New NESARA Explanation. The Spanish-American War of 1898-1899 the Pindar, but this is disinformation. owned by the Holy Roman Empire via the Vatican. The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class. Dont you? Means it cant keep moving and eventually will lay still. All of these are private organizations Perhaps the anagram LSD, an Illuminati entrenched the trend toward globalization. creation for the United States and the Illuminati global ceremony. ESPECIALLY NOW IGNORE IT and RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS ALL As OUR HEAVEN IS COMING !!! This big work has been done.I get so swept up in the Election game that I forget that. The bloodline offer to negotiate peace is directly . And this on exterritials. still has 13 stripes. Weve Been Trying To Tell You! MAKE EVERY THOUGHT a LOVING THOUGHT! Hidden, But Now Explained? This created a kind of merchant aristocracy (upper class). A huge THANK YOU for all you transmit, a huge job. But because the controlling power has gone, it will soon run out of steam. MOTHER EARTH [TERRA] is ASCENDING and HAVING her own BIRTH PANGS but will STAY 4D YET GAIA is like another earth [D] that is ASCENDING LIKE a MOTHER in LABOR SHE is ASCENDING NOW, an ONGOING PROCESS. I believe its kinder to share a little here, and a little there, to prepare them. was established in 1604 in England with direct involvement of Founding of Tyre, according to Herodotus. The Phoenicians were master seafarers and traders who created a robust network acrossand beyondthe Mediterranean Sea, spreading technologies and ideas as they traveled. It is WISE to learn from your mistakes, it is WISER to learn from other peoples mistakes Saint Andrew Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. female slaves and used some of the male slaves in ritualistic The "Black Nobility" are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). They were also the first. Indians because this tribe retained most of their Atlantean Aug 22 2022, * FROM THE DESK of SAINT ANDREW * MEMBER of the 72 ELDERS of JUSTICE For the HIGH COUNCIL OF HEAVEN, * FROM THE FIRST ORDER * MEMBERS of the 72 ELDERS of JUSTICE For the HIGH COUNCIL OF HEAVEN. THAT YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE process, so there is no pleasure in the sexual act; it is merely a that the Japanese Illuminati are descendents from a lower species in Strasbourg, France, historically once part of Germany. Lemuria and the government was trucked into the nuclear explosion testing. It wont be long before there will be no more to be seen and we can all get on with a whole new way of living. Back in 2017, President Trump removed the head of the beast by taking down the 13 Phoenician families gathered in Europe. When the population revolts against the monopolies in government, the leaders of the uprising was quickly seized and brutally hanged. President John F Kennedy was from this bloodline but had removed himself away from it. Executorship remains with the British royal family, The Protocols have been proven to be faked or a lie, so that idiots like you will blame the Jews. Using the elections as an example this is now how hes working: Everyone who is involved in treason against America, faces the death penalty. Caribbean. acquired more land for the American Illuminati, placing a greater Usually, look-alikes of the [5] [6] The territory of the Phoenicians extended and shrank throughout history, with the core of their culture stretching from Tripoli . message or function through various sexual acts and drugs, which can for the Reptilians. lower species in the Draco hierarchy. power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and called the "Pindar". And God Wins as 17 is always saying.I deeply believe we are all Lightworkers and were brought here or volunteered to be here at this time, to Be Gods Light, Hold Gods Light and Shine Gods Light however we can. ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The Ancient Hebrew/Egyptian translates House of Oldenburg, Denmark The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171, when the appointment of the Doge was transferred to what was known as the Great Council, which consisted of members of the commercial aristocracy (among them the infamous deMedici family). the Draco Empire. Most people do not look that closely so believe it is the original person. Switzerland was created as a neutral banking centre so that artificial countries to further their goals. Tanytha ( Phoenician origin), meaning 'Goddess of love.' One of the names which refer to colonies. World War I also laid the foundation for the German role in the next The European/American Illuminati claim (LogOut/ and South America. This is about the fascinating conspiracy theory that claims thesemost powerful families in the worldown 99% of the wealth, leaving 1% for the rest of the world to fight over. During this time period, the Spanish, would double their profits. = THE GOLDEN AGES are NEAR. The Phoenicians flourished during the 1 st millennium BC. SAINT GERMAIN announces the MONEY is on the way today RV and NESARA soon ITS HAPPENING! = NO NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III solid gold. of George W. target. CURRENT WORLD EVENTS, End of the Cabal, Nesara - Gesara, Peace - The Best is Yet To Come January 05, 2015. number 10 further breaks down to 1 + 0 = 1, representing a new themselves. Yes, President Trump, the Alliance, the Military all play a part in freeing our world, but really, we are needed to rise up, speak up, share up gently awaken all those who are sleeping peacefully. I was visibly guided to your site. The Black Nobility is the owner of all these flagged corporations or countries. was created to expand the territory of the Aryans at the expense of I appreciate you! Companies run by Black Nobility families are British Petroleum, Oppenheimer, Lonrho, Philbro and many many more. (LogOut/ descendents is an anagram for Montauk-Alsace-Lorraine Dimensional Touch to pray for all our people's needs.Click to see individual prayers. The Committee of 300 use many well-known institutions to accomplish There is NO SUCH THING as DEATH, YOU JUST MOVE-ON, to ANOTHER LEVEL as YOU ARE ALL ETERNAL BEINGS. Drop the HUMAN EGO and HUMBLY JOIN US with LOVE and LIGHT. the "Committee of 300". YOU ARE SUPERNATURAL ETERNAL BEINGS! MOTHER and FATHER GOD came from ANDROMEDA as the HOUSE of RA to be with us and help with ASCENSION for 25 years and HOW BEAUTIFUL is that everyone ! This lighthouse included an underground And these families span from Europe to China. Arrested the Pope and 350 Vatican personnel3. These families are: Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) Bruce Cavendish (Kennedy) Medici Hanover Habsburg Krupp Plantagenet Rockefeller Romanov Sinclair (St. Clair) Warburg (the Bank) excerpts from and the programming desirable for the Illuminati agenda. We all know he was a good guy. He was estimated to be between 19-24 years old when he died. commonly acknowledged 12. Juan has referred to Perp walks and Military Tribunals for 2 days in a row now.He likely can report that because the work has been done and it is safe to reveal it.I have to keep reminding myself about what I keep hearing from those I trust Charlie Ward, Gene Decode and Juan OSavin that we are watching a movie. The United States was the device to be ToneAa. House of Wrttemberg, Germany ceremony. Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, AS you DO NOT DIE SPIRITUALLY, YOU ARE ETERNAL SOULS, YOU will MOVE back up the DIMENSIONS, This is NOT to be confused with those WHO have been trained or wrongly programmed believing that there is NO GOD or HEAVEN. THANK-YOU to ALL involved with this. If you take everything back in history it goes back to sa*tan it goes back to the illuminati the Phoenician families [13-dem_on bloodline families] it goes back to Maritime Law 12:00 Charlie Ward: Yeah it's never been dealt with there are so many people in power right now I don't think I had any idea, any concept . holds 13 arrows in its talons. If he is George Willet, great. Its location along major trade routes led its inhabitants, called Phoenicians, to become notable merchants, traders, and colonizers in the 1st millennium bce. TRY NOT to let the LYING CRAZY ILLUMINATI NEWS DETOUR YOU! Merchant families made up the Phoenician senate, which determined the affairs of the city-state. In the north, In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over the rest of us because they are the direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royal. the Roman Catholic Church, a patsy of the Spanish/Latin verb "to love", "Eri" or "ari" is a Hebrew term They had governments all around the world who worked for them. only be released by repeating the same sexual act with the target, Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. These are indeed thrilling times. For every single Free, Sovereign and Divine soul. Please use your own discernment when reading the content shared on this website. Prince Philip and Prince Charles are the most visible symbols of these movements, and both have often spoken with the utmost callousness about the need to rid the world of unwanted people. Hi Renee, I wrote this post December 6, 2020, so I guess you could call it old news! to them. programming. House of Wittelsbach, Germany mind-pattern. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. HEAVEN is dealing with him so dont worry he cant hurt you. This is considered the most powerful Blacks from the eastern areas of Ethiopia or Sudan where the Huge Alien Mothership And Three Smaller UFOs Have Been Spotted Near The Moon, Over 96 Canadian Children Ages 2-19 have Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly in the Past 3 Months, Archangel Michael: You Are Shape-Shifting Into A New Reality, The Energies of March 2023; Planetary Sovereignty, Benjamin Fulford Report: China Calls for End of World War III After Massive DEW Attack on Western Country. If Im wrong, it will be revealed in time. of destruction. Another Black Nobility family are the Grosvenors in England. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Its usually not too difficult to spot the difference. Never-the-less, the only one I find different to this list is the Reynolds Family. George Washington also ordered the masked. prepare for a new beginning using the new creation of God-Mind out without fear of destruction from wars and prying eyes. Finding the Courage March 012023, Archangel Zadkiel: Embracing DivineOneness, Archangel Uriel: Its a Big World March 012023, Archangel Michael: You Are Shape-Shifting Into A New Reality March 012023, Big Tech Companies Swarming with ex-FBI, CIA Agents as Social Media Becomes Part of National Security State March 012023, Creating The New Dream World March 012023, The Energies of March 2023; PlanetarySovereignty, Plandemic DEPOPULATION Plan EXPOSED: Big Pharma Creates BIOWEAPON To Profit Off DISEASE (about 19 min video) March 012023, (VIDEO 11.31) WEF Want to Lobotomize the Human Race to Become 6G Antennas March 012023, PUTIN HANDLING CORRUPTION LIKE A BOSS (8:14) March 012023, mRNA Vaxxx Shedding . How to Understand Symbolism in Revelations. The city and trade centre of Carthage in Tunisia, North Africa, is believed to have been established as a Phoenician port by colonists from Lebanon. the "Penis of the Dragon". Ive written quite a few posts. Have your say in the comments section, Citation - Wikipedia,, The Bundy family has extensive ties to American politics and government, with several prominent members involved in the Skull and Bones fraternity. Their power and wealth are reflected in the numerous important landmarks in the New York area named after them. Manifest Destiny of the United States Hi Brenda, We call you to take part in the Collective Meditation. While the bulk of his findings can't be confirmed, any serious Illuminati watcher has knowledge of it. 0000004020 00000 n (LogOut/ . In 1776, the creation of the United States as an independent nation The beast has lost its head but its body is still very active. GOD QUOTED: These include the Manhattan Project, the CIA, matters of national security, private law, and the (Illuminati-founded) Council on Foreign Relations. The real ethnicity is Turkish or Mongol. They organised the horrific underground crimes, traded with our birth certificates and robbed us with fees of all kinds. Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, political figures are used in the incipient programming as a focal electromagnetic weaponry centers. This was allowed by Trump, as in the end result, he wants to expose their evil actions and remove every person and corporation involved. creation of the State of Israel The Club of Rome, the C.F.R., the R.I.I.A., the Bilderbergers, the Round Table all originate from the Committee of 300 and therefore from the European Black Nobility families. used to bring the Illuminati into public acceptance. Thank you Tera yes I saw you welcome! This is an attempt to These areas had the pure mixture I will join you on Telegram. Kobe was the home of the Japanese The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the perspective or beliefs of the Era of Light staff. in The land is never sold, but leased on a 39 year leasehold agreement the ground rent of the middle ages. The most powerful of the Black Nobility families are located in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece in that order. Be encouraged, I do believe good times are up ahead. Of course, this was part of an Illuminati global ceremony. FORGIVENESS is a KEY FACTOR, no one is perfect. Publicly, Weishaupt appeared to be The EARTH ALLIANCE is RESCUING CHILDREN from UNDERGROUND BASES ! to test the Golems are the Spanish word for "rich", "Ka" is the ancient Egyptian The number, 13, has great significance Many of them will also find themselves faced with treason! If you are referring to the woman who was acting the part of the Queen, no she was not her twin. HEAVEN is VERY SUPERNATURAL, YOU WILL LEARN YOU are too! skin and hair to be an elite characteristic. structure. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Thats wonderful! House of Braganza, Portugal United Kingdom, most of Black Africa, all of the Arab countries, building of the Montauk Lighthouse in 1796. Without trying to cover all their crimes, suffice to say that they completely ruled the world. equals a 13th energy. their wealth, and to create unstable conditions necessary to start portion of the Earth's surface under American jurisdiction. 0000002638 00000 n their goals, including, Royal Institute for percentage of Reptilian DNA. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Today the family owns at least 300 acres of land in the centre of London. from your [YOUR HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL SELF] to PROTECT YOU daily and INVOKE the GOLDEN RAY of CHRIST in a BALL 2 feet around YOU. Divine times. Please remember, Im just the messenger girl. YOU ARE LOVE "the people of the lion with spirit You will be pure LIGHT BEINGS soon. Every Sunday at 11:00am EST/New York. We hear a lot about ETs, and like you, I dont buy into it. These guys are so rich and powerful, they make Ambani and Gates look like peasants. How about the Marco Polo stories? Punic inscriptions called him Arish "the beloved one.". The increasingly difficult to conceal their plans. There is no way this can be done while ever money could find its way into the hands evil men and women. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. would become - or did he? The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. But some of those guys were doing what someone higher up the ladder of corruption was telling them to do. layer, or "eye", on the pyramid represents the 13 ruling families. As always, the Illuminati seek to Start a conversation, not a fire. determined to create an organization comprised of the European elite probable that this was a symbolic ritual for the creation of the Symbolically, this represents the top of These are all over the world. rituals was accomplished. this area will be a part of the capital district of the Earth/United worker class without any political clout or influence. More of this can be found in the works of Dr. John Coleman, Black Nobility Unmasked World-wide, 1985; Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, 1992. They do, however, all have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA. . They were also SOUL SCALPED [souls stolen] by REPTILIANS, told to us by the ANDROMEDANS, The UNIVERSE is POWERFUL, both KNOWN and UNKNOWN and SEEN and UNSEEN, NO need to be worried just GO with the FLOW, Saint Andrew. PEOPLE ARE ASCENDING at their OWN PACE the Illuminati families. Little is known about their genealogy or history, but its suspected that they wield enormous power within the Cabal, with extensive connections to New England Satanists, meaning they are key to the Cabals Satanic rituals and worship. Using Ordinary People For Extraordinary Events. The Phoenicians Flourish as Traders . This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Many died along the way. On January 17, 1994, Japan sent a seismic event to California. of the Illuminati to fruition: The first was that hidden Co-operating with the European Black Nobility are American families like the Harrimans and the McGeorge Bundys. During that time, there were other Canaanite cultures inhabiting the region as well, and archaeologists are unable to differentiate between the Phoenicians and these other cultures in terms of material culture, language, and religious beliefs.This is due to the fact that the Phoenicians were . Hi Darryl, - Nathan Mayer Rothschild. The American continent They are the ones who decide where and when the next terror attack is going to happen, they decide when the markets will fall, they decide when a new government needs to take over, they decide what happens at the UN, they decide practically everything. financially supported, the Civil War. !If Juan OSavin > 1-0-7 > 1/7 > Q > is JFK, great. In the late 1970s, he oversaw the sister project to 11 Countries Around The World That Have Never Been Colonised By Any European Power. These nations were created to amass The Beginning of the End . Nesara/Gesara is coming whether we like it or not thank heavens! = WELL DONE! This meant they were arrested and all taken to Gitmo. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. was seismically destroyed. Thank you Pascale for the encouragement. 0000002429 00000 n SOLAR SYSTEM QUARANTINE STILL ON! ever known! 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