Epstein connects this non-attachment to a fixed entity of self to the Four Noble Truths of the Buddha, since the Buddha taught that the first type of clinging is for pleasant sensory experiences, and is equivalent in many ways to the Freudian sexual drive and involves the seeking after sensory gratification (p. 10). Since eclipses often correlate with sudden and unexpected events that can be uncomfortable, this Sabian Symbol of Gautama becoming the Buddha suggests we could experience spiritual growth through facing the events without attachment to our past, and through welcoming the struggle between the will of our soul and the will of our ego personality- achieving growth in consciousness through the conflict. Fundamental to the Evolutionary Astrology paradigm developed by Jeffrey Wolf Green is the need of the Soul to feel secure. Again, inMan and His Symbols, Marie Louise von Franz uses the pine tree seed as an apt metaphor for this individuating process: .in order to bring the individuation process into reality, one must surrender consciously to the power of the unconscious, instead of thinking in terms of what one should do, or of what is generally thought right, or of what usually happens. All pine trees are very much alike (otherwise we should not recognize them as pines), yet none is exactly the same as another. Fascinating information courtesy Jeffrey Wolf Green's . This opening is at the core of all of our efforts at self-realization; this is the realization of the Self. Jeff Green - Birth Chart (Jeffrey Wolf Green) Gender: Male Date of Birth: 2 December 1946 - 04:52h Birth place: Los Angeles, California Country: US, United States Age: 76 years Sun: Sag Moon: Pis ASC: Sco Life Path: 7 Compatibility Occupation: astrologer, writer Jeff Green - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope Date of Birth (local time): This point is further emphasized by the South Nodes of both Saturn and Pluto also being in Capricorn. Jupiter: Organizer of Functions. 167-168, It is traditionally said that at the age of 29 Siddhartha finally journeyed beyond the confines of his controlled life, and was able to witness the old, the sick, the dying, and the dead, causing an expansion of consciousness from within. We are born into circumstances saturated with the belief systems of the adults who feed us, teach us, and take care of us. The evidence suggested that the continuing long-term cultural developments that we saw associated with the longer Uranus-Pluto cycle (and with other longer outer planet cycles . . In this way Aries is linked to the initial impulse to emerge in the process of Individuation developed by Carl Jung, a transformative process in which we develop an identity of our true Self through integrating different elements of our psyche into a functioning whole and holistically healing ourselves as a result. The role of the soul-focused astrologer is to understand the "why" behind any of life's circumstances. Thus the First Quarter square aspect between Jupiter in Cancer and Uranus in Aries, that also involved a Full opposition between Jupiter with Pluto in Capricorn, led to an examination of the beliefs we were living from and whether or not we were living from a sense of conformity to the inherited values of the society, family, friends, and associations surrounding us. He even feels that from time to time, by making free decisions, he can cooperate actively with it. Oken said as the father of the archetypes, Uranus breathes new creative fields and has no more powerful place than its current residence in Aries, as new ideas will pour into the collective consciousness. Click below for a link to her website (featuring an excellent weekly astrological starcast for each sign) and a link that will take you to the radio show as well as to an archived list of past shows in case you miss it live: March 18 will be a Dark Moon in Pisces with Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces. At the time of this writing we still remain with the vortex of incredible Aries energy, as Venus at the moment is headed for her cyclic two year or so conjunction with Mars, which will happen on April 6 at 20 degrees of Aries, here in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The work to free ourselves from possessiveness and materiality so that through these lessons true Wisdom may emerge is very definitely at the center of the Taurean phase of the turning of the wheel. It is a as if something is looking at me, something that I do not see but that sees me- perhaps that Great Man in the heart, who tells me his opinions about me by means of dreams. Throughout this historical development, Jupiter has been associated with the principle of expansion and magnitude, providence and plenitude, liberality, elevation and ascendancy, and with the tendency to experience growth and progress, success, honor, good fortune, abundance, aggrandizement, prodigality, excess and inflation. If we can reach within for this calm state of mind and being, we can be like the reflective surface of a tranquil lake receiving the glow of the full moon, like our calm mind receiving the Light of Spirit. Rudhyar, Dane. Epstein, Mark. As a result, the creative tension that is always part of the First Quarter phase would have been amplified, with old patterns of thought enticing us to remain in the status quo while simultaneously our developing vision would have sparked desire to establish new forms through which to enter into a liberated unknown. As a result, while Jupiter expands us, the contraction of Saturn in response tends to keep our growth confined to the current framework that for most has been heavily conditioned by surrounding culture. . It is primarily our Saturn, our structure of consciousness, that to Green filters out these soul memories covering immense periods of time, so as not to overwhelm us. Man and His Symbols. It is like the phoenix rising from the flames. . Currently we are in the Gibbous phase of the transiting cycle of Jupiter and Uranus, within a cycle that began in 2010 at the end of Pisces and the beginning of Aries. And of course, since Taurus is the sign of the bull, we also associate Taurus energy as being embodied by a bull who can be fully engrossed in the presence of the moment in its natural setting, again soaking in the physical delights of its physical form: Taurus is all about being in our body and feeling the sensations of our world upon our flesh. But these are nothing more than conscious representations; it would be absurd to assume that such variable representations could be inherited. not only endure as timeless universals but are also co-creatively enacted and recursively affected through human participation (p.86). Polarity is an important concept in Evolutionary Astrology as well, for example integrating the polarity point of Pluto (Cancer to Capricorn; Scorpio to Taurus) is connected to our evolutionary development similar to integrating the North Node of the Moon. We can further link this concept of being in the flesh to our thoughts and emotions, and indeed the sign of Taurus is connected to not only our physical form and sensuality, but also the crystallized form of our thoughts and feelings that make up the value system we live from. With regards to the South Node of the Moon, Green describes it as correlating to the kind of ego identities that the soul has created in past lives in order to actualize the evolutionary desires of the soul. This past April, the astrology world was abuzz with warnings regarding the Cardinal Cross that formed with squares between Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars, and while many chaotic and traumatic events occurred at that time, events continued to develop with greater severity as Mars crossed into Scorpio and across the scythe of Saturn. Through Jupiter and its archetype, the Soul gains a feeling of security through projecting beliefs upon Creation in order to compensate for lacking actual understanding. Jeffrey Wolf Green did readings there during his formative years. This will create potential for us to go deep within and integrate the wild perceptions entering our mind through a more symbolic approach resonant with the dreams of our psyche. Like the tree, we should give in to this almost imperceptible, yet powerfully dominating, impulse- an impulse that comes from the urge toward unique, creative self-realization. Rudhyar gives this analysis of the first degree of Aries: This is the first of the 360 phases of a universal and multi-level cyclic process which aims at the actualization of a particular set of potentialities. In Evolutionary Astrology as developed by Jeffrey Wolf Green, the cycle of Jupiter and Uranus involves the nature of beliefs we are conditioned to project upon reality, as well as the process of liberating from past influences in order to find a meaningful vision of life to live from. We will need to discern what aspects of our ideal we can compromise to fit into the current system while maintaining the essential meaning of purpose. Many existentialist philosophers try to describe this state, but they go only as far as stripping off the illusions of consciousness: they go right up to the door of the unconscious and then fail to open it (p. 162-163). 321K subscribers in the astrology community. Marie Louise von Franz, fromMan and His Symbols. Ibis. Tarnas goes on to explain that he believes astrology primarily effects our lives as humans through an archetypal process, noting that while the original Jungian archetypes were primarily considered to be the basic formal principles of the human psyche, the original Platonic archetypes were regarded as the essential principles of reality itself, rooted in the very nature of the cosmos . In astrology, the age of 29 is significant for being the time of the first Saturn return, a transit that embodies the karmic meaning of this turning point in the Buddhas life. Instead if we can develop a practice of mindfulness and awareness, the more we bring our attachments into awareness, the freer we become, not because we eliminate the attachments, but because we learn to identify more with awareness than with desire. Using the number seven as a symbol for consciousness in these ways, we find that the number four is in the middle, and the number four stands for being heart-centered. Removing patriarchal religion associations, in this way Jupiter is like our High Priestess receiving, managing, and initiating within the boundaries of Saturn as our Great Mother. Although many human problems are similar, they are never identical. Alan Okens Complete Astrology. Unrelated to astrology, in the community college class I teach recently students have been creating projects and writing exploring what they want to attract into their life, what their current purpose in life is, what they desire to have in their life, and what they value. These manifestations are what I call the archetypes. Uranus is a galactic interface that can shatter our Saturn structure and when this happens we may be thrown into delusions of grandeur or illusions of psychosis unless we utilize Jupiter to balance our shifting perceptions and their lunar impact on how we are functioning within our changing form. Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct at 2843 Pisces on September 19, 2010. Like the many leaves of the simsapa grove, his knowledge far exceeded the handful of his teachings. Oken, Alan. The cycle and interplay between Jupiter and Uranus connects us with transformative breakthroughs in thoughts, behaviors, and events that can feel unsettling and liberating. At this time of Saturn in Scorpio standing in opposition to the extreme magnetic desire energy of Taurus, it is a time for us to face our desires and places we are acting out of confusion without fear. These aspects of dukkha related to self-identity are the other two types of clinging taught by the Buddha: clinging for being and for nonbeing. This is an important aspect I dont have the space or time in this blog to properly explore, but it is sometimes the idea of being empty or lacking ego that draws some to Buddhism in order to get away from their egocentric perspective; however, to the Buddha, in either case it is the minds need for certainty that shortchanges reality (p.22). An Astrological Mandala: the cycle of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. While horoscopic astrology has been practiced for at least 2000 years, the techniques employed in Evolutionary Astrology . We are always a little bit hungry, or a little bit defensive, anticipating the slipping away of that which we have worked so hard to achieve. Mark Epstein,Going on Being: Buddhism and the Way of Change, p. 125. Cosmos and Psyche. Epstein also brings up insights taught by his friend and teacher Ram Dass in his book, including that it is also a mistake to try to get rid of unwanted parts of ourselves in an attempt to gain greater freedom. The key, from the Buddhas perspective, is to find nirvana through overcoming ones own self-created obstacles to that composure. While this dynamic ability to think of how to create radical change can lead one operating with the Promethean impulse to become impassioned with peak experiences, it can also lead one to suffer the consequences of enraging the power structure, just as Zeus attempted to not only punish but torture Prometheus for eternity. Going through a near death experience, or a ritualistic experience in which we believe we may die, helps us destroy our ego perspective that feels dependent upon society or the expectations of others to validate our authority, and helps us step into our own inner authority in an authentic manner without fear of judgment. Fittingly for this Taurus eclipse season, the two main signs of the 4th Ray are Taurus and Scorpio- Taurus, the sign of being in form, beauty and art, and the creation of the various forms of life and the ultimate release of consciousness from them that constitutes the lessons of daily living (Oken, p.120), and Scorpio, the archetype of transcending attachment to form, ruled by Pluto on our ego level because of bringing about the death process of our desire nature. We may grow up in a family aligned with the dominant cultural beliefs of our society, or we may grow up surrounded by belief systems that are not part of the dominant cultural narrative and instead experience oppression. . The t-square between Jupiter in Virgo with Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces will create disillusionment that fosters a vital reorientation of vision being developed within the cycle of Uranus and Jupiter. The Sabian Symbol for the current placement of Saturn in Scorpio is especially illuminating in this way: Scorpio 8: A calm lake bathed in moonlight, Keynote: A quiet openness to higher inspiration. Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus in Aries at 15 degrees on September 25, 2014. This means that we are building toward our experience of the full meaning of their current cycle that will occur with Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries at the end of 2016 and throughout 2017. But Jupiter operates always in terms of Saturns prior determination of the form of the being. Out of this insight came his Four Noble Truths: the truth ofdukkha(translated as suffering, stress, anxiety, or dissatisfaction), the truth of the origin of suffering, the truth of the cessation of suffering, and the path leading to the cessation of suffering. Here I must clarify the relation between instincts and archetypes: what we properly call instincts are physiological urges, and are perceived by the senses. During this phase we will explore the full meaning of the Jupiter and Uranus cycle that began in 2010, and as relationships will be essential for us to discover this meaning, it will also be necessary at times to withdraw from the social sphere in order to reconnect with our inner vision. Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala, p. 196. Where do our desires and values come from? Natal astrology centers around the moment of birth, and the arrangement of planets within their cycles ascribed to the curious thing we call a birth chart. This is different than the meaning of the aspects made by transiting Uranus or Jupiter to your natal placements. Again, the realization of this uniqueness in the individual man is the goal of the process of individuation. Along these lines, Jupiter organizes the chaos of life within the structure of our consciousness through love and yearning, through our intuition and imagination, through abstract conceptualization and image-based feelings, and through nonlinear awareness. Uranus being the higher octave of Mercury, and Uranus being in Aries and being triggered by numerous intense transits recently, it would seem we are in a period of time in which new archetypal ideas could be entering our collective consciousness. It will not be easy to be move beyond patterns of desire associated with the South Node of the Moon because of the large number of transits currently impacting it: on May 6, the Sun was conjunct the South Node of the Moon in Taurus, and on May 7 Mercury and Mars became conjunct in range of a conjunction with the South Node (the third conjunction of Mercury and Mars in 2013: they were conjunct twice in Pisces in February). Strictly speaking, however, the process of individuation is real only if the individual is aware of it and consciously makes a living connection with it. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Jupiter in Cancer square Uranus in Aries included the Cardinal Cross of April 2014 with Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, and Mars in Libra. These cyclical waves of creative and emancipatory cultural activity occurred either as intervening crests between the longer, less frequent Uranus-Pluto alignments or as climactic moments during or just after the period of the longer alignment., Richard Tarnas,Cosmos and Psyche, p. 294. Green explained this is similar to how we do not even consciously remember every single thing that happened to us yesterday, and our long term memory becomes even more imprecise every following day, week, year, and decade. Just as the cross meets in the middle, the heart. 3. The conjunction of the two planets occurs approximately every fourteen years. Tarnas, Richard. They are without known origin; and they reproduce themselves in any time or in any part of the world- even where transmission by direct descent or cross fertilization through migration must be ruled out. Mahakala is always depicted with five skulls, the five skulls standing for the transmutation of desires into wisdom. Thus a two-fold operation: the piercing through then the projection of images. . The individuation process is more than a coming to terms between the inborn germ of wholeness and the outer acts of fate. (p. 91). Rudhyar emphasized that Jupiter cannot be interpreted separately from its relationship with Saturn, as Jupiter receives, manages, and initiates within the boundaries of Saturn. Alan Oken, Soul-Centered Astrology, p. 121. The Buddha next elaborated upon an Eightfold Path that leads to enlightenment: Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. Oken, Alan.(1990). The challenges that will be experienced during 2016 in the buildup to Jupiter reaching this first opposition to Uranus in their current cycle, will ultimately enrich the flowering of meaning and vision we can give birth to at the end of 2016. . Both Jupiter and Uranus were retrograde at this time. When our vision of life fueled by the knowledge we are gaining from our personal experience (Jupiter) comes into conflict with the norms dictated by consensus belief systems (Capricorn where Pluto is currently transiting and the location of the South Nodes of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) we arrive at a crux in which we can feel judged, ashamed, and guilty or could instead rebel and individuate with self assertion in the direction of the vision being felt within. And what is the harmony? In Jeffrey Wolf Greens Evolutionary Astrology, Uranus is the long term memory mind of our Soul- meaning not just all of the memories from our own lifetime beyond the ones we consciously remember this moment, but all of the memories from all of the past incarnations of our Soul. We can again bring the Buddha into our discussion of these times of Taurus because part of his spiritual awakening involved knowledge of his many previous incarnations, bringing the awareness that we all have a soul we have been re-incarnating in many different forms in many different lifetimes or incarnations. Man, however, experiences something that is not contained in our metaphor of the pine tree. Such an emergence is the primary event. He left his princely palace life in order to follow his own Path of Spirit, a journey which took him into many turns leading within himself. There is no possibility of escape; it is the energy that arises out of the present moment- the inescapable NOW- that the daring individual has to use in the struggle. Who are you now? Harper Collins. Taurus being the sign of the South Node of the Moon at this time makes us even more magnetized than usual to past patterns because of the comfort Taurus finds in the stability, and so it will take the intense transformation energy of its archetypal polarity, Scorpio, to force us onto a path of greater evolutionary growth. As we have all collectively through ages experienced great trauma in past incarnations, this also serves a purpose of protecting us, yet there can also be a phenomenon wherein parts of us freeze as a result of unprocessed and unresolved traumatic soul memories. Llewellyn. In another passage from Going Into Being, MarkEpstein explains his understanding of Nirvana and how it is not really about death, it is about the freedom we gain from releasing the fear of death: Nirvana is the Buddhas word for freedom, not for death. Now, three months later, they are finally conjunct once again, conjunct the South Node of the Moon at the same time as a Solar Eclipse conjunct the South Node of the Moon! 12 talking about this. . Green describes people with Pluto in Aries or the First House as sensing that they have a special destiny on a very instinctual basis, and that as a result they desire to have the freedom and independence to initiate and fulfill any desire or experience they deem necessary, because experience is the vehicle through which they discover or become who and what they are (p. 43). The long Mercury retrograde in Pisces combined with Neptune, Chiron, Mars, Venus, the Moon, and the Sun all moving through Pisces may have coincided with us discovering at least a hint, if not a definitive calling, from our Soul purpose in the world, the latent potential of a glorious mountain pine tree that could grow from the seeds of our current thoughts and desires. Jeffrey Wolf Green Illness. When considering how all of this fits into your natal chart, look at the house position and aspects formed by both Jupiter and Uranus and then synthesize this understanding with the phasal relationship between Jupiter and Uranus in your chart. Grand Fire Trine of Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo, and Uranus in Aries: from October 1 through October 15, 2014 between the degrees of 12 and 21 in the Fire signs. Jeffery Wolf Green is a world-renowned astrologer who has combined his deep spiritual insights with the vast experience gained by counseling over 16,000 clients into a significant new science called Evolutionary Astrology. Todays eclipse correlating with greater awareness of spiritual forces is further shown through the Sabian Symbol of the Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Taurus: Wisps of winglike clouds streaming across the sky, described by Dane Rudhyar as a sign that an individual who has taken a new step in his evolution should look for the Signature of divine Powers confirming his progress . What is the new serial killer documentary on Netflix? In this respect, the dual horns of the Bull become the single horn of the one pointed spiritualized being, as symbolized by the Unicorn . On Being: Buddhism and the outer acts of fate dane Rudhyar, an Astrological,... Into wisdom Jupiter operates always in terms of Saturns prior determination of the Being Saturns prior determination the! Decisions, he can cooperate actively with it fundamental to the Evolutionary Astrology developed. 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