Creating Outdoor Long Exposure Images with Creative Photography
Long Exposure photography has become one of my favorite hobbies. I love the things you do with this type of creative photography. Using your imagination, long exposure photography can give you great results. I love creative photography, I think creative photography is what makes you use your brain to create things that are not common or no one has seen before. Long exposure technique will allow you to create stunning images and with practice you are going to become better and better.
One of my favorite long exposure photographers is Dave Black. Dave Black usually uses the long exposure technique in his photography and that has allow Dave Black to be outstanding on what he does. Here is a link to Dave Black’s website: I took this long exposure creative photography images in the Tetons in Jackson Wyoming. The model in the images was Nicole Nugent. Nicole is great photographer and graphic designer. Here is a link to her website: To create the long exposure images where she is modeling we used a speed light and flashlights to lighten the scene.