All of them were wearing robes already and Emma felt even more out of place in her second-hand clothes than before, especially now that she had worn a robe only to have it taken away. Theres no need to do this. And youre right, a lot of people wouldnt understand. Regina felt herself grinning as the wind whipped her hair around her, at the sun on her face, at the feeling of Emma pressed tight against her back. Your holiday sounds fun. Oh, yeah. I dont know what thats supposed to mean, but I was a baby when all this went down the first timeits not like I remember anything. That didnt seem right although shed played a bit back at her other schools. About a half an hour later Neal was resetting the cards for what felt like the hundredth time. Shed researched all day in between transfiguration practice and charms work. Awesome, Lily replied, the most genuine smile Emma had ever seen crossing her face. Right, Emma nodded along. She drew in a few shuddery breaths. Emma was suddenly very aware of the old tank top and shorts she was wearing. Geez, I didnt do that much worse than normal, why are you giving me that look? I waited a little before I opened my eyes and turned my head back toward her. She did know though that she didnt want everyone else knowing about them yet. Her Astronomy professor had called her Emma White at least three times since the truth came out. At the same time, it meant she was home, to her mother, and to the reality of what had happened, that much sooner. Theyre gentle creatures. So much so that she had Regina and the Blue Fairy take away her powers. Still, they had made it and when all three of them exchanged smiles as they took their seats, Emma thought that maybe she managed to make another friend. In a way she had, but Emma just stared at her in horror and blurted out, MM! Yes, Faye agreed, her eyes twinkling as though she were in a good secret. She wanted to relax, but she had to balance pushing all the other sounds of the park out of her mind with keeping aware of her surroundings that she didnt get nailed in the head by a footballlike yesterday. Both scrambled up until they reached the first landing before preceding up the rest of the stairs as quietly as they could, which was not very effective. It didnt seem real, none of this. Unfortunately, with a difficult and precise spell such as this one, even a small motion like that was liable to have an effect. Only real families had pets. Leroy grumbled about not being an owl, but waited for her to write the note out and disappeared with a pop after she gave it to him. However, Golds faced remained as inscrutable as always, with perhaps more of a frown than usual. Reginas restrained relief brought Emma down from her excitement. Finally though she was in bed, ready to turn off her light, and all that was left was to take the potion. Everything at Beauxbatons is so fancy and magical. She managed to get the cup onto her nightstand before her head fell to the pillow. The wax heated up under her finger and glowed briefly before going dark. Once outside, the full moon provided enough light they simultaneously extinguished their wands. Then you could swoop in, storm the house and search itcatching her off guard with no time to destroy any evidence., All three aurors looked blankly at Emma before turning to look at each other. Luckily, single quiz grades like this one werent sent home, but Regina needed to make sure she pulled her grade up. Regina scowled as she walked back to her frozen pursuer, gesturing for a lantern to follower her as the light was very poor in the restricted area. Its fine., He grinned, Well, alright then. Used to tutor me in potions?, Emma raised an eyebrow, You mean the girl currently tutoring me, yeahIm familiar., Ruby laughed, Right, right. Nooo, please, dont be like this, Regina! She started pleading. Her other yearmates were worried about her too, she knew that. #fanfiction Their newer chaser looked very nervous and hed been silent through all of breakfast. I dont have any parents let alone any that would have left me money. She didnt want to know that she could kill her own mother. Well, Regina glanced briefly at Emma, who merely smiled supportively. Mary Margaret gave a little sigh, like Emma was the one being unreasonable. Besides the fact that they hope her being of Snows bloodline will allow her to reverse the spell? Besides, since I spend a lot of the year at school my posters are kind of outdated., Emma nodded, Its still nice to have thosewe arent allowed to put anything up like that, not that anyone has posters.. Its not required, but mastery basically guarantees extra points on your O.W.L.s., Oh, yeah. This time Emma kept her eye on what she was cutting, not Regina. 3. I dont think it would be wise to leave Storybrooke anytime soon., And what is it that makes you concerned?. Yes, Regina said with more confidence than she felt. Ruby and Mary Margaret were joking around and David was distracted by the Quidditch store nearbynone of them thought it as a big deal to go to an extra store like that. Remembering the stories her father had told her about the constellations, she would feel very small and alone, but still closer to him than she did during the normal day of classes, where it was almost easy to forget he was gone. Of course you wouldnt have. Kathryn was already there and watched, clearly torn between wanting to ask her what was wrong and being afraid of the answer. Its a war!. Everyones gonna think youre so cool! She was back to being excited, bouncing a little in her seat. Regina studied them, noticing the wear and tear on the glasses and the small flecks in the lenses themselves. All she needs is one of those people to get her out and well never find her again. She asked if I could find any alternatives. Emma - Summer after Year 3Regina - Summer after Year 4, Emma was in the living room messing with the fan and trying to fix the dial, which currently couldnt be moved higher than low when the doorbell rang. Theyre not me and Im not them! Ah, Miss Navar, perfect timing. Lets do this! She smiled and did as she said. August was clearly proud of his father, so she didnt want to say that she thought the spell had been overkill and that she hated it for meaning she grew up in foster care instead of with the Lucas or something else similar. I started to genuinely wonder what was wrong; what was she hiding? Regina pulled on her robes over her night clothes and left her dormitory, only stopping to cast a quick disillusionment charm on herself before she left Ravenclaw tower. She turned the page to Emma, Does this look like it?, Emma looked it over and after squinting to discipher the handwriting, she began to recognize parts of itsimilar to Sapphires. Regina blinked at the boy, but didnt slow down as she continued down the hallway, Um, excuse me? What was this guy was going on about? Any account opened by a minor wand-carrier is subject to oversight by their guardian. Did she also feel like it meant more than it was supposed to? She followed Emma, keeping up with the blondes pace. This time his spell was so powerful his wand tip started to glow orange before he even cast, Ill show you medieval, Confringo!. Whats he doing home so early?. Emma suppressed the urge to walk out the dungeon room and never come back. Secondly, I want to thank my cheerleader, Ana who gave me the most amazing ideas and helped me come over writer's block. Kids need to spend more time outside these days, I always say., As he looked Emma over, his eyes caught and stayed on the wand still in her hand which he evidently hadnt noticed until then. Listen! Regina was in the last group to go with two first years and a fellow second year. Reginas eyes sought Kileys as she flew in a sideways arch and met her captains. She still didnt know what to do about how well known her parents were or that she now could find out some stuff about them, even if she was still trying to figure out exactly how to do that. Non-magical AU. Thank you, is all I could say to her kind words and I gave her a quick hug I couldnt resist. Emma couldnt pass up the opportunity. I want my vault and its contents to be at my sole discretion, with no way for my Mother to interfere or gain access to it. Yeah, weve been doing all sorts of tests. I think ti will be soon though, the spell is starting to have side effects that are becomingdifficult to mediate. She smiled and placed her hand over Emmas, Dont worry, sweetheart, I have every faith in. Regina felt around in her pockets for her money pouch only to realize that it was, of course, back in her dorm. This is the Muggle Studies section, Regina announced. You got everything? Leroy said, jogging over to them as soon as he saw them come in. None of her close friends were in London, so she never saw them there, but every once in while she recognized students from schoolafter they both did a double-take and squint as each tried to place the other in muggle clothes instead of school robes. For this, you will need a pass phrase and each letter will correspond with a number. Learning magic is harder than she remembered, and she struggles with simple spells. It had a built-in mechanism which pricked her palm. Regina actively tried to keep things to herself and yet she knew she let things slip. It led out onto a back deck and patio. Emma walked over to Regina and helped her sit up, pulling the sweatshirt over her head. I think I need to sit down.. This story will focus mostly on the events leading up to Daniel's death, maybe Regina's early days as Leopold's wife. She was glad to see some familiar sights, but overall the thought of returning to a group home was really starting to bring her down. Um, do you want to try again?, Regina glared at her, Yes. Then she forced herself to take a deep breath, reminding herself she needed a happy memory. Miss Mary calls? the creature said in a squeaky voice as she curtsied. Emma went over to the desk to write her reply before stalling on what exactly to write. And like she really knew what was going on in my head, Emma said carelessly, Its just as simple as it looks. I felt she wanted to let go of my hand, but I unconsciously squeezed hers. I would see it returned., Without taking his hand or his eyes from the flask, Grundran held out his other hand, Your business records?, Regina handed over her leather binder after muttering the spell to decode it, I have my written records of orders I received, who the customer was, the price I charged, and when I was paid. Ill watch a movie or something, he smiled, And we can always call each other, he continued as he lifted his phone in the air, You guys have fun!. Thank you. Carpe Retractum! Cora cast causing a rope of light wrapped around her and began to pull Regina towards her mother. Im impressed, Miss Swan, Regina said, unconsciously reverting to her old manner of addressing Emma due to the discomfort she felt with Emmas obvious mastery of the spell. She had friends that were willing to drop everything and come help her, even if it meant abandoned houses and poisonousness fairies and decades long curses. Mother needed to make arrangements, Regina said flatly as she stared at the suit of armor opposite her and tried not to remain calm. Yeah, but are we stopping? David asked, confused. You look as though you have something specific in mind., Yes, thank you. Regina pulled out the shrunken trunk and gestured to the table, May I?. And his dad found him?, I think he found his dad, the woman corrected. The lines short right now., Professor McGonagall gave the young woman a polite nod. Okay. Regina felt guilty for her automatic defensive reaction, but Emma didnt seem mad. We will likely need most of it today for getting you set up with all of your school supplies. I I guess I could, could ask my friends to come help., Fine, whatever you need, Leroy stuffed his hat on his head. The consequences became obvious the next day when Emma went into the Great Hall and there was an audible dip in conversation before it rose even higher than before. Hows your summer going?, Alright, Emma said, she still couldnt figure out why Ms. Sapphire would be here and it was making her tense. The blonde squinted at Regina before smiling, Glad you slept well, now you might be able to stay awake during our studying., To her surprise, Regina merely gave her a pleased smile, Yes, I think I will. I can just, make my way to the Hospital wing myself., Emma eyed her skeptically, Really? Not that she minded riding nonwinged horses, she just didnt like having to option taken away from her. As soon as the door shut behind her, they took off, moving at an alarming speed. Okay, over here. My brain was clouded by alcohol and we really needed to stop. Maybe Im just worried about you, Emma finally admitted, moving to lean back against the low wall and look Regina in the eye. Regina had to admit, she was impressed. Other dwarves seem to come out of nowhere to join him, including Leroy, and joyous excitement fills the room. Why?. Someone had changed her diapers on the changing table to her right. Two! So what? Come on, Granny said, with a nod at Archie. Well, theres no need. Is it morning already? They seem to mostly be treating this like a hosting an exchange student, which is weird but not bad. About your parents, they were relatively famous for what they did and the way you went missing is rather well-known. Her mother loved nothing more than indulging herself at these parties, for all she never lost control of her faculties, it nevertheless put her to sleep far more thoroughly than anything else once they returned. Its actually a doorway. Im just having trouble studying. They both looked back just in time to see the teens emerge and spot them. I pulled back with a sudden motion and tried to get Emma to look at me and listen to what I was saying to her. Still, Emma didnt doubt that she needed to return, but Isnt there anything else I can do? The look on the cats face was enough to set them both back to laughing. Eventually, the practice of enchanting the coffin or cremation, were preferred to actual spells on the body, but before thenboom! She swung around to finish the Sloth Grip Roll, the preferred move of her favorite player and one which shed practiced for hours over the summer. Ruby had said she would write, but Emma didnt think she would so soon. Over the past few years, Neald refused to read any letters his dad sent him and so he had no idea where he was., Oh god, Emma was horrified. No! Howd you even get in here without Madame Pince catching you?. When you get to the station, youll see a pillar marked for platforms 9 and 10. Now though, that meant she was still filled with nerves and anticipationshe never slept well when she knew she would be in trouble in the morning. Professor, who do you have for me today?, Ollivander, McGonagall nodded at him. Here is the basic lock we most frequently start with for customizations. Perfect. Regina tapped it once with her wand and it was encoded in the same manner her business ledger was. I like to fly and I like to watch Quidditch well enough, but not enough to play on a team., Its a lot of fun, Emma said, eager to talk about one of her favorite subjects. How had she forgotten there was going to be a quiz? While doing so, she suddenly let out a pained hiss. Emma rolled her eyes, Looking for a book, duh? Regina wasnt as confident about her quaffle handling, but it soon became clear it was more about the basics of flying while distracted and performing a basic throw-and-catch than anything more complicated. My parents! Reginas eyes widened at that, shed thought Emma would say her fellow students or the professors, not her parents. Who owns your home now? One! But youre not trying to do it on a large scale, Tiana reminded her. However, her real reason for asking to permanently book a time slot on one of the potion practice dungeons, was to have a better place to brew potions to sell. She was glad he couldnt move right now. The wide grin didnt fade from her face until she fell asleep that night. Its a really heavy curtain, Mary Margaret said, panting a bit. Then theyre some diagram thing that goes with the spell and youll need some of the special valerians that grow near the pond. What if Regina had a daughter before she adopted Henry and unlike her brother she decided to learn magic. The lithifold had reached her now and was dragging Ruby forward as it leaned down. A couple of students cried out at the sudden spell, but most just backed off, leaving a large amount of space around Emma and Hans. I rubbed my hands up and down her back to warm her up a little. More awake than shed felt in a week, she carefully opened it up and tipped out the sheaf of parchment that was inside. Emma smirked back at her and jumped up to pull down the ladder. After August was sent away with false memories, I came and got him two week later once I tracked him down, he explained. This should be plenty., Archie turned to her and smiled for the first time since theyd arrived, Dont you worry Miss Regina, well see to it your mother is locked away for good. You can imagine what would make you happy and use that thought to create your Patronus., Regina just looked at her before saying defensively, I dont need to fabricate happiness., Evidently Emma had been managing to keep the implications of her using this method too to herself. Im fine. She seemed at least to be listening. What an imbecile.. The captain had drilled her into that the snitch almost always got lost in the confusion of the kick off of the game and that it was better to simply move out to a good spot and start her search. Because saying he was glad you had a friend you could talk to and that he wishes youd tell him more, seems very not against magic., Look, hes just, just pretending to care, but he doesnt really though, I promise., Emma studied the other girl, trying ignore what she knew until she couldnt. Her first real steps towards freedom. For once, Regina was grateful Cora relied of blood magic so heavily. How could Emma be able to break it? Shed had risked sending her own owl around midday while Mother was out to let them know that they would be moving tomorrow. Regina was about to go to his classroom when the door opened and Gold came in followed by a blonde Hufflepuff. She had no idea what to say besides, Oh, um, really?, Yeah, August said seemingly building up some confidence. Mary Margarets eyes got very wide at that and she covered her mouth with her hand, Oh, I didnt even", I know you didnt, Emma said, cutting her off. I never expected you to write me, Regina was confused. My mother was one, I guess. But when I asked him why he wanted one, he refused to tell me, so I refused to make it., Flitwick looked at her and made a prompting gesture with his hands, You changed your mind?. Yes. How do you know what your animagus form will be?, You dont, Lily said. How could she have just told everyone? Only then would she go into her fathers rooms and se if there were any sentimental items of his her mother wouldnt notice were missing. Okay, here, Leroy turned to the front table and grabbed a piece of paper. Emma scowled and reluctantly handed it over. Granny looked pleased at her compliment and the way Emma took a second biscuit immediately after finishing the first. We went to the pools and changed in the locker rooms there. Can you at least tell us what the potions for? Kathryn asked. Emma nearly laughed, talk about a Ravenclaws love of explaining their own logic being their downfall, Just how often do you break into the broomsheds?, Regina turned her head, but didnt fly off. She didnt need to. Use it wisely.. Emma felt a little better, maybe she was finally getting to Mary Margaret. Then she went and died and now what?, Emma was beginning to get very worried, this man seemed particularly angry at her and it sounded like it was over the curse some of her parents old friends were under. Reginas face was solemn as she replied, It has to be., Regina - Summer after Year 6Emma - Summer after Year 5. One in my name alone., If the goblin was at all surprised at the first request, he was more so at the second. How many kids are you staying with? Lily asked, intrigued. The four friends stood there for the next few minutes, just reassuring each other that everything was going to be alright. It says Snow White in the cover and its handwritten., They all made their way over to her just as she reached the last pages with writing. As Emma automatically cast flipendo she looked frantically around the room for something to help her and her friendsbefore one of them got bit. She has a few seconds to adjust her wand, recite the last three words to herself twice before Ms. Sapphire looked over at her and points. Its not just for poisons you know., Abby got a thoughtful look on her face, Youre right. Nice. Emma as impressed, Thats pretty advanced stuff, right?, Lily nodded, a touch of pride in her smile, But Im really good at transfiguration so I think I can do it earlier than anyone else at my school. Great, great I puffed, but he was already out of the kitchen and my mind wandered back to a certain brunette. His eyes widened, Oh, are you a witch too?. I took a refreshing shower and after that, I put on jeans and a sweater and I walked downstairs. I have to stop her. Emma rolled her eyes, as Regina narrowed hers, You arent seriously trying to bluff me right now, are you?, Regina scoffed before crossing her arms in front of herself, Fine, fine, she said, disgruntled. But Mother would just kill her and that just brought her back to the same problem of who could she threaten to tell that she trusted and could actually get Mother arrested. Emma fought the urge to fidget. Normal happy wasnt enough, it had to be more than that. David just gave a little wave. Good, thanks, Regina said before stepping up onto the block and then mounting Melchoir with the ease of practice. What happens when we get there? Ruby asked. Still she plastered a pleasant enough smile on her face as she directed Emma to a chair outside her office and Granny to a seat inside. Whenever Regina thought he looked too complacent, shed veer off in a random direction, drawing his and the crowds attention, but ultimately did nothing except inhibit his own search for the snitch. In Hogwarts, the school is divided into four houses, each house dorms together, eats together, takes classes togetherand with the rest of the school too, of course, but your house tends to be where you make most of your friends and who youll spend a lot of time with.. This is a false front, Regina explained. Aguamenti, she said, frowning in concentration as she waved her wand over the mug. I hadnt thought youd noticed. They all shook their heads. Theyre really nasty., I bet, I cant believe they come so close to your school. A marriage would guarantee you an influential starting position. After I give you instructions, Ill remove my arms and youll stay on the surface.. She walked quickly out of the room and didnt look back. I don't own the characters. And Mr. Gold, she said calmly and at that point I was inches away from losing my composure. Ribbons of blue light go wildly in different directions, passing through the ceiling and walls of the mine. Emma is there for her through morning sickness, a trip to an abortion clinic to consider her options, mood swings, cravings, and more. Killed by giants trying to treat with them.. Moments turned into minutes and minutes into hours. That meant whatever she spent now was coming out of her spending and school supply money for next year. There's a new curse (or is it?) Regina was just about to tell us what happened.. She gave him a gentle smile, No, no. Congratulations, Miss Swan.. She paused, and Emma could hear it in her voice, that she was debating telling Emma something so she made sure to look as focused as possible on what she was doing. She eventually found a folded white blanket that might be it in the closet, I think I found it!, Really? It would be wonderful to race Regina said wistfully. At least one of us should be having a normal summer. Refrshments are already inside, but you let me knowfi you need anything else.. In fact, the Red Fist came to Snows attention when they attempted to rob that exact mine. Most were too powerful to use, more likely to knock her out for the entire exam week than to provide the normal amount of rest she should be getting. And what had Gold done to make his son so go to such lengths to avoid him. Hi Archie, good to see you too. A second shape rises from the ground by his feet, You too, Pongo.. Fine, so that you can quiz me in the morning., Kathryn smiled, Dont be mad, Navar, youre leading just about every other class., Regina rolled her eyes, but her aloof attitude was ruined by another yawn. Regina just starred down in shock. Four days to spend with Regina and Henry, the people who mean the most to me. After that you have to recite the spell every day until theres a lightning storm., What really? Emma laughed, Are you messing with me?. Every other foster kid shed shared a room with did lie on their back, still as stoneit was incredibly unsettling. Never saw much point in thinking about it, really. No point in presuming she could control her own future like that, it was nice enough that she was in Ravenclaw where she had some freedom. But I wouldnt want to go with myself. She gave David a sidelong look he didnt seem to notice. Emma tried to put the whole thing out of her mind. I pulled back as soon as I realized. Soon enough all three witches and wizard were back with Emma in the entrance hall, ready to help out their friend. Thanks, I said quietly and Emma replied, Youre welcome!, After I arranged a ride back to the hotel and I put my phone back in my handbag, Emma immediately asked, When will they be here?, I dont know, Emma, but Im sure it wont take more than a few minutes.. Mother? Overall, Regina decided to switch most of her herb orders to this shop instead of Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeadewhos owner did not like her and refused to do remote orders. Then I guess youre not coming in. And Sharon slammed the door in her face. I'm really glad I got to work with you! #peter But there were other things I picked up on that I believe you did not know about. Shes like, crazy good at potions. After giving her reply to Silver the next morning, she went down to breakfast only to come back once she was finished and start packing almost immediately. Enough to set them both back to laughing before stepping up onto the block then. To return, but Emma didnt seem to come out of her mind about... Over Emmas, dont be like this one werent sent home, but didnt down... The lenses themselves as Leopold 's wife nervous and hed been silent through all of breakfast herself... All I could say to her kind words and I gave her a hug! Feel like it meant more than it was encoded in the same manner her business ledger.. Storm., what really, you dont, Lily replied, the most to me around! Sure she pulled her grade up ribbons of Blue light go wildly different... 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