After they escape the dungeon and are walking back to the diner, Merida tells Belle about her imprisonment and her journey to rescue her brothers from the conquering clans. She is the main reality version of Belle. She states that, instead of forcing his son to love him, he could try to be worthy enough of his love. When she was 15, she was accepted at the highly selective Australian Ballet School in Melbourne. At first, she berates him for lying to her again, but then, she kisses him, knowing this time he lied to protect her. Within the privacy of a hotel room, Mr. Gold prepares a summoning circle to use the crystal to wake Belle, who is still in the box. When he passes out, she gains help from the Apprentice to trap the darkness in his heart into the hat. Hook lets her stay on the Jolly Roger, but she becomes concerned with the arrangement, especially what Mr. Gold would do if found out about Hook helping her. Unveiling a mirror, Belle's reflection taunts her about being a coward by having once valued a stone over Anna's life. ("Out of the Past"), Later, in conversation, she learns the small clothing in one of the rooms belongs to Rumplestiltskin's son. In defiance of them, she storms out, going to the library to figure out Mr. Gold's location with a map. In a race to stop Emma from completing the spell to snuff out the light, Belle hurries to the hospital, just as Zelena is in labor, explaining that Emma requires a baby's first cry as the final ingredient. Within the dreamworld, Belle lives in a darker version of Rumplestiltskin's castle, stuck in her past servant role. On the way out, Mr. Gold grabs a potion and drives Belle to the town line, intent on escaping from Emma. Later, she watches over a sleeping Mr. Gold. After remembering his life from the Enchanted Forest, Mr. Gold has memories of how he lost Belle, presumably at the hands of her father, who is now a flower delivery man named Moe. Troubled by the find, she tests the gauntlet out and it leads her to the real dagger. As a wounded soldier is carted towards camp, she recognizes him as Samuel, her childhood friend. After witnessing Merida's superb archery skills, Belle is doubtful she needs magic to gain the clans' respect when her physical strength is impressive enough. Later, she spends time with Will at the pawnshop when Hook arrives with Ursula seeking help to restore a shrunken Jolly Roger to normal size. While still unconscious, Mr. Gold's now completely white heart is inserted into his chest, and the Apprentice freezes him with magic, although there is no guarantee he will survive. Once the heart is completely blackened, rather than dying, he'll lose his ability to love anything or anyone. Later, Belle returns the child to his elated parents, as an unseen Rumplestiltskin watches longingly from a distance. Belle suggests getting help from Mr. Gold, believing that he is no worse than Emma, but everyone thinks Arthur is their best bet to reach Merlin. As Gideon dashes ahead on his own, Belle takes notice of the history of the river, where many people have come to make wishes. Regina asks if it belongs to Belle. ("Family Business"), Belle deciphers a spell to give Emma the opportunity to capture Ingrid. The following day, under Lumiere's instruction, they head to a forest clearing. Namely, Zelena desires to kill Eva so Cora would have never abandoned her first-born child. There, she recalls when he traded the gauntlet for her, and her perception that this proved he had love in him. Without her notice, Mr. Gold switches the dagger; taking the real one while replacing a fake in the pawnshop. Uneasy at the woman's presence, she asks if they were friends. With Emma and Regina's combined powers, the trigger is halted, however, Henry is taken by Greg and Tamara and taken to another world. She approaches the den, but attracts the Yaoguai by stepping on a branch. A shaken Emma explains the Snow Queen got away, but she herself caused the combustion. While an ambulance is called, Mary Margaret soothes a panicked Belle, and later hands her over to a nurse at the hospital. Belle accepts his reasons and asks him to come back to her after everything is over. Belle backs off from questioning her son, but Mr. Gold decides to use the Sands of Morpheus to speak to his son in his dreamworld without the Black Fairy's interference. Robin allows Zelena to feed the formula to her daughter, only because her powers aren't working, but as soon as Zelena's magic returns, she douses the trio with a blast and runs off with the baby. Mr. Gold believes, despite all this, they can have a future, but Belle refuses to make a choice at the moment and decides to wait until everyone returns home. To her horror, he takes on his old appearance as the Dark One and proceeds to strangle Leroy to death. ("The Price"), Hoping to wake Mr. Gold from his coma, Belle puts together a healing spell, but she is unable to find the last ingredient, which has to be something that touched Mr. Gold when he was still just a man. After he does, Belle orders him onto watch duty while she goes into the Snow Queen's lair. She dbuts in the third episode of the first season. The clothes Belle wears while she is Rumplestiltskin's maid are similar to the ones she wears in the Disney film. A man, Keith, tries to flirt with her, but she shoots him down. Upon seeing Robin, Regina is shocked and pieces together that Zelena must have gone after the Black Fairy on her own. After absorbing Belle into the box, Mr. Gold takes it with him and goes home through the portal. ("Operation Mongoose Part 2"), In the aftermath, Belle joins everyone as the weakened Apprentice gives them instructions on how to find Emma with his wand. She persuades Gaston into letting her decipher the ogre's intentions by consulting a magical antiquities book. She has no memories of anything, so Regina knocks the girl unconscious and uses magic to levitate the items in Belle's bag into the air to find clues on the dagger's location. Belle agrees with him, in that she too is making up for past mistakes, such as trying to fix her relationship with Mr. Gold when things between them were no longer working. Belligerently, Belle asserts her refusal to believe that, even though Mr. Gold desperately insists she must leave. She is more trustworthy of him since their phone conversation and believes that he wants to help her regain memories. Belle presses him to seize the opportunity and be with Nova while he still has a chance. He removes the tracking bracelet to prove he's not tricking her and then suggests she should call to check in with the nuns. ("Snow Drifts"), Over the course of a couple of months, Belle slowly gets to know Rumplestiltskin and they develop a friendship. She stands by with a mischievous smile as Mr. Gold continues to hit Keith. Frightened by his prospect, Mr. Gold questions what will happen if he fails in his endeavor, to which Belle chastises him for being too weak to even be good, and that it's worse than him being evil. Belle had her baby on "Once Upon a Time," but there's one heartbreaking twist. During the date, Lacey is impressed by Mr. Gold's approachable personality since the stories about him say otherwise. Once Upon a Time to end after season 7. One of the Dark One's guests, a blonde woman, recognizes Belle. Nearby, at the counter, David quietly soothes Mary Margaret's worries about leaving Neal; saying that Belle is a natural with the baby and she has their emergency numbers if anything goes wrong. Fearing Hades could do the same to her, Belle mournfully concludes that time is not on her side. As Rumplestiltskin shoos her from the room, Belle remarks that he could speak in a nicer tone. Pitying the man, she frees him, but doesn't realize he has stolen the wand during his escape. She tells Mr. Gold about what's happening, and he secretly decides to use the situation to his advantage by attempting to trick Emma into giving up her powers to the hat. Once inside, she recognizes a stranger as Hook and runs away, but he blocks her. After letting out a spray of water from a slashed pipe, the beast's bodily flames are doused out. Suspecting Moe has it, Mr. Gold kidnaps Moe and tries to beat the truth out of the man, while expressing a great deal of rage, blaming him for Belle's death. This imperfect teacup becomes representative of the unlikely and imperfect relationship that forms between them. Prior to letting Pan kidnap Zelena, Mr. Gold confronts her for giving Belle the sleeping curse, and he believes his wife would have never taken it willingly unless she persuaded her into it. Tv shows frequently just do "pregnancy" stories as thin women with bellies (which some women . Gideon, in pain over feeling the Black Fairy squeezing his heart, is unable to tell her because of what the Black Fairy is doing to him now. Eventually, with knowledge from Cruella De Vil and Ursula about the Chernabog, the creature is forced across the town line and fades out of existence. After fleeing into the woods, Belle tries to convince Merida to listen, however, the bear is soon distracted by Mr. Gold's presence. There, she is startled by the elevator coming up and readies herself with a weapon, bracing for whoever will step out, only for the door to reveal Mr. Gold, who is hiding from Merida. He promises that, after she is uncursed, he'll take her traveling around the world as she always wanted. Soon, they are approached by King Arthur and his knights, who believe they are prophesied to reunite them with Merlin. She vows, from now on, to make better choices for her unborn son's sake. They pronounced the patient, 65, dead at the scene but 30 minutes later he was breathing again. She became a series regular in the second season and onwards after making recurring appearances in the first season, and has become a fan favorite since her debut. Eric Kohn, Anne . Mr. Gold sneakily snaps a photo of them as Belle is busy fixing her son's clothes. And when it's not there, you create it. Portrayed by: Upon seeing him collapse, her attitude softens. ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart"), The next day, Belle is working at the pawnshop when Hook comes in to ask her about why true love's kiss didn't work for her and Mr. Gold. Relevant Pages There, upon the fall of that city in 1780, he was taken prisoner by the British and sent in captivity to St. Augus tine, Florida. She becomes interested in finding them, but her father doesn't want her to pay the price of magic. In a final goodbye, Belle names her son Gideon, after the hero in the book. Fans quickly reacted to Ash's photo, applauding her for . Will grabs Belle's hand in an attempt to comfort her, though she turns around to stare longingly at the man who was once her husband. Belle and Rumple's Final Scene - Once Upon A Time ABC 1.1M views 5 years ago Matthew Perry details battle with addiction, fame, and life today in new memoir l GMA Good Morning America 237K. Belle realizes that earlier on, despite knowing Gideon had bad intentions with Emma, she still wanted to protect her son. Despite that he tells her to go away, she approaches to set down a basket of flowers on the table. Gaston then tries to shoot Mr. Gold, but a panicked Belle shoves him into the river. Mr. Gold goes on to tell her about the prophecy a seer gave him a long time ago that a certain someone will be his undoing, which he takes to mean his death will occur because of that person. From the opposite side of the town line, Belle promises to wait for him. In the evening, as Belle is fixing one of the window displays, Mr. Gold secretly watches her from across the street with a longing gaze. Taken in as a patient, Belle tries to get some rest but is startled awake by Mr. Gold kissing her. Because of Belle's immense trust in him, he affirms to do the same for her. However, Hook realizes that no matter how willing people are to forgive him now for his past indiscretions, he needs time to learn to forgive himself. Putting down her rose's glass jar, she jokes about offering him a glass if he asked, and then inquiries about whether true love's kiss worked on Emma. Emma, in order to keep Hook's secret under wraps, enters and professes that she will punish them for what they did to her. Belle breaks out of her saddened stupor to inform the group about Henry's kidnapping and the cloaking spell they now must enact to keep outsiders from entering Storybrooke. ("Bleeding Through"), Once the second curse is broken, Mary Margaret goes into labor at the hospital as Belle stumbles upon Zelena in the hallway. In the basement, they see Excalibur in its stone and notice the sword's markings are the same as the Dark One's dagger. During a painful labor, she passes out and meets "Morpheus" in the dream world, where he once again implies what she must do to stop Mr. Gold. After receiving true love's kiss from him, Belle awakens, deciding she will heed her son's warning from now on. The Wicked Witch retrieves the dagger from Rumplestiltskin and then orders him to kill Belle. Belle, later known as Belle French, also known as Mrs. Gold and briefly known as Lacey, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Belle steps onto a stool as she reaches for the window curtains, and she looks back to smile at her husband before pulling them open, only to lose her balance and fall. Once the female duo enters into the pawnshop, she warns them not to try anything or she'll use the potion to turn them into toads. Occupation: She asks them to give her a chance to talk her son out of his mission, and they agree, but if it doesn't work, they intend to use force to stop Gideon's plans. They both lunge for the gun, but he grabs it first and aims it at her forehead. Instead, Belle recognizes he has not and will never give up power for her. Belle doesn't believe her and instead thinks Zelena is afraid of giving Hades a chance. At the counter, she begins pouring scotch into a cup and accidentally spills it onto the table. Anna, clinging to a ledge, implores for help. She is the main reality version of Wish Belle. Belle arrives in time to see Rumplestiltskin distracted with confronting the Black Fairy, and she goes to grab the child. Returning home, Belle learns from her father of how her mother died. The box contains is a key, which Belle uses to open the library. Beauty and the Beast: An Old Tale New-Told, with Pictures. ("Strange Case"), At the hospital, Belle is waiting to have her first ultrasound when Snow comes to talk to her. Belle questions if he trusts her enough to expect her return, but Rumplestiltskin admits he assumes she'll run away. Mr. Gold pulls out his own heart, which is completely black except for a small bit, explaining that his dark deeds are poisoning him and only the Author can reverse it. She also thinks no one will invade the town, and believes Mr. Gold doesn't need her. Zelena doubts Hades would rip up a contract he holds value in, even if she asked him to. As the spell dictates, a candle must be lit with magic and then blown towards the target, which will form binds on the person's wrists. Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)Librarian (formerly)Castle servant (formerly) After making it there, he tells her about his leg limp, which is a reminder of his cowardice during the Ogre Wars, and that his cowardly nature persisted even after he became the Dark One. Noticing Henry is unhappy, she learns he is disappointed over the fairytale storybook and all the bad things that happen to Regina in it. Relating knowledge about Ingrid's mirror, Belle explains it's key for casting a spell of shattered sight, which will make everyone turn on each other. He admits making the portal for Hades, but only because Hades owns the contract from the Fendrake deal. She then departs with Mr. Gold; not knowing he is luring her away so Hook can help him absorb the nuns into the hat. Losing hope, Elsa wonders if Anna put her in the urn, just as the Snow Queen claimed, and that her sister doesn't want to be found. Turning the dagger over to him, she then returns to the pawnshop, where Will left a rose for her outside the door. With plans of killing the Black Fairy, Zelena drops by to ask her to babysit Robin, which Belle agrees to by offering a bassinet for the baby. Shortly after Mother Superior tells the heroes where the other half of the wand is hidden, the Black Fairy morphs out of her Snow disguise as Gideon sheds his David disguise, much to everyone's shock. Eye color: While she is on a diner date with Will, Hook pulls Belle aside for a chat and tells her about Regina going undercover and finding out Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change their stories. Instead, Belle comes clean about the part of the prophecy she omitted and explains what he must do after her death in order to be led back to her. Belle begins to tear up at his words, but he hangs up before she can respond. Eye color: From the Land of Untold Stories, Hyde opens a portal to the Land Without Magic with a wand and steals the box from Mr. Gold, in the hopes of using Belle as leverage against the Dark One. She fires back by pointing out how afraid he's become because she was so close to winning, and swears to get away from him next time so he won't even see her son. Belle is mentioned on Henry's billboard in "Flower Child". Mr. Gold pleads for another chance, but she refuses. As Mr. Gold explains the realm his mother took their son to, a cloaked figure walks in and lowers his hood to reveal himself as Gideon, their grown son, before he greets his parents ambivalently. She regrets doing the exact opposite of what she once preached to Gaston about; having compassion and forgiving your enemies. Female Merida breaks in, mistakenly shooting a mirror of the two, before cornering them. Mr. Gold shows up to tell Belle that Hyde may be coming after her, but she tells her husband to leave, which he agrees to do, but not before casting a spell on the ship to prevent her from leaving, and to ensure Hyde cannot get to her. He talks about being unloved and unloving since love has always given him pain, but she was the one who brought light into his life. Privacy Settings Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: basic site functions ensuring secure, safe transactions secure account login There, a hooded thief is stealing a wand. She hides behind a bookcase after hearing the elevator come up, but it turns out to be Mr. Gold. She is a single lady of a certain age and sings of her lust for Hollywood in a song called Bab's . The townsfolk labeled Belle an outcast because of her free spirit. Hook is keeping her company below deck when Jekyll arrives with news about Mr. Gold stealing the serum in order to kill Hyde. Later in the night, she and Hook share a glass at the counter. Belle tries to reach the stone, but it shatters, so she rushes to Anna, who slips and falls unconscious. ("Birth"), Upon arrival to Storybrooke, Belle and the others crash to the floor from the impact of the diner dropping onto the ground, and as they get up, the group realize they are still in Camelot attire, and the last thing anyone recalls is entering King Arthur's castle. EN Once Upon a Time (2011-2018) Emilie de Ravin: Belle French, Belle Gold, Belle, Lacey Showing all 219 items Jump to: Photos (219) Photos 196 more photos See also Release Dates | Official Sites | Company Credits | Filming & Production | Technical Specs Once Upon a Time (TV Series) Details Full Cast and Crew Release Dates Official Sites Ruby is chained up as a safety precaution, but Belle releases her when she asks for a restroom break. The woman he had chosen for his idol the shrine at which his pure devotions of heart and soul were offeredwas a gay and beautiful Creole from New Orleans, who, with her mother, and a young gentleman who appeared in the capacity of friend . ("Unforgiven"), In the pawnshop, as Henry studies the storybook for clues on the Author, Belle walks over carrying a snack as she inquiries about his research. She and Neal make plans to go to the vault, and Lumiere agrees to lead them there. A lot of us gain the weight and we shouldn't be expected to lose it super fast (or at all). As soon as Belle is done writing, Rumplestiltskin arrives to steal the paper and the baby, as he intended for her to unknowingly provide the translation. Him and goes home through belle once upon a time actress weight loss portal Belle shoves him into the box contains is a key which. 'Ll take her traveling around the world as she always wanted the Snow Queen got away but. She frees him, she recognizes a stranger as Hook and runs away but... Before she can respond as she always wanted it leads her to pay the price of magic recognizes he stolen... 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