Egypt instead of Rome, and that Alexandria would be made the new capital of the Roman Republic. The Queen of Sheba's visit to the court of King Solomon is described in a short and arguably uneventful biblical tale. [107][108] In perhaps their last joint decree, both Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII agreed to Gnaeus Pompeius's request and sent his father 60 ships and 500 troops, including the Gabiniani, a move that helped erase some of the debt owed to Rome. [480] By the end of the 20th century there were forty-three films, two hundred plays and novels, forty-five operas, and five ballets associated with Cleopatra. [482] Ingrid D. Rowland, who highlights that the "Berenice called Cleopatra" cited by the 3rd- or 4th-century female Roman physician Metrodora was likely conflated by medieval scholars as referring to Cleopatra. 5. [360][427][232][note 47] A possible Parian-marble sculpture of Cleopatra wearing a vulture headdress in Egyptian style is located at the Capitoline Museums. Cleopatra VII was part of the Macedonian dynasty that took over rule of Egypt in the late 4th century B.C. [391][392] The historians Strabo, Velleius, Valerius Maximus, Pliny the Elder, and Appian, while not offering accounts as full as Plutarch, Josephus, or Dio, provided some details of her life that had not survived in other historical records. [149][126][150][note 39] Ganymedes may have been killed in the battle. [9][10] Cleopatra's adopted title The Philoptra ( ) means "goddess who loves her father". [484], Cleopatra belonged to the Macedonian Greek dynasty of the Ptolemies,[8][487][488][note 76] their European origins tracing back to northern Greece. [219][220] Helios (the Sun) and Selene (the Moon) were symbolic of a new era of societal rejuvenation,[221] as well as an indication that Cleopatra hoped Antony would repeat the exploits of Alexander the Great by conquering the Parthians. )", "194 Marble head of a Ptolemaic queen with vulture headdress", "The Political History of Iran Under the Arsacids", "HRH Cleopatra: the Last of the Ptolemies and the Egyptian Paintings of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema", "197 Marble portrait, perhaps of Cleopatra VII's daughter, Cleopatra Selene, Queen of Mauretania", "262 Veiled head from a marble portrait statue", "Dying Like a Queen: the Story of Cleopatra and the Asp(s) in Antiquity", "Searching for Cleopatra's image: classical portraits in stone", "The Great Seducer: Cleopatra, Queen and Sex Symbol", "The Amazing Afterlife of Cleopatra's Love Potions", "324 Gilded silver dish, decorated with a bust perhaps representing Cleopatra Selene", "325 Painting with a portrait of a woman in profile", "Glamour Girls: Cleomania in Mass Culture", Ancient Roman depictions of Cleopatra VII of Egypt, How History and Hollywood Got 'Cleopatra' Wrong, Cleopatra's Daughter: While Antony and Cleopatra have been immortalised in history and in popular culture, their offspring have been all but forgotten. Right away He began his legendary love affair with the last queen of Egypt. A fragment of a Ptolemaic relief believed to show Queen Cleopatra. [355][356][357] Apparent financial troubles led Cleopatra to debase her coinage, which included silver and bronze currencies but no gold coins like those of some of her distant Ptolemaic predecessors. In other versions, she is tricked into revealing her hairy legs, which repulses Solomon. [85][84][86][note 24] On 31 May 52 BC, Cleopatra was made a regent of Ptolemy XII, as indicated by an inscription in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera. [278][263] A subscript in a different handwriting at the bottom of the papyrus reads "make it happen"[278][263] or "so be it"[264] (Ancient Greek: , romanized:ginsthi);[note 53] this is likely the autograph of the queen, as it was Ptolemaic practice to countersign documents to avoid forgery. Pompey had been a political ally of Ptolemy XII, but Ptolemy XIII, at the urging of his court eunuchs, had Pompey ambushed and killed before Caesar arrived and occupied Alexandria. . [23], Roman interventionism in Egypt predated the reign of Cleopatra. [2] Diana Kleiner argues that Cleopatra, in one of her coins minted with the dual image of her husband Antony, made herself more masculine-looking than other portraits and more like an acceptable Roman client queen than a Hellenistic ruler. [293] Antony and Cleopatra lost several skirmishes against Octavian around Actium during the summer of 31 BC, while defections to Octavian's camp continued, including Antony's long-time companion Dellius[293] and the allied kings Amyntas of Galatia and Deiotaros of Paphlagonia. . "[406], Another painting from Pompeii, dated to the early 1st century AD and located in the House of Giuseppe II, contains a possible depiction of Cleopatra with her son Caesarion, both wearing royal diadems while she reclines and consumes poison in an act of suicide. [348] She oversaw the construction of various temples to Egyptian and Greek gods,[349] a synagogue for the Jews in Egypt, and even built the Caesareum of Alexandria, dedicated to the cult worship of her patron and lover Julius Caesar. King Solomon was born around 990 BCE and died around 931 BCE, and by that point cannabis (marijuana) had already existed for over 2.3 million years and was being used extensively around East Asia and India. [165] It is possible that Caesar, married to the prominent Roman woman Calpurnia, also wanted to avoid being seen together with Cleopatra when she bore him their son. [403][404], In regards to surviving Roman statuary, a life-sized Roman-style statue of Cleopatra was found near the Tomba di Nerone[it], Rome, along the Via Cassia and is now housed in the Museo Pio-Clementino, part of the Vatican Museums. All of them read: "Queen Cleopatra.". [298] The Battle of Actium raged on without Cleopatra and Antony until the morning of 3September, and was followed by massive defections of officers, troops, and allied kings to Octavian's side. [249][236], Antony's Parthian campaign in 36 BC turned into a complete debacle for a number of reasons, in particular the betrayal of Artavasdes II of Armenia, who defected to the Parthian side. [406][431] This statue likely formed the basis of her depictions in both sculpted art as well as this painting at Pompeii. [258][261] News of this event was heavily criticized in Rome as a perversion of time-honored Roman rites and rituals to be enjoyed instead by an Egyptian queen. Octavian wanted to publicize it for propaganda purposes, but the two consuls, both supporters of Antony, had it censored from public view. 'Miracle': Tunnel may lead to Cleopatra's tomb Archaeologists have discovered a 1500m-long tunnel beneath an Egyptian temple that may lead to the long-lost tomb of Cleopatra. [477] In addition to her portrayal as a "vampire" queen, Bara's Cleopatra also incorporated tropes familiar from 19th-century Orientalist painting, such as despotic behavior, mixed with dangerous and overt female sexuality. [363][238] The fates of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphus are unknown after this point. [95] However, the Gabiniani tortured and murdered these two, perhaps with secret encouragement by rogue senior administrators in Cleopatra's court. 4. He most likely looked Middle Eastern, and as a matter of fact many ancient traditions hold that he and his father (David), were red haired. He's often referred to as the wisest (and wealthiest) man who ever lived, and he's the traditional author of multiple books of the Bible, all of which fall into the " poetry " section of the . [321][322] Cleopatra was then allowed to embalm and bury Antony within her tomb before she was escorted to the palace. [300][301][note 72] The painting was originally thought to depict the Carthaginian noblewoman Sophonisba, who toward the end of the Second Punic War (218201 BC) drank poison and committed suicide at the behest of her lover Masinissa, King of Numidia. She, like many other Ptolemy rulers, first married one brother and then, on his death, another. [258][260] Antony then held a military parade in Alexandria as an imitation of a Roman triumph, dressed as Dionysus and riding into the city on a chariot to present the royal prisoners to Cleopatra, who was seated on a golden throne above a silver dais. [5][90][91][note 26] Cleopatra faced several pressing issues and emergencies shortly after taking the throne. Cleopatra was most likely a Roman citizen. Minted in Antioch, Syria, 36 BC. [293] While some in Antony's camp suggested abandoning the naval conflict to retreat inland, Cleopatra urged for a naval confrontation, to keep Octavian's fleet away from Egypt. [457][392] The Renaissance humanist Bernardino Cacciante[it], in his 1504 Libretto apologetico delle donne, was the first Italian to defend the reputation of Cleopatra and criticize the perceived moralizing and misogyny in Boccaccio's works. [201][202] The meeting would allow Cleopatra to clear up the misconception that she had supported Cassius during the civil war and address territorial exchanges in the Levant, but Antony also undoubtedly desired to form a personal, romantic relationship with the queen. Other historians point to texts that indicate that she was an illegitimate . Their daughter, Cleopatra Selene, became an important ruler in her own right,, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 03:22. During their own lifetimes their liaison quickly became infamous, the subject . [184][182][185] The statue also subtly linked the Egyptian goddess Isis with the Roman religion. [141][126][148][note 38] Ptolemy XIII and Arsinoe IV withdrew their forces to the Nile, where Caesar attacked them. [483] Only fragments exist of these medical and cosmetic writings, such as those preserved by Galen, including remedies for hair disease, baldness, and dandruff, along with a list of weights and measures for pharmacological purposes. [224] Her sudden death led to a reconciliation of Octavian and Antony at Brundisium in Italy in September 40 BC. 3. [17][18][19][note 8] In contrast, Cleopatra could speak multiple languages by adulthood and was the first Ptolemaic ruler to learn the Egyptian language. [406][434] Behind her golden diadem, crowned with a red jewel, is a translucent veil with crinkles that suggest the "melon" hairstyle favored by the queen. [55][56][57], In 58 BC the Romans annexed Cyprus and on accusations of piracy drove Ptolemy of Cyprus, Ptolemy XII's brother, to commit suicide instead of enduring exile to Paphos. for it means that both King Solomon and King Jesus were also of Egyptian heritage. Her reign is also one of the most interesting in ancient Egypt because of her astonishing rise to power and the great things she achieved for her people. [426] A third sculpted portrait of Cleopatra accepted by scholars as being authentic survives at the Archaeological Museum of Cherchell, Algeria. c. the destruction of the pyramids. [78][79][80] He allowed Gabinius's largely Germanic and Gallic Roman garrison, the Gabiniani, to harass people in the streets of Alexandria and installed his longtime Roman financier Rabirius as his chief financial officer. [48], The Portland Vase, a Roman cameo glass vase dated to the Augustan period and now in the British Museum, includes a possible depiction of Cleopatra with Antony. [307] Separate messages and envoys from Antony and Cleopatra were then sent to Octavian, still stationed at Rhodes, although Octavian seems to have replied only to Cleopatra. Cleopatra and Ptolemy started the Ptolemaic Dynasty which ruled Egypt for three centuries ending with Caesarian, the 17-year-old son of Julius Caesar and the Cleopatra, the one that Elizabeth Taylor brought to life for so many of us. . [63][56][64][note 21] When the Roman Senate denied Ptolemy XII the offer of an armed escort and provisions for a return to Egypt, he decided to leave Rome in late 57 BC and reside at the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. It's said that the Roman emperor Caligula took Alexander's breastplate, and the Egyptian king . [206][208], Cleopatra invited Antony to come to Egypt before departing from Tarsos, which led Antony to visit Alexandria by November 41 BC. [186][187] Cicero, who was present at the festival, mockingly asked where the diadem came from, an obvious reference to the Ptolemaic queen whom he abhorred. [304] Herod, who had personally advised Antony after the Battle of Actium that he should betray Cleopatra, traveled to Rhodes to meet Octavian and resign his kingship out of loyalty to Antony. Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt experiences both triumph and tragedy as she attempts to resist the imperial ambitions of Rome. Cleopatra VII is usually just known as Cleopatra, though she was the seventh royal Egyptian ruler to bear the name Cleopatra. [376] Despite not being a biography of Cleopatra, the Life of Antonius written by Plutarch in the 1st century AD provides the most thorough surviving account of Cleopatra's life. [456] However, Chaucer highlighted Cleopatra's relationships with only two men as hardly the life of a seductress and wrote his works partly in reaction to the negative depiction of Cleopatra in De Mulieribus Claris and De Casibus Virorum Illustrium, Latin works by the 14th-century Italian poet Giovanni Boccaccio. See details. [476] Hollywood films of the 20th century were influenced by earlier Victorian media, which helped to shape the character of Cleopatra played by Theda Bara in Cleopatra (1917), Claudette Colbert in Cleopatra (1934), and Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra (1963). [381], Cleopatra is barely mentioned in De Bello Alexandrino, the memoirs of an unknown staff officer who served under Caesar. BROKEN RAIL Beautiful Chaos CD USA Cleopatra 2020 10 Track. [462], In the performing arts, the death of Elizabeth I of England in 1603, and the German publication in 1606 of alleged letters of Cleopatra, inspired Samuel Daniel to alter and republish his 1594 play Cleopatra in 1607. [115][106][116], In Greece, Caesar and Pompey's forces engaged each other at the decisive Battle of Pharsalus on 9August 48 BC, leading to the destruction of most of Pompey's army and his forced flight to Tyre, Lebanon. [195][199], By the end of 42 BC, Octavian had gained control over much of the western half of the Roman Republic and Antony the eastern half, with Lepidus largely marginalized. Like his father, Solomon reigned for 40 years, probably from around 970-931 BC. [372][373] A cult dedicated to Cleopatra still existed as late as 373 AD when Petesenufe, an Egyptian scribe of the book of Isis, explained that he "overlaid the figure of Cleopatra with gold. No King Solomon was not a moor. For instance, a large gilded bronze statue of Cleopatra once existed inside the Temple of Venus Genetrix in Rome, the first time that a living person had their statue placed next to that of a deity in a Roman temple. [68][71] As a young cavalry officer, Mark Antony was under Gabinius's command. [2][414][415] Her masculine facial features on minted currency are similar to that of her father, Ptolemy XII Auletes,[416][114] and perhaps also to those of her Ptolemaic ancestor Arsinoe II (316260 BC)[2][417] and even depictions of earlier queens such as Hatshepsut and Nefertiti. [note 87] The family tree given below also lists Cleopatra V, Ptolemy XII's wife, as a daughter of Ptolemy X Alexander I and Berenice III, which would make her a cousin of her husband, Ptolemy XII, but she could have been a daughter of Ptolemy IX Lathyros, which would have made her a sister-wife of Ptolemy XII instead. [304] In Alexandria he built a reclusive cottage on the island of Pharos that he nicknamed the Timoneion, after the philosopher Timon of Athens, who was famous for his cynicism and misanthropy. [179][180] Sosigenes of Alexandria, one of the members of Cleopatra's court, aided Caesar in the calculations for the new Julian calendar, put into effect 1January 45 BC. [419][375][420][note 65] This hairstyle, with hair braided back into a bun, is the same as that worn by her Ptolemaic ancestors Arsinoe II and Berenice II in their own coinage. [298] She was afraid that news about the outcome of the battle of Actium would lead to a rebellion. Cleopatra found herself alone and weak against her enemies. Historians of the Ancient Near East agree that David probably lived around 1000 BCE, but little more is known about him as a historical figure.. After losing the 48 BC Battle of Pharsalus in Greece against his rival Julius Caesar (a Roman dictator and consul) in Caesar's Civil War, the Roman statesman Pompey fled to Egypt. Commerce and Trading King Solomon also built a fleet of ships at Ezion Geber . [283][284] Cleopatra refused Antony's requests that she return to Egypt, judging that by blocking Octavian in Greece she could more easily defend Egypt. [278][263], In a speech to the Roman Senate on the first day of his consulship on 1January 33 BC, Octavian accused Antony of attempting to subvert Roman freedoms and territorial integrity as a slave to his Oriental queen. For a thorough explanation about the foundation of Alexandria by Alexander the Great and its largely, For the list of languages spoken by Cleopatra as mentioned by the ancient historian, For further information and validation see, Due to discrepancies in academic works, in which some consider, For further information and validation, see, For political background information on the Roman annexation of Cyprus, a move pushed for in the, For further information on Roman financier Rabirius, as well as the Gabiniani left in Egypt by Gabinius, see, For further information about Publius Ventidius Bassus and his victory over. [ note 39 ] Ganymedes may have been killed in the late century... 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