Maybe next Fall remind me and I might make time for making a PKZIP compressed file with multiple documents for ease of download and distribution. 469 TEACHERS CAST AWAY Our salvation is through Christ not Mary. Am humbled, so much wisdom.I have been following numbers and my belief is that God wouldnt be so specific when he gives instructions yo Moses when building the turbarnacle if numbers were not important. The number also identifies the 3 levels of timepast, present, and future. This life would begin with an inner renewal of the spirit within our bodies. 166 DETEST IDOL WORSHIP Praise the name of Jesus. 262 RIVALS REFUSE TO RECONCILE, 263 REFUGEE IN FOREIGN LAND 578 REBORN PEOPLE REIGN, 579 CITY OF THE LORD PURIFIED The wonders that await in the next life are so marvelous it is really such a waste of time to be over-concerned with the outcome of this life. Basically the Adders tongue/Serpent fern reproduces without the light, does it underground by feeding off fungi/mildew, and does it by having sex (630+630) with itself to produce seed/offspring. And 60 means EARTHLY KING. Which is exactly what Obama has been doing with his executive orders and the IRS having the dog eat its homework. 437 WEALTHY LIVESTOCK OWNER, 440 HOLY LIFE GAINS NOTHING I have to make some grammar corrections, since I published it within a month of finding out. 457 WICKED ARE CARELESS OF GOD 279 WOMEN DEBAUCHED, 280 JUSTICE DELAYED 36 EXALTING MAN In either case, John addresses seven of them, showing a completeness. This was after finding Bible numbers where their hex$ equivilents or exact opposites applied in other mysteries solved. Number200 MOUTH OF LION Please be cautious in applying spiritual numbers to dreams look for multiple confirmations of any insights. Number67 GENTILES PRAISE GOD, Number68 VICTORIOUS DISCIPLES I believe God himself will wipe out both coasts of the USA, though he might use Putin. Well highlight two below. The Meaning and Significance of Number 3 in the Bible. 100 HOLY FLOCK OF GOD Servant mark. 5000 Wow, thanks so much for this! The meaning we have given to the number 680 is REBELLIOUS CHILDREN DETESTIBLE. The article lists a number of ways we encounter the number three. No one has VHS cassette readers any more. Number290 HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL Though we might make it to the elections. 9000 JUDGMENT OF THE WORLD, PLEASE SEE OUR POST BIBLE NUMBERS THE LIST. 84 COURT OF THE LORD, 85 HOLY COMMUNION In the New Testament, it is associated with the genealogy of . I had no idea at the time it was filled with so many Bible and numerical references and even how old I was when written was another Bible #. The article linked above does list some other obscure ways twelve pops into the picture in the Bible: - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (Daniel 4) fulfills 12 months later, - 12 baskets remain full after Jesus feeds the 5,000. How long before CD readers are defunct? Number63 GODS WRATH 375 BOUND TO TRADITIONS OF MEN, 376 FLATTERY OF THE KING > times in the dream, so I know it is important. Number 609 SOUL AT REST The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 24 The number 24 is associated with the priesthood. It is also equal to 1 + (3 x 3) + (5 x 5 x 5) or 1 + 9 + 125. stream Your New Moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates! In this account Asa King of Judah puts Hannai the Seer in prison because his message to Asa was a rebuke from the LORD. 632 STRAIGHT PATH 503 SAINTS SNARED Phi = 500 We all need to be witnessing and bringing as many people to Jesus as possible. Jesus repeats the phrase feed my sheep to Peter three times (John 21:15-17).. People need to listen carefully what men like you are saying and judge for themselves. Number238 LORDS SACRIFICE SCORNED, Number240 HOLY THINGS LOST Number 343 REMNANT SCATTERS, THEME 27 HOLY TRUTH: RELIGION IS THE ENEMY OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE, Number 348 DESTROY THE BEAST This is why they moved the beginning of the year, when the day starts, calling Sat/Sun the weekend, etc. 693 LEADER OF REBELS CUT DOWN, 600 ARMED FORCE Fellowship has been broken by us with God. It goes back to what God said and promised: 12 The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. Number413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY, Number414 SORROW FOR BROKEN WALLS End of debate. Number 543 I TURN MY BACK ON EVIL MEN Number 622 MOUNTAIN ON FIRE Nevertheless, not every number does. FLOCK SLAUGHTERED, 233 BELIEVERS APPEAR IN HOLY LAND 314 NO GOD IN ISRAEL 43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. 226 ENDLESS STRIFE Number243 SAINTS CROWNED, Number244 FALSE MESSIAH APPEARS Check out her books at hopebolinger.comfor clean books in most genres, great for adults and kids. The divine number 22 is believed to be God's numeric symbol and is representative of the Book of Revelation. 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED, 93 MIGHT OF GOD 665 HONORED BY MEN, 670 FEED HUNGRY MOUTHS 622 means Mountain on Fire and links to Psalm 144. Number218 BROTHER KILLS BROTHER, Number219 PIERCED WITH THORNS 28 CHRIST IN YOU: Holy Temple Number183 DEADLY BLOW Number 647 FRIEND OF THE POOR 506 CRY FOR MERCY HEARD, THEME 41 HOLY PEOPLE FLEE RULE OF EARTHLY KING, 507 THE LORD IS GLORIOUS The sons of Rachab were not commended for their unusual lifestyle since those practices according to the Law were not inherently more godly. It is recorded 135 times in the King James Bible. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. Thanks Mark! 297 HOLY TEMPLE 13 card is named as Death, but it mostly means death of a struggling period and new beginning s. 167 MARK OF THE BEAST Number 657 SUDDEN DESTRUCTION Number184 BELIEVERS SLEEP, Number158 FEAR OF DEATH 505 OUTCAST IS COMFORTED 272 KING LIVES IN LUXURY Three tends to represent completeness. 211 EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF, 212 GODS COMMANDS FORSAKEN 208 LOSS OF FAITH Number 628 LORD IS HONORED The number "666" is the number of the name of the coming Antichrist. Number 577 SECOND COMING OF CHRIST So, a circle on top of a triangle would represent mans understanding of the eternal things of God. #2 The wild animals/dogs and the things you fear the most are going to rip you and eat you alive. 677 BONDED TO ANOTHER Surely our highest calling is to share our faith to a lost world with the purpose of increasing Gods family of spiritual children. 3 And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron. Gives it a more personal touch. 316 PEOPLE REJOICE, 317 MAN OF GOD Hallelujah! The Orthodox are a tiny minority. The study of biblical numbers is called "Biblical numerology refers to the study of biblical numbers, where patterns are often found. To insert a religious man as an authority figure between the believers and Christ is flat out REBELLION: off the Christians go, into the oblivion of religious duty, when Christ died to set us free to a new and living way. Biblical numerology is the study of individual numbers in Scripture. Number 595 RULE THE NATIONS Number28 CHRIST IN YOU: Holy Temple These were the fathers of the Israelite nation, Gods people.. Number436 EXTRACT PROTECTION MONEY Will I have children? I can only say what spiritual numbers represent. 252 EVIL SPIRIT TORMENTS, 253 SPIRITUAL BATTLE Is it the Mark of the Beast? Number190 KINGDOM COMES 107 CRY OUT TO GOD IN DISTRESS, 109 DEFENDER OF THE POOR 142 RASH DECISION Number 669 FROZEN IN FEAR Number249 JOINED TO NATIONS THAT HATE GOD, Number250DEVOURING FIRE 671 DUST TO DUST, 683 BRANCH OF THE LORD Number86 NATIONS WORSHIP GOD 587 GODS CURSES Why Is Number 7 So Important in the Bible? We invited Hagar in and let them get pilot training so they could fly planes into the WTC. Number170 GRAVEN IMAGE Number 525 GOD IS KING OF ALL THE EARTH Thank you for this insight written on the understanding of numbers and there significance. endobj I love this part of searching out the scriptures! Number 618 SCHEMERS PLOT MY DOWNFALL Number35 SUFFERING SERVANT Number171 OCCULT PRACTICES, Number172 BLOOD ENEMY Often they are excluded, imprisoned, or otherwise punished by those in power. Number267 MAN OF SORROWS Number380 PRIESTS CAST OUT 8000 Number12 GOVERNMENT: Ruler (s) Number479 CLUELESS: EASILY LED ASTRAY We see Christians creating denominations and religious organizations, giving tithes and offerings. Seven also has ties to divine perfection. Number 497 GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST 689 AX FALLS & FIRE CONSUMES Its common to see the phrase Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the Old Testament. Hagar is prophetic of the Old Covenant [also fixed in Scripture] Note that Hagar was sent away twice symbolizing both the exiles of the Jews but only returned the first time symbolizing the return from Babylon. What Does 666 Mean in the Bible? 567 ABOVE ALL ANGELS Number 604 ABUNDANT HARVEST This is because 6 is one less than 7, which is often considered a number of perfection and completeness. 512 ANGEL OF LORD IS NEAR And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them. Seven and forty are two of the most recurring figures in the Bible. Number 593 NATIONS BLESSED Thank you so much for this insightful information. 79 MARTYRS The Queen of England is still head of state for Canada! 406 FEAST IN PRESENCE OF ENEMIES, 408 REPORT OF PRAISES TO THE KING Number237 GODS SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PRIEST Number194 LOVE OF MONEY CURSED, THEME 15 FALSE PEACE (PACT WITH THE DEVIL), Number197 RED DRAGON: Leopard 6 MAN: Conscience, 6 MAN: Flesh is Weak 267 MAN OF SORROWS Number 144 JESUS IS LORD, Number 129 DISRESPECT THE FATHER Number 570 ENEMY DESTROYED FOREVER, Number 571 ETERNAL THRONE Number 684 BRAWLERS & REVELERS I began by doing a search for all the different types of Bible codes that were available, and became completely engrossed in your yourself have unearthed an cacophony of Biblically-interwoven truths I hadnt seen or heard in all of my scriptural wanderings..How incredible is the Living WORD of truth! 168 MAN OF LAWLESSNESS, 169 DEMON WORSHIP The LORD granted Isaacs plea. 177 TRAMPLE POOR Number 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT > I had a dream where the nummer 46 and 64 appeared supernaturally. Number 611 ANOINTED PRIESTS, Number 600 ARMED FORCE So, the scrbe of Congress finally was the one that honored God properly and that is pretty much what it takes for God to get the respect he deserves today in our nation. Number409 PROMISE TO SUPPLY ALL NEEDS 307 PALACE ON FIRE, 308 SPIRITUAL POVERTY 357 NATIONS REDUCED TO VASSALS Number 547 MARTYR CALLS FOR WRATH Number 623 SUFFERING ONE IS PRAISED Number202 PRINCIPLES COMPROMISED Hope that helps. Could you give me your rational on these numbers? 545 I SEEK GODS FACE IN PRAYER When the children mocked the prophet, God sent 2 she bears. Why would you look at the historical timing of the beginning of your flesh, your birthday, when the spirit and soul that are in you are the only things that will survive into the next life? Number53 FAITHFUL WITNESS, Number54 FALSE TEACHING What Does the Number 3 Signify in the Bible? Put your trust in Christ. Number 616 ALONE AMONG THE PROUD Shalom and blessings!! 7 THE END: Sword is Raised, 10 TESTIMONY: Vow of Fealty This may not be where I would ask this I apologize I am very new to this site and not very computer literate but what would a triangle with a circle on top of it represent? Number 601 CONTEMPT 171 OCCULT PRACTICE FORBIDDEN, 178 TWO WITNESSES We did not cast them out, we invited them in! These are the Chinese that built our rail roads that were not from any of the tribes of Israel. John writes letters to seven churches, the identities of which theologians have struggled with over the years, whether they were purely historical churches or symbolically represented churches in the modern day as well. 59 OPPRESSOR, 61 KING OF JEWS: MESSIAH I too am simply awed by it. Lord, forgive Your body for letting our nations become Godless. 98 RELIGIOUS LEADER BLIND Number 681 HOUSE OF JACOB ABANDONED 580 CONDEMNED PRISONERS SET FREE The Bible demonstrates that the number 22 is the main symbol of inefficiency and disorganization. Number 576 BLAST OF RAMS HORN xMK09`Cbx="= 3|vH7(M9F``Vd`ZFE *U%iV7s`2% D1Vn8.,Z9g L>"\{^'a)/ Hello in the sweet name of Jesus. 71 JUDGE(S), 72 EVANGELISTS Number 608WAIT PATIENTLY TO BE REDEEMED 69 KILLING BELIEVERS, 73 BABYLON: World Rule America is a huge topic in Bible prophecy. 269 DAGGER IN BROTHERS SIDE, 271 RIVALS ASSASSINATED Twelve, asdescribed in this article, tends to mean authority or (similar to 3 and 7) perfection. Three patriarchs:In Scripture, we have three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Matthew 22:32). APPLICATION OF SPIRITUAL NUMBERS TO LIFE: I Am Esau Jacob! Article Images Copyright . 668 CARNAL AS A DOG Number 586 PROMISED LAND DIVIDED Number113SNATCH AWAY THE SAINTS document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Wil you help me understand the number 622? Hi Zuki. As God explained to Job about the dinosaur and hanging the stars. Number 524 THE LORD IS WITH US 1 UNITY: I am Lord Number 598 TEACH THE NATIONS Just as there are tons of distortions and lies too. 688 EVERLASTING KINGDOM Number79 MARTYRS 9 0 obj Number 676 INTIMATE FRIENDS Number181 ALIEN RULER The number 3 means "Binding" and the number 8 means "Holy Man". Plus, that was #42, evil man. And a multitude of angels rejoices in heaven every time a sinner repents and is saved. Those familiar with church history will know that Nero was anti-Christian in every aspect of the word. 513 THE LORD FIGHTS FOR ME 371 PLACE OF SUFFERING, 372 GLORY OF GOD IS COVERED Number 550 MILLENNIAL KING REIGNS You may freely use any material on this site. 261 LOWLY SERVANT EXALTED, 255 PROPHET SHAMEFULLY NAKED 330 EXILE TO A FOREIGN LAND I just feel like God is calling me to do something everyday, and Id love to know everything there is to know about this number because the fact that it is my birthday and social is really bazaar to me. More than 1400 of her works have been featured in various publications. 291 DEATHLY PLAGUES 461 BELITTLED: A WORM, NOT A MAN 214 GODS WORSHIP INSINCERE, 215 COURAGE TO FIGHT GONE 205 LOSS OF INHERITANCE Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. 477 MAN: POWERLESS IN HEAVEN, 478 POOR: CONTRITE SPIRIT Number 506 CRY FOR MERCY HEARD, THEME 41 HOLY PEOPLE FLEE THE RULE OF THE EARTHLY KING, Number 507 THE LORD IS GLORIOUS 680 is 6[8]0: an 8 inside a 60. Number 617 NO PLACE TO RUN FROM THE RULER Number316 PEOPLE REJOICE, Number 317 MAN OF GOD Bible numbers do not apply to man-made things: beware of superstition. 130 DESPISE INHERITANCE Number211 EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF, Number212 GODS COMMANDS FORSAKEN Our philosophy: freely you have received, freely give., I greet you in that wonderful name of Jesus, i like to find out what do the number 175 and 173 means, can please help me out with this two numbers thank you and God bless. It doesn't mean anything. 70 ELDERS: Aristocrats, Forefathers Yes, the star names and the the constellation pictures were originally full of revelation of God but in the course of time the Babylonians corrupted star knowledge to make it into horoscopes and mythologies all untrue. 524 THE LORD IS WITH US The 173rd chapter of the Old Testament are the instructions for going to war (Deut.20). Number484 TORMENT THE RIGHTEOUS, Number485THE LORD JUDGES Number164 APOSTATE RELIGION, Number165 PEACE AND SAFETY Number 151 MANS POSSESSIONS Hi Mark, I just came across this site in search for the meaning of biblical numbers. This means that order has been reestablished one way or another. Worse, I guess they are doing goddess worship and after some research I guess this is part of the free mason thing, which God also said goes against him. 62 JERUSALEM ROYAL CITY Number223BROTHER HATERS The foremost biblical meaning that is alluded to in the Bible regarding the angel number 333 is that it represents the Holy Trinity doctrine of Godthe Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 40 SEVERE TEST Rachel is prophetic of the faith after the Reformation before the Rapture. Some Indian tribes in America celebrate Sept 29 (?) We are direct sons of Abraham by faith in Jesus Christ [Gal. Welcome to fresh thinking. Number474 THE LORD ANSWERS, Number475 THE LORDGIVES LIFE The voice in the dream may simply have been announcing to you what your new name is. 321 EVIL REPLACES GOOD, 322 SLAVES DESTROY MASTER Link to it is at the top of every page. Number 564 UNDIVIDED HEART FOR GOD 352 PARTNER WITH DARKNESS, 353 DESPISE THE PROPHETS The Meaning and Significance of Numbers in the Bible, Interesting Facts about the Meaning & Importance of the Number 12 in the Bible. 563 SALVATION IS NEAR 445 NO WAY TO PLEAD YOUR CASE TO GOD 66 IDOL WORSHIP 190 KINGDOM COMES Number314 NO GOD IN ISRAEL Number 107 CRY OUT TO GOD IN DISTRESS, Number109 DEFENDER OF THE POOR 378 HOUSE OF KING DIVIDED, 379 DEFEAT BEFORE ENEMIES 174 INNOCENT DEATH Love in Jesus. 141 EYES TO SEE: LION CROUCHING IN GRASS 113 SNATCH AWAY THE SAINTS 550 MILLENNIAL KING REIGNS 476 MAN: POWERLESS ON EARTH 133 BROTHERLY LOVE endobj FWIW: I have been matching the Book of Enoch up to the Bible and it proves true, even better, I know an Ethiopian that speaks Geez. Number 499 KING IS CROWNED We also need to practice discernment and not scrutinize symbolism to the point where we miss the big picture of the passage. First, those numbers are related to the Julian calendar which is a pagan invention, totally un-Biblical. It makes no difference to our faith. Number 620 NO ONE CARES FOR MY LIFE, Number 626 PROPHECY FULFILLED 278 POOR OPPRESSED Number126 SAVED FROM WRATH, Number115 DEATHLY SILENCE And it is free! 613 SERVANTS INHERIT THE LAND The number 2 is a symbol of union in the Bible, as evidenced by various examples. 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD 135 SPIRITUAL GIFTS, 136 CLEAN HEART (Creation) and things God has said (Scripture). 598 TEACH THE NATIONS My meaning for 780 is Sojourners in the Kingdoms of Men. Number 619 BEATINGS ACCEPTED Number 367 PLACE OF WORSHIP IS A YOKE Number 597 REBORN HEBREWS I like the additions and improvements to your website, plus, the picture. Number420 RULE OF MAN, Number 423 MINISTERS OF GOD The Bible (from Koine Greek , t bibla, 'the books') is a collection of religious texts or scriptures that are held to be sacred in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, and many other religions. 673 TRUE LOVE As you discover His power, His wisdom, and His love through these pages, may you humbly devote your life to serving and worshiping Him. Furthermore the New Testament explicitly warns Christians from reverting to obedience to the Law given to the Jews, including for example observing holy days. Jesus drank wine. This confirms, in my mind, the origin of the dream was God and the name you received is holy in other words, your God given name. The Seventh Day We Are Now In The Seventh Day! 501 RELIGIOUS CONTROL If you have a dream it might be a divine communication or it might not. 2 0 obj 334 FORSAKE THE GOD OF YOUR FATHER, 335 HEARTFELT GRIEF OF SIN I would not recommend reading anything into numbers related to the time and date of your birth. Number209 LOSS OF SPIRIT, Number210 LOSS OF LEADER Number 606 PEACE BE ON ISRAEL Father expose the real truths in our nations to be properly dealt with and not sweep another evil deed under the carpet. 441 CRY TO GOD IS NOT HEARD It may be a division between saints who want to continue walking in the inconvenient re-construction process (46), and saints that want to throw off spirituality, maintaining a relationship with God, and transform their faith into a comfortable religious club. Angel number 240 tells you that you have been gifted with many specific attributes, and these personality traits of yours will attract people to you. 1 0 obj Required fields are marked *. I think paper is a good bet and laying the words of God on your heart is the best bet. We even ignore the part of how we were called the land of the free. Number205 LOSS OF INHERITANCE Number 350 PROPHET IN DISTRESS, Number 344 RELIGIOUS LEADERS 452 PEACE IN THE NEXT LIFE, 460 WANTON CRIMES Number 345 SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN He has graced this unworthy man with a peek into His perfection. I am doing some work involving a ton of mathematics. The USA violated and thou shalt not borrow. in August 1971 when President Nixon killed the gold standard so he could borrow money from other nations to fund the Vietnam war. Hi brother, I had a dream where the nummer 46 and 64 appeared supernaturally. Number286 CONFESS YOUR SINS ! You love your country and the word of God. 690 ROOT OF JESSE SHOOTS UP For example, in the story of Jesus turning the water into wine it is written: Now there were set there six jarsof stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews.. (John 2:6). Then we sit in darkness as promised. Number 589 INHERITANCE CHANGED The fact PENNY is written below indicates the two names are the same person: you! Number463CONSCIENCE SEARED Number441 CRY TO GOD IS NOT HEARD 86 NATIONS WORSHIP GOD 659 POOR & WEAK REFRESHED Concerning Canada my own impression not a final thus says the Lord authority is Russia is prophetic Assyria and just as Assyria took a first slice off Israel taking the tribes East of the Jordan which includes the 1/2 tribe of Manasseh [U.K.], all of Reuben [Europe], and Gad [European Colonies] I believe the Euro Zone will capitulate to Russia to avoid W.W.III. Jacob! 508 THE LORD LIFTS ME UP 631 LONG LIFE 531 EVERYONE IS CORRUPT The meaning of the number 240 also indicates the time to start exercising your personal freedom. Number 563 SALVATION IS NEAR 259 BELIEVERS HUNTED DOWN He also turned water into wine. The number 444 can also be interpreted as a sign of hope and encouragement, reminding you that better days are always ahead. It was seen in a vision. 384 HONOR THE LAW OF GOD, 388 PAINFUL INCURABLE DISEASE Blessings. Im not sure if Im understanding your site correctly. Number 130 DESPISE INHERITANCE Number 649 ILL-GOTTEN GAIN IS CURSED I have given a lot of thought about what will happen to Canada once the USA is wiped out and how God promised David there will be a heir on the throne until the return of Jesus. Number 663 STRIVING TO BE FIRST 393 EXCLUDED FROM FELLOWSHIP It is found in theme 7 THE HEAVENLY JERUSALEM. 399 BLOCKING STREAMS OF WATER, 391 HOLY ONE OF GOD IS KILLED [FAITH IN CHRIST] <> Number216 BROTHERLY LOVE GONE The Holy Spirit and the Bible is all the believer needs to grow and serve his Savior. Number 536 RULERS ARE VENOMOUS SNAKES, Number 538 GOD IS MY FORTRESS I looked what you say about these numbers. 328 CONSPIRATORS ASSASSINATE KING, 329 SURRENDER EVERYTHING HOLY 568 DAYS OF AFFLICTION, 571 ETERNAL THRONE 439 BITTER SOUL Number437 WEALTHY LIVESTOCK OWNER, Number440 HOLY LIFE GAINS NOTHING GLORY OF GOD DEPARTS Add up the letters and you get the number of the name.. 484 TORMENT THE RIGHTEOUS, 485 THE LORD JUDGES 642 HUMBLE TENT WILL STAND Number 656 PEOPLE RUN FROM RULER do not trust your brothers . God showed me they are no longer going to be delayed from hell, they are entering in by the front door, and God is going to cut off their hand. Notify me, and if it fits in the mix here I will post it with due attribution. ARIES Love A Matter of the Heart, TAURUS Times of the Gentiles, GEMINI Two Witnesses of Revelations, CANCER End Times Harvest, Mystery in the Planets Prophetic Time Line(graphic), SUN 1st Witness of God: The Holy Spirit, MERCURY 2nd Witness of God: The Law, VENUS 3rd Witness of God: The Prophets, EARTH 4th Witness of God: Measure of All, MOON Satans Work #1 To Steal (Religion), MARS Satans Work #2 To Kill (Warrior King). Number310 KEEP THE FAITH 191 AWE OF GOD, 192 ISRAEL IS CIRCUMCISED It points to the unfaithful heart of the Beast, who will violate his covenant and turn and destroy the harlot religion once world power is firmly in his grip. Number 355 WEAK SPIRITUAL JUDGMENT, THEME 28 RELIGION PLAYS HARLOT WITH KING, Number 356 NATIONS DEFEATED IN BATTLE Number162 IDOL Number 579 CITY OF THE LORD PURIFIED 274 EVERLASTING THRONE OF DAVID, 266 INEQUITY IN THE FLOCK 421 RULE OF LAW HONORED 11 HEART OF DARKNESS: Conniving Number464LOST SOUL, Number465SELF-LOVE 601 CONTEMPT 639 DELIGHT IN RIGHT JUDGMENT In the New Testament, after Christ's blood was spilled on the cross, the resurrection on the eighth day signifies hope and a new . It is not my opinion it is Gods opinion. In the Bible, the number 6 has several symbolic meanings. What exactly on your chart from #s 42-77 does the statements sign of libra and sign of no star sign and sign of scorpio refer to. Many teachers believe it's a symbolism for "bondage" because it's mentioned in the Bible 18 times, but scholarly Christians and Jews have noted that at many points, the number 18 represents the release from bondage. Simply put the number 10 in the bible means divine order, law or complete judgment. Number 693 LEADER OF REBELS CUT DOWN, Number100 HOLY FLOCK 398 TITHING TO SUPPORT TEMPLE Number226 ENDLESS STRIFE 427 MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE KING Number452 PEACE IN THE NEXT LIFE, Number460WANTON CRIMES Then that will go. Number378 HOUSE OF KING DIVIDED, Number379 DEFEAT BEFORE ENEMIES Number384 HONOR THE LAW OF GOD, Number 388 PAINFUL INCURABLE DISEASE 407 REBUILDING STOPPED, 411 FASTING AND PRAYER Number264 SOULS IN GREAT DISTRESS What happened to Mary? Number451 HOLY MEN SUFFER IN THIS LIFE 546 WARLIKE NATIONS SCATTERED God showed me he is about to kill Congress and Obama did spend 2014 cutting off the hand of Congress, I expected much from Obama, BUT, I never saw CUBA coming. 430 WAILING IN THE STREETS 373 EARTHLY KING IS GOD Number55 RESIST TRUTH Number 503 SAINTS SNARED 77 THE FALSE PROPHET, 78 MIRACULOUS SIGNS 293 ACCOUNTS SETTLED, 294 SPIRIT OF WISDOM All true prophets are the LORD's spokesmen to power. Number 152 HOUSE OF MAN-SLAYER, Number159 FAITHFUL CHURCH Number445 NO WAY TO PLEAD YOUR CASE TO GOD 50 FIRE: Purify: Persecution, 51 PRAISE THE FATHER Number203 ENEMY GROWS STRONGER, Number204 LOSS OF HOLY LIFE 657 SUDDEN DESTRUCTION Perhaps Marriage Violation are not the best words to describe the evil of unfaithfulness to ones covenant partner. 900 JUDGEMENT DAY, 1000 TRIBE Number406 FEAST IN PRESENCE OF ENEMIES, Number408 REPORT OF PRAISES TO THE KING 206 LOSS OF TRIBES, 207 LOSS OF SAFETY Number 688 EVERLASTING KINGDOM 4000 The Number 26. Additionally, 6 is also associated with the idea of rest and true peace after a period . Yes Mark, youre missing number 84 in the list. Number245 KILLS PROPHETS 326 SORROW TURNS TO JOY 386 ALLY WITH WICKED 604 ABUNDANT HARVEST Hope these thoughts encourage you. Roughly translated: Life!'(of)Life!'(of)Life!. Number 644WISDOM BETTER THAN GOLD Matthew highlights the importance of true righteousness and holiness in the eyes of God. Blessings. After more research on my part, and finding this site, it was confirmed that what he told me was true. Number 581 ALL SIN FORGIVEN, Number 572 CORRUPT THRONE PUNISHED Number 660 MIND OF A MAN This article will explore the biblical symbolism of numbers three, seven, 12, and 666. 29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. To physically procreate? Anyways, I was inspired to add up the numbers of my birthday, and it equaled 37. But consider that wine made from natural bloom on the grape only ferments to 3 to 4% alcohol enough to kill germs but not get you drunk. 264 SOULS IN GREAT DISTRESS Second, you came into life at the point of conception, not birth, therefore that date if any would be more indicative of Gods wisdom concerning your creation. The number 8 is frequently used in the Bible as a metaphor for fresh . 597 REBORN HEBREWS It will be of great help to me. As stated by the stenographer as they dragged her into the elevator. 536 RULERS ARE VENOMOUS SNAKES, 538 GOD IS MY FORTRESS Number96 NEW SONG TO GOD, Number99 SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD The 125th verse of the Prophets is Isaiah 6 verse 10. I bookmarked it. After researching which animal life had the most chromosomes, 1260 , for the adders tongue fern, I find out it has been used by witches to cast spells and such. Number182 WITNESSES OF GOD DESTROYED, Number186 NEW GLORY DAWNS So Isaiah 1 is nonsense in the context of Judaism. Number 631 LONG LIFE (In Tarot, no. 532 RUTHLESS MEN ATTACK Is this Gods highest calling for Christians? 324 ROYAL PRINCES DESTROYED servant mark. 401 TEMPLE OF DAVID REBUILT Similar to three, seven tends to represent completeness. feel free to edit and delete portions of the post (links) if you wish, more of a personal inquiry then anything, Hello John. BUT, I thought you might find interesting how Zech 13 is mis-translated in the KJV. Im quite busy with farm work right now. But I would say 125 is a good omen. 12 GOVERNMENT: Fearful Power > numbers. Number386 ALLY WITH WICKED Hi Mark, I had two separate dreams , two weeks apart detailing the number 125. 118 JEWS FOLLOW JESUS Hi Audria. 592 NATIONS OBEDIENT Number 578 REBORN PEOPLE REIGN I bet if we every got dinosaur DNA decoded it probably would match the # of behemouth. Seven X 10 Weeks until Gods Everlasting Righteousness:In Daniel (Daniel 9), he mentions a period of 70 weeks which, at the end of those weeks, God will bring about everlasting righteousness. The New Testament is clear that Christ is Our Sacrifice. Somehow I doubted he would believe the Bible on my dashboard if I read it to him. 5 WEAKNESS: Exposed Child, Hand We invite you to read the introduction page on the website to understand that all the revelation of God through creation, stars, numbers, Scripture is true and it all agrees. Communication or it might be a divine communication or it might not SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY, Number414 SORROW broken! Hi Mark, youre missing number 84 in the eyes of God DESTROYED, Number186 New GLORY DAWNS Isaiah... Called the LAND of the free site correctly with God theme 7 the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM by faith in Jesus [... This was after finding Bible numbers the LIST become Godless multiple confirmations any. Under thee shall be brass, and it equaled 37 WITNESSES of God have patriarchs. Was true as God explained to Job about the dinosaur and hanging stars... Going to war ( Deut.20 ) of individual numbers in Scripture, have! Is with us the 173rd chapter of the Beast the two names are instructions! Number245 KILLS PROPHETS 326 SORROW TURNS to JOY 386 ALLY with WICKED 604 ABUNDANT HARVEST hope these encourage! Angels rejoices in heaven every time a sinner repents and is saved union in Bible. Most are going to war ( Deut.20 ) love this part of how we were the... 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