When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, She should resign. Presumably, they have reasons for arranging their systems like this. The entire reason I brought this up in the context of this discussion is that people are getting the vapors over Collinss use of white supremacy, and then responding to her as if Collins had meant THE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DEFINITION that happens to be the only one they are familiar with. But when Black voices are too explicit about their experience, we are punishing them?! This exam, which must certainly have had some cultural bias favoring the wealthy, opened the door to a middle class life to anyone willing to put in the work (poor or wealthy) to study and pass the exam. Full stop. Damn H, dropping the n-word and then telling Collins you go, girl. Savage. Thats because whiteness is an ever evolving construct that benefits those who are in power and are free to define whiteness as they see fit. According to the groups website, they have 19,000 registered Chinese members in 41 states across the country. She posted pictures of Alison Collins used house nigger in her Tweets about Asian Americans. Do you need to re-take the Diversity and Respect class? The SAT/ACT does not predict college success per se for someone attending the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston. somewhere that Amie is living in South Carolina, but no one seems Seems like whoever is fighting to keep them up is forgetting this is the place where kids are SUPPOSED to spend 7-8 hours a days 5 a week. Billy Powell, Amie Williamson, daughter of late guitarist Allen Collins (at podium), Judy Van Zant, widow of late singer Ronnie Van Zant (C) of Lynyrd Skynyrd, inductees, and other family members (Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic, Inc). Her lawsuit is incredibly tone deaf. So when someone uses the term House N*****, instead of getting offended like an over-entitled douche (aka model minority), you ask, why would she say that about Asian people? what exactly is the context behind that? whats the history behind that? Then go look it up, read some books and learn something new to which you can contribute back to the community. She wasnt providing a nuanced perspective on race relations based on Malcolm Xs speech, she was slandering another race. Bet thats on the year-end spelling test. A good thing for them, and a bad one for Lynyrd Skynyrd. Also- the opposition to renaming schools is not nobody is perfect. Since Asians think theyre pretty smart, they get pretty arrogant when new information is presented that contradicts their worldview. She wont do this because she is extremely narrow minded and hateful. Shortly after dissolution of Rossington Collins Band in 1982, Collins started Allen Collins Band in 1983. A very large part of the argument that SF needs a purely merit-based elite magnet high school rests on the assumption that while Lowell students might only negligibly more prepared for college than they would be excelling at Balboa or wherever, the prestige of the Lowell brand is what gets these kids into better colleges than they otherwise would get into. Based on her actionsnot just with these tweets, but in all the board meetings, in person, and on social mediashes someone who believes her perspective is the correct one, naysayers be damnned. 1822. She said the Asian Americans dont need help! The goal of integration is that poor performing kids with bad attitudes will learn success from high performing, high sacrificing kids of Tiger Parents. Nigerians prove that. If she were really sorry shed reverse making Lowell Lottery, renaming 44 schools and not reopening, and ending honors and 8th grade algebra. Did she not take introductory-level college logic? She punished thousands of people at Lowell for this. Totally and completely agree with Jim Ausman. Whats more, casual monolingual Chinese voters would not be able to distinguish this strategically appealing, manufactured name from a Chinese candidates actual name. Embedded within the American work ethic is individualism. Im 1/4 Asian American, but Im Afghan. Commissioner Collins has been in solidarity with API communities in our school district and done the work in sponsoring resolutions for Art Equity, Equity Studies, and an API student led mental health initiative. Please, check your inbox! Its interesting how you want to talk about anti-blackness but fail to mention how the overwhelming majority of attacks on Asians come from blacks, which has been this way for decades. the Amazon Associates Program via amazon.com. She said simply (and I will never forget it because it keeps being so true) well, you know theyre really rather stupid, and that always catches up to them.. You can be successful if you work hard. Collins, daughter of musician Phil Collins and actress Jill Tavelman, wore a stunning high neck, long-sleeved lace gown. Collins did not fabricate her experience. We cant even bring ourselves to call it what it is. Asian-Americans like this dont show up to protests when unarmed Black folks get shot dead. 1975's Torture Tour. The silence and absence of Asian American elected officials when Collins and Lopez were being targeted is not a way to move toward a fair, just and equitable society, regardless of anyones position on or disagreements about certain or even many policy proposal. Collins is not only a racist, but she and her defenders are agressive, condencending racista. The school named after her is on the list of the 44 schools to be renamed. They have to save and not waste money. Wow those murals from George Washington high school in the linked article are like something out of the show Parks and Recreation. Were these students at Lincoln, or Washington, or Balboa, or wherever they would still be the same bright kids they are, and colleges would likely notice them anyway. MIT wont lower its standards standards. Its a small subset. The goal should also be to get those whites to study more hours, marry, save, etc. Enjoying the misfortune of others seems to cut across many barriers, including intelligence. Look, Bozo, Im not saying you have to agree with or like the field. And then, its defended unapologetically by Collins and the rest of the Board, and said historical context, nuance were not going to used in the judgements. There are countless views of this and I am continually struck by the insights and angles coming from different people. Theory #3 is effort. She did worse than carjack thousands because a stranger said something. It is why Asians are over represented at Lowell, not because they seek to align with white supremacists. If you choose to relax, you are more lazy. Mission Local produces enterprise-reporting on SFs most critical issues: police reform, corruption, public health, housing and homelessness. The tweets say what they say and say what they say regardless of whos publicizing them. That shows Asian kids are 4x as likely to have parents who made a sacrifice of several hundred hours. No, there are a large variety of answers. Zhous billboard was vile and a reprehensible political ad that invoked racist, misogynistic and sexist perspectives. Her statements were very hurtful to me. There was no emphasis on it. Americans are pretty deliberately clueless about Black History especially militant Black leaders like Malcolm X. The wedding is kind of a light page in the dark book of Collins's life. As incomprehensible as this might be, if you follow or assume that the first thought is accurate re White Supremacy acts (which my opinion is it is not and devalues so many ppl and cultures, thus very racist), then the last sentence makes more sense where she is trying to free all of the Asian community from the bounds (White Supremacy thinking) that are tying AAPI down. So, they didnt kill me and settled for taking control of the SF Sentinel and banning me. She has actively pursued policies that specifically hurt Asian American children more than any other group. Please do not paint all Lowell students and families with a broad and inaccurate generalizations for which you have no evidence. But I guess this isnt enough for Collins since they didnt speak up, or become activists, or confront their tormentors, and therefore remained niggers. And according to Wikipedia, L-W still has shop classes, unlike Lowell. To anyone who argues that this is ok because it *might* be true (on the basis of personal anecdotes) I refer to an earlier commenter who pointed out that this is exactly how racists justify racism. As Americans, we are so wholly UNAWARE of the true history of this nation and the very purposeful barriers put in place to keep Black Americans down. Calling merit white supremacy is such an inane concept coming from anyones mouth. This takes away a vehicle of class mobility to help people who didnt try, and it wont help them, because you just lower standards. It doesnt mean that one side is right or wrong. Blacks, like everyone else, have a chance to prove they can learn and are smart and are morally willing to undergo the extreme sacrifice to prove they want to work as much as other kids, many Asian, who work very, very hard, who choose long hours of study over TV, video games, social media, hanging out. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I am just a black gay reader from cleveland with no children. Even the *reporters* who have been giddily covering this controversy have no interest in engaging with any of this stuff as context for their stories that would help readers make sense of what Collins meant; the level of sophistication that the average Chron journalist has on this topic is OOOH that lady used the n-word, that automatically means she did a racism.. This model minority stereotype is not something that is explicitly stated. So youre telling me all the other elected officials who showed up at the press conference denouncing the death threats were duped because there werent really any death threats made against Collins and Lopez? Despite coming close several times, Lynyrd Skynyrd just kept missing that elusive big break. That was the prophet, Samuel giving marching orders to Israels first king, Saul. (That should happen at the ballot box and shes up for re-election in November 2022.) Your email address will not be published. against Asian-American families. She calls it the opportunity gap. The death threats were sent to an account called SFGAL8, not Collins and Lopez. Get study hours equal and income will follow. Lowell is a merit based entrance school-are you saying that kids of all races were not offered the SAME opportunities or are you saying Black and Brown students were purposely excluded?! So now were back to laziness. Maybe guardians that had to work a lot and couldnt help with school work or didnt have the skills to help? I looked forward to learning more about some of the obscure names (and fully agreed with renaming the most high-profile problematic names). She wants them to hate whites, and Asians, as she hates Asians. White, Asian, Black or other. According to thePeoria Journal Star, Kathy had been pregnant, and it was hemorrhage following an unfortunate miscarriage that ended her life. Has Collins made one peep about that private school at taxpayers expense? However, then she started stereotyping an entire community as being less than woke. She referenced Trump, no political figure in this country can get away with what Trump does. Thanks again, kind sirs! Collins racist hate and her non-apology make a mockery of those very understandable fears. What is happening is Asian HR personnel are filtering out and removing the applicants that are of color. Maybe no wifi at home? Well played. The far left has tried to minimalize this but it is a moral imperative. Imagine if this had been said by some white person. As America is dedicated to anti-racism, that is a serious threat and lives are ruined over accusations of racism. This is DISCRIMINATION and RACISM at its finest. Do not denigrate the curiosity, dedication, assiduous work ethic, talent of these Lowell students. Substance abuse would only cause him more problems in the future. Showed up at a Gonzalez office monthly party and told me I should write less. Feel free to check it out, its on NBC news. If an Asian person internalizes the model minority stereotypes, they will have proven to the real whites in charge they are worthy. My comment never claimed they werent, nor that they didnt. but the fact that she veered into labeling and name calling seemed gratuitous. Im a African American and I am thankful I do not have any of my four children enrolled in the SFUSD! A tweetstorm is not a Dostoevsky novel; it doesnt take that much time to read and re-read it. This is on point. Alison Collins wrote those tweets before she was on the school board, when her main job was activism. Its never going to be perfect. Learn More{{/message}}. His mother, already working all day at the cigar factory, took a second job at Woolworths in the evenings. The physical wounds would eventually heal, but the psychological scars from watching his friends die while Collins survived would plague him for the rest of his life. Is she Asian? Are we reverting back to segregation? Were all human. Lowing education standards not only does nothing to stop racism. After all, thats something Malcolm X wanted or more so, the complete separation of blacks from whites and basically the rest of Americans. It is the path for academically-oriented low and middle income kids to get into a top college. Sign in with a password below, or sign in using your email. How many Democrats use private school? They quickly follow that up with something along the lines of, on balance so and so wasnt such a bad person. The Asian cop during the George Floyd murder said NOTHING and did NOTHING to stop the murder from taking place, he is an accessory to MURDER, a MURDER to a man of color, need it say more. If youre complaining people missed nuance and context, maybe it wasnt there to start with. Please do not denigrate the hard work that dedicated teachers, staff, and administrators at Lowell have put in to creating a learning environment at Lowell that meets hard working students where they are and shows them how far their aspirations and hard work can lead them. You want to silence a strong outspoken Black woman because she speaks truth to power. That school is 37% white. Collins intentionally abuses and misuses the term white supremacy. high school for elementary school students, college for high school students, etc. Maybe you, as an Asian-American should take time off your busy life and stand in solidarity, unite and work with your fellow African-American citizens for justice for all. Geoffrey Canada says black kids and parents have to sacrifice as many hours as it takes. But black kids study fewer hours. Asian Americans study over twice as much as whites in California and thus earn more money and are more than 3x as likely to make a UC. She hurt thousands of Asian Families by destroying Lowell, and many girls who study longer hours than boys. Look it up before you tweet. What about the black and latino kids that do go to Lowell-how did they make it? Probably because it was one of the songs they're best known for. Not being there, if one is relaxing, is factual laziness. We need to be more civil there is a lot of intelligence in these responses and we can all make our fiercest points without getting personal and mean-spirited. Its very true that there are Asians from many different backgrounds and skin tones who also dont think in a monolithic way. Once again tragedy struck Allen in 1986. There was the polarizing decision to paint over murals at George Washington High School depicting our founding father as the slave-owner and Indian-fighter he was. Have we suddenly forgotten that mayoral candidate Ellen Lee Zhou and during her campaign, Zhou ran into controversy for paying to erect a billboard that depicted a racist scene involving Mayor London Breed. Please dont buy into the idea that this is a one-time error in judgement. For Collins not to acknowledge why so many Asian Americans, including former allies and endorsers, would react so strongly, for her not to pick up on the raw pain Asian Americans are feeling now this is more than a political miscalculation. accident. Ever have one of those times where you forget what it was you were looking for when you got up but that it was really important that you write it down but by the time you find something to write with youve forgotten this importnt/juicy/sclerotic thought. Less hateful, less bigoted. Then it all fell away at 6000 feet above a Mississippi swamp. This is just more evidence they need to come out of their cloistered bubbles and actually listen to people. So what is the model thats being modeled in the model minority? The result -- Pronounced Leh-nerd Skin-nerd -- started the band on its rise to fame with standards like 'Gimme Three Steps', 'Simple Man', and the incendiary, guitar-driven classic, 'Freebird'. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If my kids posted what she posted Id be horrified , I remember once asking someone who was herding the crazy cats running a SF non-profit how in gods name she could tolerate the opportunistic hateful bile leveled at anyone who dared not tow their SF Gestapogressive party line resorting often to disparagement of their race, gender, and sexuality. Is this unity? 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