These Holocaust victimsincluded about six million Jewishpeople. [372] Szlama Ber Winer escaped from Chemno in February and passed information to the Oneg Shabbat group in the Warsaw Ghetto;[159] his report was known by his pseudonym as the Grojanowski Report. From Germany they were sent by freight train to Auschwitz. One of Mengele's assistants said in 1946 that he was told to send organs of interest to the directors of the "Anthropological Institute in Berlin-Dahlem". It is imperative that the great German nation consider the elimination of all Polish people as its chief task. [86], Although not ordered to take part, psychiatrists and many psychiatric institutions were involved in the planning and carrying out of Aktion T4. [257], Stone writes that Slovakia, led by Roman Catholic priest Jozef Tiso (president of the Slovak State, 19391945), was "one of the most loyal of the collaborationist regimes". WebAnd a similar share (45%) know that approximately 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. [253] In July 1941, Mihai Antonescu, Romania's deputy prime minister, said it was time for "total ethnic purification, for a revision of national life, and for purging our race of all those elements which are foreign to its soul, which have grown like mistletoes and darken our future. [430][pageneeded] Filimoshin estimated that civilian forced laborer deaths in Germany totaled 2.1million. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. This perception contributed to the canard of Jewish Bolshevism. Civilians killed in reprisals during the Soviet partisan war account for a major portion. Between November 1933 and December 1939, the agreement resulted in the emigration of about 53,000 German Jews, who were allowed to transfer RM100million of their assets to Palestine by buying German goods, in violation of the Jewish-led anti-Nazi boycott of 1933. [392] On 19 March 1944, Hitler ordered the military occupation of Hungary and dispatched Adolf Eichmann to supervise the deportation of its Jews. [224], Germany first used concentration camps as places of terror and unlawful incarceration of political opponents. According to Yitzhak Arad, this was the highest number of SS officers killed in a single revolt. [81], In October 1939 Hitler signed a "euthanasia decree" backdated to 1 September 1939 that authorized Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler, the chief of Hitler's Chancellery, and Karl Brandt, Hitler's personal physician, to carry out a program of involuntary euthanasia. Another 2,396 were deported and 2,257 killed that autumn during an uprising, and 13,500 were deported between October 1944 and March 1945. [212], Notable massacres include the July 1941 Ponary massacre near Vilnius (Soviet Lithuania), in which Einsatgruppe B and Lithuanian collaborators shot at least 70,000 Jews, 20,000 Poles and 8,000 Russians. [229], After 1942, the economic function of the camps, previously secondary to their penal and terror functions, came to the fore. [111] Contrary to Goebbel's statements in his diary, the police were not withdrawn; the regular police, Gestapo, SS and SA all took part, although Heinrich Himmler was angry that the SS had joined in. [18] As non-Jewish groups began to include themselves as Holocaust victims, many Jews chose to use the Hebrew terms Shoah or Churban. [292] According to Longerich, "the Jews were to be annihilated by a combination of forced labour and mass murder."[294]. [319] At least 1.4million of these were in the General Government area of Poland. [478] The French state-owned railway company, the SNCF, agreed in 2014 to pay $60million to Jewish-American survivors, around $100,000 each, for its role in the transport of 76,000 Jews from France to extermination camps between 1942 and 1944. Jews in Shanghai were confined, but despite German pressure they were not killed. Between 200,000 and 500,000 Roma and Sinti (pejoratively called gypsies) were killed during the Holocaust, along with millions of Slavs in the Soviet Union and Poland, and up to 250,000 disabled people. [282] The meeting had been scheduled for 9 December 1941, and invitations had been sent between 29 November and 1 December,[283] but on 8 December it had been postponed indefinitely, probably because of Pearl Harbor. Other Victims Archived from the original on 22 June 2006. "[458], Around 100,000 gay men were arrested in Germany and 50,000 jailed between 1933 and 1945; 5,00015,000 are thought to have been sent to concentration camps. Ninety percent of Austria's 176,000 Jews lived in Vienna. [269], In Finland, the government was pressured in 1942 to hand over its 150200 non-Finnish Jews to Germany. On that day, Hitler gave a speech in his apartment at the Reich Chancellery to senior Nazi Party leaders: the Reichsleiter and the Gauleiter. According to Saul Friedlnder, "[t]estimonies left by Jews from all over occupied Europe indicate that, in contradistinction to vast segments of surrounding society, the victims did not understand what was ultimately in store for them." Forced to retreat on 19 April from the OB and ZW fighters, they returned later that day under the command of SS General Jrgen Stroop (author of the Stroop Report about the uprising). [117] Kristallnacht marked the end of any sort of public Jewish activity and culture, and Jews stepped up their efforts to leave the country. "[287] Thirty copies of the minutes, the Wannsee Protocol, were made. [34] As prisoners entered the death camps, they surrendered all personal property,[39] which was cataloged and tagged before being sent to Germany for reuse or recycling. [327] Those inside were murdered within 20 minutes; the speed of death depended on how close the inmate was standing to a gas vent, according to the commandant Rudolf Hss, who estimated that about one-third of the victims were killed immediately. By the end of the war, they had killed around two million, including about 1.3million Jews and up to a quarter of a million Roma. [344] Around 1,000 poorly armed fighters held the SS at bay for four weeks. [411] The British 11th Armoured Division found around 60,000 prisoners (90 percent Jews) when they liberated Bergen-Belsen,[407][412] as well as 13,000 unburied corpses; another 10,000 people died from typhus or malnutrition over the following weeks. This report was sent to the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C.[378] On 10 December 1942, the Polish Foreign Affairs Minister, Edward Raczyski, addressed the fledgling United Nations on the killings; the address was distributed with the title The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland. The tendency to see the Holocaust as a unique event was influential in early Holocaust scholarship, but came under contestation,[481] and eventually mainstream Holocaust scholarship came to reject explicit claims of uniqueness, while recognizing differences between the Holocaust and other genocides. [437], On 7 September 1939, Reinhard Heydrich stated that all Polish nobles, clergy, and Jews were to be murdered. We cannot use them in the Ostland or the Reichskommissariat either; liquidate them yourselves!" Almost all Jews in German-occupied Poland, the Baltic states and the USSR were murdered, with a 5 percent chance of survival on average. [201] The largest massacre was at a ravine called Babi Yar outside Kiev (also Soviet Ukraine), where 33,771 Jews were killed on 2930 September 1941. [165][o] The camps provided locals with employment and with black-market goods confiscated from Jewish families who, thinking they were being resettled, arrived with their belongings. German: "Wannsee-Protokoll". Israelis were divided about the idea of taking money from Germany. At the end of the war, approximately 380,000 Polish Jews remained alive, the rest having been murdered, mostly in the ghettos and the six death camps: Chelmo, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau. WebHistorians estimate that around 1,1 million people perished in Auschwitz during the less than 5 years of its existence. [175], France had approximately 330,000 Jews, divided between the German-occupied north and the unoccupied collaborationist southern areas in Vichy France (named after the town Vichy), more than half this Jewish population were not French citizens, but refugees who had fled Nazi persecution in other countries. [350], During a revolt in Treblinka on 2 August 1943, inmates killed five or six guards and set fire to camp buildings; several managed to escape. [450] He adjusted the order on 15 November 1943 to allow "sedentary Gypsies and part-Gypsies" in the occupied Soviet areas to be viewed as citizens. [460] In 1936, Himmler created the Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion. [130][m] From 1 December, Jews were required to wear Star of David armbands. [394] A month before the deportations began, Eichmann offered through an intermediary, Joel Brand, to exchange one million Jews for 10,000 trucks from the Allies, which the Germans would agree not to use on the Western front. WebThe Jewish population of Germany prior to WWII (as of 1930) was 505,000 people out of a total population of 67 million, making them less than 0.75% of the total population. The ascendance of Germany enabled Romania to disregard the minorities treaties that were imposed upon the country after the First World War. [266] Officers from RSHA IV B4, a Gestapo unit, began deporting Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau. [108] The result, David Cesarani writes, was "murder, rape, looting, destruction of property, and terror on an unprecedented scale".[109]. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz. Auschwitz, for example, was expanded in October 1941 by building Auschwitz II-Birkenau a few kilometers away. Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University. [84] Between 1939 and 1941, 80,000 to 100,000 mentally ill adults in institutions were killed, as were 5,000 children and 1,000 Jews, also in institutions. When [41], At least 7,000 camp inmates were subjected to medical experiments; most died during them or as a result. [200], Between early fall 1941 and late spring 1942, Jrgen Matthus writes, 2million of the 3.5million Soviet POWs captured by the Wehrmacht had been executed or had died of neglect and abuse. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. [116] German Jewry was held collectively responsible for restitution of the damage; they also had to pay an "atonement tax" of over a billion Reichsmark. [413], The Jews killed represented around one third of world Jewry[415] and about two-thirds of European Jewry, based on a pre-war figure of 9.7million Jews in Europe. [263], Italy introduced antisemitic measures, but there was less antisemitism there than in Germany, and Italian-occupied countries were generally safer for Jews than those occupied by Germany. [172], In May 1940, Germany invaded the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and France. [125], The Wehrmacht in Poland was accompanied by seven SS Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolitizei ("special task forces of the Security Police") and an Einsatzkommando, numbering 3,000 men in all, whose role was to deal with "all anti-German elements in hostile country behind the troops in combat". By 1945, most European Jewstwo out of every threehad been killed. ", "Nazi Persecution of Soviet Prisoners of War", "Hitler's War; Hitler's Plans for Eastern Europe", "The trial of German major war criminals: proceedings of the International Military Tribunal sitting at Nuremberg Germany", "What was the Warsaw Uprising? [334] The corpses700,000 in Treblinkawere burned on wood in open fire pits and the remaining bones crushed into powder. The second most numerous group, from 70 to 75 thousand, was the Poles, and the third most numerous, about 20 thousand, the Gypsies. Between the German invasion of the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941 and the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, Nazi Germany and its accomplices strove to murder every Jew under their domination. [331], Beec, Sobibr and Treblinka became known as the Operation Reinhard camps, named after the German plan to murder the Jews in the General Government area of occupied Poland. [359] In the occupied Polish and Soviet territories, thousands of Jews fled into the swamps or forests and joined the partisans,[360] although the partisan movements did not always welcome them. [4] Gold fillings were pulled from the corpses before burial, but unlike in Auschwitz the women's hair was cut before death. Sexual relationships between them were also criminalized; Jews were not allowed to employ German women under the age of 45 in their homes. WebAt Bronna Gra (the Bronna Mount, now Belarus) 50,000 Jews were murdered in execution pits; delivered by the Holocaust trains from the ghettos in Brze, Bereza, Janw Poleski, Kobry, Horodec (pl), Antopol and other locations along the western border of Reichskommissariat Ostland. [187][188][189] In August 1942 Serbia was declared free of Jews,[190] after the Wehrmacht and German police, assisted by collaborators of the Nedi government and others such as Zbor, a pro-Nazi and pan-Serbian fascist party, had murdered nearly the entire population of 17,000 Jews. [129], The Germans stipulated that each ghetto be led by a Judenrat of 24 male Jews, who would be responsible for carrying out German orders. Between 2 March and 20 July 1943, 34,313 Jews were sent in 19 transports to the Sobibr extermination camp, where all but 18 are thought to have been gassed on arrival. [438] After Germany lost the war, the International Military Tribunal at the Nuremberg Trials and Poland's Supreme National Tribunal concluded that the aim of German policies in Poland the extermination of Poles and Jews was a genocide in biological terms. [247] Romania implemented anti-Jewish measures in May and June 1940 as part of its efforts towards an alliance with Germany. [112] Attacks took place in Austria too. [e] The biblical term shoah (Hebrew: ), meaning "calamity" (and also used to refer to "destruction" since the Middle Ages), became the standard Hebrew term for the murder of the European Jews. [105], On 7 November 1938, Herschel Grynszpan, a Polish Jew, shot the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in the German Embassy in Paris, in retaliation for the expulsion of his parents and siblings from Germany. [64] The camps served as a deterrent by terrorizing Germans who did not support the regime. Still, in the meantime, they would be concentrated in major cities ghettos to achieve, according to an order from Reinhard Heydrich dated 21 September 1939, "a better possibility of control and later deportation". , in May and June 1940 as part of its existence in reprisals during the Soviet partisan war account a. 112 ] Attacks took place in Austria too than 5 years of its existence June 2006 bones. For four weeks Ostland or the Reichskommissariat either ; liquidate them yourselves ''! The Soviet partisan war account for a major portion these were in the General Government area of Poland as. Invaded the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and France poorly armed fighters held the At... First used concentration camps as places of terror and unlawful incarceration of political opponents and..., in May and June 1940 as part of its existence ] Thirty copies of minutes! 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